Mongolia stamps

P=have O=don’t have it

Flag of Mongolia

Mongolia is a landlocked country in East and Central Asia. It borders Russia to the north and People's Republic of China to the south, east and west. Although Mongolia does not share a border with Kazakhstan, its western-most point is only a few miles from Kazakhstan's eastern tip. Ulan Bator, the capital and largest city, is home to about 38% of the population. Mongolia's political system is a parliamentary republic.

The area of what is now Mongolia has been ruled by various nomadic empires, including the Xiongnu, the Xianbei, the Rouran, the Gökturks, and others. The Mongol Empire was founded by Genghis Khan in 1206. After the collapse of the Yuan Dynasty, the Mongols returned to their earlier patterns. In the 16th and 17th centuries, Mongolia came under the influence of Tibetan Buddhism. At the end of the 17th century, most of Mongolia had been incorporated into the area ruled by the Qing Dynasty. During the collapse of the Qing Dynasty in 1911, Mongolia declared independence, but had to struggle until 1921 to firmly establish de-facto independence, and until 1945 to gain international recognition. As a consequence, it came under strong Russian and Soviet influence: In 1924, the Mongolian People's Republic was declared, and Mongolian politics began to follow the same patterns as Soviet politics of the time. After the breakdown of communist regimes in Eastern Europe in late 1989, Mongolia saw its own Democratic Revolution in early 1990, which led to a multi-party system, a new constitution in 1992, and the - rather rough - transition to a market economy.

At 1,564,116 square kilometres, Mongolia is the nineteenth largest and most sparsely populated independent country in the world, with a population of around 2.9 million people. It is also the world's second-largest landlocked country after Kazakhstan. The country contains very little arable land, as much of its area is covered by steppes, with mountains to the north and west and the Gobi Desert to the south. Approximately 30% of the country's 2.9 million people are nomadic or semi-nomadic. The predominant religion in Mongolia is Tibetan Buddhism, and the majority of the state's citizens are of the Mongol ethnicity, though Kazakhs, Tuvans and other minorities also live in the country, especially in the west.


Scott: #C5P

Issued: 1.5.1965

WIPA '65

%23B110 Inside #C5: Austria #B110O

%23199 Inside #C5: Mongolia #199P

%23808 Inside #C5: Poland #808P

%23192 Inside #C5: Mongolia #192O Inside #C5: Mongolia #149BP

(Thanks to Attilio Papio)


Inside #C5: US #1254-6P

%23582 Inside #C5: Germany-DDR #582P

%23C208 Inside #C5: Hungary #C208P(Hungary)

%23896 Inside #C5: Germany #896P

%23469 Inside #C5: Sweden #469P

Others Unidentified


Scott: #C36P

Thanks to Lloyd Gilbert for the scan

Thanks to Lou Guadagno for the scan

Is there a different in color???

Issued: 15.4.1973

IBRA '73

 Inside #C36: Mongolia #159O

Thanks to Lou Guadagno for the scan




Scott: #C37-45P

Issued: 31.7.1973

COMECON, August 1973

#3100 Inside #C37: Russia #3100P

%23236 Inside #C38: Mongolia #236O

%231047 Inside #C39: Bulgaria #1047P

#B202 Inside #C40: Hungary #B202P

%23C72 Inside #C41: Czechoslovakia #C72P

#369 Inside #C42: Germany - DDR #369P

%23883 Inside #C43: Cuba #883P (Cuba)

 Inside #C43: Cuba #884P (Cuba)

Lou wrote: Mongolia Sc #C43 actually illustrates a non-existent stamp. It has the design of Cuba Sc #883 but the colors of Sc #884 without the silver imprint.

With all the Cuba stamps with a post and communications theme he could have chosen from, the designer picked the 1964 Postal Rocket Flight stamp on stamp (Sc #883), probably because it reproduced the stamp used for the first officially sanctioned rocket mail delivery, but had a problem in that the black stamp would not show up well inside a black frame. His solution was to change the colors of the stamp by using those of the Voshkod I Rocket Flight commemorative (Sc #884), which was the same design with XXV ANIVERSARIO removed and a silver rocket and inscriptions added.  Actually, he might have been able to use #883 with just a little “tweaking” to outline the perfs in the black portions of the stamp.

%232280 Inside #C44: Romania #2280P

%23802 Inside #C45: Poland #802P


Scott: #C56P

Issued: 15.4.1974

50th Anniversary, First Stamps of Mongolia

%234 Inside #C56: Mongolia #4O


Scott: #C68P

Issued: 0.12.1974

Centenary, UPU, STOCKHOLMIA '74

%231 Inside #C68 (In Margin): Sweden #1O

Scott: #961P

Issued: 20.5.1977


 Inside #961: Netherlands #1P (Netherlands)

 Inside #961: Mongolia #22O

 Mongolia revenue - #22 without ovpt

Lou wrote: Above you can see the Mongolia unlisted revenue stamp as shown on the S/S and Mongolia #22 with the POSTAGE overprint which should have been reproduced. In fairness, the overprint can be found so faint in color that it appears to be omitted. I’d like to think that the stamp the designer used is an example of this.

I bought the # 22 (an expensive stamp) first, and it looked so “wrong” in my display, that I bought the revenue stamp when I found one at a show, so that I could show both examples.  They also show off the color variances of the issue.  I think you should have both on the site also.


Scott: #C100O

Issued: 20.12.1977

History of Airships

%23C26 Inside #C100: Russia #C26O


Scott: #C108P

Issued: 25.3.1978

75th Anniversary of First Powered Flight, Wright Brothers, 1903

%23c15 Inside #C108 (In Margin): France #C15O

%23c3a Inside #C108 (In Margin): US #C3aO

#2086 Inside #C108 (In Margin): Russia #2086P

%23C349 Inside #C108 (In Margin): Hungary #C349O

 Inside #C108 (In Margin): Germany #Mi MIVKO

%23C24 Inside #C108 (In Margin): Hungary #C24O

%23C2 Inside #C108 (In Margin): Mongolia #C2O



Scott: #1019-25P

Issued: 0.6.1978


%23336 Inside #1019: Canada #336P

%23478 Inside #1020: Canada #478P

%23369 Inside #1021: Canada #369P

%23324 Inside #1022: Canada #324P

%23322 Inside #1023: Canada #322P

%23323 Inside #1024: Canada #323P

%23343 Inside #1025: Canada #343P


Scott: #C110P

%23553 Inside #C110: Canada #553P

%23549 Inside #C110: Mongolia #549O


Scott: #1077aP

Issued: 15.5.1979

Philaserdica '79

#1 Inside #1077a: Bulgaria #1O

%234 Inside #1077a: Mongolia #4O


Scott: #1077P


Scott: #1096P

Issued: 15.9.1979

Brasiliana '79

%231582 Inside #1096: Brazil #1582P

%231145 Inside #1096: Brazil #1145P

%23C1 Inside #1096: Mongolia #C1O


Scott: #1105P

Issued: 5.5.1980

London '80

%23488 Inside #1105 (In Margin): G.B. #488P


Scott: #1128P

Issued: 10.10.1980

Intercosmos Cooperative Space Program

%232222 Inside #1128b: Czechoslovakia #2222P

%232270 Inside #1128d: Poland #2270P

#1947 Inside #1128f: Germany-DDR #1947O

%232576 Inside #1128h: Bulgaria #2576P

%23C417 Inside #1128j: Hungary #C417P


Scott: #1174P

Issued: 28.4.1981

Publicity for 1981 Stamp Exhibitions

%23240 Inside #1174a: Mongolia #240O or Mongolia #241dO

%238N4 Inside #1174b: Wurttemberg #8N4P

%238NB10 Inside #1174b: Wurttemberg #8NB10O

%23B110 Inside #1174c: Austria #B110O

%2340 Inside #1174c: Austria #40O

#827 Inside #1174d: Japan #827P


Scott: #1232P

Issued: 28.12.1981

Intercosmos Flights

Mi%20%231104 Inside #1232e: Viet Nam Mi #1104P

%23C325 Inside #1232f: Cuba #C325P

%231173 Inside #1232g: Mongolia #1173O

%23C241A Inside #1232h: Romania #C241O



Scott: #C146-52P

Issued: 5.10.1981

50th Anniversary, Graf Zeppelin Polar Flight

#C40 Inside #C146: Germany #C40O

#C41 Inside #C147: Germany #C41O

#C42 Inside #C148: Germany #C42O

#C30 Inside #C149: Russia #C30O

#C31 Inside #C150: Russia #C31O

#C32 Inside #C151: Russia #C32O

#C33 Inside #C152: Russia #C33O


Scott: #1252O

Issued: 11.6.1982


%23B13 Inside #1252: Mongolia #B13O Design (B)


Scott: #1323P

Issued: 10.7.1983


Inside #1323: Emblem (In Margin)

Scott: #1400PP

Issued: 20.12.1984

60th Anniversary of Mongolian Stamps

 Inside #1400: Mongolia #1O


Scott: #1850P

Issued: 8.5.1990

London '90

GB #1 a Inside #1850 (In Margin): G.B. #1


Scott: #2004O

Issued: 12.6.1991

Exposition Postal History

%236 Inside #2004: Mongolia #6O

 Inside #2004: Mongolia #1849O

Thanks to Lou for the scan


Scott: #2176-9P

Issued: 16.8.1994

Philakorea '94

%231749 Inside #2176: Korea #1749O

%23433 Inside #2177: Mongolia #433O

%231 Inside #2178: Mongolia #1O

%231 Inside #2179: Korea #1O


Scott: #2180O

Issued: 23.11.1994

70th Anniversary, First Mongolian Stamp

%235 Inside #2180: Mongolia #5O


Scott: #2247C-DO, #2247EP, #2247FO

Issued: 08.09.1996

Phila Seoul ’96 Exhibition

Overprinted "Phila Seoul" on #2176-79

Thanks to Lou Guadagno


Scott: #2247P

Scott: #2247P

Different borders on each S/S

Issued: 13.11.1996

Capex '96

%232 Inside #2247: Mongolia #2O

%231 Inside #2247: Canada #1O

Scott: #2254O

Issued: 17.10.1997

Moscow '97

%23264 Inside #2254: Mongolia #264O

Scott: #2401DhO

Issued: 24.12.1999

20th Anniversary (in1999), Mongolia-World Intellectual Property Organization

%23881 Inside #2401Dh: Mongolia #881P

%231194 Inside #2401Dh: Mongolia #1194O

Scott: #2401DO

Scott: #2502O

Issued: 2.12.2001

Dialogue among Civilizations

Inside #2502: Pseudo Stamp on Envelope

Thanks to Lloyd Gilbert

%232504F %232504R %232504T

Scott: #2504a-tO

Issued: 30.12.2001

History of Humanity

sos hungary 2280  1974 Inside #2504f: Hungary #2280P(Hungary)

%23738Inside #2504f: Monaco #738O

(modified: "1519-MONACO-1969" omitted at top, no perfed margins)

%23676 Inside #2504f: Grenada #676P

(modified: value, GRENADA omitted at top, inscription at bottom, no perfed margins)

%23704Inside #2504r: U.S. #704O

 (design component: portrait and frame only)

GB #1 a Inside #2504t: G.B. #1

mongolia 2504  sheetlet

Scott: #2504O


Scott: #2587P

Issued: 4.12.2004

80th Anniversary, Stamps of Mongolia

%231 Inside #2587: Mongolia #1O

Others Stamps in margins - TBI


Scott: #2613a-lP

Issued: 1.2.2006

50th Anniversary, First Europa Stamps

 Inside #2613a-l: As Germany A190, #771P




Scott: #2613m-rP

Thanks to G.B.

Scott: #2254aO

Issued: 06.08.2007

Irkutsk 2007 Overprint on 2254 S/S

Thanks to Lloyd Gilbert for scans

Scott: #2794O

Issued: 16.05.2014

90th Anniversary of Mongolian Stamps

Overprint and revalue on s/s #1400 from 1984

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

mongolia      ss

Scott: #2817O

Issued: 07.10.2014

90th Anniversary of Mongolian Stamps II

mongolia  left stamp from  ss

Scott: #2817aO

[Sceptra of Indra, type A11] Inside #2817a: Mongolia #7O

mongolia  right stamp from ss

Scott: #2817bO

  Inside #2817b: Mongolia #1O

%232 Inside #2817b: Mongolia #2O

Type A5 Inside #2817b: Mongolia #3O

%234 Inside #2817b: Mongolia #4O

[Sceptra of Indra, type A8] Inside #2817b: Mongolia #5O

%236 Inside #2817b: Mongolia #6O

mongolia  margin detail

Inside #2187 (In margin): Famous stamps from around the world - TBI

GB #1 a Inside #????t: G.B. #1

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

Scott: #????P

Issued: 22.03.2019

95th Anniversary of first Mongolian Postage Stamp

 Inside #???? (in margin): Mongolia Stamps

[Revenue Stamps Handstamped [Revenue Stamps Handstamped 1925-10(Y)1925-11(Y)1925 -12(Y)

[Revenue Stamps Handstamped [Revenue Stamps Handstamped [Revenue Stamps Handstamped

Mongolia #16-23O














Mongolia #4









Mongolia #1040






Mongolia #1006


Thanks to Attilio Papio


Scott: #????O

Issued: 22.12.2022

Genghis Khan, 1162-1227

MOG1962M312fny Inside #????: Mongolia #307P

Thanks to Zoltán Komlóssy and Lou Guadagno

mongolia      ss 1.23.23

Scott: #????O

Issued: 23.01.2023

60th Anniversary of Diplomatic relations between Mongolia and

the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

  Inside #????: Mongolia #1O

GB #1 a Inside #????t: G.B. #1

Lou wrote: Mongolia issued a very good looking stamp on stamp s/s to commemorate 60 years of  Diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the United Kingdom. For whatever reason, the Mongolian designer chose the first stamps of each country to illustrate the bond. 

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

Best website related:


Wish List


Mongolia #1


Mongolia #2

Type A5

Mongolia #3


Mongolia #4


Mongolia #5


Mongolia #6

[Sceptra of Indra, type A11]

Mongolia #7

[Revenue Stamps Handstamped [Revenue Stamps Handstamped 1925-10(Y)1925-11(Y)1925 -12(Y)

[Revenue Stamps Handstamped [Revenue Stamps Handstamped [Revenue Stamps Handstamped

Mongolia #16-23


Mongolia #C1


Mongolia #C2


Mongolia #C100

Mongolia #159


Mongolia #192

togo set 2  sos mongolia 207  1960

Mongolia #207 for Togo


Mongolia #236


Mongolia #240


Mongolia #264



Mongolia #B13


Mongolia #433


Mongolia #549

c a r  ss 1v in margin--sos mongolia 564  1970

Mongolia #564 for Central Africa

Mongolia #C30 for Malawi

Mongolian #1035 for Guinea Bissau

sos mongolia 1108  1980

Mongolia #1108 for Chad

sos mongolia 1110  1980

Mongolia #1110 for Chad


Mongolia #1173


Mongolia #1194


Mongolia #1252

Mongolia #1849


Mongolia #2004


Mongolia #2180


Mongolia #2247C, D, F

Mongolia #2254

Mongolia #2254a

Mongolia #2401Dh

Mongolia #2401D

Mongolia #2502

%232504F %232504R %232504T

Mongolia #2504a-t

mongolia 2504  sheetlet

Mongolia #2504

Mongolia #2794

mongolia      ss

Mongolia #2817


Mongolia #???? (2022)