Philippines stamps

P=have O=don’t have it

Flag of Philippines


“Philippine Postage Stamps” By Amando H. Labayen
  Kasaysayan, The Story of the Filipino People Vol. 10: A Timeline of Philippine History


Scott: #E1O

Issued: 15.10.1901

U.S. #E5 Overprinted in Red

Inside #E1: Stamp on Envelope



Scott: #J8-14O

Issued: 21.8.1928

Postage Due Stamps

Inside #J8-14: Stamp on Envelope


Scott: #J15O

Issued: 0.0.1937

#J8 Surcharged in Blue


Scott: #NJ1O

Issued: 0.0.1942

Overprint #J15

Inside #NJ1: Stamp on Envelope

Scott: #J16-22O

Issued: 0.0.1944

#J8-14 Handstamped in Violet "VICTORY"

Thanks to Lloyd Gilbert for the scans


Scott: #542O, #543-4P

Issued: 22.5.1950

25th Anniversary of the Philatelic Assoc. of the Philippines

Inside #542-4: Stamp Collecting

[The 100th Anniversary of Philippine Stamps, type VG1][The 100th Anniversary of Philippine Stamps, type VH2][The 100th Anniversary of Philippine Stamps, type VH3]

[The 100th Anniversary of Philippine Stamps, type VH4][The 100th Anniversary of Philippine Stamps, type VH5][The 100th Anniversary of Philippine Stamps, type VH6]

Scott: #605P, #606-7O

#C74P, #C75O, #C76P

Issued: 25.4.1954

Centenary of Philippine Stamps

#1 Inside #605-7: Philippines #1O

The first postage stamps used in the Philippines were issued by Spanish colonial authorities in 1854. The first Spanish Philippine stamps do not bear the name of the country, but are identified through the portrait of the reigning monarch, in this case Isabella II in profile with a coronet. Denominations are 5 and 10 cuartos, 1 and 2 reales. These were hand­engraved on metal plates, and thus differ from each other in many minute details. One carries the word carros instead of carreos, a genuine error valued by stamp collectors. (


Scott: #829PP

Issued: 4.7.1960

Surcharge #606 for Provisional Definitive


Scott: #831P, #C87P

Issued: 23.1 / 23.2.1961

Manila Postal Conference

Inside #831, #C87: Stamp on Envelope

Scott: #E12P

Issued: 23.1.1962

Special Delivery Stamp

#812 Inside #E12: Philippines #812O

 Inside #E12: Philippines #E12P


Scott: #884-5P

Issued: 26.8.1963

1st Anniversary, Asian-Oceanic Postal Union

Inside #884-5: Stamps on Envelopes

Unissued, 1968P


Unissued, 1968P

Mi #Philippines Block III

Mexico Olympic Games (also for Mexico Philatelic Exhibition)


Hungary #C244P


Burundi #109O

Hungary #1600P


Turks & Caicos #161O


Gilbert & Ellice Is #132O

Swaziland #130O


Pitcairn Is #71O

Morocco #160O

Fiji #348O


Hungary #1160P

Bulgaria #944P



Austria #711P

Gilbert & Ellice Is #134O

Herm Island carriage

label definitive 1959




Hong Kong #236O




Scan not available



Scan not available

Qatar #126CO


Scan not available


Chad #C20O

Scan not available


Russia #3368P

Lou wrote: The Philippines Efimex'68/Olympics s/s was prepared for issue by the Mosden philatelic agency, who had entered into a contract to create stamps for the Philippines with an unauthorized Philippines postal official visiting NYC. Several issues were produced, but when they were sent to the Philippines, the stamps were not accepted and the contract was canceled. Mosden sued, but was unsuccessful in getting the issues recognized and used. However, they had sold the stamps to new issue dealers world-wide as official issues of the Philippines, and these are still on the market. They are unlisted by all the major catalogs--except Michel, who gave the issues special Roman numbering. The s/s was listed as Philippines Block III, and should be noted on the sites. Originally, I didn't include non-official issues in my SoS collection, but I added it many years later, when I expanded it to include a variety of "Cinderella" stamps. I liked the history of the issue and identifying the SoS was a fun challenge.

Thanks to Lou Guadagno


Scott: #1279P, #1280P

Issued: 24.11.1975

25th Anniversary, Amateur Philatelists Organization

Inside #1279-80: Pseudo Stamp


Scott: #1322-3O

Issued: 1.4.1977

15th Anniversary, Asian-Oceanic Postal Union

Inside #1322-3: Stamp on Envelope


Scott: #1338P

Issued: 22.11.1977

Surcharge and Overprint #1280 - "1997/PHILATELIC/WEEK"


Scott: #C109O

Issued: 26.5.1977


#1 Inside #C109: Netherlands #1P

#1 Inside #C109: Philippines #1O

Scott: #C110P

Issued: 7.10.1977


#1 Inside #C110: Philippines #1O

#1 Inside #C110: Spain #1bO


Scott: #1486P, #1487-8O

Issued: 9.10.1980

Stamp Day


#1451 Inside #1486-8: Philippines #1451O

#1326 Inside #1486-8: Philippines #1326O

#1086 Inside #1486-8: Philippines #1086P

#1351 Inside #1486-8: Philippines #1351O

sos philippines 1080  1970 Inside #1486-8: Philippines #1080O

#1293 Inside #1486-8: Philippines #1293O

#1426 Inside #1486-8: Philippines #1426O

#1154 Inside #1486-8: Philippines #1154P

#B48 Inside #1486-8: Philippines #B48O

#1425 Inside #1486-8: Philippines #1425O

 Inside #1486-8: Philippines #C108aO

#1191 Inside #1486-8: Philippines #1191O

#1074 Inside #1486-8: Philippines #1074O

#1156 Inside #1486-8: Philippines #1156O

#1411 Inside #1486-8: Philippines #1411O

#1214 Inside #1486-8: Philippines #1214O

#1285 Inside #1486-8: Philippines #1285O

#1168 Inside #1486-8: Philippines #1168P

#1057 Inside #1486-8: Philippines #1057O

#1237 Inside #1486-8: Philippines #1237O


Scott: #1618O, #1619P

Issued: 28.11.1982

Philatelic Week

#212 Inside #1618-9: Philippines #212O


Scott: #1645P

Issued: 31.10.1983

Philippine Postal System Bicentennial

Inside #1645: Stamp on Envelope


Scott: #1653aP, #1653bP, #1653cP, #1653dP, #1653eP

Issued: 20.12.1983

Philatelic Week

#1628 Inside #1653a-b: Philippines #1628O

Scan not available Inside #1653a: St. Kitts #Mi 56

Scan not available Inside #1653a: St. Vincent-Grenadines #Mi 230

#113 Inside #1653a: UN #113P

#2014 Inside #1653a-b: US #2014P

#1181 Inside #1653a-c: Japan #1181P

#1429 Inside #1653a-b: Japan #1429P

Scan not available Inside #1653a-b: St. Kitts #Mi 58

+NIP M1530 Inside #1653b: Japan #1437O

(thanks to Komlóssy Zoltán)

#854 Inside #1653a: G.B. #854P

#1023 Inside #1653a-c: G.B. #1023P

#C90 Inside #1653a-b: US #C90P

#578 Inside #1653a-b: Switzerland #578P

#1951 Inside #1653b-c: US #1951P

#1860 Inside #1653b: France #1860O

#C98 Inside #1653b: US #C98P

#793 Inside #1653b: G.B. #793P

#622 Inside #1653b: G.B. #622P

#623 Inside #1653b: G.B. #623P

#1330 Inside #1653b: US #1330P

#625 Inside #1653b: G.B. #625P

#873 Inside #1653b: G.B. #873P

#1596 Inside #1653b-c: Philippines #1596O

+NIP M1530 Inside #1653b: Japan #1437O

#2039 Inside #1653b: US #2039P

#871 Inside #1653c: G.B. #871P

#872 Inside #1653c:G.B. #872P


Inside #1653d

#1621 Inside #1653d: Philippines #1621O

#1605 Inside #1653d: Philippines #1605P


Inside #1653e

#1420-1 Inside #1653e: Philippines #1420-1O

#1422-4 Inside #1653e: Philippines #1422O, #1423P, #1424P


Inside #1653e: Philippines #1425-6O, #1427P, #1428-30O


Scott: #1667P

Issued: 20.2.1984

Revaluation - Overprint #1618


Scott: #1708-9O

Issued: 21.9.1984


#1 Inside #1708-9: Philippines #1O

#59 Inside #1708-9: Australia #59O


Scott: #1710O

Scott: #1714O, #1715P

Pic of #1715a

Issued: 22.11.1984


#1 Inside #1715: Philippines #1O

#2 Inside #1715: Philippines #2O

[Spanish Colony - Queen Isabella II, type B1] Inside #1715: Philippines #4aO

#4 Inside #1715: Philippines #4O

#5 Inside #1715: Philippines #5O

Scott: #1715a FDC

Scott: #1737BcO

Issued: 27.01.1985

Scott: #1715a with Philatelic Week 1984 overprint

Scott: #1737Bc FDC

Lou wrote: The Philippines issued a se-tenent pair of stamps for Ausipex '84 on November 22, 1984, Sc #1715a, noting the Gold Award given to Mario Que for his exhibit of  Philippine classic stamps, the first ever won by a Filipino collector. Then, on January 27, 1985, they belatedly reissued the same stamps with a Philatelic Week 1984 overprint, Sc #1737Bc.

                                                                                                                      Thanks to Lou Guadagno


Scott: #1757aO

Issued: 29.7.1985

75th Anniversary, National Tuberculosis Society

Inside #1757: Pseudo Stamp(?)


Scott: #1793P, #1794P

Issued: 22.5.1986


#241 Inside #1793: Philippines #241P

#390 Inside #1794: Philippines #390O


Scott: #1835P

Issued: 16.1.1987


#390 Inside #1835: Philippines #390O


Scott: #1891O

Issued: 7.11.1987

50th Anniversary, Philippine Philatelic Club

Inside #1891: Collecting Stamps


Scott: #1918-9P

Issued: 25.2.1988

Use Zip Codes

Inside #1918-9: Stamp on Envelope

[Philatelic Week, type ]

Scott: #1975O, #1975a-dO

Issued: 24.11.1988

Philatelic week

Inside #1975c-d: Stamp Collecting

[International Stamp Exhibition "World Stamp Expo '89" - Washington D.C., USA, type ETH] %232010B #2010C

Scott: #2010AP, #2010BO, #2010CP

Issued: 17.11.1989

World Stamp Expo '89-Withdrawn from Sale Week of  Release

#1 Inside #2010A: Philippines #1O

 Inside #2010A: Philippines #Y1O

#219 Inside #2010B: Philippines #219O

#398 Inside #2010B: Philippines #398O

#N1 Inside #2010C: Philippines #N1O

#500 Inside #2010C: Philippines #500O

#2011philippines 2012 (3)

Scott: #2011-2O

Issued: 20.11.1989

Philately in the Classroom

sos philippines 650  1959 (3) Inside #2011: Philippines #650O

Inside #2012: Stamp Collecting

philippines     fdc (3)

                                                                                                                      Thanks to Lou Guadagno

UNO 3v

Scott: #2106O

(Thanks to Jan Van Lin for the scan)

Issued: 24.10.1991

United Nations Agencies

#29 Inside #2106: United Nations #29P

#C3 Inside #2106: United Nations #C3P


Scott: #2152-3O

Issued: 7.6.1992

30th Chess Olympiad, Manila

#1352 Inside #2152: Philippines #1352P

#B21 Inside #2153: Philippines #B21P


Scott: #2154O


Scott: #2273P

Issued: 30.11.1993

Doctrina Christiana, 400th Anniversary

#B2 Inside #2273: Philippines #B2O


Scott: #2294P, #2295O

Issued: 18.2.1994

Hong Kong '94

#2126 Inside #2294: Philippines #2126O

#2207 Inside #2294: Philippines #2207O

#2284 Inside #2295: Philippines #2284O

 Inside #2295: Philippines #2285O

(Thanks to Zhang for scan)


Scott: #2294aO


Scott: #2295aO


Scott: #2385O

Issued: 29.11.1995

National Stamp Collecting Month

Inside #2385 (In Margin): Philippines #2375-8O

(Thanks to Zhang for scans)

Scott: #2490-3O

(Thanks to Zhang for scans)

Issued: 6.10.1997

50th Anniversary, Stamp and Philatelic Division

Inside #2490-3: Pseudo Stamp

[The 50th Anniversary of Stamp and Philatelic Division - Modern Art, type ]

Scott: #2494O


Inside #2494 (In Margin): Philippines #2237O

#2285a Inside #2494 (In Margin): Philippines #2285aO

[Miss Universe Beauty Contest, type ] Inside #2494 (In Margin): Philippines #2304O

 Inside #2494 (In Margin): Philippines #2387O

#2345 Inside #2494 (In Margin): Philippines #2345O

[Greetings Stamps, type FSV][Greetings Stamps, type FSW] Inside #2494 (In Margin): Philippines #2398O


Inside #2494 (In Margin): Philippines #2402O

[Asian Stamp Exhibition "Taipei 96" - Orchids, type ] Inside #2494 (In Margin): Philippines #2434O

[Asian Stamp Exhibition "Taipei 96" - Orchids, type ] Inside #2494 (In Margin): Philippines #2435O

 Inside #2494 (In Margin): Philippines #2476-9O

 Inside #2494 (In Margin): Philippines #2231O

(Thanks to Zhang)

Inside #2494 (In Margin): Philippines #2381O

(Thanks to Zhang)

[The 100th Anniversary of Postal Service, type ]

Scott: #2555O

Issued: 4.11.1998

Philippine Postal Service Centennial

Inside #2555: Pseudo Stamps

[The 100th Anniversary of Postal Service, type ]

Scott: #2556O

[International Stamp Exhibition "Philipinas 98" - Mandaluyong City, Manila, Philippines, type ][International Stamp Exhibition "Philipinas 98" - Mandaluyong City, Manila, Philippines, type ]

[International Stamp Exhibition "Philipinas 98" - Mandaluyong City, Manila, Philippines, type ][International Stamp Exhibition "Philipinas 98" - Mandaluyong City, Manila, Philippines, type ]

[International Stamp Exhibition "Philipinas 98" - Mandaluyong City, Manila, Philippines, type ]

Scott: #2561-5P

Issued: 5-9.11.1998

Philippines '98, Philippine Centenary


 Inside #2561: Philippines #Y1O

 Inside #2561: Philippines #Y2O

Scan not available Scan not availableInside #2562: Telegraph Stamps

 Inside #2563: Philippines #YF1

Scan not available Inside #2563: Official Receipt Stamps

 Inside #2564: Philippines #Y3

 Inside #2564: Philippines #YP1

Scan not available Inside #2565: Cattle Transfer Stamp

Scan not available Inside #2565: Libertad Essay

Scott: #2601O

Issued: 20.1.1999

Centenary, Dept. of Transportation and Communications

Inside #2601:

 Inside #2601: Philippines #2567O

 Inside #2601: Philippines #2566O

 Inside #2601: Philippines #2417

Scan not available Inside #2601: Philippines TBI

 Inside #2601: Philippines #2547O

 Inside #2601: Philippines #2555aO

Philippines #2538O

Philippines #2506O

Philippines #2503bO

Philippines #2446O

Philippines #2540aO

Philippines #2509bO

Philippines #2504O

Philippines #2483O

Philippines #2532O

Thanks to Lou Guadagno


Scott: #2703O, #2704P,

#2705O, #2706P

Issued: 23.11.2000

50th Anniversary, APO Philatelic Society

#620 Inside #2703: Philippines #620O

#639 Inside #2704: Philippines #639P

#850 Inside #2705: Philippines #850O

#B21 Inside #2706: Philippines #B21P (Philippines)

Scott: #2754O

Issued: 24.10.2001

Dialogue among Civilizations

Inside #2754: Pseudo Stamp on Envelope

Thanks to Lloyd Gilbert


Scott: #2883O

Issued: 14.11.2003

First Philippine Stamps, 150th Anniversary, Filipinas2004 Exhibition





Inside #2883:

 Philippines #1O

Inside #2883:

Philippines #2O

Inside #2883:

Philippines #4O

Inside #2883:

Philippines #5O

#605 #606 #607

#C74 #C75 #C76

Inside #2883 (In Margin): Philippines #605P, #606-7O, #C74-5O, #C76P


Scott: #2892O

Issued: 15.12.2003

First Philippine Stamps, 150th Anniversary, Filipinas2004 Exhibition





Inside #2892:

 Philippines #1O

Inside #2892:

Philippines #2O

Inside #2892:

Philippines #4O

Inside #2892:

Philippines #5O


Inside #2892 (In Margin): Philippines #1149P, #1150-52O


Scott: #2893O

Issued: 15.1.2004

Filipinas2004 Exhibition





Inside #2893:

 Philippines #1O

Inside #2893:

Philippines #2O

Inside #2893:

Philippines #4O

Inside #2893:

Philippines #5O

#2385 Inside #2893 (In margin): Philippines #2385O




Scott: #2894-6O

Issued: 30.1.2004

Filipinas2004 Exhibition





Inside #2894-6:

 Philippines #1O

Inside #2894-6:

Philippines #2O

Inside #2894-6:

Philippines #4O

Inside #2894-6:

Philippines #5O

Scott: #2490-3O

Thanks to Zhang for scans

[The 50th Anniversary of Stamp and Philatelic Division - Modern Art, type ]

Inside #2894 (In margin): Philippines #2494O

1999 25th Aniv

Inside #2895 (In margin): Philippines #2539aO



Inside #2895 (In margin): Philippines #2703O, 2704P, #2705O, #2706P

[International Stamp Exhibition "Hong Kong 2001" - Hong Kong, China - Flora and Fauna, type ]

Inside #2896 (In margin): Philippines #2713aO


[International Stamp Exhibition "Hong Kong 2001" - Hong Kong, China - Flora and Fauna, type ]

Inside #2896 (In margin): Philippines #2715aO




Scott: #2891a-dO

Issued: 1.2.2004

150th Anniversary stamps





Inside #2891a:

 Philippines #1O

Inside #2891b:

Philippines #2O

Inside #2891c:

Philippines #4O

Inside #2891d:

Philippines #5O



Scott: #2897 (S/S)O

Scan not available Inside #???? (In margin): Philippines Unissued 10-Cuartos Black Stamp

Scan not available Inside #???? (in margin): Philippines #4c


Scott: #???? (S/S 4v perf, 4v imperf) – A note after #2897a


Scott: #2897a (S/S)O

Issued: 1.2.2004

Overprint on #2897 - Postpex 2004 Exhibition

Scott: #3227O

Issued: 27.7.2009

Pheepoy, Mascot of Philippine Postal Corporation

Inside #3227: Stamp on Envelope


Scott: #3252O

Issued: 7.12.2009

65th Anniversary of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

Inside #3252-3: Hundreds of Philippine stamps creating an image of  a "Greek Goddess of Flights" - TBI


Scott: #3253O

Larger version of the stamp design divided into 4 at 7p each

Thanks to Lou Guadagno


Scott: #3255O

Issued: 10.12.2009

Pheepoy, Mascot of Philippine Postal Corporation

Inside #3255: Stamp on Envelope


Scott: #3323O

Issued: 26.07.2010

Centenary, Philippines Tuberculosis Society

Inside #3323 (On stamp and in margins): various Anti-TB, Christmas seals

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

Scott: #3381O

Issued: 19.06.2011

150th Birth Anniversary Jose Rizal

Inside #3381: Stamp designs feature previously issued Rizal stamps

along with Rizal Monuments found in the Philippines and in China and USA.

Philippines #241P

Philippines #383O

Philippines #461P

Philippines #497O

Philippines #527P

Philippines #813P

Philippines #857P

Philippines #857AP

Philippines #1313P

Philippines #1198P

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

In line with the celebration of the 150th birth anniversary of our National Hero, Jose Rizal, the Philippine Postal Corporation is coming up with the Jose Rizal@150 stamps which will be issued on June 19, 2011. It is classified as a “Commemorative” kind of issue with a denomination of P 7.00 and a quantity of 70,000 pieces each for two se-tenant pairs. Also available is a souvenir sheet with a denomination of P 150.00 and a quantity of 6,000 pieces.

Moreover, Philpost launched an exhibit of stamps and other memorabilia dubbed as “ Rizaliana Collection on Stamps Exhibit by Jorge Cuyugan and Philatelic friends” last Monday, June 13 at the lobby of the historic Manila Central Post Office Building in Liwasang Bonifacio, Manila. The exhibit will run until the 30th of June.

The opening of the exhibit were attended by Commission on Information and Communications Technology (CICT) Secretary Ivan John E., former Senator Nikki Coseteng, NHCP representative Carminda Arevalo and Atty. Ramoncita Reyes, a member of Rizal Family.

On display are complete sets of Rizal stamps issued by PhilPost including winning artworks of the Jose Rizal stamp design contest conducted by the National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP). Three Fine Arts students from the Far Eastern University (FEU) won the contest that aims to promote Rizal’s greatness and contribution to our nation.

The exhibit contains an almost complete collection of Rizalian stamps and other philatelic items limited to his self portrait, monuments and works from the very first issue of 1906 to the latest issues of Rizal stamps on June 19 which are presented in chronological order with introductory texts for each issue.

The exhibit will feature all original items never before featured or shown in any exhibits for viewers to fully appreciate. Visitors and students will also have the chance to view special related trivia’s, pictures and Rizalian collections.

The winning stamp designs which are included in the exhibit will be used by the Philippine Postal Corporation (PhilPost) in launching the special limited stamps of Rizal @ 150 on June 19, the national hero’s birth anniversary.

Marc Aran Reyes, Deanne Fernandez, and Lex Kempho Lacar won the student category in the contest.The young artists created the stamp designs based on their interpretation of Rizal’s ideals.

Fernandez’s stamp design uses the oft-used black and white drawing of Rizal, along with the cover of Rizal’s first novel “Noli Me Tangere.” An oil lamp, which was typically used as evening light, symbolized enlightenment and reason.

For Reyes, Rizal is seen with a white dove beside him, the dove symbolizing freedom from Spanish rule that the Laguna native wished for the Philippines.

The designs of Fernandez and Reyes will be used as stamps while Lacar’s design will be for the cachet of the First Day Cover Envelope that will be issued on June 19.

150p Souvenir Sheets of Ten

           7p 1906 Rizal Stamp & Rizal Monument in Daet, Camarines Norte

           7p 1935 Rizal Stamp & Rizal Monument in Guinobatan, Albay

           7p 1941 Rizal Stamp & Rizal Monument in Santa Barbara, Iloilo

           7p 1946 Rizal Stamp & Rizal Monument in Binan Laguna

           7p 1948 Rizal Stamp & Rizal Monument in Zamboanga City

         12p 1959 Rizal Stamp & Rizal Monument in San Fernando, Cebu

         13p 1962 Rizal Stamp & Rizal Monument in Lucban, Quezon

         20p 1964 Rizal Stamp & Rizal Monument in Romblon, Romblon

         30p 1977 Rizal Stamp & Rizal Monument in Jinjiang City, China

         40p 1978 Rizal Stamp & Rizal Monument in Illinois, USA 

Scott: #3244-5O

Issued: 01.04.2012

50th Anniversary of the Asian Pacific Postal Union

 Inside #3245: Philippines #1323P

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

Scott: #3451O

Issued: 21.10.2012

Canonization of Blessed Pedro Calungsod

  Inside #3451: Philippines #2781O

Inside #3451: Philippines #2782 (Label only)

Thanks to Lloyd Gilbert and Lou Guadagno

Scott: #3514O

Issued: 31.01.2014

New Year/Year of the Horse

Inside #3514 (In margin):

sos philippines 3508  2013 (2)

Philippines #2771O

Philippines #2772O

Philippines #3507O

Philippines #3508O

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

Scott: #3554O

Scott: #3555O

Issued: 10.11.2014

160 anniversary of the first Philippine stamp

Inside #3554-5:

sos philippines 1  1854

sos philippines 2  1854

sos philippines 4  1854

sos philippines 5  1854

Philippines #1

Philippines #2

Philippines #4

Philippines #5


philippines     sheetlet

Scott: #????O

Lou wrote: I like the way the designer feature one sos in a stamp in the block.  The Philippines have noted the 1854 stamps so many times previously, it must be hard for a designer to come up with something "new".  For the heck of it, I tried to find a scan of a #5 stamp in that strange color shown. previously, they always had some shade of the issued green, but had no luck.

Thanks to Lou Guadagno and Prof. Plinio Richelmi

philippines      11 24 2014 (2)

Scott: #3591O

Issued: 19.02.2015

2015 Year of the Goat

Inside #3591 (In margin):

sos philippines 2811  2002 (2)

sos philippines 2812   2002 (2)

sos philippines       2014

sos philippines      3014 (2)

Philippines #2811O

Philippines #2812O

Philippines #3558AO

Philippines #3558BO

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

[The 225th Anniversary of the City of Santa Rosa, type JXN]

Scott: #????P

Issued: 18.01.2017

The 225th Anniversary of the City of Santa Rosa

Inside #????: Pseudo Stamp

Filippine 2017 -

Scott: #3707a-cO

Issued: 24.01.2017

Philippines Host to Miss Universe 2017 Pageant

 Inside #3707a: Philippines #2304aO

 Inside #3707b: Philippines #2304bO Inside #3707c: Philippines #3665O

Scott: #3708O

Thanks to Attilio Papio and Lou Guadagno

[Manila Art Fair - Personalized Stamps, type ]

Scott: #????O

Issued: 17.11.2018

Manila Art Fair - Personalized Stamps

Inside #???? (In margin): Stamps on envelopes

Scott: #????O

Issued: 11.06.2019

2019 Year of the Pig

Inside #???? (In margin):

x ram

x ramm2

Philippines #2337O

Philippines #2338O

Philippines #3079O

Philippines #3080O

x ramm5 

x ramm4

Philippines #3792bO

Philippines #3792aO

Thanks to Attilio Papio

philippines 3821  ss

Scott: #????O

Issued: 11.07.2019

2018 Year of the Dog

Inside #???? (In margin):

in margin sos philippines 2284  1993

in margin sos philippines 2285  1993

Philippines #2284O

Philippines #2285O

in margin sos philippines 3002  2005

in margin sos philippines 3003  2005

Philippines #3002O

Philippines #3003O

in philippines 3821-- sos philippines 3737b design component  dog only  2018

in margin sos philippines 3737a  2018

Philippines #3737bO

Philippines #3737aO

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

[Chinese New Year - Year of the Rabbit 2021, type ]

Scott: #3940O

Issued: 21.07.2023

2021 Year of the Ox

Inside #3940 (In margin):

[Chinese New Year - Year of the Tiger 2022, type ]

Scott: #3941O

Issued: 28.07.2023

2022 Year of the Tiger

Inside #3941 (In margin): TBI

[Chinese New Year - Year of the Rabbit - International Stamp Exhibition "TAIPEI 2023" - Taipei, Taiwan, type ]

Scott: #3942O

Issued: 11.08.2023

2023 Year of the Rabit

International Stamp Exhibition "TAIPEI 2023" - Taipei, Taiwan

Inside #3942 (In margin): TBI

Scott: #3963O

Issued: 13.11.2023

The Manila Central Post Office

Note from Lou: The Manila Central Post Office will celebrate its centenary in 2026, but it is being honored now, as the historic building suffered extensive damage in a major fire in March of this year, and the reproduced stamps show how it appeared thru the years. Restoration has just now begun, and for the second time, as the Post Office was heavily damaged during the Battle of Manila shortly before the end of WWII.

 Inside #3963a: Philippines #355O

 Inside #3963a: Philippines #506P

 Inside #3963a: Philippines #E12P

 Inside #3963b: Philippines #974O

 Inside #3963b: Philippines #973O

 Inside #3963b: Philippines #975O

 Inside #3963c: Philippines #3065aO

 Inside #3963c: Philippines #3065bO


 Inside #3963d: Philippines #3133a-bO


#3227 Inside #3963e: Philippines #3255O

 Inside #3963e: Philippines #3426bO

 Inside #3963f: Philippines #3593O

 Inside #3963f: Philippines #3491O


[Personalized Stamp, type JLB]  Inside #3963g: Philippines #3517O

 Inside #3963h: Philippines #3763O

Note from Lou: The issues from 2014 and 2018 were printed with blank areas where submitted personal pictures could be added; in their place the two stamps have either a printed message (never actually used, and probably from an instruction sheet) or a limited edition publicity imprint.

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

Scott: #????O

Issued: 12.06.2024

The 125th Anniversary of the First Philippine Republic

  Inside #???? (In margin): Filipino Republic Y1 1898-99

 Inside #???? (In margin): Filipino Republic Y2 1898-99

 Inside #???? (In margin): Filipino Republic Y3 1898-99

 Inside #???? (In margin): Filipino Republic YF1 registration1898-99

Lou wrote: The special stamp produced by the PHL Post is 35 x 200 mm long (about 7.5"), and has set a new Guinness World record for the longest stamp. 

After the defeat of the Spanish military in 1898 by the U.S., the Filipino revolutionaries that had fought the Spanish government, expected independence for their country, but found they had just traded the Spanish for American rule. General Emilio Aguinaldo, a revolutionary leader, started a guerrilla war against the U. S. Army, and in the areas under his control set up a working government with a postal service. In late 1898 stamps were printed and used on mails, well before the actual republic was proclaimed by him in June 1899. Bitter fighting went on until 1901 when Aguinaldo was captured and executed.

The U. S. long term intention for the Philippines was to prepare it for independence, which interrupted by WWII, was finally achieved in 1946.

In the left and right ends of the long stamp are examples of the first four stamps, known as the Aguinaldos, issued by the first Filipino Republic. In the center are visual events in the history of the First Republic.

All in all, a very unusual, colorful and interesting SoS.

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

Scott: #????O

Issued: 29.01.2025

2025 Year of the Snake

Inside #??? (In margin): Philippines #2707-8

Inside #??? (In margin): Philippines #3456-7

Inside #??? (In margin): Philippines #???? (2025)

Lou wrote: The Philippines continued their yearly Chinese New Year series on January 29, 2025 with a s/s for the Year of the Snake.  As usual, in the margins are stamps from previous 2000 and 2012 Philippines Year of the Snake issues, plus the design component from the 2024 Year of the Dragon s/s-- but what is different, is the addition of the two Year of the Snake "cartoon" stamps issued several days earlier.

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

Best website related:

Stamp Collection "PHILIPPINEN" -Franz Krieger

ABdA’s Philippine Philatelic Web Site


Scott 2007

Wish List


Philippines #1


Philippines #2O


Philippines #4O

[Spanish Colony - Queen Isabella II, type B1]

Philippines #4aO


Philippines #5O


Philippines #B2O


Philippines #E1



Philippines #J8-14


Philippines #J15


Philippines #NJ1

Philippines #J16-22

Philippines #Y1

Philippines #Y2

Philippines #Y3

Philippines #YF1

Philippines #YP1


Philippines #212

Philippines #355O

Philippines #383


Philippines #390


Philippines #398


Philippines #N1

Philippines #497


Philippines #500


Philippines #542

[The 100th Anniversary of Philippine Stamps, type VH2][The 100th Anniversary of Philippine Stamps, type VH3]

Philippines #606-7 (OTW – BOB 9.23)

[The 100th Anniversary of Philippine Stamps, type VH5]

Philippines #C75 (OTW – BOB 9.23)


Philippines #620

sos philippines 650  1959 (3)

Philippines #650


Philippines #850


Philippines #B48

Philippines #973

Philippines #974

Philippines #975


Philippines #1057


Philippines #1074

sos philippines 1080  1970

Philippines #1080


Philippines #1150-52


Philippines #1156


Philippines #1191


Philippines #1214


Philippines #1237


Philippines #1285


Philippines #1293

Philippines #1322


Philippines #1326


Philippines #1351


Philippines #1411


Philippines #1420-1

Philippines #1422


Philippines #1425-30


Philippines #1425


Philippines #1426

Philippines #C108a


Philippines #C109


Philippines #C110


Philippines #1451


Philippines #1487-8


Philippines #1596

Philippines #1618


Philippines #1621


Philippines #1628


Philippines #1708-9


Philippines #1710


Philippines #1757a


Philippines #1891

[Philatelic Week, type ]

Philippines #1975


Philippines #2010B

#2011philippines 2012 (3)

Philippines #2011-2

[Endangered Species - The Philippine Eagle, Scrivi EVW]

Philippines 1991 for Sierra Leone

[Endangered Species - The Philippine Eagle, type EVY]

Philippines 1991 for Sierra Leone

UNO 3v

Philippines #2106


Philippines #2126


Philippines #2152-3


Philippines #2154


Philippines #2207

Philippines #2231


Philippines #2237


Philippines #2284

Philippines #2285


Philippines #2285a

Philippines #2295


Philippines #2294a


Philippines #2295a


Philippines #2304a-b

[Miss Universe Beauty Contest, type ]

Philippines #2304

x ramx ramm2

Philippines #2337-8


Philippines #2345

Philippines #2375-8

Philippines #2381


Philippines #2385

Philippines #2387

[Greetings Stamps, type FSV][Greetings Stamps, type FSW]

Philippines #2398


Philippines #2402

Philippines #2417

Philippines #2476-9

[Asian Stamp Exhibition "Taipei 96" - Orchids, type ]

Philippines #2434

[Asian Stamp Exhibition "Taipei 96" - Orchids, type ]

Philippines #2435

Philippines #2446

Philippines #2483

Philippines #2490-3

[The 50th Anniversary of Stamp and Philatelic Division - Modern Art, type ]

Philippines #2494

Philippines #2503b

Philippines #2504

Philippines #2506

Philippines #2509b

Philippines #2532

Philippines #2538

Philippines #2540a

Philippines #2547

Philippines #2555a

[The 100th Anniversary of Postal Service, type ]

Philippines #2555

[The 100th Anniversary of Postal Service, type ]

Philippines #2556

Philippines #2567

Philippines #2566

Philippines #2601

Philippines #2703

Philippines #2705

Philippines #2707-8

[International Stamp Exhibition "Hong Kong 2001" - Hong Kong, China - Flora and Fauna, type ]

Philippines #2713a

[International Stamp Exhibition "Hong Kong 2001" - Hong Kong, China - Flora and Fauna, type ]

Philippines #2715a

Philippines #2754

Philippines #2771

Philippines #2772

Philippines #2781

Philippines #2782 (Label only)

sos philippines 2811  2002 (2)sos philippines 2812   2002 (2)

Philippines #2811-2


Philippines #2883


Philippines #2892


Philippines #2893




Philippines #2894-6



Philippines #2891a-d


Philippines #2897 (S/S)


Philippines #????


Philippines #2897a (S/S)

in margin sos philippines 3002  2005

Philippines #3002

in margin sos philippines 3003  2005

Philippines #3003

Philippines #3065a

Philippines #3065b

Philippines #3079-80

Philippines #3133a-b

Philippines #3227


Philippines #3252


Philippines #3253


Philippines #3255


Philippines #3323

Philippines #3381 

Philippines #3244-5

Philippines #3426b

Philippines #3451

Philippines #3456-7

Philippines #3491

Philippines #3507

sos philippines 3508  2013 (2)

Philippines #3508

Philippines #3514

[Personalized Stamp, type JLB]  Inside #????: Philippines #3517O

Philippines #3554

Philippines #3555

sos philippines       2014 sos philippines      3014 (2)

Philippines #3558A-B

philippines     sheetlet

Philippines #????

philippines      11 24 2014 (2)

Philippines #3591

Philippines #3593

Philippines #3665

Filippine 2017 -

Philippines #????

[Manila Art Fair - Personalized Stamps, type ]

Scott: #????O

Philippines ##3763

in margin sos philippines 3737a  2018

Philippines #3737a

in philippines 3821-- sos philippines 3737b design component  dog only  2018

Philippines #3737b

x ramm4 x ramm5

Philippines #3792a-b

Philippines #????

philippines 3821  ss

Philippines #????

[Chinese New Year - Year of the Rabbit 2021, type ]

Scott: #3940O

[Chinese New Year - Year of the Tiger 2022, type ]

Scott: #3941O

[Chinese New Year - Year of the Rabbit - International Stamp Exhibition "TAIPEI 2023" - Taipei, Taiwan, type ]

Scott: #3942O

Philippines #3963

Philippines #???? (2025)

Scott: #????O