Tonga stamps

P=have O=don’t have it

Flag of Tonga

The Kingdom of Tonga is an archipelago of "The Friendly Islands" in the southern Pacific Ocean (about a third of the way between New Zealand and Hawaii). It was united into a Polynesian kingdom in 1845. It became a constitutional monarchy in 1875 and a British protectorate in 1900. Tonga acquired its independence in 1970 and became a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. It remains the only monarchy in the Pacific.


Scott: #89O

Issued: 10.10.1949

UPU Issue

Inside #89: Stamps on Envelopes


Scott: #114-8P

Issued: 1.12.1961

75th Anniversary of Postal Service

#1 Inside #114: Tonga #1O


Scott: #146-7O, #C17O

Issued: 18.6.1966

Centenary of Tupou College and of Secondary Education, Overprint #114


Scott: #168O

Issued: 25.3.1967

New Currency Provisionals, surcharge #147


Scott: #C154-8P

Issued: 20.6.1974

Centenary, UPU

Inside #C154-8: Stamps on Envelopes

Scott: #337-41P

Issued: 20.6.1974

Centenary, UPU

 Inside #337-41: Tonga #CO87P

Simplified: inscriptions, value removed and new value superimposed

Lou wrote: The 1974 publicity release and Scott catalog both note the design of these stamps is a letter addressed to Tonga, so if you disregard that the mailer address is the UPU, Lausanne, Switzerland and you can accept that there IS a stamp on the letter, then by its shape and colors I think the designer intended it to represent #CO87.  I argued for these to be included in the sos checklist back in 1974, but got outvoted.  I still think they belong.

Thanks to Lou Guadagno



Scott: #454P, #455P, #456P, #457O, #458P

Issued: 1.6.1979

10th Anniversary, Tongan Self-adhesive Stamps

(all on First Day Covers)


Inside #454-8: Tonga #222-4O


Inside #454-8: Tonga #C60-2O


Inside #454-8: Tonga #C63-7O


Inside #454-8: Tonga #259-61O


Inside #454-8: Tonga Type A46O (Pic of #274)


Inside #454-8: Tonga Type A50O (Pic of #292)


Inside #454-8: Tonga Type AP11O (Pic of #C135)


Inside #454-8: Tonga Type A58O (Pic of #342)


Inside #454-8: Tonga #CO87-9P


Inside #454-8: Tonga Type A55O (Pic of #322)


Inside #454-8: Tonga #C174-5O


Inside #454-8: Tonga Type AP12O (Pic of #C146)


Inside #454-8: Tonga Type AP19O (Pic of #C205)


Inside #454-8: Tonga #C194-5O


Inside #454-8: Tonga #407-8O


Inside #454-8: Tonga Type AP22O (Pic of #C223)

Inside #454-8: Tonga #CO132-3O (Thanks to Lou for the scans)




Scott: #C259P, #C260P, #C261O, #C262P, #C263P

Issued: 1.6.1979

10th Anniversary, Tongan Self-adhesive Stamps

(All on First Day Covers)

#C130 Inside #C259-63: Tonga Type AP10O (Pic of #C130)

#C155 Inside #C259-63: #C155P

#C146 Inside #C259-63: #C146O

#CO54 Inside #C259-63: #CO54O

#222 Inside #C259-63: #222O

#C66 Inside #C259-63: #C66O

#c62 Inside #C259-63: #C62O


Scott: #CO156-8O

Issued: 1.6.1979

10th Anniversary, Tongan Self-adhesive Stamps

#CO118 Inside #CO156-8: Tonga #CO118O



Scott: #469-73O

Issued: 30.4.1980

Surcharge and Overprint #454-8 "1980 OLYMPIC GAMES"



Scott: #C285-9O

Issued: 30.4.1980

Surcharge and Overprint #C259-63 "1980 OLYMPIC GAMES"


Scott: #CO176-8O

Issued: 30.4.1980

Surcharge and Overprint #CO156-8 "1980 OLYMPIC GAMES"



Scott: #504-8O

Issued: 22.2.1982

75th Anniversary, Boy Scout Movement

#179 Inside #508: Cape of Good Hope #179O


Scott: #548O

Issued: 22.6.1983

World Communications Year

#C76 Inside #548: US #C76P

#1435a Inside #548: U.S. #1434aP(Cambodia)


Scott: #588-9O

Issued: 17.9.1984

Ausipex '84

#18 Inside #588: Australia #18O

#51 Inside #589: Tonga #51O


Scott: #589AP


Scott: #589A (Specimen)O


Scott: #629-30O

Issued: 22.5.1986

25th Anniversary, Peace Corps in Tonga

Inside #629-30: Pseudo Stamp


Scott: #630aO


Scott: #630bO



Scott: #635-8P

Issued: 27.8.1986

Centenary, Tongan Stamps

#1b Inside #635: Tonga #1O

#47a Inside #636: Tonga #47aO

#91 Inside #637: Tonga #91O

 Inside #638: Tonga #628O

(Thanks to Lou for the scan)


Scott: #639a-hO

#40 Inside #639a: Tonga #40O

#C29 Inside #639a-b, #639e-f: Tonga #C29O

#245 Inside #639b-d: Tonga #245O

#C130 Inside #639c: Tonga Type AP10O (Pic of #C130)

#C148 Inside #639d: Tonga #C148O

#429 Inside #639e: Tonga #429O

 Inside #639e: Tonga #440O

#C135 Inside #639f: Tonga #C135O

#507 Inside #639g: Tonga #507O

#514 Inside #639h: Tonga #514O

Scott: #671O

Issued: 4.7.1988

70th Birthday, King Taufa'aahau Tupou IV

#506 Inside #671: Tonga #506O

Scott: #672a-kO

Thanks to Lloyd Gilbert for the scan

Issued: 11.7.1988

Australia Bicentennial

 Inside #672c: Australia #248P

 Inside #672g: Australia #21P

#588 Inside #672h: G.B. #588P (Belize)

Lou wrote: The G. B. #588 in #672h commemorates the Ross-Smith flight as does the label on the reproduced cover. These labels were produced by the Australian government, not the postal service, and had no franking value.  They were added to mail that had been carried on the flight and cancelled with a special commemorative date stamp; some covers without any other postage were allowed into the mail-stream, one even went to England without incurring any postage due.

 Inside #672h and in margin: Australia-Sanmabria #1O

 (England- Australia first Aerialpost vignette, 1919)

 Inside #672k: Australia #676P

Thanks to Lou Guadagno


Scott: #729O

Issued: 17.11.1989

World Stamp Expo '89


Inside #729: Tonga #730k-lO

Scott: #730O

Issued: 17.11.1989

20th UPU Congress

#1 TC Inside #730a: G.B. #1

Inside #730a: Gt. Britain #U3 Mulready letter sheet (Thanks to Lou)

Inside #730a: The actual cover which sold for $80,000 in 2007 (Thanks to Lou)

 Inside #730d: France #33P(Comoro Is.)

On actual cover: an 1870 Balloon Monte flown from the siege of Paris during the Franco-Prussian War

(Thanks to Lou)

 Inside #730h: U.S. #C18O

On actual cover: A 1933 U.S. - Germany Graf Zeppelin flight

(Thanks to Lou)

#C76 Inside #730k: U.S. #C76P(Tonga)

#1435a Inside #730k: U.S. #1434aP(Cambodia)



Scott: #739-43O

Issued: 1.5.1990

150th Anniversary, Penny Black

#1 LJ Inside #739: G.B. #1

 Inside #740: G.B. #2

#1 Inside #741: Tonga #1O

#CO180 Inside #742: Tonga #CO180O

 Inside #743: Tonga #736O

Thanks to Lou for the scan

Scott: #740aO

Thanks to Lou for the scan

Scott: #744-7O

Issued: 4.7.1990

#668-71 Inscribed

“Silver Jubilee of His Majesty King Taufa'aahau Tupou IV 1965-1990”

Thanks to Lloyd Gilbert for the scans


Scott: #797a-lO

Issued: 28.4.1992

500th Anniversary, Discovery of America

%23C48 Inside #797d: Spain #C48P

#426 Inside #797d: Spain #426P(Paraguay)

Scott: #819-21O

Thanks to Lloyd Gilbert for the scans

Issued: 4.7.1992

25th Anniversary, Coronation of King Taufa'ahou

#C33 Inside #820a-c: Tonga #C33O

Scott: #870O

tonga booklet pane with 870k

Scott: #870kO

Issued: 14.12.1994

Australia Bicentennial

sos tonga CO158  1979 modified Inside #870k: Tonga #CO158O

Lou wrote: Scott #870 is a prestige booklet issued on December 14, 1994, noting the 25th Anniversary of the Introduction of Self Adhesive Stamps in Tonga. On the multi-pages are reprints of actual such stamps previously issued by Tonga. 

Only one page has a stamp on stamp - on #870k is Tonga #CO158 with a revised inscription, updating the anniversary date from 10th to 25th.

The booklet is a very interesting history, with very colorful stamps, but now it is fairly expensive. However, I saw several offers online for just the one booklet page, which is really all you need.

Thanks to Lou Guadagno


Scott: #902a-bO

Issued: 1.9.1995

Singapore '95

#887 Inside #902a: Tonga #887O

 Inside #902b: Tonga #888O


Scott: #1033O

Issued: 22.5.2000

Stamp Show 2000 Exhibition

#1 LJ Inside #1033 (In margin of sheet - in show logo): G.B #1

Best website related:

Tonga Stamps New Zealand Post


Wish List


Tonga #1


Tonga #40


Tonga #47a J


Tonga #51


Tonga #89


Tonga #91


Tonga #CO54


Tonga #146-7


Tonga #C17


Tonga #168


Tonga #C29


Tonga #C33


Tonga #222-4


Tonga #245


Tonga #259-61


Tonga Type A46O (Pic of #274)


Tonga Type A50O (Pic of #292)


Tonga #C60-2O


Tonga #C63-7


Tonga Type AP10 (Pic of #C130)


Tonga Type AP11 (Pic of #C135)


Tonga Type A55 (Pic of #322)

Tonga #337-41


Tonga Type A58 (Pic of #342)


Tonga Type AP12 (Pic of #C146)


Tonga #C148


Tonga #C174-5


Tonga #C194-5


Tonga Type AP19 (Pic of #C205)


Tonga Type AP22 (Pic of #C223)


Tonga #407-8


Tonga #CO118

Tonga #CO132-3


Tonga #C261


Tonga #CO156-8


Tonga #429

Tonga #440



Tonga #469-73



Tonga #C285-9


Tonga #CO176-8


Tonga #CO180



Tonga #504-8


Tonga #514


Tonga #548


Tonga #588-9


Tonga #589A (Specimen)

Tonga #628


Tonga #629-30


Tonga #630a


Tonga #630b


Tonga #639a-h

Tonga #671 (OTW – BOB 9.23)

Tonga #672a-k


Tonga #729

Tonga #730



Tonga #739-43

Tonga #744-7


Tonga #797a-l

Tonga #819-21

tonga booklet pane with 870k

Scott: #870kO


Tonga #887

Tonga #888


Tonga #902a-b


Tonga #1033