Uruguay stamps

P=have O=don’t have it

Flag of Uruguay



Scott: #410a - 413aO

Issued: 11.4.1931

Independence Centenary Philatelic Exhibit

#1 Inside #410a - 413a: Uruguay Type A1O (B)


Scott: #C173-5P

Issued: 15.12.1956

Centenary, Uruguay Stamps

#1 Inside #C173-5: Uruguay #1O

 uruguay 716

Scott: #716P

Issued: 19.3.1965

First Rio de la Plata Stamp Show

sos uruguay 21a tete-beche pair  1864 Inside #716: Uruguay #21aO

Thanks to Lou Guadagno for the scans


Scott: #C271a-jP

Issued: 19.3.1965

First Rio de la Plata Stamp Show

#23 Inside #C271a, #C271f: Uruguay #23O

URU M19b Inside #C271b, #C271g: Uruguay #20O

#21 Inside #C271c, #C271h, #C271 (In Margin): Uruguay #21O

#22 Inside #C271d, #C271i: Uruguay #22O

#18 Inside #C271e, #C271j: Uruguay #18O

#6 Inside #C271 (In Margin): Argentina #6O

Lou wrote: If you only have one 1965 C271a-j and one 1966 C298a-j sheetlet in your collection, you are not complete!

They were printed in a pane of two sheetlets and then guillotined apart, creating one sheetlet with an imperf top margin and one with an imperf bottom margin (see scans).

I discovered this soon after they were issued and acquired all four very easily. In my album, I put the two varieties on end, on facing pages and the perf differences are readily seen.

From most internet sources, the sheetlets are being sold under $4.00 each, and when last checked, all were being offered.

I think getting the sheetlets you need will make interesting additions to your collection.

uruguay C271a-j  sheetlet--  imperf top margin

C271a-j sheetlet - imperf top margin


uruguay  C271a-j sheetlet-- imperf bottom margin

C271a-j sheetlet - imperf bottom margin

Scott: #C282aO

Scott: #C282bP


Scott: #C282O

Issued: 3.8.1965

18th Olympic Games

#284 Inside #C282: Uruguay #284O

#389 Inside #C282: Uruguay #389O

 uruguay 736

Scott: #736PP

Issued: 4.11.1966

Centenary, First Surcharge Issue


Scott: #C298a-jP

Issued: 4.11.1966


With overprinted stamps:

sos uruguay 24  1866--C298a, f Inside #C298a, #C298f: Uruguay #24O

sos uruguay 28  1866--C298b, g Inside #C981b, #C298g: Uruguay #28O

sos uruguay 25  1866--C298c, h Inside #C298c, #C298h: Uruguay #25O

sos uruguay 26  1866--C298d, i Inside #C298d, #C298i: Uruguay #26O

sos uruguay 27  1866--C298e, j Inside #C298e, #C298j: Uruguay #27O

#21 Inside #C298 (In Margin): Uruguay #21O

#6 Inside #C271 (In Margin): Argentina #6O

Lou wrote: If you only have one 1965 C271a-j and one 1966 C298a-j sheetlet in your collection, you are not complete!

They were printed in a pane of two sheetlets and then guillotined apart, creating one sheetlet with an imperf top margin and one with an imperf bottom margin (see scans).

I discovered this soon after they were issued and acquired all four very easily. In my album, I put the two varieties on end, on facing pages and the perf differences are readily seen.

From most internet sources, the sheetlets are being sold under $4.00 each, and when last checked, all were being offered.

I think getting the sheetlets you need will make interesting additions to your collection.

uruguay C298a-j sheetlet--imperf top margin

C298a-j sheetlet - imperf top margin


uruguay C298a-j sheetlet-- imperf bottom margin

C298a-j sheetlet - imperf bottom margin


Scott: #C299O

Issued: 17.12.1966

40th Anniversary, Philatelic Club of Uruguay, Surcharge #613

#1 Inside #C299: Uruguay #1O


Scott: #C309P, #C310P

Issued: 10.5.1967

Centenary, 1866 Numeral Issue

#30 Inside #C309: Uruguay #30O

#31 Inside #C309: Uruguay #31O

#32 Inside #C310: Uruguay #32O

#33 Inside #C310: Uruguay #33O


Scott: #C309aP


Scott: #C310aP


Scott: #C319P

Issued: 19.6.1967

3rd Rio de la Plata Stamp Show

#187 Inside #C319: Uruguay Type A90P

#18A Inside #C319: Argentina #18aO

#187_resreve #18A reserve

(Portraits Reversed and Frames Modified)

Scott: #771AP

Issued: 1.10.1969

Stamp Day

#1 #2 #3

Inside #771A: Uruguay #1O, #2O & #3O (B)


Scott: #C348PP

Issued: 10.4.1969


Inside #C348: Pseudo Stamp


Scott: #C353O

Issued: 15.11.1969


Inside #C353: Pseudo Stamp


Scott: #785O

Issued: 9.12.1970


Inside #785: Pseudo Stamp


Scott: #C375a-cO

Issued: 1.10.1970

Stamp Day

#C1 #C2 #C3 

Inside #C375a-c: Uruguay #C1-3O (B)


Scott: #791P

Issued: 26.3.1971

Uruguay Philatelic Exposition, 1971

Inside #791: Pseudo Stamp


Scott: #819P

Issued: 17.1.1972

Stamp Day, 1971

#4 Inside #819: Uruguay #4O (B)


Michel BL15P

Issued: 15.04.1972

Scott #771A overprint "15th Anniversary of First Lufthansa Uruguay- Germany Flight"

Thanks to Lou Guadagno


Scott: #C391P

Issued: 26.8.1972

EXFILBRA - 4th Inter American Philatelic Exhibition

#1 Inside #C391: Brazil #1O


Scott: #834P, #835P

Issued: 20.12.1972

Stamp Day

#18 #20 #21

Inside #834: Uruguay #18O, #20O & #21O with Changed Values (B)

#22 #23

Inside #835: Uruguay #22O & #23O with Changed Values (B)

תוצאת תמונה עבור Uruguay stamps cordoba 1973

Scott: #859P

Issued: 09.05.1973

#C319 Surcharged in Black

Founding of Cordoba in Argentina, 400th Anniversary


Scott: #863P

Issued: 1.10.1973

Stamp Day

#12 Inside #863: Uruguay #12O (B)


Scott: #890O

Issued: 1.10.1974


Inside #890: Pseudo Stamp


Scott: #891O

Issued: 19.10.1974

250th Anniversary, Fortification of Montevideo

Inside #891: Pseudo Stamp


Scott: #892P

Issued: 9.10.1974

Centenary, UPU

Inside #892: Stamps on Envelopes


Scott: footnoted at #893O

#30 Inside footnoted at #893: Uruguay #30O


Scott: #C399P

Issued: 15.10.1974


%23O1 Inside #C399: Mexico #O1O

Scott: #912P

Issued: 9.10.1975

Hispanic Stamp Day

Inside #912: Pseudo Stamp


Scott: #C402P

Issued: 4.3.1975

Espana '75

#1 Inside #C402: Spain #1P


Scott: #C403P

Issued: 4.4.1975

Espana '75

#c253 Inside #C403a: Uruguay #C253O

#893 Inside #C403b: Uruguay #893O

#C402 Inside #C403c: Uruguay #C402P


Scott: #C415P

Issued: 13.10.1975

Uruguayan Stamp Day

#C59 Inside #C415L: Uruguay #C59O

#C258 Inside #C415L: Uruguay #C258P

#C343 Inside #C415L: Uruguay #C343P

#C288 Inside #C415L: Uruguay #C288O

#883 Inside #C415L: Uruguay #883O

#896 Inside #C415L: Uruguay #896O

#Q99 Inside #C415L: Uruguay #Q99O

uruguay 940 

Scott: #940P

Issued: 3.6.1976

Centenary, UPU

#2 Inside #940: UN #2P?


Unlisted souvenir sheet (without postal validity)O


Scott: #964P

Issued: 26.9.1976

50th Anniversary, Philatelic Club of Uruguay

#1 Inside #964: Uruguay #1O


Scott: #C422P, #C423O

Issued: 3.6.1976

25th Anniversary, UN Stamps

#5_1 Inside #C422: UN #5P

#11 Inside #C423: UN #11O


Scott: #C424-5 ad sheetsP

Issued: 12.11.1976

Anniversary and Events

In margin:


sos uruguay C59  1926

sos uruguay C418 1975

sos uruguay C416 1975

Uruguay #1O

Uruguay #C59O

Uruguay #C418O

Uruguay #C416O

sos uruguay C372  1970

sos uruguay C260  1963

[Airmail - The 100th Anniversary of the I.T.U., type RD]

Uruguay #C372O

Uruguay #C260P

Uruguay #C283O

sos uruguay C213  1960 (1)

sos uruguay 706  1964

sos u. n. geneva 27

Uruguay #C213O

Uruguay #706O

U.N. Geneva #27P

sos u n 17  1953

sos u.n. 246  1974

sos u.n. 11  1951

sos u.n. 21 1953

U.N. #17P


U.N. #246P

U.N. #11O

U.N. #21P


sos u. n. 1  1951

sos u.n. 7  1951

sos u.n. 42 1956

U.N. #1P


U.N. #7O

U.N. #42P


sos uruguay C417 1975

sos uruguay 738  1966

sos u.n. 10  1951

sos u. n. geneva 40  1974

Uruguay #C417O

Uruguay #738O

U.N. #10O

U.N. Geneva #40P


Thanks to Lou Guadagno


Scott: #980O

Issued: 21.7.1977

1978 Soccer Championships in Argentina

#282 Inside #980: Uruguay #282O

#390 Inside #980: Uruguay #390O


Scott: #982aP


Scott: #C428P

Issued: 29.7.1977

Anniversaries and International Stamp Exhibition "UREXPO '77"

#1 Inside #C428: Uruguay #1O

Scott: #C429P

Scott: #984O

Issued: 1.10.1977

Stamp Day

Inside #984: Pseudo Stamp



Scott: #991-1000O

Issued: 21.12.1977

150th Anniversary, Uruguayan Postal service

Inside #995, #997, #999-1000: Stamp on Envelope


Scott: #1012P

Issued: 31.10.1978

Stamp Day

Inside #1012: Pseudo Stamps

Scott: #C435O

Issued: 28.8.1978

Riccione '78 and Eurphila '78, Overprint #C428

Scott: #1021O

Thanks to Lloyd Gilbert for the scan

Issued: 28.04.1979

International Philatelic Exhibition 1980  

#837 Inside #1021: G.B. #837P

Lou Wrote: Uruguay did not have permission from the GB Post to use its newly copyrighted images, and as the s/s design was already set, to get around the ban, they modified the GB #836 stamp by printing the St Stephan's Crown on the 10½p with the 11p value and color of GB #837, creating a stamp that didn't exist! You should have both stamps in the sites to show the differences.

This may also have been the reason for the brown image of GB #1 on #C439b, but it has blank spaces for the check letter positions, and the sites scan should be matching, so change to G.B. #1, proof without check letters.


G.B. #836


Scott: #1042P

Issued: 18.6.1979

Death Centenary of Sir Rowland Hill

#117 Inside #1042: Greece #117P (Greece)



Scott: #C439O (Mi #B45)

Issued: 18.6.1979

Death Centenary of Sir Rowland Hill

#1 Inside #C439: Uruguay #1O

#C1 Inside #C439: Uruguay #C1O

#836 Inside #C439: G.B. #836P

#1 AA Inside #C439: G.B. #1O

Stamp expo 3 s/s

Inside #C439 (In margin): Uruguay #330aO

Thanks to Jan Van Lin for the scan


Inside #C439 (In margin): G.B. #834aP (Belize)

Scott: #1061O

Issued: 0.2.1980

Stamp Day

Inside #1061: Pseudo Stamps


Scott: #1133aO (#1132-3O)

Issued: 23.12.1982

Stamp Day

 Inside #1132: Uruguay #46O (B)

#47 Inside #1133: Uruguay #47O (B)

uruguay 1143a

Scott: #1143aO

uruguay 1147a

Scott: #1147aO

Issued: 09.06.1983

"URUEXPO '83" and World Communications Year 1983

uruguay stamp detail0001

sos uruguay 1  1856 Inside #1143a, #1147a: Uruguay #1O

 All eight stamps on the two sheets have very tiny (but clear under magnification) reproductions of the first stamp of Uruguay — the Diligencia” of 1856— in gold instead of blue.

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

[International Stamp Exhibition "Brasiliana 83" - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, type XJD]

Scott: #1140P

Issued: 25.07.1983

International Stamp Exhibition "Brasiliana 83" - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 

Inside #1140: Pseudo Stamps


Scott: #1419P

Issued: 8.8.1992

Olymphilex '92

Inside #1419: Pseudo Stamp


Scott: #1445O

Issued: 3.5.1993

Polska '93

Inside #1445 (In Margin): Pseudo Stamp


Scott: #1472O

Issued: 28.7.1993

Brasiliana '93

#1 Inside #1472 (In Margin): Brazil #1O


Scott: #1519O

Issued: 18.11.1993

150th Anniversary, Swiss Stamps

#3L1 Inside #1519a: Switzerland, Basel #3L1O

#C39 Inside #1519b: Germany #C39O

#C426c Inside #1519b: Uruguay #C426cO

#C372 Inside #1519c: Uruguay #C372O

#C76  Inside #1519c: US #C76P

#c282a Inside #1519d: Uruguay #C282aO

#C104 Inside #1519d: US #C104P


Scott: #1520O

#1L1 Inside #1520a: Switzerland: Zurich #1L1O

#1L2 Inside #1520a: Switzerland: Zurich #1L2O

#B541 Inside #1520b: Switzerland #B541O

#1 Inside #1520 (In margin): Uruguay #1O

#C1 Inside #1520 (In margin): Uruguay #C1O


Scott: #1526O

Issued: 6.5.1994

1994 Winter Olympic Medal Winners

 Inside #1526 (in margin): Uruguay #1175O

Scott: #1527P

Issued: 16.5.1994

1994 World Cup Soccer Championships

#1 Inside #1527 (in margin): Uruguay #1O

[Youth Philately, type BFA][Youth Philately, type BFB][Youth Philately, type BFC]

[Youth Philately, type BFD][Youth Philately, type BFE]

Scott: #1665O

Issued: 25.5.1997

Youth Stamp Collecting

Inside #1665: Stamp Collecting


Scott: #1685-6O

Issued: 10.10.1997


Inside #1685-6: Stamp on envelope


This issue is one of the America Series adopted by the Postal Union of the Americas, Spain and Portugal (PUASP) in l989. Every year since then, the member Administrations of the Union have simultaneously issued a philatelic series each year on a different subject. The Postman is the motive chosen for l997.


The postman plays an essential role within the regional process of postal reform under way through which the Post Offices are turning into enterprises. In the Uruguayan Postal Administration, the postman's traditional role has changed. Now, the Postman is the direct sales promoter of the Postal Administration. The success of the recently launched "Collection at the sender's address" service depends mainly on the effective participation of the postman.

More than 500 postal agents have been trained and are now dealing with our clients to offer a specific service of registered mail under the newly established "Track and Trace" System. Clients may ask by telephone that their mails be collected by the postman at their address.

This new service tends to improve the quality-of- service standards and aims to win enterprises as the Post Office's main clients, as is the trend all over the world.

At present, there are 800 postmen all over the country. They have been recruted in the course of the past two years within the framework of agreements passed with organizations promoting employment for youth. Young postmen start like this, their career within the Post Office. In this new generation of postal agents the proportion of women to men employed is far higher than in the past. Nearly fifty per cent of the postal agents recruted in Montevideo are women.

The stamps released today depicts all those changes: the new role of the postman, who deals directly with the clients and meets an

increasing demand from businesses; and the greater participation of the female workforce.



Scott: #1722P

Issued: 12.5.1998

Int'l. Thematic Philatelic Exhibition

#5 Inside #1722a: Switzerland #5O

#1 Inside #1722a: Uruguay #1O


This Philatelic Exhibition held on May 12-17 in Nueva Helvecia, Colonia Suiza, Department of Colonia, is one of the events organized to commemorate the 150th. anniversary of the Swiss Confederation and the 200th Anniversary of the Swiss Republic

The four stamps comprised in the miniature sheet depict outstanding events related to Switzerland, and thematic elements of interest to stamp collectors, such as numismatics in philately, the future international space-station of the NASA, and Switzerland as prospective host of the 2006 Winter Games. 

The fourth stamp shows the first Uruguayan postal issue "Diligencia", released on October 1st 1856 and the 5-cent official stamp for ordinary letters issued by the Swiss Confederation in 1851.


Scott: #1754P

Issued: 6.11.1998

Uruguay - Germany 1998, Stamp Exhibition

  Inside #1754a: Uruguay #C14O

 Inside #1754a: Uruguay #C43O

 Inside #1754a: Uruguay #359O

Lou wrote: That is an actual 1930 zeppelin flight cover on the SOS, and I learned that 58c paid the air mail rate and fees from Uruguay to Germany, so I was able to confirm the ID of the tiny blue stamp as # 359/8c after the easy IDs of #s C14 and C43.

(Thanks to Lou Guadagno for IDs and scans)


#1592 Inside #1754b: Germany #1592P

#2791 Inside #1754b: DDR #2791O

#9N584 Inside #1754b: Germany Berlin #9N584P


Scott: #1798P

Issued: 28.5.1999

Centenary of Barcelona Football Club


#2985 Inside #1798 (In margin of sheet): Spain #2985P

Inside #1798 (In margin of sheet): Spain #2985

(As imprinted stamp on envelope [1 of 5] in different colors)  

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

Scott: #1807O

Issued: 30.07.1999

Philately 2000 

  Inside #1807d: Uruguay #C60O

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

Scott: #1817O

Issued: 01.10.1999

Philatelic Witches Sabbath, by Mariano Barbasa´n

Inside #1817: Uruguay first stamps

#1 Inside #1817: Uruguay Type A1O

Martin wrote: This is one of my favorite SoS - no matter the blurry album-page and the Diligencia's not in correct size - just because it's so unique, unusual and full of fantasy.

So I gave it this description in my album (translated): The Magician presents his fancy collection to the king and his court's entourage.

btw. google told me, that the Spanish painter Mariano Barbasan was also shortly in Montevideo, where he held 2 exhibitions in the 1910s.

Thanks to Martin Hirschbühl


Scott: #1866O

Issued: 02.05.2000

Stamp Kids Contest

Inside #1866: Stamp on Envelope

Scott: #1925O

Issued: 23.10.2001

Dialogue among Civilizations

Inside #1925: Pseudo Stamp on Envelope

Thanks to Lloyd Gilbert


Scott: #1971O

Issued: 9.10.2002

175th Anniversary of Postal Service

#1 Inside #1971: Uruguay #1O

#7 Inside #1971: Uruguay #7O

#8 Inside #1971: Uruguay #8O

#9Inside #1971: Uruguay #9O

#17 Inside #1971: Uruguay #17O

#23 Inside #1971: Uruguay #23O

#25 Inside #1971: Uruguay #25O

#26 Inside #1971: Uruguay #26O

#33 Inside #1971: Uruguay #33O


Scott: #2121-2P

Issued: 11.08.2005

50th Anniversary, Europa stamps

#1263 Inside #2121: Spain #1263O

#1126 Inside #2122: Spain #1126P (Cuba)


Scott: #2164O

Issued: 29.09.2006

150th Anniversary, First stamp of Uruguay

#1 Inside #2164: Uruguay #1O

Scott: #2312O

Issued: 30.11.2010

100th Anniversary, First Flights in Uruguay

 Inside #2312 (In margin): Uruguay #157O

Inside #2312 (In margin): Uruguay H&G PC #31O

Inside #2312 (In margin): Uruguay H&G PC #52/5O

All partials, not in issued colors

There are also some postmarks and rubber stamp flight cachets as they appear on the actual flight cards,

Lou wrote: This s/s was a disappointment when I first saw it—no examples of covers from the flights—until I took a closer look a top margin.  Not a heck of a lot there, but I could make out bits and pieces of postal card imprints and postal markings. I did some online searches and checked at the CCNY library and found a little background on the aviators and flights but no pictures of flight covers. So, ”The Stamp on Stamp Detective” went to work:

Checking online I looked for scans of Uruguay stationery around the time period of the flights and found several of each type. The portion of the card at the top left of the s/s had large lettering reading “Union Postal Universal”, and an indicium of 2c; below in the stamp was “Año 1887”, so this was H&G PC #31. Added over the indicium was a Uruguay stamp and even tho it was only partially reproduced, after a fast check in Scott’s I recognized the base, leg of Eros and fruit from the cornucopia of #157.

The other partial postal card was a little harder to identify as the indicium was not shown and there were a number of cards with the same inscriptions.  Then I saw inside the stamps below, a faint building outline and even fainter wording: ”PENITENCIARIA (MONTEVIDEO)”. There are several view sets listed, but only the #52 set has the penitentiary view, so I was able to positively ID the card as H&G PC #52/5 ( Penitentiary View).

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

Scott: #2335O

Issued: 23.03.2011

100th Anniversary, UPAEP

 Inside #2335: Uruguay #196O

SC #196 issued to commemorate the South American Postal Congress meeting in Montevideo, which created the international organization that grew to become the Postal Union of the Americas, Spain and Portugal.

Thanks to Prof. Plinio Richelmi and Lou Guadagno


Scott: #2411O

Issued: 21.12.2012

180th Anniversary of Postal Administration

Inside #2411: Pseudo Stamps

Thanks to Lloyd Gilbert

uruguay 2494

Scott: #2494O

Issued: 14.11.2014

5th Silvio B. Prevale International Accordion Festival

#1 Inside #2494: Uruguay #1O

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

Scott: #????O

Issued: 05.12.2023

UPAEP, Philately and the Stamp

#1 Inside #????: Uruguay #1O

Thanks to Zoltán Komlóssy and Lou Guadagno

Best website related:

Uruguay Post




Wish List


Uruguay #1 + for Paraguay


Uruguay #2


Uruguay #3


Uruguay #4


Uruguay #7


Uruguay #8


Uruguay #9


Uruguay #12


Uruguay #17


Uruguay #18

URU M19b

Uruguay #20


Uruguay #21

URU M20 

Uruguay #21a


Uruguay #22


Uruguay #23

sos uruguay 24  1866--C298a, f

Uruguay #24

sos uruguay 25  1866--C298c, h

Uruguay #25

sos uruguay 26  1866--C298d, i

Uruguay #26

sos uruguay 27  1866--C298e, j

Uruguay #27

sos uruguay 28  1866--C298b, g

Uruguay #28


Uruguay #30


Uruguay #31


Uruguay #32


Uruguay #33

Uruguay #46


Uruguay #47

Uruguay #157


Uruguay #196 + for Cuba

#C1 #C2 #C3 

Uruguay #C1-3

Uruguay #C14


Uruguay #282


Uruguay #284

Uruguay #C43


Uruguay #C59

Uruguay #C60

Stamp expo 3 s/s

Uruguay #330a

Uruguay #359


Uruguay #389


Uruguay #390

sos uruguay C213  1960 (1)

Uruguay #C213


Uruguay #C253

Uruguay #C282a


Uruguay #C282

[Airmail - The 100th Anniversary of the I.T.U., type RD]

Uruguay #C283


Uruguay #C288


Uruguay #C299

sos uruguay 706  1964

Uruguay #706


Uruguay #C353

sos uruguay 738  1966

Uruguay #738


Uruguay #785


Uruguay #C372


Uruguay #C375a-c


Uruguay #883


Uruguay #890


Uruguay #891


Uruguay #893


Uruguay footnoted at #893


Uruguay #896


Uruguay #Q99


Unlisted souvenir sheet (without postal validity)

sos uruguay C416 1975

Uruguay #C416

sos uruguay C417 1975

Uruguay #C417

sos uruguay C418 1975

Uruguay #C418


Uruguay #C423


Uruguay #980


Uruguay #C426c

Uruguay #984



Uruguay #991-1000

Uruguay #C435

Uruguay #1021


Uruguay #C439 (Mi #B45)

Uruguay #1061


Uruguay #1133a (#1132-3)

uruguay 1143a

Uruguay #1143a

uruguay 1147a

Uruguay #1147a

ecuador x--sos uruguay 1167  1984

Uruguay #1167 for Ecuador

Uruguay #1175


Uruguay #1445


Uruguay #1472


Uruguay #1519


Uruguay #1520


Uruguay #1526

[Youth Philately, type BFA][Youth Philately, type BFB][Youth Philately, type BFC]

[Youth Philately, type BFD][Youth Philately, type BFE]

Uruguay #1665


Uruguay #1685-6

Uruguay #1807

Uruguay #1817


Uruguay #1866

Uruguay #1925


Uruguay #1971


Uruguay #2164

Uruguay #2312

Uruguay #2335


Uruguay #2411

uruguay 2494

Uruguay #2494

Uruguay #???? (2023)