Others Stamps Links

Some interesting some more

Note: This list contains very old links,

 some of which are no longer relevant.

General Websites





Dealers and Auctions















Not updated – but still a good one......






Link to
Alphabetilately Home Pagehttp://alphabetilately.com/index1.html



Emmanuel DELPERDANGE – http://users.pandora.be/edelper/home.htm







Teaching With Stamps




Dr. Patricia Stohr-Hunt





Stamp Collecting Begins Here http://www.askphil.org/














ISWSC banner




Stamps and information about the United Nations and the UN system.





The ultimate resource for collecting new stamp issues from the world




Joint Stamp Issues



Stamp Collecting Software and Resources




ATEEME - Variable value stamps study and collecting group http://www.ateeme.net/angles/welcome_a.html

http://www.stamp-scandal.com/Stamp_Scandal.gif  http://www.stamp-scandal.com/Stamp_Scandal1.htm

Fraud on eBay - exposed! http://www.sheryll.net/Forgeries/Fraud/Forgeries_article_Fraud.htm

SCADS - Stamp Collectors Against Dodgy Sellers - fighting stamp auction fraud

Stamp Collectors Against Dodgy Sellers (SCADS)



Transportation and Shipping: All About Philately and Postage Stamps (with thanks to Maureen)


Country name changes affect stamp collecting By Rick Miller

Stamps, the hobby that offers you the world By Michael Baadke



What Philately Teaches, by John N. Luff



Why Watermarks? by Stamp2


Stamp2 - General Articales


My personal thoughts on collecting stamps (philately)


The Evolution of Mail and Postage Stamps





Societies and Clubs


The Aerogramme Society

American Society for Netherlands Philatelists

American Philatelic Society

Australian Philatelic Federation
China Stamp Society

Christmas Philatelic Club

Christchurch Philately

Clube Nacional de Filatelia (Portugal)
Confederate Stamp Alliance Home Page

The Collectors Club of New York





Collectors Pages 

HOMEPAGE FOR COLLECTORS OF THE WHOLE WORLD http://web.telia.com/~u31115401/index1.htm

ASFE – A Stamp From Everywhere

Rob Jenson's Online World of Philately http://www.spotch.com/~robjen/philately/

Vending machine postage stamps http://www.atm-stamps.de/index.htm

De Stamps Dbase http://www.hwtez.nl 



Dealers and Auctions

FREE STAMP CATALOGUE.COM Free world stamp catalogue, powered by PostBeeld.com

http://stamps.delcampe.com/pictures/logo_delcampe_005.gifdelcampe.com http://stamps.delcampe.com/

The meeting place of collection lovers


Empire Philatelists www.empirephilatelists.com



Stamp Collecting - Rubber Stamps, Philately & More! http://polymer-search.com/stamprubberphilately.html



Collectors Pages 

1.       Australian Footy Stamps Philatelic Football (Australia)

2.        Beatles on Stamps and Other Items (Douglas Boynton Quine - United States)

3.       Beetles on Stamps (Patrice Bonafonte - France)

4.       Bridges & Philately (Odd Joha - Norway)

5.       Briefmarken - Die Plattenfehler der AM POST Marken (Andreas Wehner - Germany)

6.       British Africa (Alan MacGregor & Michael Deverell - South Africa)

7.       British Commonwealth Specimen Stamps (Robert Buxton - United Kingdom)

8.       Canadian Perfins of the Victorian Era (Michael Behm - Canada)



To check

Note: This list contains very old links, some of which are no longer relevant.



10.    Cancellations from Sonthofen, in Bavaria - Germany (Klaus Gebert - Sweden)

11.    Cangelaris Philatelic Collection (Panayotis Cangelaris)

12.    Canoe Kayak World Stamp Site (Alexandre Rainsard - France)

13.    Captain James Cook Through Stamps (Garry Law - New Zealand)

14.    Caratex Stamps (Derry Whyte - United Kingdom)

15.    Carsten Abildgaard's Stamp Page (Carsten Abildgaard - Denmark)

16.    Catalog of Motorcycle Stamps (Angel Luis Marcos Arias - Spain)

17.    Cats on Stamps (Laura Settimo - Italy)

18.    Cats, Dodo Bird, Coelacanth, Afghan on Stamps (Sunny's Rainbow - United States)

19.    Cave Stamps (Stefan Zaeker - Germany)

20.    Censored and Military Postal History (Karl Winkelmann - United Kingdom)

21.    Censored Mail (Steen Hרgfeldt - Denmark)

22.    Central/Eastern Europe & Commonwealth of Independant States Philatelic Resources (Tan Wee Cheng - United Kingdom)

23.    CERPOLEX Covers from Expeditions to the North Pole (Francois Bergez - France)

24.    Charlie Chaplin on Stamps (Bernd Kunze - Germany)

25.    Charlie Leck Philatelic Page (Charles Leck - United States)

26.    Chas' Personal Stamp Collection (Chas Adrion - United States)

27.    Chess and Philately (Riccardo Andreis - Italy)

28.    Chopperman's Stamps and Stuff (Mark Hancox - New Zealand)

29.    Christmas Seals and Stamps from Norway (Tony Johansen - Norway)

30.    Christopher Columbus (Norbert Fiks - Germany)

31.    Chuck's World of Stamps (Chuck Mulder - United States)

32.    Chuck's Stamp Room (Chuck Hall - United States)

33.    Cinephilatelie History of Cinema Through Philately (Pierre Girard - France)

34.    Cinephilatelie (Girard Pierre - France)

35.    The Civil War Sun Picture Tax (Bruce Baryla - United States)

36.    Classic Stamps Web Ring (Garry Law - New Zealand)

37.    Classic U.S. Stamp Images (David Aeschliman - United States)

38.    Classics and Cinderella Catalogue (1840-1920) on CD-Rom (E. Klaseboer - Netherlands)

39.    Coelacanth Stamps (Cliff Hyland - South Africa)

40.    The CoG Stamp Collection (Covenant of the Goddess - United States)

41.    Coins on Stamps (Marcel Zumbo - Switzerland)

42.    Collecting British Squared Circle Postmarks (Stanley Cohen - Spain)

43.    Collecting Golf Stamps (David Milstein - United States)

44.    Collecting Works of Czeslaw Slania (Chuck Matlack - Denmark)

45.    Collection d' enveloppes Prךt א Poster (Olivier Perreaut - France)

46.    Collection of Cancellations on Classic and Modern France (Guy Maggay - France)

47.    Collection of Correspondence from Antarctic Bases (W. Fontes - Uruguay)

48.    Collection of the Stamp of France 2f Overseas, the Mill of Alphonse Daudet (Alain Lamy - France)

49.    Collector's Eden Railway Stamps (Frank Van Geirt - Belgium)

50.    Collector's Stamp Pages (Eckhardt Jahn - Germany)

51.    Colorano Silk Collectors Page (David Dresdner - United States)

52.    Comparative Philatelic Forgery Identification Site (Bill Claghorn - United States)

53.    Computer History - in a Different Way (Stamps) (V. Gustin - Slovenia)

54.    Computer Stamps Collector

55.    Computer Stamps (Heikki Rauhala - Sweden)

56.    Computers on Stamps (T. van Beek - The Netherlands)

57.    The Concorde on Stamps (Katrin Redeker - Germany)

58.    Counterfeits and Fakes of Confederate Stamps (Kevin Baker - United States)

59.    Covers Downunder (Sam Kelly - Australia)

60.    The Crazy World of Errors on Stamps (Emmanuel Delperdange - France)

61.    The Chronology of Postal Authorities Issuing Stamps in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina (Zeljko Heimer - Hungary)

62.    Crusade Against Cancer FDC Collection (Mike Smith - United States)

63.    Cryptozoology on Stamps (Philip R. "Pib" Burns - United States)

64.    Cyberfem Barbie's Stamp Collection: Women on Stamps (Jennifer Gagliardi - United States)

65.    Czeslaw Slania's Engravings (Ann Mette Heindorff - Denmark)

66.    D. N. Johnson's Stamp Page (David N Johnson - Canada)

67.    Dag Hammarskjצld Stamps (Chuck Matlack/Toke Nרrby - Denmark)

68.    Dams on Stamps etc. (Richard Soppe - United States)

69.    Danish Christmas Seals (Ann Mette Heindorff - Denmark)

70.    Danish First Day Covers and Dogs on Stamps (Pia Palmblad Wright - Denmark)

71.    Dave's Philatelic Home Page Canadian and Commomwealth Stamps (David Marasco - Canada)

72.    Dave's Stamp Page (David Warren - United States)

73.    Dead Post Offices and Grandpas (Pat and Matt Dakin - United States)

74.    Demographic Stamps (Ed Stephan - United States)

75.    Dennis Sutton Stamp Collector (Dennis Sutton - Australia)

76.    Dentistry and Stamps (Henar - France)

77.    Dentistry in Stamps (Adrian Basu - United States)

78.    Dentistry in Stamps (Adrian Basu - United States)

79.    Desiree's Stamp Collection Aland, Australia, Canada, USA and Dragons on Stamps (Desiree - Netherlands)

80.    Detective Fiction on Stamps (Steve Trussel - Japan)

81.    Dictionary of Philatelic Celebrities (Gilles Patin - France)

82.    Dieter's Homepage Aland, Alderney, Ross Dependency, Postal War and more. (Dieter Becker - Germany)

83.    Dieter's Stamps on the Web Postal War, Alderney, Aland, Ross Dependency (Dieter Becker - Germany)

84.    Dinesh's Thai, Indian, HK and Worldwide Stamps for Trade (Dinesh Mahtani - Thailand)

85.    Dino-Online German Search-System (Germany)

86.    Dinosaurs and Fossils on Stamps (Gerhard Winter - Germany)

87.    Dinosaurs And Prehistoric Animals On Stamps (Peter Ashley - Australia)

88.    Dinosaurs on Stamps (Robert Margulski - United States)

89.    Disnemation Disney on Stamps (William Silvester - United States)

90.    Disney on Stamps (Monika Petkevieiute)

91.    Disney Stamps (Doris Fung - Canada)

92.    Doberman Stamps (Chuck Hall - United States)

93.    Don Hearl's Philatelic Cyber Fest (Don Hearl - United States)

94.    Doug Buss Stamp collector (Doug Buss - Canada)

95.    Dr. B's Stamp Exchange (Dr. Munaf Billoo - Pakistan)

96.    Dr. Charles Di Como 's Stamp Collecting Page (Dr. Charles Di Como - United States)

97.    Dragonfly Dream Mail Art and Artistamps (Faux Postage) (Alice Kitselman-Ames - United States)

98.    The Drunken Boat (Kris Haggblom - United States)

99.    Dubai, Indian Postal Stationery Errors, Bangladesh Stamps (R. Howard Courtney - United States)

100.Dutch Military Postmarks (Hans Holdijk - Netherlands)

101.Dutch Railways on Stamps (Hans Vink - The Netherlands)

102.Dutch Stamps with Errors (C. van Kampen - The Netherlands)

103.Ed's Philatelic Page (Ed Dietz - United States)

104.Ed's Stamp Page (Edward Mann - United States)

105.Edward's Home Page (Ed Bakker - Netherlands)

106.Edward's Homepage (Edward Bakker - The Netherlands)

107.emlnet.com Philatelic Connection

108.En Hjemmeside (Bjרrn Bols - Norway)

109.Enricophil (Enrico Prous - Italy)

110.Ephemera Philatelica - a Philatelic Alphabet (William M. Senkus - United States)

111.Ephemeral Treasures (Bob Ingraham - Canada)

112.Erikoisleimat Finnish Stamps (Henri Seulanto - Finland)

113.Errors & Varieties (David A.Green - United Kingdom)

114.eSpol.com electronic Storia postale online (Piero Di Nicola - United States)

115.Estonian Stamps (Jorgen Andersson - Sweden)

116.Etoiles Des Bureaux de Paris (Jean-Francois Estel - France)

117.EUROPA 2000 Stamps (Ales Bednarik - Czech Republic)

118.Europa Cept Briefmarken (Zoran Ilic - Germay)

119.Exchange for Postcards and Stamps (Andreas Safft - Germany)

120.Exchange Malaysia Stamps (Mohd Idlan - Malaysia)

121.Exchange of Mint Stamp Booklets Worldwide (Carsten Fornoff - Germany)

122.Exchange of Stamps (Luiz Carlos Verissimo - Brazil)

123.Exchange Stamps From the Nordic Countries, Great Britain, Western Germany and the Netherlands (Jרrgen Sרrensen - Denmark)

124.Exhibits and Articles on Early Canadian Stamps (Glen Lundeen - Canada)

125.Famous Women on Finnish Stamps (Anne Digranes - Norway)

126.Famous Women on Stamps (Anne-Maritta Digranes - Norway)

127.Faroe stamps (Steen Petersen - Faroe Islands)

128.Fatin's Malaysia Stamp Album (Fatin Azhar - Malaysia)

129.Ferdinand Eines (Norway)

130.Fido Stamp Society (Sukho Lee - United Kingdom)

131.FilaFunsite Jokes, Cartoons and Strips (Toon Oomens - Netherlands)

132.Filatelia - Intercambio - Novedades - Argentina - Espana - Italia (Julissn D. MArcos - Argentina)

133.Filatelia - Intercambio Argentina Stamps (Julin D. Marcos - Argentina)

134.Filatelia - Specializzazioni Italia Italy, San Marino, Vatican (Gaspare Licata - Italy)

135.Filatelia de Enteros Postales (Postal Entires Philately) Spanish Postal Entires (Francisco M. Querol - Spain)

136.Filatelia De Mexico 1990-1999 (Jorge Puflea Trevi-o - Mexico)

137.Filatelia Policial (Osvaldo Maglioco - Argentina)

138.Filatelia Scacchistica (Roberto Cassano - Italy)

139.Filatelia: Hobby Universale (Tullio - Italy)

140.Filatelija (Lithuania)

141.Finland Postal History (Morten Naarstad - Norway)

142.Finnish Railway Philately (Raimo Peltonen - Finland)

143.Fish on Stamps (Patrick DuBois - France)

144.Fish on Stamps (Manfred Rohleder - Germany)

145.Fish, Game and Duck Stamp Collectors' Page (HNR Software, Howard Richoux - United States)

146.FJC's Stamp Page (Fred Capolongo - United States)

147.All about Flag over Porch stamps (Roland Klinger - Germany)

148.Flags On Stamps (Zhang Xun - China)

149.Flames on Stamps (MARCHAT Loןc - France)

150.Flames on Stamps (Loןc Marchat - France)

151.Flight on Stamps (Thomas Divier - France)

152.Food Stamp History (Martin Pettibone - United States)

153.Football Stamps Want List (Simon Milkus - Ukraine)

154.Foundling Exchange Club Cinderella Stamps (David M. Stirling - Scotland)

155.Francobolli d'Italia (Walter Soardi - Italy)

156.Francobolli..Che Passione (Italy)

157.Frank's Stamps Page Canadian, Channel Islands, and Isle of Man stamps. Transport on Rails Stamps. Stamps Exchanges. (Frank Daems - Belgium)

158.Fredersdorf bei Berlin (Philipp Harder - Germany)

159.Free United States Stamps for Beginners (Brian Harrod - United States)

160.French Engraving Die Proofs (Giorgio Leccese - Italy)

161.French Maximum Card Collecting (France)

162.French Naval Philately (France)

163.French Numerals on Covers (Emmanuel Lebecque - France)

164.French Postal History (Thomas Berger - Germany)

165.French Stamps and Postal Vending Machine Labels (Sandrine Auber - France)

166.French Stamps for Exchange (Yann Loreau - France)

167.French Classic Stamps, also a No Frames Version (Guy Maggay)

168.Frimerker (Simen Sveen - Norway)

169.Frimזrkesider (Poul-Erik Amby Christensen - Denmark)

170.Frog Stamps of the World (Susumu Ishii - Japan)

171.Frog Stamps (Michele Maki - United States)

172.Frog Stamps (G.J.G.A. de Waal - Netherlands)

173.Frogs & Toads on Stamps

174.Gצteborg, Sweden, World, Universe,,, (Malte Aronsson - Sweden)

175.Gabys Stamps (Gaby Schmidtkonz - Germany)

176.Gary Fok's Stamp Page (United States)

177.Gekende Drukdata Van De Typen Poortman, Marchand, Elstr+m, Velghe, Mvtm, Broux, Buzin (De Paepe Roger - Netherlands)

178.Georgi's Homepage (Germany)

179.Georgia on Stamps (United States)

180.German Private Post Office (1886 to 1900) (Anja Kugel - Germany)

181.German Vending Machines Label (Thomas Arlitt - Germany)

182.Gert's Stamp Exchange Center (Gert de Boer - Netherlands)

183.Gert's Stamps Exchange Center (Gert de Boer - Netherlands)

184.Giovanni Fulantelli's Stamps A Celebration of the Cinema on Stamps (Italy)

185.Glassblowing On Stamps (& Glass On Stamps) (Richard Samuel - United States)

186.Glenn Estus's Interests (Glenn Estus - United States)

187.Golf on Stamps (Stephan Filanovitch - France)

188.Golf on Stamps (Jim Dewar - United Kingdom)

189.Golf on stamps and phone cards (Joseph Mesotten)

190.Greenland Censorship and APO's (Per Ronberg - Denmark)

191.Grupo Temtico Impessa (Christian Gabriel Perez - Argentina)

192.H״UG Frimerker: Salgsliste Over Norske Stempler (Norway)

193.Hampstead Castle (Alan Warby - Great Britain)

194.Hans Willems' Philatelic Page (Hans Willems - Netherlands)

195.Hansie about... Philately (New Zealand)

196.Hawaiian Stamps (Rodney Moura - United States)

197.Historic Postmarkart (Ken Turmel, Artist/Historian - United States)

198.From Athens to Sidney History of Modern Olympics Through Philately (Monica Mendoza - Spain)

199.History of the Turkish-Cypriot Postal Administration (Turkey)

200.Holland: The issue 1891 (Wim J. Bongers - The Netherlands)

201.Holograms on Stamps (Ulrich Schmitt - Germany)

202.Home Page (Douglas Quine - United States)

203.Homepage (Vidar Kulseth - Norway)

204.Hong Kong Stamp Catalogue (Lam Wang Yuen - Hong Kong)

205.Hundertwasser Stamp Collection and Philatelic Information (William Scheckel - Germany)

206.Hungary Postal History (Fracesc Segues - Spain)

207.Hurtigtaster Windows (Bertil Steinvikaune - Norway)

208.Hutt River Principality (Peter Thompson - Hutt River, with Western Australia)

209.Ian's Stamp Page (Ian Harper - United Kingdom)

210.Identify Stamps (Marco Sampaio - Portugal)

211.Illustrious Portuguese Navigators (Pedro H. Duarte)

212.Indochina 1861/1904 (Mollien Patrice - France)

213.Indodario's Web Pages (Dario De Santis - Italy)

214.INFLA.de (Olaf Kraatz - Germany)

215.Insulators on Postage Stamps (Jill Meier - United States)

216.Interests: Stamps (John P. Campitelli - United States)

217.Irish Stamps and Postcards (John Mooney)

218.Italian Social Republic Stamps (WWII) (Giorgio Bifani - Italy)

219.Jרrgen Sרmod (Denmark)

220.James Majka's Postal Stationery Home Page Specializing in US Government Postal Cards (James Majka - United States)

221.Jan Nordhagen AS (Norway)

222.Jan-Simon's Hobbycorner (The Netherlands)

223.Jan-Simon's Hobbycorner (Jan-Simon Hoogschagen - The Netherlands)

224.Jane and June's Stamp Exchange (Jane and June Yeap - Malaysia)

225.Janek's Philatelic Page (Janek Lepp - Estonia)

226.Japanese Occupation Stamps (Fritzie Reyes Balugo - United States)

227.Stamps of Japan (Japan)

228.Japhila Philatelic Netmagazine (Bret Janik - Czech Republic)

229.Jim's Stamp Collection and Information (James Fattaleh - United States)

230.Jim's Stamp Page (Jim McCain - United States)

231.Jim's Stamp Page (Jim Stonebraker - United States)

232.Jincheng Huang's Stamp Page (Jincheng Huang - United States)

233.Joaquim Geraldes Philately Page (Joaqium Geraldes - Portugal)

234.Joe's Stamp Homepage (Joze Keber - Solvenija)

235.Joey's Postage Stamps Want List (Joey Schumacher - United States)

236.Jonas' Stamp Page

237.Jonz Stamping Ground Machins, Penny Reds, Perfins, Endorsements, GB revenues (Jon Evans - United Kingdom)

238.Joshua's Stamp Page (J. Thomas Walker - United States)

239.JstABubba's Personal Stamp Collection (Bubba - United States)

240.JStamps - Judaica Philately Jewish history as Depicted on Postage Stamps (Murray Frost - United States)

241.Jules Verne Stamps (Zvi Har'El - Israel)

242.July 1, 1851 First Day of New Postal Rates and First Day of Three Cent Washington Stamp (United States)

243.Jumbo Coins Collectors Corner Includes stamps and postal history (Mike Bailey - United Kingdom)

244.Justwendy Themes (Wendy White - United Kingdom)

245.Kafka-Online (F. Kafka - Germany)

246.Karkkilan Postimerkkikerho (Heikki Savola - Finland)

247.Kathy's Stoney Creek Post Office (Kathy Ward - Canada)

248.KG״YH's Polar Philately Page (Wes Thorn - United States)

249.King George VI Philatelic Resource Site (D.K Studd - United Kingdom)

250.Kingfishers in Philately (Keith B. - United Kingdom)

251.Kingfishers (Keith Bowden - Great Britian)

252.Klussendorf ATM Label Stamps (Macau)

253.Koban Collection Horst Mueller (Japan)

254.Kragh's Wantlists Bosnia and Herzegowinia, Croatia, Estonia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Portugal, Serbia, Slowenien (Denmark)

255.Kramer's Collection (Veniamin Kramer - Ukraine)

256.Kristian's Hjemmeside (Kristian Aune - Norway)

257.Kurland 1944 (Wilhelm van Loo - Germany)

258.La Carte Postale Belge (Daniel Franquien - Belgium)

259.La Storia Postale del Regno Lombardo-Veneto (Andrea Rossignoli - Italy)

260.Lace Stamps of the World (Lori Howe - United States)

261.Lace Stamps (Ann McClean - United Kingdom)

262.LadyMisty's Stamp Collecting and Trading Page (Canada)

263.Land Rovers on Stamps (T. F. Mills - United Kingdom)

264.Lars Larson's Stamp Collecting Page (Lars Larson - United States)

265.Lawrence's Home Page (Lawrence Fisher - Israel)

266.Le 1Fr50 Pיtain A site dedicated to a single stamp (Max Derouen - France)

267.Lehrsammlung (Siegfried Nestler - Austria)

268.Leif Vonge Nielsen's Stamp Page (Leif Vonge Nielsen - Denmark)

269.Leopold Club (Vיronique & Sיbastien Delcampe - Belgium)

270.Les Bureaux Francais de L'empire Ottoman (Robert Desert - France)

271.Les Passe-Temps d'Ivan (Dona - France)

272.Les Timbres de l'Ouest de la France (Bernard Le Lann - France)

273.The Liberia 1952 Jehudi Ashmun Commemorative Issue and its Varieties (Michel Bיgin - Canada)

274.Lighthouse Philately (Kelvin Sleeper - Hong Kong)

275.Lighthouse Philately (Eddy Stone - Hong Kong)

276.Lighthouse Postcards for Sale or Trade (United States)

277.Lighthouse Stamps (Kristen Rasmussen - Norway)

278.Lighthouses on Stamps, Postcards, FDC (Milan Assadourov - Bulgaria)

279.Looking for Three Owl Philatelic Items (Jean-noel Guillon - France)

280.Losmendi's Stamps Exchange Page (J.C. Mendizabal - Spain)

281.Luc Van Roy's Personal Page (Luc Van Roy - Belgium)

282.Luftpost Air Mail (Helmut Demel - Germany)

283.Luis A. Quesada's Page of Philately Postal History (Argentina)

284.Macau - Klussendorf Postage Labels (Joao Augusto - China)

285.Macau Topical Stamps (United States)

286.Machin Stamp Collecting (Bob Hunt - United States)

287.Machine Cancel Electronic Forum (Richard Small - United States)

288.Machine Vending Stamps (Josep Jove - Spain)

289.Mail Censorship During WWII (Olivier Lafarge - France)

290.Mails and Correspondence of POWs and Civilian Internees in East Asia in the Second World War (David Tett - United Kingdom)

291.Malaria on Stamps (Larry Fillion - United States)

292.Malaysian Stamps (TanCc - Malaysia)

293.Manfred Junge Stamps (Manfred Junge - Australia)

294.Manuel's Stamps (Manuel - Germany)

295.Maritime Stamps & Mail (Richard K. - United States)

296.Mark's Stamps (Mark Southwood - United States)

297.Martial Arts Stamps (Stampville.com - United States)

298.Martin Nicholson's Philatelic Links (United Kingdom)

299.Martti's Estonian Stamp Pages (Martti Raikkonen - Finland)

300.Masa's Stamp Page Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania (Masayuki Watanabe - Japan)

301.Mathematics and Calculations on Stamps (Olivier Rochoir - France)

302.Mathematics on Stamps (German) (Oliver Faulhaber - Germany)

303.Mathematics on Stamps (Xavier Hubaut - France)

304.Mathis Sרlverud's Stempelside (Mathis Sרlverud - Norway)

305.Matthew Liebson's Postal History Page (Matthew Liebson - United States)

306.Max Fink's Philately (Max Fink - Austria)

307.Medals and Decorations (R.F. Cote - Canada)

308.Medical Stamps (Ahmet Dogan Ataman - Turkey)

309.Medical Stamps (M. Kuzui - Japan)

310.Medicine Stamps (Truman G. Blocker, Jr. - United States)

311.Melissa's Stamp Exchange (Melissa Kitto - New Zealand)

312.Menno-Jan's Stamp Museum East Africa's Postal History & Maps on Stamps (Menno-Jan Kraak - Netherlands)

313.Meteorite Stamps and Coins (Philip R. "Pib" Burns - United States)

314.Meter Stamp Society Data Center (Alan Draves - United States)

315.Michelle's Homepage Stamp Collecting (Michelle Tam - Hong Kong)

316.Michelle's Mailbox Pages (Michelle A Schneider Behnke) - United States)

317.Micofilatelia Catalog of Mushroom Stamps (Dario Varisco - Italy)

318.Mike Davis' Stamp Page Mint U.S. Sheets (United States)

319.Mike Weatherford's Web Page (Mike Weatherford - United States)

320.Mike's Stamp Page Free Online Catalog (Michael Maffei - United States)

321.Mike's Stamps, Coins and Hobbies (Michael Milos - Canada)

322.MikeFTC's Stamp (Mike - United States)

323.Military Postcards From The First World War (Stephane Bone - France)

324.Millard J. Driscoll's Stamp World (United States)

325.Minerals on Stamps (Guenter Baumgaertel - Germany)

326.Mint Stamps Exchange (Sergey Belaev - Ukraine)

327.Modern History on World Stamps (Japan)

328.Modern U.S. Postal History (Roland Austin - United States)

329.Molinos de Viento en la Filatelia . Windmills on Philately. In Spanish (Pedro Lopez-Pintor Diaz-Galiano - Spain)

330.Montserrat Volcano Stamps (M. T. Dolan - United States)

331.Mozart on Stamps (Patrick Kinders - Belgium)

332.Mr Horse: Equestrian Stamps (Italy)

333.The Museum of United States Essays & Proofs The Ralph R. Zerbonia Collection (Ralph R. Zerbonia - United States)

334.Mushroom Stamps (Rui Carvalho Dias - Portugal)

335.Mushroom Stamps (John Dhabolt - United States)

336.Music on Stamps (T. Furuya - Japan)

337.Music Stamps (United States)

338.The Musical Stamps Home Page (Peter Lang - Germany)

339.My Favorite Topical Stamps (Tianhong Liu - China)

340.My Stamp Album France (France)

341.My Stamp Collection (Bojan Dolšak - Slovenia)

342.My Stamp Collector's Page (Hedvigh)

343.My Stamp Page (Tore Furuheim - Norway)

344.My Stamp Page (Alphons Vanderven - Netherlands)

345.My Stamps Gallery (Jupitar - Bangladesh)

346.Myggan's Philatelic Page Railways (Italian Area), Dolphins (worldwide) and "Cinderellas" Issued in North of Italy - Padania (Myggan Marcello - Italy)

347.Myggan's Topical Railways, Trains, Dolphins and Padania (Marcello Porro - Italy)

348.Mynt Och Sedlar Pו Frimהrken (ִndrad Sedelmynt (J.A.) - Sweden)

349.Mysterious Stamps (Jan B. Steffensen - Denmark)

350.Naveen's World (Naveen Samuel - India)

351.Navigateurs Portugais (Denis Drouin - France)

352.Neandertal (Fran Adams - United States)

353.Net-frim (Jan Kingo Hansen - Denmark)

354.Neue Seite 8 (J. Wittmer - Germany)

355.New Zealand Chalon Portrait Stamps (Garry Law - New Zealand)

356.New Zealand Lighthouse Stamps Government Life Insurance Postage Stamps (Garry Law - New Zealand)

357.New Zealand Lighthouse Stamps (Garry Law - New Zealand)

358.New Zealand International Flights and Airmail Covers (Garry Law - New Zealand)

359.Newspaper Stamps (Doc M. Pepper - United States)

360.Norway Postal History, Volcanos, Japan, GB Wildings (Bjרrn Myhre - Norway)

361.Nuclear Powered Ships on Stamps (Russia)

362.O Mundo da Filatelia (Francisco Josי Profito - Brazil)

363.O'Ashra (Japan)

364.OK-Briefmarken (Olaf Kraatz - Germany)

365.Old Postcard Exhibition (Lars-Olov Stenborg - Sweden)

366.Olympic Philately from Sydney 2000 to Beijing 2008 (Thomas Lippert - Germany)

367.On Philippine Philately (Abraham Luspo Jr. - Philippines)

368.Opera: A Philatelic Look (Paul den Ouden - Canada)

369.Owl Stamps (Mike Duggan - New Zealand)

370.Page from Edu-Gro Latin American stamps and covers (Horacio E. Groio - Argentina)

371.Pagina Filatelica (Jose Antonio - Spain)

372.Paintings on Stamps (Victor Manta - Switzerland)

373.Pak Philately (Rao Hassan Ijaz - Pakistan)

374.Pakistamp Pakistan Stamps, Coins, and Currency (Rao Hassan Ijaz - Pakistan)

375.Paleontology on Stamps (Jose Gregorio Contreras - Venezuela)

376.Paleontology on Stamps (Mario A. Galan - El Salvador)

377.Paquebot Cancellations (Robert Wilson - United States)

378.Parrots on Stamps (Joanna Karocka - Poland)

379.Pat's Stamp Site Great Britain and Channel Islands (Great Britain)

380.Pat's Stamp Page Stamps for Sale (Patrick Salitra - Canada)

381.Patrick Lam's Stamp Collection (Patrick Lam - Hong Kong)

382.Paul Herber's Stamp Pages Iceland, Faroe Islands, Danish West Indes, Norway, Germany (United Kingdom)

383.Paulo Sequeira Stamps from Portugal (Paulo Sequeira - Portugal)

384.The Pavalasky Family WWW Home Page (John J. Pavalasky - United States)

385.Penpal Stamp Exchange (Adam Kristensson - Sweden)

386.Personal Flags of Some Vexillologists (Philippe Bondurand - France)

387.Personal Page (Marc Boucher - France)

388.Personal Stamp Page Trader List, Want List (Jan De Wael - Belgium)

389.Pete's Stamp Collection (Pete Walters - Australia)

390.Peter Skogh Frimהrkskonsult (Sweden)

391.Peter's Page (Peter Sihler - Germany)

392.Petroleum: The Black Gold (Carlos Soares - Brazil)

393.Phil's Postal Page (Phil Verheyen - United States)

394.Phila-Jette Belgium and Airmail Stamps (France)

395.Phila-Reunion.com (Benoמt Chandanson - Germany)

396.Philasport Sports on Stamps (Philasport - France)

397.Philatelic Curiousities (Baroupat - France)

398.Philatelic Home Page (Kjell Odegarden - Norway)

399.Philatelic Home Page (Suraj Jaitly - India)

400.Philatelic Home Page (Peter G. Aitken - United States)

401.Philatelic Home Page (Gardar Johann - Iceland)

402.Philatelic Homepage of Nico Arkenbosch (Nico Arbenbosch - The Netherlands)

403.Philatelic Mineralogy Gem, Rock, and Mineral Postage Stamps (Richard Busch - United States)

404.Philatelic Ornithological Listing (The Bird Stamp Page) (Victor Ng-Thow-Hing - Canada)

405.Philatelic Page (Timo Jהmsה - Finland)

406.Philatelic Philosophy (Alan Soble - United States)

407.The Philatelic Phorum (Zahid Khan - Canada)

408.Philatelic Resources (Mauro Magnani - Italy)

409.Philatelic Stamp Exchange (Katharine Ashlock - Canada)

410.Philatelic Want List (Andrew B. "Butch" Higgins - United States)

411.Philatelie (Tardieu - France)

412.Philatelique Partenaire (Jeremy Stoss - France)

413.Philatelist Redux (Marshall Williams - United States)

414.Philately and Postcards (Kari Paananen - Finland)

415.Philately and Railways (Roberto Gennari - Italy)

416.Philately Down Under (Walter Schillani - Australia)

417.Philately Homepage (Kurt Schneege - Germany)

418.Philately Interests (Markku Korhonen - Finland)

419.Philately of Morocco and Tunisia (France)

420.Philately of Oriental Europe (1850 - 1945) (Miguel Navajas Ojeda - Spain)

421.Philately Page (Carl Jרrgensens Hjemmeside - Denmark)

422.Philately Page (Don Shorock - United States)

423.Philately Page (Rob Jenson - United States)

424.Philately Page (Jose Rodenas Diago - Spain)

425.Philately Sites of Interest (Steve Cohen - United States)

426.Philately Universe Special (Enrico Arkink - Netherlands)

427.Philately Universe Trade (Enrico Arkink - The Netherlands)

428.Philately Universe (Enrico Arkink - Netherlands)

429.Philately, FDC, Collections (Jean-Marc CESAR - Belgium)

430.Philately (Belgium)

431.Philatיlie : le 2,20 F Libertי de Gandon (Christian Barrett - France)

432.Philavision (A to Z of Philately) (Prashant Pandya - India)

433.Philex'Art (France)

434.Philippine Philatelic & Numismatic Webpages (Danilo L. Signo - Philippines)

435.Philippine Philately (Abraham Luspo Jr. - Philippines)

436.Philippines, Madagascar and Germany (Reinhold Lצvenich - Germany)

437.Phillips Stamp Site (David Phillips - United States)

438.Philtek Philatיlie et Gיnיalogie (J Paul Guiard - Canada)

439.phil_ately's Home Page (Rick LaFlam - United States)

440.Phonecards for Stamps Exchange (Francesco - Italy)

441.Phonecards for Stamps Exchange (Francesco - Italy)

442.Photo Album of a Stamp (Toon Oomens - The Netherlands)

443.Physicians on Stamps (Michael Jacobson, MD, MPH - United States)

444.Physics in Philately (Jerzy Rutkowski - Poland)

445.Physics Related Stamp Images (Joachim Reinhardt - Denmark)

446.Pitcairn Display Exhibit (A J Jensen - United States)

447.Playing-Cards Tax Stamps (Peter Endebrock - Germany)

448.Poland Railway Stamps (Jacek Kowner - Poland)

449.Polar Philately (Dieter Querndt - Germany)

450.Polar Stamp Collecting (Mathias Bjerrang - Norway)

451.Polarpost Online (Benoit Sittler - Germany)

452.Polarpost Online (Germany)

453.Postage Stamps of Windmills (Paul Gipe - Germany)

454.Postal Agency of the College AM JAVOUHEY - Senlis - Oise (Raphaכl Cournault - France)

455.Postal History and Post Cards (Henrik S. Soerensen - Denmark)

456.Postal History and Stamps (Eunice and Ron Shanahan - Australia)

457.Postal History from Finland and Struer (Jon Iversen - Denmark)

458.Postal History of Adelie Land (Maurice Bacher - France)

459.Postal History of Germany 1945/46, Africa (Wolfgang Strobel - Germany)

460.Postal History of the City of Ceuta (Eduardo Martin - Spain)

461.Postal History of Worcester, Massachusetts (Bob Track - United Kingdom)

462.The Postal History Page (Hans Karman - Australia)

463.Postal History including GIF files. (Bob Swanson - United States)

464.Postal History (Kjell Jצnsson - Norway)

465.Postal Stationery and Begian Philately (Ludo Thomassetti - Belgium)

466.Postal Stationery in the French Colony (Frederic Vouille - France)

467.The Postal Stationery of Burma & Myanmar 1948-97 (Richard Warren - United Kingdom)

468.Postcard/Stamp Art (Sonja Andic - Canada)

469.Postmarks of Egersund (Hallvard Slettebר - Norway)

470.Poststeder og stempler i Meland (Svein Sellevold - Norway)

471.Postzegels - Eerste emissie 1852 Nederland (Netherlands)

472.Prashant's Home Page (Prashant Pandya - India)

473.Pre-Printed Great Britain Stamp Album Pages (Paul Proctor - United Kingdom)

474.Predecimal Stamps of Australia (Mike Andrew - Australia)

475.Preu�en from 1850 - 1867, Exotic Fishes, Germany, GDR, West Berlin (Hans-Werner Meiner - Gernamy)

476.Primus Americus The first stamp of every country and region in the Americas (Alejandro & Michael Pascual - United States)

477.Private Riga Postcard Collection (Paul Bischoff - Denmark)

478.Private Treaty Stamp Trading (Mack Strathdee - Canada)

479.Privater Briefmarken Homepage (Jean-Paul van den Eijnden - The Netherlands)

480.Prophila Collection (Germany)

481.Purring Tiger's Philatelist World (United States)

482.Quioui's Home Page Frog and/or Toad Stamps and Olympic Games Stamps (United States)

483.Racing on Stamps (Carlo - Italy)

484.Radio Philately from Uruguay (Horacio A. Nigro - Uruguay)

485.Radio Stamps (Bart Lee - United States)

486.Radiology Philatelic History (Radiology Centennial, Inc.)

487.Rag. Gaspare de Lindegg (Italy)

488.Ragnar Hanson's Home page (Ragnar Hanson - Sweden)

489.Railway Thematic Stamps (Horst Brix - Germany)

490.Rainer Schweder's Homepage (Germany)

491.Rainer's Persia Pages Info on first issues of Iran-Persia (Rainer Fuchs - United States)

492.Rainer's Peruvian Local's Pages   Info on Periuvian Local stamps (Rainer Fuchs - United States)

493.Rainer's Tibet Pages Info on stamps and postal history of Tibet (Rainer Fuchs - United States)

494.Rainer's Zemstvo Pages Rural Postage Stamps from Russia (Rainer Fuchs - United States)

495.Ralph E. Trimble's Re-entry Pages (Canada)

496.Ralph's Filasite (Ralph van Erp - Netherlands)

497.Ray's Philatelic Articles: Lists of Direct Links to Articles on Stamps and Postal History (Ray Ransome - United Kingdom)

498.Rena's Stamp Page (Rena and Lodewyk)

499.Rephil Stamps (Reba - Italy)

500.Rhein Main Briefmarken Links (Martin Koenen - Germany)

501.Rhinoceros on Stamps (Sylvestre Buoro - France)

502.Richard Slezak's Worldwide Collection (Richard Slezak - South Korea)

503.Rick's Stamp Web Exchange Western Europe including Malta/Channel Islands (Rick Jost - Austria)

504.Rob's Stamp Page (Rob van Opstal - United States)

505.Robert's Web Site (Robert Smith - South Africa)

506.Roger's Stamp Page (Roger Hare - United Kingdom)

507.Romans on German Stamps (Norbert Fiks - Germany)

508.Ron's Submarine's Covers (Ronny Saxe - Begium)

509.Roses on Postage Stamps (Terri Waddell - United States)

510.Roy's Home Page On Olympic Stamp (Tapan Kumar Roy - India)

511.Roy's Home Page on Worldcup Stamps (Tapan Kumar Roy - India)

512.Royal Mail (Barry Reynolds - United Kingdom)

513.Rubin Stamps Israel Stamps, Klussendorf and Phosphor Varieties (Rubin Meidan - Israel)

514.Russian Stamps (Russia)

515.Ryan's Philatelic Page (Ryan Woosley - United States)

516.Sandrostamp (Artini Alessandro - Italy)

517.Sara's Stamp Studio (Sara Lombard - United States)

518.Scandinavian Countries (M.R.Nielsen - Norway)

519.Scandinavian Countries (M.R.Nielsen - Norway)

520.Schnellbacher Philatelie Postgeschichte, Briefe, Ansichtskarten (J.Schnellbacher - Germany)

521.Science Cartophilately (Indonesia)

522.Scotty's Stamps “Nude Male Gallery” of Fine Art on Postage Stamps (United States)

523.Scouting Museum (Dominique Limbos - United States)

524.Scouts Filatelisten Benelux (Ph. van Hille - Belgium)

525.Scouts on Covers 1918 - 1957 (F Martinez - Spain)

526.Scouts on Stamps (Hallvard Slettebo - Norway)

527.Sea Turtle Postage Stamps of the World (Nancy B. Linsley and George H. Balazs - United States)

528.Selective History of Science on Stamps (Maiken Naylor - United States)

529.Ships & Philately Page (Peter Crichton - United Kingdon)

530.Ships on Stamps (Jostein Simonsen - Norway)

531.Ships on Stamps (Erik Philippus - The Netherlands)

532.Ships on Stamps (Jostein Simonsen - Norway)

533.Ships on Stamps (Jean-Louis Araignon - France)

534.Ships on Stamps (Erik Philippus - the Netherlands)

535.Silman's Stamp Pad (F. Silman - United States)

536.Simon's Stamps Exchanging Page (Simon Milkus - Ukraine)

537.Simon's Philatelic Pursuits (Simon Watkins - United States)

538.Simon's Stamps Exchanging Page (Simon Milkus - The Ukraine)

539.Skap's Bug Stamps (James L Skaptason - United States)

540.Slovenian Stamp Collector (Zelko Darko - Slovenia)

541.Soccer (Football) on Stamps (Lester Williams - United States)

542.Soccer and Pakistan Stamps Stamp Exchange (Taimur Dar - Pakistan)

543.Soccer in Philately (Adri Lampers - The Netherlands)

544.Som-Frim (Sonny Mרller - Faroe Islands)

545.Som-Frim (Sonny - Faroe Islands)

546.SOMMAIRE_0_TIMBRES (Guy Menard - France)

547.Sound Engineer & Stamps Collector Greek Stamp Collection (Michael Milonopoulos - Greece)

548.Space Covers (Pedro Almeida - Portugal)

549.Space Mail (Russia)

550.Space Stamps (Edward A. Locke - United States)

551.Space Stamps (Sergey Okun - Russia)

552.Space-Topical Stamps (Robert Pearlman - United States)

553.Speleophilately International Cave Stamps (Medina Mulaomerovic - The Netherland)

554.Sports on Stamps (France)

555.Stוltrykksidene (Bjרrn Thore Storesund - Norway)

556.Stamp - Home Page Overprints and Underprints on Stamps (Mainly GB Victoria) (Andy Donaldson - United Kingdom)

557.Stamp and Coin Dictionary (Benedikt Wagner - Germany)

558.Stamp and Phonecard Page (Dave Kirby - United Kingdom)

559.Stamp Beauty Competition - Poll (Garry Law - New Zealand)

560.Stamp Collecting (Philately) (Philip R. "Pib" Burns - United States)

561.Stamp Collecting and Fishing (Jan Vidar - Norway)

562.Stamp Collecting and Trading (Walt Whinnery - United States)

563.Stamp Collecting for Everyone (Jim Bingle - United States)

564.Stamp Collecting Page (David Cassar - Malta)

565.Stamp Collecting Questions (Huang Wei - China)

566.Stamp Collections, Trains, Aeroplanes, Lighthouses and Others (Jorge Biera - Spain)

567.Stamp Collection (Iwan and Anges - Indonesia)

568.Stamp Corner United States, Spain, Cuba, Dominican Republic (Carlos Verdura - United States)

569.Stamp Corner (Manuel P. Star - Germany)

570.Stamp Crossroads Dimiter Popov's Stamp Page (Bulgaria)

571.Stamp Exchange Site (Gorazd Kurnik - Slovenia)

572.Stamp Exchange (F Xiang - China)

573.Stamp Exchange (Hugo Luis Alberto Repetto - Italy)

574.Stamp Exchange (Mieczyslaw Zyla - Poland)

575.Stamp Exchange (Jane - Malaysia)

576.Stamp Exhibits (Tom Fortunato - United States)

577.Stamp Home Page (Werner Haselbach - Germany)

578.Stamp Links (Mike Nesbitt - Canada)

579.Stamp Man (Jimmie Bingle - United States)

580.Stamp Me (Duarte Vidal - Portugal)

581.Stamp Newsletter Homepage (Tapan Kumar Roy - India)

582.Stamp News (Jay Bigalke - United States)

583.Stamp on Black History (United States)

584.Stamp Page - France, Canada (Paul-Andre Bouchard - Canada)

585.Stamp Page of Patrick Jahn Stamps to Swap (Germany)

586.Stamp Pages (Leif Salicath - Norway)

587.Stamp Page (Uwe Keith - Germany)

588.Stamp Page (Sergio Koreisha - United States)

589.Stamp Page (Benny Schmidt - Denmark)

590.Stamp Page (Chris Gade Oxholm Sרrensen - Denmark)

591.Stamp Page (Dr.Hans-Werner Meiners - Germany)

592.Stamp Page (Pierre-Alexis Messmer - France)

593.Stamp Page (Tom Erbe - United States)

594.Stamp Page (Lisa McNeill and Tom Paulson - United States)

595.Stamp Page (Mike Davis - United States)

596.Stamp Page (Ben Reynolds - United States)

597.Stamp Swap Robin (Jane Yeap - Malaysia)

598.The Stamp Swop and Exchange (Chris & Judy - Spain)

599.Stamp Trading List (Rich Stoler - United States)

600.Stamp Trading Pages (Steve Ford - Australia)

601.Stamp Want List (Heino Sand - Germany)

602.StampDon Homepage of Stamps (Donald Royce - United States)

603.Stampin Domain (Jennifer - United States)

604.Stamps & Money (N.J.Derks)

605.Stamps / frimerker (Tore Petersen Indrerוk - Norway)

606.Stamps 4 Kids (BumperLand - United States)

607.Stamps and Philately (Thomas Schmidtkonz - Germany)

608.The Stamps and Phonecards Collection (Samuel Cheung - Hong Kong)

609.Stamps and Postcards of Iran (Hosein Araghchi - Iran)

610.Stamps and Sports Cards (Vernon O'Rourke - United States)

611.Stamps by Theme (Verelst Leon - Belgium)

612.Stamps Designed by Friedensreich Hundertwasser and Stamps of Austria (Arnie Berkers)

613.Stamps Down Under Stamp and FDC Swap Site (Walter Schillani - Australia)

614.Stamps Exchange with G. J. van Ooijen (S.C. van Ooijen - The Netherlands)

615.Stamps for Exchange or Sale (Perfulator - Norway)

616.Stamps for Exchange (Vincent A. Randa - Australia)

617.Stamps for Sale (Denis Pavelin - Croatia)

618.Stamps for Trade (Charlie Lorts - Australia)

619.Stamps from Cuba, Canada, China, Sweden, and France (Aldי Charette - Canada)

620.Stamps from Russia and Hungary (Jan Langenberg - The Netherlands)

621.Stamps From Russia, Moldova, Poland, Ukraina, Belarus, Germany (old), Mongolia and Others Wishes to Exchange (Koro Inc., Korobov Sergey - Russia)

622.Stamps From the Whole World for Exchange (Jacob Poul Skoubo - Denmark)

623.Stamps Galore Buy, Sell and Exchange Italian Area (Ciro Gallifuoco - Australia)

624.Stamps of Amphibians (Jorge Biera - Spain)

625.Stamps of Belgium, France, Great Britain, Guernsey, Italy (Frederic Pierard - Belgium)

626.Stamps of Comics (Jorge Biera - Spain)

627.Stamps of Indonesia (Husin Wijaya - Indonesia)

628.Stamps of Japan (Bob Okumura - United States)

629.Stamps of Maurus Damian (Maurus Damian - Indonesia)

630.Stamps of Mexico - 1868 Issue Study Many Postal History Images (Doug Stout - United States)

631.The Stamps of the Grand Duchy of Baden (Eric Pearsall - United States)

632.Stamps of the United Kingdom and Italy (Tony Clayton - United Kingdom)

633.Stamps of the World (Japan)

634.Stamps of the World (Marcelo Medone - Argentina)

635.Stamps of Trains (J. Biera - Spain)

636.Stamps to Exchange Switzerland, Sweden, Germany and Germany (Berlin) (Ales Trtnik - Slovenia)

637.Stamps With Errors (Emmanuel Delperdange - Belgium)

638.Stamps With Fossil Man (Gerhard Winter - Germany)

639.Stamps/Briefmarken (Thomas Schmidtkonz - Germany)

640.Stamps: A Virtual Collection (Kaleb Keithly - United States)

641.Stamps: My Collecting Areas (Gary Grioux - United States)

642.Stamps (Geir Kaasa - Norway)

643.Stamps (Kristian Aune - Norway)

644.Stamps (Simen Sveen - Norway)

645.Stamps (Kjell Aasum - Norway)

646.Stamps (Sverre Holth - Norway)

647.Stamps (Franck Zibi - France)

648.Stamps (Marjut Johanna Ilona Vuolanne - Finland)

649.StampXchange (Matthew Dikmans - Belgium)

650.Steen's Residence Denmark, Greenland, Danish West Indies, Faroe Islands (Steen Hartmann - Denmark)

651.Stein Kristiansens Frimerker (Norway)

652.Steve Ford's Stamp Pages (Steve Ford - Australia)

653.Steve Rose's Stamp Page (Steve Rose - United States)

654.Steve's Philatelic Page Collector of US and Germany Stamps (Steve Staton - United States)

655.Steve's Stamp Page (United States)

656.Steve's Stamp Page (Steve Sherman - United States)

657.Studie Koninklijke Beeltenis van Z.M. Koning Boudewijn - Type Elstrקm (De Paepe Roger - Belgium)

658.Study of the United States Three Cent Postage Stamp Issue of 1851-1857 (David Aeschliman - United States)

659.Study on Marianne de Cheffer (M. Edouard Pיricart - France)

660.Submarines (Vadim Lapin - Russia)

661.Svein's Frimerker (Svein Johnny Hellevik - Norway)

662.Swan Stamps Specialist in British Stamps (Steve Bennett - United Kingdom)

663.Swap Used Definitivies (Navin Lobo - India)

664.Swappers and Collectors Pages Banknotes, Coins, Used Phonecards and New Postcards (Walter and Roberto Onori - Italy)

665.Swedish Wapon (Kenneth Matz - Sweden)

666.Swing Time Philately Golf and Baseball/Softball on Stamps (Rob Vantuyl - The Netherlands)

667.Swiss Stamps (Reto Ambrosini - Switzerland)

668.Sylvester's Stamps and Covers (Stacey Sylvester - Canada)

669.Sיrie Coloniale (France)

670.T. Rex Philately (Fran Adams - United States)

671.Tage Frederiksen's Home Page (Tage Frederiksen - Denmark)

672.Tage Frederiksen (Tage Frederiksen - Denmark)

673.Talyllyn Railway - Railway Letter Service (Richard Huss - United Kingdom)

674.Tanners Stamps (Duane Tanner - United States)

675.Tausche Briefmarken-Exchange Stamps-Scambio Francobolli (Roberto Chinese - Italy)

676.Teaching the Holocaust Through Stamps (Chaya Ostrower - Israel)

677.Telecommunicaction Stamps and Cards (Jan Smits - Netherlands)

678.Telecommunication Stamps & Cards (The Netherlands)

679.Thai Stamps (Wanchok Watanasin - Thailand)

680.Thai Stamps (Dinesh Mahtani (Dino) - United States)

681.The BESt Site (Jordi - Spain)

682.The Crazy World of Errors on Stamps (Emmanuel Delperdange)

683.The Forces, Prisoner of War and Censor Mail (Bruce Haynes, Ph.D., and Brian Pope, M.Phil. - Western Australia)

684.The History and Development of Writing As Depicted On Stamps (Jonathon Blake - United States)

685.The History of the One Penny of Great Britain (Franz Zehenter - Austria)

686.The Private Stamp Collection of Helen Cho (United States)

687.The Stamping Grounds (United States)

688.Thematic Stamp Collector's Page Windmill/Water Mill, Pictorial Cancels, Japanese Scenic Cancels (Japan)

689.Tim "Stretch" Streed's Stamp Page (Tim Streed - United States)

690.Tim's Stamp Page (United States)

691.Timbres et defense How Stamps Represent the Armed Forces and Defense All Around The World (Daniel Roudeillac - France)

692.Titanic Stamps (Ye Meng - Canada)

693.Titia and Rob's Stamp Corner (Rob and Titia Vlaardingerbroek - Netherlands)

694.Tobben's Stamp page (Torbjרrn Helgesen - Norway)

695.TodoColecciףn (David Hernבndez Sanz - Spain)

696.Tokarski, The Guild of St. Gabriel (Ted Tokarski - Poland)

697.Toke Nרrby's Personal Page Danish Philately and Postal History (Toke Nרrby - Denmark)

698.Tonga Jan Flips for Philately (United States)

699.Topical and Holographic Stamps (Ulrich Schmitt - Germany)

700.Topical Philately and History on the Sea (Paulo Pacheco - Portugal)

701.Topical Philately Related to Mohandas K. Gandhi (R.V.Rajan - United States)

702.Topical Stamps (United States)

703.Topicals on Stamps (Sarah Perelli-Minetti - United States)

704.Torino (Gianni Settimo - Italy)

705.Tourism on Stamps, Covers, and Postal Stationery (Bruce Marsden - United States)

706.Train Stamps (Masashi Kominami - Japan)

707.Trains and Stamps (Franחois Boudy - France)

708.Trains on Fred Collins Handpainted FDCs (William M. Senkus - United States)

709.Trains on Stamps (Japan)

710.Trains on U. S. Stamps and Postal Stationary (William M. Senkus - United States)

711.Travelling the World on Art Stamps (Ann Mette Heindorff - Denmark)

712.Stamps of Trinidad and Tobago (Trinidad)

713.Tsekin Postal History (Markku Korhonen - Finland)

714.Turkish & Ottoman Stamps (Merter SAVAS - Turkey)

715.Turkish Stamps (Gultekin Ozaltinordu - United States)

716.Turtle Meter Stamps (Miriam Congedo - Italy)

717.Tusitala Philatelica - Robert Louis Stevenson on Stamps (Steve Trussel - United States)

718.The U.S. Collector (Bill Howard - United States)

719.Ukraine Illustrated Stamp Album (Nikolai Beliantchikov - Australia)

720.Ulf's Philately Page (Ulf Rick - Sweden)

721.Ulrich's Stamps Page (Ulrich Strauer - Germany)

722.Ulysses S. Grant on Stamps (M. Kelsey - United States)

723.Une Approche de la Thematique Maeonnique (Jean-Pol Ducene - Belgium)

724.United States Postage (David L. McClain - United States)

725.US 2nd Bureau Issue Postal History of the US 2nd Bureau Issue (1902-1909) Geoff Dutton - United States)

726.Used Topical Stamps of the World for Exchange. (Sergey Belaev - Russia)

727.Vagn Andersen Stamps Collection (Vagn Andersen - Denmark)

728.Van der Donck Over 500 Stamps, For Exchange or For Sale (Bart Van der Donck - Belgium)

729.Van Gogh on Stamps (De Dijcker Jonathan - Belgium)

730.Variphilatelie (Lionel Laurens - France)

731.Victorian Stamps, South Africa and its States (David A.Green - United Kingdom)

732.Viet Minh Overprints 1945-1946 (Andrew Crenshaw - United States)

733.Vincent Treanton Philatelic Page (Vincent Treanton - Canada)

734.Vintage Labels - The Lost Art of Travel Cinderellas (Ian Nicholson - United States)

735.Vintage Postcards of North Adams,Berkshire County, Massachusetts (Shirley Bruso - United States)

736.Virtual Zeppelin Stamp Collection (Jack Frostt - United Kingdom)

737.Voetbalzegels/enveloppen w.o.Ajax/Feyenoord (Jaap-Willem Roetman - Holland)

738.Volcanoes on Stamps (Jim Whitford-Stark - United States)

739.Volcanos on Stamps (Russia)

740.Volleyball Philately (Gunter Pilz - Austria)

741.W.S.C. World Stamps Collector (YSEBAERT Jean-Claude - Belgium)

742.Wally's Stamp Page (Wally Silvestri - Canada)

743.Weir & Larminie Encased Postage Stamp (ominic Labbי - Canada)

744.WhiTech (John White - United States)

745.Wildlife on Postage Stamps (Tricia Cutler - United States)

746.Willem's Stamp Site (Willem-Jan Wijk - The Netherlands)

747.William III's Handcrafted Cachets (William III - United States)

748.William's Stamp Page (William Thompson - United States)

749.Winkie's Philatelic Home Pages (Karl Winkelmann - United States)

750.Winston's Stamp Webpage (Winston Wu - Singapore)

751.Works of Friedensreich Hundertwasser and Precancels (Hans Hilte - The Netherlands)

752.World At War - The Stamp Album of World War II (James V. Bond - United States)

753.Worldwide Collecting For Beginners (United Kingdom)

754.Worldwide Stamp Collector (1850-1950) (Gloor Yves - France)

755.Worldwide Stamps (Gertrud Vahlbruch - Germany)

756.Wouters Filasite (Wouter Geraedts - Netherlands)

757.WWF Stamps (RuStamps - Russia)

758.XA Space Page (Petr Chytka - Czech Republic)

759.Xinzhong Y�'s Home Page (Finland)

760.Zebras on Stamps (Francois Maurus - France)

761.Zeeland Philately (Toon Oomens - Netherlands)

762.Zeppelin Study Group (Germany)

763.Zeppelin (John Dziadecki - United States)

764.Zwerdling Nursing Archives Picture Postcards of the Nursing Profession (1893-Now) (Michael Zwerdling, RN - United States)

Country Specific

Note: This list contains very old links, some of which are no longer relevant.

If you know of any stamp related resources which are not listed, we would appreciate your input.
Add a free philatelic search engine to your webpage.

1.       The Faroe Stampsite (Jeffrey Crown - United States)

2.       An Abu Dhabi Postal History (Khalid A. Al Omaira - UAE)

3.       Abu Dhabi Stamps and Postal Stationery (Andrew Gondocz - Canada)

4.       Mail in the Land of the Fire Antarctica and Islands of the South Atlantic (Jose Hernandez - Argentina)

5.       East-Germany (former) Antarctic Research Station (Hans-Dieter Neuser - Germany)

6.       Antarctic Philatelic Home Page (Gary Pierson - United States)

7.       Antarctic Philately from New Zealand (Klaus Arne Pedersen - New Zealand)

8.       Antarctic Philately (Yves Duflot - France)

9.       Filatelia Argentina (Pablo Di Maria - Argentina)

10.    The Stamps of Aruba (Michael Connolly - United States)

11.    Asian Stamps (Konstantin Grinchenko - Ukraine)

12.    Asia Stamps Center (Dennis YT Law - United States)

13.    Philately in Australasia (Alan Arnold - Australia)

14.    Australian Collectors Network (Andrew Little and George Knight - Australia)

15.    Australian Flora on Postage Stamps (Murray Fagg - Australia)

16.    Australian Flora on Postage Stamps (Australian National Botanic Gardens - Australia)

17.    Australian Football and Philately (Paul Davies - Australia)

18.    Australian Postal History Pages (John R. Tollan)

19.    Australian Stamps (Isaac Nakhla - Australia)

20.    Canberra Australia Philatelic, Postcard and Postal History (Hans Karman - Australia)

21.    Sydney Stamp Centre Australia (Michael Hudson - Australia)

22.    Wombat Lake Stamps Australia (Warren Laker - Australia)

23.    The Postal History of Austria (Thomas Berger - Switzerland)

24.    Austria and its Philately (Andy Taylor - United Kingdom)

25.    Austria on Covers (G Canseco - Spain)

26.    Bahamas Postage Stamps and Postal History (Peter J. Roberts - United States)

27.    Bahemian and Worldwide Stamps (Don Joss - Bahamas)

28.    Baltic States (Steve Kowalski - United States)

29.    Philatelists Group: The Baltic Area (Jan Kaptein - The Netherlands)

30.    Postal History of the Baltic Area (Jan Kaptein - The Netherlands)

31.    Baltic Revenue Stamp Project (Steve Fernie)

32.    Philatelistenclub Bavaria History of the First Bavarian Stamp Issue (Thomas Hitzler - Germany)

33.    Belarus Illustrated Stamp Album (Nikolai Beliantchikov - Australia)

34.    The Belgian Philatelic Website (Bert Van Pottelberghe - Belgium)

35.    Belgian Philately (Morten J. Lintrup - Denmark)

36.    Belgian Stamps (Fabian - Belgium)

37.    Belgian WWI Red Cross Issues (Morten Lintrup - Denmark)

38.    BelStamps: Philately in Belgium (Guy Sydor - Belgium)

39.    Les Timbres Poste de Collection en Belgium (1997) (Houlou Janvier - Belgium)

40.    Republican State Association Belpochta (Belpochta - Belarus)

41.    Postage Stamps of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Siba's Friends and Relatives Worldwide, Inc. - Switzerland)

42.    Bosnia-Herzegovina 1879-1918 (Carsten Abildgaard - Denmark)

43.    Bosnian Stamps (United States)

44.    Brazilian Stamps (Mauro Cernea - Brazil)

45.    British Commonwealth Postmarks (Robert S. Cragg - United Kingdom)

46.    Postal History of British New Guinea and Papua (John Redgrave - Australia)

47.    British Solomon Islands (Charles Miller - United States)

48.    British Empire Stamps (Luca Chierici - Italy)

49.    British Library Philatelic Collections

50.    British Postal Stationery 1971-1997 (Howard Summers - United Kingdom)

51.    British Stamps (Arne Danielsen)

52.    Philatelic Journey through the History of Bulgaria (Bjorn H. Bakken - Norway)

53.    Stamps of Bulgaria & Rest of the World (Stefan Mihaylov - Bulgaria)

54.    Stamps of Myanmar Burma (Steven Htut - Burma)

55.    Philtek Philatelie and Genealogie Canada (Jean-Paul Guiard - Canada)

56.    Walcer Stamps Canada (Wally Walcer - Canada)

57.    Canada Postal Issues (Stewart Clamen)

58.    1995 Canadian Stamp Program (CRB Heritage project)

59.    BRC Canadian Definitive Stamps (Brian Cannon - Canada)

60.    Learn About Modern Canadian Philately From Featured Philatelic Speaker, Bob McClelland (Bob McClelland - Canada)

61.    Normstamps Canadian Stamps (Norm Wagner - Canada)

62.    Canadian Definitive Stamps of 1972-77 (Jean Lafontaine - Canada)

63.    Canadian Inkjet Postmarks (Michel Gosselin - Canada)

64.    Canadian National Postal Museum

65.    Canadian Postal Archives Philatelic Collections (National Archives of Canada - Canada)

66.    Canadian Stamps and History (Marcel Granger - Canada)

67.    Canadian Stamps Auctions (Morton Jaquays - Canada)

68.    Canadian Stamps Mint and Used (Karl Marquis - Canada)

69.    Canadian Stamps Online (Barry Marles - Canada)

70.    Canadian Wildlife Conservation Stamp Program (Sherman Hines - Canada)

71.    Postal History of Canal Zone Panama Canal Review -- May 1964 (CZBrats - Panama Canal)

72.    Catalogo Francobolli Italiani (Teazzo - Italy)

73.    Central/Eastern Europe and CIS Philatelic Resources (Tan Wee Cheng - Singapore)

74.    Ceylon Sri Lankan Stamps (Kavan Ratnatunga - United States)

75.    Sellos de Chile (Fernando Alvarado - Chile)

76.    stampNETion China and Hong Kong (Daniel Wong - China)

77.    A Complete Stamp Collection of  China (1878-1993) ( Longtian Wang - China Guide Company)

78.    All China Stamps Message Board and Chat Room (William Zhen - United States)

79.    All China Stamps (William Zhen - United States)

80.    Fidelity Trading Company China (Cliff Herrick - United States)

81.    Philately from China and other Asian countries (Austrian Consult AG Dr. Friedrich Zettl) - Austria)

82.    Stamps of China (Steve Cohen - United States)

83.    The Stamps and Cancellations of Imperial China (Tommy Chiu - China)

84.    China Definitives (Zhou Jie - China)

85.    China Stamp Page (Ji Sun - United States)

86.    Chinese Philately: Stamps and Cancellations of Imperial China (Tommy Chiu - Canada)

87.    Chinese Stamps (John Adams - United Kingdom)

88.    Chinese Stamps (China)

89.    Chinese Stamps (Hu Hengjie - China)

90.    Cocos Island Postal Stamp Album (Peter Disch-Lauxmann - United States)

91.    Philately in Colombia (Daniel Alejandro Lopez - Columbia)

92.    Columbian Semi Officials and Rural Stamps (Rainer Fuchs - United States)

93.    Stamps of Comoros Islands including Mayotte Official site for SNPT Comores (MWEZINET, Eric MILAN - France)

94.    Flags of the Congo on Stamps (Joan-Francיs Blanc - Zaire)

95.    Croatian Provisional Issue Plate Varieties (Phil Hughes - United States)

96.    Croatian Stamps (Tomislav Mikulic - Australia)

97.    Croatian Stamps (Tom Mikulic - Australia)

98.    Stamps of  Croatia (Vladimir Braus)

99.    Annotated Bibliography of Cuban Philatelic Literature (Ernesto Cuesta - United States)

100.Cuban Postal Museum

101.Cuban Stamp Program (Alfred Brito - United States)

102.Cuban Stamps (Alexey Kunicin - Russia)

103.Peter's Page of Czechoslovakian Stamps (Peter Hoffman - Sweden)

104.Peter's Page Czechoslovakian Stamps (Peter Hoffmann - Sweden)

105.World of Czechoslovakian Stamps (Jan Kohout - Czech Republic)

106.Czechoslovakian Stamp Resources (Gerhard Batz - Germany)

107.Czechsum: Philately of Czechoslovakia (Jason Cartwright - United Kingdom)

108.Gallery - Czechoslovakia Stamps 1918-... (Radomir Danenberger - Czech Republic)

109.Czech and Slovak Stamp Artists (Gerhard Batz - Germany)

110.Czech Entires (Lubor Kunc - Czech Republic)

111.Czech Philately On Line (Lubor Kunc - Czech Republic)

112.Czech Postal History (Peter Gebauer - Czech Republic)

113.The Danish West Indies (Torben Mehl Jorgensen - Denmark)

114.Danish Christmas Seals (Ann Mette Heindorff - Denmark)

115.Danish Postmarks (Toke Nרrby - Denmark)

116.Perfins from Denmark (Jan Langenberg - The Netherlands)

117.Postal Stationery from Denmark (Lars Engelbrecht - Denmark)

118.Denmark Postmarks and Faroe Islands Postmarks (C. Cavers - United States)

119.Denmark Typographed Wavy Stamps (Bo Meyer - Denmark)

120.Postal History of Dubai (Khalid A. Al Omaira - UAE)

121.Dubai Stamps and Postal Stationery (Andrew Gondocz - Canada)

122.Japanese Occupation of Dutch East Indies Discussion Group (Andrew Freeston - United States)

123.Dutch Stamps (Teunis - The Netherlands)

124.Stamps of East Europa Bulgaria, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania (Sergey - Russia)

125.Eastern Europe Supplier (Karol Fercak - Slovakie)

126.El Salvador Philatelic Handbook (Guillermo Gallegos - Mexico)

127.Emirates Philatelic Association (Khalid A Al Omaira - UAE)

128.USSR Pre-franked Covers with Estonian Topics (Bert Hoflund - Sweden)

129.Estonian Philately Web (Elmo Viigipuu - Estonia)

130.Estonian Philately (Alar Pastarus - Sweden)

131.Estonian Philately (Elmo Viigipuu - Estonia)

132.European Railway Stamps (John can der Pijl - Netherlands)

133.Philately in the European Union (Sjoerd Jager - The Netherlands)

134.Falkland Islands Philately (Stefan Heijtz - Sweden)

135.Faroe Islands Stamp Catalogue (Tom Lintern-Mole - United Kingdom)

136.Faroe Islands

137.Faroe Stamps (Steen Petersen - Faroe Islands)

138.Post Fiji Limited (Post Fiji Ltd. - Fiji)

139.Stamps of Finland Saarinen Definitives (United Kingdom)

140.Erikoisleimat Finnish Stamps (Henri Seulanto - Finland)

141.Cancellations on the Stamps of France (Guy Maggay - France)

142.Stamps from France (Toussaint Coppolani - France)

143.Stamps of France 1876 to 1900 (France)

144.Stamps of France (Vedier Pascal - France)

145.France History By Its Stamps (Laurent Lemerle - France)

146.Martins Philatelie Franco-German Philately (Ralf Gottelmann - France)

147.The French Marianne Issues (David Mills - United States)

148.French Definitive Stamps (Dominique Stephan - France)

149.French Offices of the Ottoman Empire (Robert Desert - France)

150.French Philately: Marianne de Gandon Issues of 1945-47 (Julien Sobrier - France)

151.French Postal History (Jean-Luc Bonnafoux - France)

152.French Postal History (Thomas Berger - Switzerland)

153.French Postal Stationery (Andre Hurtre - France)

154.French Railroad Postmarks (Alain Bonnevie - France)

155.German and Austrian Area Pricelists (Ralph Schneider - US)

156.Jurgen v. Schmeling Briefmarkenversand German and Scandinavian Stamp Site (Jurgen v. Schmeling - Germany)

157.Early Issues of Germany (Gregg - United States)

158.J.G. Heckert Germany and Related Areas (J.G. Heckert - United States)

159.Kurland (Wilhelm van Loo - Germany )

160.Philately of the Allied Occupation of Germany (John Tollan - Australia)

161.South East Philately (Peter Hornung - Germany )

162.Germany West- & East-Germany, Berlin (Roland Karassek - Germany)

163.Peter Bjorks Briefmarkenseite German (Peter Bjork - Sweden)

164.PGP - Pretty German Postcards (Ronald Frank - Germany)

165.Southern Mail specializing in German Stamps (Stephen Le Vine - United Kingdom)

166.German Language Philatelist Links (Walter Christ - Germany)

167.German Propaganda Forgeries for Great Britain (Wolfgang Prהtzsch - Sweden)

168.German Trains on Stamps (von Manfred Kopka - Germany)

169.Gibraltar Philatelic Bureau (GPB - Gibraltar)

170.Gibraltar Stamps (Henry Benitez - Gibraltar)

171.The One Penny and Twopence Postage Stamps of Great Britain 1840-1880 (Tim Burgess - United States)

172.Great Britain Line Engraved Victoria Made Easy (Bill Blank)

173.Great Britain Machin Collectors in Australia (Albert Farrugia - Australia)

174.Great Britain Machins: Over 1,333 varieties Identified (Robin Harris - United Kingdom)

175.Great Britain Used to Trade (Thomas Schmidt - Germany)

176.Philatelic Studies of John A. McCulloch Great Britian & Australia (John McCulloch - United States)

177.Arthur Ryan and Co. Great Britian (Dez Thomas - Great Britain)

178.GBStamps.com Great Britian (Larry Rosenblum - United States)

179.Greek Stamps Info Page (Dimitrios Gotzaridis - Greece)

180.Greek Stamps (George Nikolaou - Greece)

181.Guernesey 1940 - 1946 (Bruno de Morel - France)

182.Haiti : A Selection of Seldom Seen and Unusual Items, 1843-1904 (Peter C. Jeannopoulos - United States)

183.Haiti Philatelic Homepage (Dr. Gerald Boarino - United States)

184.Post Office In Paradise: Mail & Postage Stamps of Nineteenth Century Hawaii (Scott 31 - Hawaii, United States)

185.The Hong Kong Treaty Ports (Robert Wilson - United States)

186.Hong Kong Stamp Catalogue (Patrick Lam)

187.Hong Kong Stamps' Home Page (Clement Liang - Hong Kong)

188.Hong Kong Stamps (Danny Ko - Hong Kong)

189.Illustated List of Recent Hungarian Stamps (Sandor Frey - Hungary)

190.Hungarian Philatelic Magazine (Interfila - Hungary)

191.Hungarian Stamp Collecting (Pierre Vattepain - France)

192.Hungarian Stamps and Trading (Zoltan Miklos - Belgium)

193.Icelandic Stamps Web (Vigfus Palsson - Iceland)

194.Specialised Stamp Catalogue of Iceland (Thomas Graungaard - Denmark)

195.Court Fees and Revenues of India States (Jiri Cerny - Czech Republic)

196.Collect Indian Stamps (Raj Kumar - India)

197.Indian Postage Stamps (Mehul Shah - United States)

198.Indian Postage Stamps (Sapan Jhaveri - India)

199.Postage Stamps of India Used Abroad (Robert Wilson - United States)

200.Stamp Bank India (Navin Lobo - India)

201.Stamps of India (Bijoy Sinha - India)

202.Stamps of India (Madhukar Jhingan - India)

203.The Court Fee and Revenues Stamps of India Princely States (Ing. Jiri Cerny - Czech Republic)

204.India Post: Postal Training Centre - New Indian Stamps, E-cards With Stamp Images, Philately Quiz, etc.

205.Indonesian Postal History (Harry Julsing - Netherlands)

206.Indonesian Stamp Catalog (Eldi Philately World, Lucky Daniel Krompis - Indonesia)

207.IPSC Philatelic Guide to Iran (Dave Armacost - United States)

208.PersiPhila Philately of Iran (Mehrdad Sadri - United States)

209.Forschungs und Arbeitsgemeinschaft Irland: Irish Collecting Society in Germany (Klaus Stange - Germany)

210.Wolf Collection of Irish Postage Stamps (George Rugg - United States)

211.Irish Airmail (Bill Murphy)

212.Irish Philately (James O'Brien - United Kingdom)

213.Irish Philately (Michael Connolly - United States)

214.Irish Stamps: Effects of the Partition of Ireland on the Postal Service (1920-1922) (Arwel Parry - Ireland)

215.Irish Stamps (Jay Gregg)

216.Famous Portraits on the Stamps of  Israel (Sam Zwetchkenbaum - United States)

217.Famous Portraits on the Stamps of Israel

218.Israel Klussendorf Postage Labels (Evyatar Chelouche - Israel)

219.Exchanger Collectors' Association: Italian Collecting (Stamps, Postal History, Coins, etc.) (Daniele - Italy)

220.Old Italian States (Italy)

221.Old Italian States (Lorenzo Gilardi - Italy)

222.Italian Philately (Francesco De Carlo - Italy)

223.Italian Stamps Featuring Birds (Maudoc Birding - Italy)

224.Italian Stamps (Marco Negrל - Italy)

225.Steve Jarvis' Jamaican Stamps (Steve Jarvis - United Kingdom)

226.Beautiful Japanese Stamp Images (Yasuhiko Iwaoka - Japan)

227.Japanese Philately (N.Yamamoto - Japan)

228.Japanese Stamps and History (Tadahiro Iwata)

229.Japanese Stamps (Bob Okumura - Japan)

230.Hikawa Stamps of Japan (Koji Ninomiya - Japan)

231.Postcard and Swordguard Postmarks from Japan (Anker Nielsen - Norway)

232.Collecting Kashmir Stamps of Jammu & Kashmir (1866-1894) (V. & C. von der Lin - Canada)

233.Penn Family's Korean Stamps (Harold Penn - United States)

234.The Facts of Korean Classic Stamps (Jae-Seung Kim - Korea)

235.Latin American Philatelics (Stephen Roche - United Kingdom)

236.Latin American Philately (Joseph Hahn - United States)

237.Latin American Philately (Brian Moorhouse - United Kingdom)

238.Lettonica - Latvian Modern Philately (Paul Bischoff - Denmark)

239.Latvian Philately (Juris Mors - Sweden)

240.Latvian Philately (Juris Mors - Sweden)

241.Latvian Philately (Bill Apsit - United States)

242.Lebanese Philatelic Archives (Elie I. Mourad - United States)

243.Lebanese Philatelist Archives (Elie I. Mourad - United States)

244.Lebanon and Middle East Countries (Zaher Kanafani - Lebanon)

245.Libyan Boy and Girl Scouts Stamps (Ibrahim Ighneiwa - Libya)

246.Lithuanian Philatelist's Site (Kestutis Mikoliunas - Lithuania)

247.A Philatelic Tour of Lithuania (Ron Yankowski - United States)

248.Philately of Lithuania (Jan Kaptein - Netherlands)

249.Philately of Lithuania (Kestas - Lithuania)

250.The Stamp Issues of Lundy (K.E. Arnesen - Norway)

251.Luxembourg Stamps (Serge Ungeheuer - Luxembourg)

252.Luxembourg Stamps (Gary Little - United States)

253.Stamps of the Republic of Macedonia (Dimitri Laskoski - Macedonia)

254.Macedonia Philately (Macedonia FAQ Development Team - Macedonia)

255.Malaysia and Singapore Stamps (Kok Heng Lee - Malaysia)

256.StampCity: Malaysian Stamps (Kenneth Loh - Malaysia)

257.Malaysian Stamp Park (Ahmad Faisal Alias - Malaysia)

258.Malaysian Stamps A listing of stamps issued by Malaysia Post (Lee Chia Mei - Malaysia)

259.Collect Stamps From Malaysia (Teh Hean Lam - Malaysia)

260.Malaysia Dealer/Kiloware page (K.C. Tee - United States)

261.History of Malta on Stamps (Albert Farrugia - Australia)

262.Stamps of Malta Since 1972 (Max Mangion - Malta)

263.Valletta European City of Culture 1998 Malta Sourvenier Sheet (Elaine Cachia and Mark Fiorentino - Malta)

264.Malta 's Postage Stamps (John D. Dingli - Malta)

265.Malta FDCs Online (Mark Fiorentino - Malta)

266.Manitoba Stamps Calling (Glenn F. Hansen - Canada)

267.The Marshall Islands (Dirk HR Spennemann - Australia)

268.Classic Stamps of Mauritius (Peter M.C. Werner - Switzerland)

269.Filatelia Mexicana /Philatelie Mexicaine (UQAC, Juan-Manuel Torres - Canada)

270.Mexistamps Mexican Stamps (Miguel A. Mota - United States)

271.Online Catalog of Mexican Stamps (Mexico)

272.Mexico and Spain Stamps (Moises Rebollar - Mexico)

273.Aerophilately of  Mexico (Marino Riosa - United Kingdom)

274.Exporta Stamps of Mexico (Richard Gaines - Mexico)

275.Postage Stamps of Mexico (Luis Alberto Alvarez Perez - Mexico)

276.Stamps of Mexico (Enrique Sanchez Garcia - Mexico)

277.SPLM Society for Moroccan and Tunisian Philately (HAIK Jean - France)

278.IPP Publishing (Fred Brands - The Netherlands )

279.Philately of the Netherlands (Bob Janning - United States)

280.The Netherlands Philatelists of California (Hans Kremer, Secretary - United States)

281.The Netherlands (R.T. van Capelleveen - Netherlands)

282.New Caledonia 1859-1900 (Richard Frajola - United States)

283.Postal History of British New Guinea and Papua (John Redgrave - Australia)

284.The Virtual Stamp Album New Hebrides (Roland Klinger - Germany)

285.Virtual Stamp Album New Hebrides (Roland Klinger and Martin Treadwell - Germany)

286.New Zealand and Pacific Island Stamps (Paul Leighton - New Zealand)

287.Glen's New Zealand Stamp Page (Glen Len - New Zealand)

288.Glen's New Zealand Stamp Page (New Zealand)

289.New Zealand Dependencies (Paul den Ouden - Canada)

290.New Zealand First Day Covers (Charles Eggen - New Zealand)

291.New Zealand Stamp Images (Robert Clark - United Kingdom)

292.New Zealand Stamp Site (Jamie Adler - New Zealand)

293.Newfoundland Stamp Catalogue (John Walsh - Canada)

294.NicaStamp (Franco F. Solrzano - Nicaragua )

295.NordicBaltic Stamps: Discussion and Breaking News List For Collectors of the Nordic Countries and Baltic States (Jan Prygoda - United States)

296.Norstamps (Norway)

297.North Cyprus Stamps (Y.Y. Senturk - United Kingdom)

298.Geir og Jorgens Fiermerkeside Norway (Geir Harald Lunde - Norway)

299.Norwegian Postal Cancellation Stamps (Morten Ludvigsen - Norway)

300.Norwegian Railways on Stamps (Jon Digranes - Norway)

301.Norwegian Stamps (Frode van Dijk - Norway)

302.Nova Scotia Index (Richard Frajola - United States)

303.Nova Scotia Pence Issues (Richard Frajola - United States)

304.Palestine Stamps (Tan Wee Cheng - Singapore)

305.Stamps of  Panama (Patrick Lamastus - United States)

306.Tambr Persian/Iranian Stamps: First Pahlavi Stamp Series - 1926 (1305) (Iran)

307.Persiphila Persian/Iranian Philately (United States)

308.Phila Folie Pictures of French and French Polynesian Stamps (Dumas Gregory - France)

309.Indonesia Philatelic Web (Ramli Wong - Indonesia)

310.ABDA's Philippine Stamps (Arturo del Ayre)

311.Philippine Stamps (Nigel Gooding)

312.Polish Stamps with Poland Related Areas (Andre Mongeon - Canada)

313.Polar Post Svalbard (Mthias Bjerrang - Svalbard)

314.Polar Philately Mailing List Website (M.de Jong - Netherlands)

315.Polish Stamps (Jan Prygoda - United States)

316.Philately in  Portugal A General Resource. (Carlos Pimenta - Portugal)

317.Stam Portugal (Nuno Maia Goncalves - Portugal)

318.Portuguese India Stamps (Benegal (Benny) Pereira - United States)

319.Timbres Poste de la Reunion : Stamps of Reunion Island (Benoit Chandanson - France)

320.Romanian Military and Postal History webpage (Grecu Dan-Simion - Romania)

321.Specialized Romania Collectors Page (Mats Bluckert - Sweden)

322.Specialized Romania Stamp Collectors Page (Sweden)

323.Stamps and Covers of Romania (Sova Constantin - Romania)

324.Romania as Shown by Its Stamps (Victor Manta - Switzerland)

325.Catalogue of Russian Stamps (1992-...) ("MARKA" Publishing & Trading Centre - Russia)

326.Loral Stamp Company Russian and Related Areas (Leon Finik - United States)

327.South- Russian Exchange Centre, Stamps, Covers, Phonecards (Tonoyan - Russia)

328.Russian Philately and Postal History (David M Rowell - United States)

329.Russian Postage Stamps - Private collection (Andy - Romania)

330.Russian Postage Stamps (Lera - Ukraine)

331.Russian Space & Astronomy Stamp Exchange (Oleg Tuchin - Russia)

332.Russian Stamp Exchange (Marunenko Igor - Russia)

333.Russian Zone Handoverprints (Ekkehard Haas - Germany)

334.RussiaStamps.com (Jeff Wayman - United States)

335.Specialized Illustrated Albums for Russia and Russian Area (Nikolai Beliantchikov - Australia)

336.Russia from Andrey (Andrey Farberov - United States)

337.Encyclopedia Ryukyu Philately (K. Tachikawa - Japan)

338.Encyclopedia of Saint-Pierre & Miquelon (David Allen - Canada)

339.Fellowship of Samoa Specialists (Janet Klug - United States)

340.Sarajevo Postcard (Tan Wee Cheng - Singapore)

341.Scandinavian Philately Official Website of the Scandinavian Philately French Group (M. Desmadril - France)

342.Jurgen v. Schmeling Briefmarkenversand Scandinavian Stamp Site

343.Scandinavian Philately (Bob Williams - United Kingdom)

344.Meterstamps from Scandinavia , 1925 - 1999 (Kjell Arvidsson - Sweden)

345.The Sierra Leone Stamp Collector (Paul Vreugdenhil - United States)

346.Singapore Philatelic Museum (SPM - Singapore)

347.Singapore Postcards (Frederick Ong - Singapore)

348.Singapore Stamp Page (Tang Boon Swa - Singapore)

349.Czech and Slovak Stamp Artists also in German (Gerhard Batz - Germany)

350.Former Soviet Union New Issues From Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbayjan, Turkmenia, Uzbekistan, Tadzhikistan, Kirgizia, Kazakhstan, Russia and Local Issues (Dmirtry Narishkin - Russia)

351.Norvic:Resource for Philately of the Former Soviet Union and GB (Ian Billings - United Kingdom)

352.1997 Spain and Andorra Issues (F. Valenci - Spain)

353.Classic Spain 1850-65

354.Selloland: The Spanish Stamp On Line Catalog (Rafael Lorenzo - Spain)

355.Sri Lankan Stamps (Thushara Wickramasinghe - Sri Lankan)

356.Sri Lanka Stamp Web (Rifki Sameem - Sri Lanka)

357.St. Pierre and Miquelon Canada Philetilic Library (Jim Taylor - Canada)

358.St. Vincent Philately & Stamps (Peter Elias - United States)

359.Sudetenland 1938-1945 (Knud-Erik Andersen - Denmark)

360.Timbres Suisses de Collection: History of Swiss Stamps (Gillard Didier - Switzerland)

361.Swedish Stamps (Evert Johansson - Sweden)

362.Svenska Frimהrken Swedish Stamps (Erik Nordblad - Sweden)

363.Swedish Collections (Ed Denson - United States)

364.Resources for Swiss Philatelists (R. Eggen - Switzerland)

365.Swiss Stamps

366.Stamps from Tannu Tuva (United States)

367.Thailand Philatelic Site of James Butterworth (James Butterworth - Saudi Arabia)

368.Stamp Thai (Damrongchai Kittiprapas - Thailand)

369.Thai Postage Stamps

370.Triangle Stamps (Renי Gerritsen - The Netherlands)

371.Trinidad & Tobago Philatelic Page (E. Barrow - United States)

372.The Trinidad and Tobago Philatelic Page (Edward Barrow - United States)

373.Tughra Net (Chuck Maki - United States)

374.Tunisian Stamps (Braham Sami - Tunisia)

375.Stamps of Tunisia (Mohamed A. Inoubli - Norway)

376.Tunisia 's history through stamps (Meinhard Aits - Tunisia)

377.Ari Philatelics (Febsi Arcioglu - Turkey )

378.Royal Stamp (Royal Stamp - Turkey )

379.Turkish Stamp Collecting Page (Aytekin Tank - Turkey)

380.Tuvalu Online (Brian Cannon - Canada)

381.The Stamps of Tuva (Sperka International, Bruce Sperka - United States)

382.U.S. City and County Revenue Catalog (Kent Gray - United States)

383.Ukraine 2001 Football (Soccer) Issues (Simon Milkus - Ukraine)

384.Ukraine Electronic Stamp Album (Bohdan Hrynyshyn - Canada)

385.Ukrainian Antarctic Philately (Roman Bratchyk - Ukraine)

386.Ukrainian Postcards (Ukrainian Philatelic and Numismatic Society - Canada)

387.Ukranian Olympic Philately (United States)

388.United Arab Emerites Postal History (Khalid A Al Omaira - UAE)

389.Windsor Philatelics United Kingdom (Windsor Philatelics - United Kingdom)

390.Alaska Statehood Postmarks United States (Dirk van Gelderen - The Netherlands)

391.Bureau of Engraving and Printing United States (Bureau of Engraving and Printing - United States)

392.Philately in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States (George Pike - United States)

393.Precancel Information Page United States (Michael Hynes - United States)

394.Postage Stamps of ex- USSR Countries (Roman Aliev - Russia)

395.Stamps from ex- USSR area (Victor Kolos - Russia)

396.The Viet Nam War Museum: Philatelic Collection (United States)

397.Vietnamese Military Mail Terms and Markings (Andrew Crenshaw - United States)

398.Vietnamese Stamp Collection (United States)

399.Stamps of Vietnam (Dang Anh Tuגn - France)

400.Vietnam Stamps (Nghiem Giang Anh - Vietnam)

401.Vietnam Stamps (Vinh Tran - Vietnam)

402.Vietnam Stamps (Chi D. Nguyen - United States)

403.Stamps of West Africa (Jean-Marc Fix - United States)

General Resources

Note: This list contains very old links, some of which are no longer relevant.


1.       1840 On Collector News and Links (United Kingdom)

2.       A Worldwide List of Turtles and Tortoises on Stamps (Donald Riemer - United States)

3.       A.J.'s Encyclopedia of Stamps and Philatelic Links (Arthur Ward - United States)

4.       Alain's Stamps Page Stamp Traders (Alain Pierron - France)

5.       All Philatelic Message Board and Live Chat Room (William Zhen - United States)

6.       All World Stamps On-line Version of the Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogues (Stanley Gibbons - United Kingdom)

7.       Allan's Charity Stamp Mixes (Allan Sanderson - United Kingdom)

8.       AllExperts.com Ask Questions About Stamps (United States)

9.       Amateur Radio First Day Covers (Gary Flechtner - United States)

10.    American Philatelic Research Library (APRL - United States)

11.    An Informative Site About Philately, Including Weekly Articles and Special Features. (The Mining Company, Kimberly Ord - United States)

12.    Animal Stamps from Around the World (Francie Stull - United States)

13.    Antarctica by Stamps (G. Turra - Italy)

14.    Antikktorget (Norway)

15.    Asian Philatelic Links (Konstantin Grinchenko - Ukraine)

16.    Asian Stamp Collection (Wenston Zhou - United States)

17.    AskPhil (Les Winick - United States)

18.    ATM Automat Stamps Worldwide (Markus Seitz - Switzerland)

19.    Australia Post - Postcode Search (Australia)

20.    Australia Post Stamps Mini Site (Vicki Bacon - Australia)

21.    Australiasian Stamps Magazine (Jenni Gormley - Australia)

22.    Awards, Medals, and Badges (Andrei Nosov - United States)

23.    Bait Tov Topical & Countries Packets, Israel Stamps (Zvi Tov - Israel)

24.    Ballons in Philately and Balloon Mail (Markus Wydera - Germany)

25.    Bath Postal Museum (Richard Harbutt - United Kingdom)

26.    BilandCo's Philatelic Wonderland (Bil Tilbury - United Kingdom)

27.    Birds of the World on Postage Stamps (Chris Gibbins - United Kingdom)

28.    Birds on Stamps News Group

29.    BNAPS Stamp Collecting for Kids (Bob Lane - Canada)

30.    Bosham Industries Ltd. (Kathryn Seal - England)

31.    British Library Philatelic Collections (United Kingdom)

32.    Canada & BNA Stamp Catalog 1851-2001 (Canada)

33.    Canada FDCs (Mr. FDC - Canada)

34.    Captain Cook Stamps (CCSU)

35.    Captain James Cook Through Stamps (Law Associates Ltd, Garry Law - New Zealand)

36.    Cardinal Spellman Philatelic Museum (United States)

37.    Catalogo Sassone dei Francobolli Italiani (Italy)

38.    Catapult Mail (Aksel Maack - Denmark)

39.    Celebrate the Century Stamp Program (United States)

40.    Central/Eastern Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States Philatelic Resources (Tan Wee Cheng - Singapore)

41.    Chess on Stamps (Netherlands)

42.    Christmas Seals 2000 (American Lung Association - United States)

43.    Classic Stamps The Most Affordable to Collect (Michel Bיgin - Canada)

44.    Collectibles 101 (David Ehlen - United States)

45.    Collecting Airmail (Cheryl Ganz, Editor - United States)

46.    Collection d'enveloppes Prךt א Poster (Perreaut Olivier - France)

47.    Collector Network (Viatcheslav Gavrilov - Hungary)

48.    Collector's Club Stamps, Bank Notes, Postal Cards (Patrick Lambla, President - France)

49.    Collectors-Exchange.com Coins, Stamps, Cards, Comics, Beanies, Antiques, and More (United States)

50.    Cronaca Filatelica (Duccio De Rosa - Italy)

51.    CTI Philatelic Material Mirror Site. Also an English version (France)

52.    Cuba Collectibles (Miguel A De Dios - United States)

53.    Czech Post Issue of Postcart With Cachet Internet For Philatelists (Bret Janik - Czech Republic)

54.    Czeslaw Slania (Lars Nyberg - Sweden)

55.    DAVO (M. van der Werff - The Netherlands)

56.    Dealers Offering Stamp Approvals

57.    Definitive World (James Zhou - Canada)

58.    deltiology.org Postcard Collecting Resources Worldwide (Roger Harvey - United States)

59.    Diamant op Postzegel (Diamonds on Stamps) (Luc Van Roy - Belgium)

60.    Die Philatelie (Horst Schulze - Germany)

61.    Directory of French Language Philatelic Sites (France)

62.    Directory of Latin American Philately

63.    Directory of Postal Codes of the Czech Republic (Jiri Nemec - Czech Republic)

64.    Disnemation (William Silvester - Canada)

65.    Usenet Newsgroup: dm.stamps.general or via WWWNNTP

66.    The Doane Cancel Website (Gary Anderson - United States)

67.    Dueling Modems Stamps Page (Lloyd A. de Vries, Manager - United States)

68.    Edel Collecties The Supplier for Holland and Belgium Stamps (AnneMarie Beukers - Holland)

69.    Estate Sale: Philatelic Collection (Ron Tamburello - United States)

70.    Euro Asia Collectibles (EAC, Tony Wilson - United Kingdom)

71.    Europa CEPT World (Erwan Keraval - France)

72.    European and Mediterranian Postal Codes (Finland)

73.    European Construction By Stamps (Colson Gerard - France)

74.    Eurostamp News (Tom L-M - United Kingdom)

75.    FACIT Special 2000 Catalog (FACIT - Sweden)

76.    FAQ for rec.collecting.stamps.discuss and rec.collecting.stamps.marketplace (Kaleb S. Keithley)

77.    Faraz's Pakistan Stamps Page (Faraz Ahmed - Pakistan)

78.    Federal Duck Stamp Office (US Fish and Wildlife Service - United States)

79.    Filahome Stamp Magazine (Ruud van Capelleveen - Netherlands)

80.    Filatelia & Personajes (F. R. M. - Spain)

81.    Filatelia 2000 (Piter Car - Columbia)

82.    Filatelia Venezolana (Gustovo Posth - Venezuela)

83.    Filatelia.net (Finland)

84.    Filatelie (Gregory Vanhove - Belgium)

85.    Postal History of the First Transcontinental Railroad (CPRR - United States)

86.    Forgery Manual of Finland (G. Kock - Finland)

87.    Four Chaplains Stamp The Story of the Original First Design by Louis Schwimmer (Suzanne Schwimmer - United States)

88.    Frajola Web Site (Richard Frajola - United States)

89.    Free Downloads for Stamp Collectors (R.T. van Capelleveen - Netherlands)

90.    French Catalog (Yvert and Tellier - France)

91.    French Postal Museum (Pascal Rabier, Philatelic Curator - France)

92.    The French Stamp Directory (Ralf U. Gצttelmann - France)

93.    Gaia Presente (Philippe & Isabelle Morin - France)

94.    Gary Griffith Philatelist, Journalist, Columnist (United States)

95.    Georg's Stamp Offer (Georg Hammrich - Germany)

96.    George VI Definitives (David Studd - England)

97.    George VI (Larry Goldberg - United States)

98.    Glassine Surfer (Mike Mills - United States)

99.    The Hannover 2000 Stamps from Portugal (Ricardo Lapa - Portugal)

100.Helvetia Swiss Stamps (Teneriello Silvio - Switzerland)

101.Hiiu Kogujate Seltsi (Rain and Elmo Viigipuu - Estonia)

102.Hjoerring (Poul Kristensen - Denmark)

103.Hollywood On Stamps Article (Mike Mills - United States)

104.Hoofdpagina (The Netherland)

105.I Francobolli d'Italia (Italy)

106.Intayrnet Philatelic Market Stamp Collector Market (United Kingdom)

107.International Peacekeeper's Mail (Peter Hornung - Germany)

108.International Postal Codes (Professional Computer Consulting - Canada)

109.International Shows of Interest Including FIP World Philatelic Exhibitions (Robert de Violini - United States)

110.International Stamp Collection (Wenston Zhou)

111.Jan's PhilatelEx Stamp Exchange Club (Jan Anderson - United States)

112.Jubii (Niels Borg - Denmark)

113.Judaica Philatelic Resources (Edward Victor - United States)

114.Junior Philatelists on the Internet (Gayland Bird - United States)

115.Just for Stamp Collectors (Robert Wilson)

116.The K's Page (TheK)

117.Kitsch Postcards (France)

118.Klaus Hahn (Klaus-D. HAHN - Germany)

119.Krause Publications Stamps Division (United States)

120.L'arche Magazine Les Juifs Dans Les Timbres (Claude Wainstain - France)

121.L.O.V. Enterprises (Lynn McGowan - United States)

122.Latin America Philatelic Directory (Joel Calizaya)

123.LDF: La Distribution Franחaise Mirror Site (France)

124.Lee's Illustrated Stamp Listopedia (Jeff Lee - United States)

125.Links on Classic Stamps and Postal History By Country and by Topic (Michel Bיgin - Canada)

126.Links to British Colonial Stamp Sites (Tom Cusick - United States)

127.Linn's Online Linn's Stamp News (Steve Ferda - United States)

128.List of Collectors Interested in Exchanging Stamps (Eoin Readout - Ireland)

129.Listings of Stamp Shows Around the World (Paul Edney - United States)

130.Luxembourg Philately PRIFIX® 2001 Stamp Catalogue (Luxembourg)

131.M. Osborne Covers (M. Osborne - United Kingdom)

132.Malte Aronsson's Philatelic Resources on the Web (Malte Aronsson - Sweden)

133.Manfred Junge & Co Pty Ltd stamps & accessories (Manfred Junge - Australia)

134.Manitoba Stamps Calling (Canada)

135.Medicine on Stamps (J.C. Nicholson, M.B., F.R.C.S.Ed. - United Kingdom)

136.Michael B. Deery, Philatelist (Michael Deery - Canada)

137.Mike Jackson Publications (Mike Jackson - United Kingdom)

138.Military/Censored Postal History (Roger Barton - United Kingdom)

139.Milwaukee Public Museum Info about the History of Stamps (Milwaukee Public Museum - United States)

140.Minerals and American History First Day Covers (United States)

141.Multilingual Stamps (Organization for Multilingualism - Spain)

142.Munich Philatelic Library (Leonard H. Hartmann - Germany)

143.Museaums Online Co. (Taiwan)

144.Museum for Communication (Switzerland)

145.Museum of the Order of Malta (Switzerland)

146.Museums Around the World (Government of Egypt - Egypt)

147.My World Stamps Articles, News, Reviews, Message Boards, Free Classifieds (Nigel Peacock - United Kingdom)

148.NetCollection (United States)

149.New Stamps - Filahome Philatelic Magazine (R.T. van Capelleveen - Netherlands)

150.New Zealand Stamp Site (New Zealand)

151.The Newport Postcard Museum (Federico Santi - United States)

152.Index of Classifieds for North Texas Stamps (North Texas Stamps - United States)

153.Norwegian Posthorn Series (Norway)

154.An Introduction to Orchid Stamps (Nina Rach - United States)

155.Oxfam Stamp Programme (Andrew Gondocz - Canada)

156.Perfins Club (Joe Coulbourne - United States)

157.The Perfins Place (Joe Coulbourne - United States)

158.Phil-Ouest (Bernard Le Lann - France)

159.Philaguide (W.J.Bongers - Netherlands)

160.Philaleaves (Jim Mackay - Scotland)

161.Philanet German philatelic sites (Markus Seitz - Switzerland)

162.Philatelia Alosta (Kurt de Roeck - Belgium)

163.Philatelic and Numismatic Resources (Antiques AtoZ - United States)

164.Philatelic Bureaux of the World (Robert Murray - Scotland)

165.Philatelic Educational Videos (Hello Chodura - Germany)

166.Philatelic Experts (G. Kock - Finland)

167.Philatelic Geography (Zenonas Zebrauskas - Lithuania)

168.Philatelic Museum of Medellin (H. Gil Pantoja - Colombia)

169.Philatelic Museums and Libraries (Graeme Sherman - United Kingdom)

170.Philatelic Museums (Graeme Sherman - United Kingdom)

171.Hellenic Ministry of Culture Philatelic Museum (Greece)

172.Philatelic Periodicals of the World (Chester M. Smith, Jr. and Gini Horn - United States)

173.Philatelic Study Group Former USSR (Jayseth Guberman - United States)

174.Philatelic World

175.Philatelic.Com Online Mall, Philatelic Links, and Email Service (Gregory K. Deeter - United States)

176.Philatelist's Board (Richard Frajola - United States)

177.Philately & Education (Patrice Vיzina - Belgium)

178.Philately and Postal History (United Kingdom)

179.Philately Series : Stamp Collecting Courses (Penn State - United States)

180.Philately.com Good General Stamp Resource

181.Philately.Net Philatelic Resources (France)

182.Philately (Brazil)

183.Philatיlie Besanחon Franche-Comtי in French (Tramesel - France)

184.PhilCat 2000 UFO stamps (Giancarlo D'Alessandro - Italy)

185.Phildex Catalog Conversion for Scott, Stanley Gibbons and Yvert and Tellier (Richard Babin - Canada)

186.PICCYS Hompage Digital Imaging (Gary Wilson - United Kingdom)

187.Portal Site for European Stamps (Bart Van Acker - Belgium)

188.The Portuguese Philately Magazine (Carlos Pimenta - Portugal)

189.Post & Tele Museum (Denmark)

190.Post Offices - Postcodes - Postal rates - Phone books (Pascal Pinan-Lucarre - France)

191.Postage Rates Worldwide (Markus Seitz - Switzerland)

192.Postage Rates Worldwide (S. Puetz - Germany)

193.Postage Stamp Identification Guide (C. Cavers)

194.Postal Administrations Resources on the Web (Fabio Alarici - Italy)

195.Postal History - Censorship (Steen Hרgfeldt - Denmark)

196.The Postal Museum in ֵrhus, Denmark (Toke Nרrby - Denmark)

197.Postal Museums of Morroco (Morroco)

198.Postal Postings (Everett Slosman - United States)

199.The U.S. Postal Rate Commission (United States)

200.Postal Rates .INFO International Postal Directory (Australia)

201.Postal, Telephone and Philatelic Web Resources (T. F. Mills - United States)

202.PostalNews.Com (Brian Sheehan - United States)

203.Postcards from Nunavik The Canadian Arctic

204.The Postmark Newsletter (Paul Brenner - United States)

205.Postzegels Ruil Idee (HWteZ)

206.Postzegels, Albums, Catalogi, Telefoonkaarten (F.E. Neuerburg - Netherlands)

207.Postzegels (HWteW - The Netherlands)

208.Princely States Report Online Journal of Indian States Philately and History (Ron Rice - United States)

209.Professional Stamp Experts (Randy Shoemaker - United States)

210.PTT and Philately Links to Philatelic Sites (Todd Mills - United States)

211.Public Domain Stamp Collecting News Articles

212.Quaker Lane Stamps Bourse (Jay Guberman - United States)

213.Usenet Newsgroup: rec.collecting.postal-history or via DejaNews

214.Usenet Newsgroup: rec.collecting.stamps.discuss or via DejaNews

215.Usenet Newsgroup: rec.collecting.stamps.marketplace FAQ

216.Usenet Newsgroup: rec.collecting.stamps.marketplace or via DejaNews

217.Regis Stamps and Postal History (Regis Cusin - France)

218.Republic Stamp and Coin Accessories (Laurence Saitowitz - South Africa)

219.Resource to Help Identify Difficult Stamps (Stefano Adinolfi & Casper Boks - Italy)

220.Resources for Topical Philatelist on the Web (R.V. Rajan - United States)

221.Rick's Stamp Page (Ricky Tan - Singapore)

222.The Robert Zoellner Collection Complete Collection of United States Stamps (Siegel Auctions - United States)

223.Rocky Mountain Philatelic Library (Roger Rydberg - United States)

224.Rod's Stamp Newspaper (United States)

225.Ron's Hologram Stamps (Ron Bosbyshell - United States)

226.Rosendale Stamps (Michael Musgrave - United Kingdom)

227.Royal Mail Millennium Stamps (Daniel Read - United Kingdom)

228.The Royal Philatelic Collection (United Kingdom)

229.San Diego Exhibiting Workshop A Philatelic Exhibiting & Judging Resource (Fran Adams - United States)

230.Sarawak Museum (Malaysia)

231.Singapore Philatelic Museum (Singapore)

232.Slovakia Postage Amount FAQ (Slovakia)

233.Smithsonian National Postal Museum (United States)

234.SOL Kvasir : Hobby : Samling : Frimerker (Norway)

235.Sonia's Stamp Homepage (Sonia McKay - Gibraltar)

236.Southern California Stamp Shows Calendar (United States)

237.Space Stamps (Sergey Okun - Russia)

238.Speleophilately International (Cave Stamps)

239.Spellman Museum of Stamps and Postal History (United States)

240.Stamp Albums Web Stamp Album Pages in PDF format (William Steiner - United States)

241.Stamp and Coin Collecting Sites (Arwel Parry - United Kingdom)

242.Stamp Atlas (United Kingdom)

243.Stamp Auction Network (Droege Computing Services - United States)

244.The Stamp Buyer's Guide A Guide to Online Stamp Dealer and Stamp Auction Listings (Michael Mills - United States)

245.Stamp Cafe New Issues from Around the World (Stanley Gibbons - United Kingdom)

246.Stamp Central Member of DealerMalls.com Collectibles Network (Alan H. Cohen, President - United States)

247.CollectingChannel.com's Stamp Channel (ChannelSpace Entertainment - United States)

248.Stamp Collecting Questions and More! (Wayne Miller - United States)

249.Stamp Collecting Resource (Jim Watson, eBay - United States)

250.Stamp Collecting Site Dedicated to Promote the Hobby (Frank Mardle - United Kingdom)

251.The Knowledge Hound: Stamp Collecting (Knowledge Hound, LLC - United States)

252.Stamp Collecting (Shoban Sen - United States)

253.Stamp Collectors Exchange Lists (Ireland)

254.Stamp Collector (Kim Frankenhoff - United States)

255.Stamp Forgery Links (G. Kock - Finland)

256.Stamp Links (Roger Pearce - United States)

257.Stamp News Magazine (John Dunn - United States)

258.Stamp News On-Line (Alan Cohen - United States)

259.Stamp Newsletter Home Page (Tapan Kumar Roy - India)

260.Stamp News (Elaine Evans - Australia)

261.Stamp on Black History Home Page (Students for ThinkQuest)

262.Stamp Pages (Josי Martםnez - Spain)

263.Stamp Pavilion (Che-keung Ng - Canada)

264.Stamp Planet Tips for Beginners (Natasha Kinsmore - United Kingdom)

265.Stamp Publications (Printed) (United States)

266.Stamp Shop (Bryan Lilley - New Zealand)

267.Stamp Site of the Week (Law Associates Ltd, Garry Law - New Zealand)

268.Stamp Today Daly News From the Philatelic, Stamp and Postal World (O. Neufeld - United States)

269.Stamp Trader List (Phil Guptill - Denmark)

270.Stamp Universe A philatelic resource listing dealers, shows, a stamp dictionary, and WWW resources.

271.Stamp2 Exchange Forum (Singapore)

272.Stamp2.com (Rarities International Pte Ltd, Francis Chan - Singapore)

273.Stampist.org (Wilson Lau - United States)

274.Stampnet (Justin Harnish - New Zealand)

275.StampNet (Thailand)

276.Stamps and Things (David Evans - England)

277.Stamps Bank (SotheBay International Ltd - China)

278.Stamps By Themes.com (France International, Inc. - United States)

279.Stamps for Exchange (Jenni - South Africa)

280.Stamps for Kids (Karl Norby - United States)

281.Stamps for the Specialist (Robert S. Bailey - United States)

282.Stamps on Stamps (Mike Knopfler - United States)

283.Stamps Web Page (Brazil)

284.Stamps.AU Shop (Ken Sparks - Australia)

285.stamps.co.uk (United Kingdom)

286.Stamps.Net Internet Magazine for Stamp Collectors (Randy Neil - United States)

287.StampsCircuit Club (Mordecai Kremener - Israel)

288.StampSites.com (Linn's Stamp News - United States)

289.Stampslex Stamp Locater (Chris Gade Oxholm Sרrensen - Denmark)


291.Stampworld (Albert Zavurov - United States)

292.Stampworld (Alan Williams - United Kingdom)

293.The Standard Stamp Decimal Number (John Murray - United States)

294.Sweden Postal Museum

295.SWStamps (Sid Weinman - United States)

296.Sylvester's Stamps and Covers (Stacey Sylvester - Canada)

297.Tasta Philately Club (Bjorn Bols - Norway)

298.Thai Postal Code Search (Thailand)

299.The Museum of the Post (Unofficial) (France)

300.The Star of Chinese Philately (Republic of China)

301.Their Stamp on History (Jennifer Hemphill Tatroe - United States)

302.Theme Birds on Stamps (Kjell Scharning - Norway)

303.ThePostalGateway.com Internet E-Magazine (Brian Hauxwell - United Kingdom)

304.Timbres-poste de l'Ile de la Reunion (Benoit Chandanson - France)

305.Tom's Stamp Exchange (Tom Lee - Malaysia)

306.Tony Bellew Great Britain Postage Stamps: Queen Victoria - Queen Elizabeth II (United Kingdom)

307.Top 100 Stamps-Sites (Georg T. Jelinek - United States)

308.Trade by Wantlists (by Yvert )- Mancolistes - Fehllisten (HIPP Rodolphe - France)

309.Transcontinental Mail on the Pacific Railroad (Bruce C. Cooper - United States)

310.Traveling the World on Stamps (Ann Mette Heindorff - Denmark)

311.TUBFRIM (Norway)

312.UK Philately Stamp Collecting Plus More (Graeme MacDonald - United Kingdom)

313.Ukranian Medicine and Philately (Ukraine)

314.Unidentified Philatelic Objects (Rick Scott - United States)

315.United States Zip Code Server (Zip + 4) (Ajay Shekhawat - United States)

316.Unofficial Home Page for La Poste - France (Christian Scherer - France)

317.Virtual Stamp Club on Delphi (Manager, Lloyd de Vries - United States)

318.Voyager avec les timbres (JL Burggraf - France)

319.Want Lists (Guido Kolbe - Germany)

320.Wardrop's Philately Online (United Kingdom)

321.Wayne's Stamp Resources (Wayne Miller - United States)

322.Wineburgh Philatelic Research Library (University of Texas at Dallas - United States)

323.Wired Stamps - Classic US Stamps (Michel Bיgin - United States)

324.World Forgery Catalogue (G. Kock - Finland)

325.The World of Stamps (Zumstein - Switzerland)

326.The World Wide Stamp Exchange Club (Michael Drolet - United States)

327.The World's Marketplace of Postage Stamps (Len Nadybal - United States)

328.Worldwide Exchange Center for Collectors (Didier Laquaye - Belgium)

329.Worldwide Stamp New Issues (Dave Joll - New Zealand)

330.Zipcode Resources


Shows and Societies

Note: This list contains very old links, some of which are no longer relevant.

We now have 4214 philatelic links. If you know of any stamp related resources which are not listed, we would appreciate your input.
Add a free philatelic search engine to your webpage.

1.       ֵrhus Frimזrke Klub (Hans Jרrgen Hרy - Denmark)

2.       3C-Covers (Henry Pritchard - United States)

3.       ABB Frim_rksklubb (Lennart Ryberg - Sweden)

4.       Abrafite - Associaחדo Brasileira de Filatelia Temבtica (Brazil)

5.       Accueil (France)

6.       The Aerogramme Society (Jerome V. V. Kasper - United States)

7.       The Aerogramme Society (Tom Adami - Australia)

8.       AFDCS Chapter 73 Handdrawn and Handpainted First Day Covers (United States)

9.       AIDA - Associazione Italiana di Aerofilatelia (Italy)

10.    AIM - Associazione Italiana di Maximafilia (Italy)

11.    Airmail Society of New Zealand (New Zealand)

12.    Albertino de Figueiredo Foundation for Philately (Nieves Olea - Spain)

13.    Alingsוs Philately Club Ungdom (Emil Gildebrand - Sweden)

14.    All China Philatelic Federation (China)

15.    American Air Mail Society Exhibiting Awards (American Air Mail Society - United States)

16.    American Air Mail Society (Ken Sanford - United States)

17.    American First Day Cover Society (United States)

18.    American First Day Cover Society (United States)

19.    American Helvetia Philatelic Society (George Struble - United States)

20.    The American Philatelic Foundation (Michael DuBasso - United States)

21.    American Philatelic Society (Wendy Masorti - United States)

22.    American Plate Number Single Society (Norman Wood - United States)

23.    American Revenue Association (Martin Richardson - United States)

24.    American Society for Netherlands Philatelists (Hans Kremer - United States)

25.    American Society of Polar Philatelists (Gary Pierson - United States)

26.    The American Stamp Club of Great Britain United States and United Nations Stamps (M. Simons - United Kingdom)

27.    American Stamp Dealers Association Online (United States)

28.    American Topical Association - Wine on Stamps Study Unit (James D.Crum, President - United States)

29.    American Topical Association (Paul den Ouden)

30.    Amsterdamse Postzegel JeugdClub Online (The Netherlands)

31.    ANCAI - Associazione Nazionale Collezionisti Annullamenti Italiani (Italy)

32.    Anchorage Philatelic Society (Robert Spaugy - United States)

33.    The Andorran Philatelic Study Circle (E. J. Jewell - United Kingdom)

34.    Andover Stamp Club (Steve Jarvis - United Kingdom)

35.    Arab Gulf and Yemen Stamp Group (United States)

36.    ARGE Bulgaria, Interessengemeinschaft fuer Bulgariensammler Interest Group for Collectors of Bulgarian Stamps (Roland Leins - Germany)

37.    ArGe Germania e.V. (Ludger Breil - Germany)

38.    Armed Forces Stamp Exchange Club (Larry O. Sundholm, Executive Secretary - United States)

39.    Art Cover Exchange (United States)

40.    Art Cover Exchange (United States)

41.    Asociaciףn Filatיlica Temבtica Argentina (Christian Gabriel Perez - Argentina)

42.    Association of British Philatelic Societies (Graeme MacDonald - United Kingdom)

43.    Association of Essex Philatelic Societies (Charlie Mead - United Kingdom)

44.    Association of Mexican Philately (Mexico)

45.    Associaחדo Filatיlica e Numismבtica de Santa Catarina - AFSC (Professor Soares - Brazil)

46.    Astro Space Stamp Society (Derek Clarke & Jeff Dugdale - United Kingdom)

47.    The Astro Space Stamp Society (Jeff Dugdale - United Kingdom)

48.    Atlanta Stamp Collectors Club (Peter Roberts - United States)

49.    Australian Philatelic Federation (Deryn Druce - Australia)

50.    Australian Philatelic Society (John R. Tollan - Australia)

51.    Australian Philatelic Society (Australia)

52.    Austrian Philatelic Society (Andy Taylor - United Kingdom)

53.    Avenir de Sarcelles Philatelie (Frederic - France)

54.    Bakersfield Stamp Club (Sarah Perelli-Minetti - United States)

55.    Baltimore Philatelic Society Information About BALPEX (Robert Gibson - United States)

56.    Baroda Philatelic Society Baroda (Vadodara), India (Prashant H. Pandya - United States)

57.    Baroda Philatelic Society (Prashant Pandya - India)

58.    Basildon Philatelic Society (Charlie Mead - United Kingdom)

59.    Bay Area Perfins Association (Alan Sandy - United States)

60.    Beach Philatelics/ACE (Steve Francolla - United States)

61.    Bechuanalands and Botswana Society (Neville Midwood - United Kingdom)

62.    Belfast Phiatelic Society (Ireland)

63.    Belgian Postal Stationery Society (BPSS - Belgium)

64.    Bellville Philatelic Society (Reanie Janse van Vuuren - South Africa):  http://bellvillephilatelic.tripod.com/

65.    Belmophil - Belgian Philatelic Study Circle (Roger J-B E Verpoort, Promoter - Belgium)

66.    Bologna's Numismatic and Philatelic Association (Italy)


68.    Briefmarken-Sammler-Verein Esslingen von 1893 e.V. (Germany)

69.    Briefmarken-Sammlerbund e.V. Grenzach-Wyhlen (Germany)

70.    Briefmarkenfreunde Horb e.V. (Germany)

71.    Briefmarkenfreunde Leer (Oswald.Janssen - Germany)

72.    Briefmarkenkunde Ulm 1883 e.V.(VBK), Briefmarkensammler-Gemeinschaft Ulm(BSG/BSW) (Germany)

73.    Brighton Philatelic Society (Charles Bromsert - Australia)

74.    The British Aerophilatelic Federation (Marino Riosa - United Kingdom)

75.    British Caribbean Philatelic Study Group (Dr Russell Skavaril - United States)

76.    British Collectors Club of Nova Scotia (Canada)

77.    British North America Philatelic Society (Robert Lane - Canada)

78.    British Philatelic Trust (Graeme MacDonald - United Kingdom)

79.    British Railway Postcard Collector's Circle (Tony Harden - United Kingdom)

80.    British Society of Russian Philately (Anatoly Kiryushkin - United Kingdom)

81.    British Virgin Islands Philatelic Society (British Virgin Islands, West Indies)

82.    Bullseye Cancel Collector's Club (Jeffrey Hayward - United States)

83.    Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Bahnpost (RPO) in Germany (Horst Brix - Germany)

84.    Bureau Issues Association (BIA) 1954 Liberty Series Study Committee (Roland Austin - United States)

85.    The Burma Philatelic Study Circle (Richard Warren - United Kingdom)

86.    Cairns Stamp Club - Philatelic Society (Alan Sparks - Australia)

87.    Camara Brasileira de Filatelia (Henrique Cruz - Brazil)

88.    Cambio di indirizzo (Gotelli Mario - Italy)

89.    Canadian Forces Philatelic Society (David Gronbeck-Jones - Canada)

90.    Canadian Perfins Study Group British North America Philatelic Society (Joe Coulbourne - Canada)

91.    Canadian Postal Stationery Study Group (Steven Whitcombe - Canada)

92.    Canal Zone Study Group (Alan Bentz - United States)

93.    Canpex 2000 (New Zealand)

94.    Captain Cook Study Unit (Ian Boreham - United Kingdom)

95.    The Carriers and Locals Society (Martin Richardson - United States)

96.    Casey Jones Railroad Unit of ATA (CJRRU@att.net - United States)

97.    Catalina Stamp Club A Kid's Stamp Club (Tim Odom - United States)

98.    CCC - Club Collection & Communication (France)

99.    Cedar Rapids Stamp Club (Christopher Dahle - United States)

100.Centennial Stamp Club (Wolfgang Richter, Secretary - Canada)

101.Centro Filatelico Lujan (Sergio M La Rosa - Argentina)

102.Centro International De Filatelia y Numismatica (Alejandro Torres - Chile)

103.Centro Italiano Filatelia Resistenza (Italy)

104.Cercle Philatיlique Roman (Jacques Mayne - Belgium)

105.Cercle Philatelique Mamer (Ralph Letsch - Luxembourg)

106.Champaign-Urbana Stamp Club (Rob Leigh - United States)

107.The Channel Islands Specialists' Society (Ron Osborne - United Kingdom)

108.Charlotte Philatelic Society (Harold B. Reiter - United States)

109.Chemnitzer Briefmarken Club 1990 e. V. (Patrick Lohse - Germany)

110.Chicago Philatelic Society (Andrew Oleksiuk - United States)

111.China Philatelic Association (Charles Chan - Hong Kong)

112.China Stamp Society (Sam Chiu - United States)

113.Chittenden County Stamp Club (Paul Abajian - United States)

114.Christchurch Philately (Steven McLachlan - New Zealand)

115.Christmas Philatelic Club (Kathy Ward - Canada)

116.Christmas Seal and Charity Stamp Society (Betsy Berry - United States)

117.Christopher Columbus Philatelic Society (Donald R. Ager - United States)

118.Cinderella Stamp Club (C M Philip - United Kingdom)

119.Circolo Filatelico Numismatico Cremonese (Ivan Bonardi - Italy)

120.Civil Censorhsip Study Group (Karl Winkelman - United Kingdom)

121.Civil Censorship Study Group (Karl Winkelmann - United Kingdom)

122.Clermont County Stamp Club (Janet Klug - United States)

123.Club Filat‚lico Jos‚ Cuadra Argello (Ren‚ Sandino - Canada)

124.Club Filatelico Baden-Powell de Mexico (Mexico)

125.Club Filatelico de Caracas (Alberto Moratty - Venezuela)

126.Club Filatelico Guayaquil (Ecuador)

127.Clube Nacional de Filatelia (Paulo Silva - Portugal)

128.Coin & Stamp Club of the University of British Columbia (Clayton Lam - Canada)

129.ColFra Association of Collectors of French Colony Stamps (Jacques Merot, President - France)

130.Collecting Stamps Club (Wayne Miller)

131.Collector 2001 (Czech Republic)

132.The Collectors Club (K.D. Steidley - United States)

133.Collectors of Religion on Stamps (Verna Shackleton - United States)

134.Collectors.Org National Association of Collectors (United States)

135.Colorado Springs Stamp Club (Keith Larson - United States)

136.The Columbus Philatelic Club, Inc. (W. Beau - United States)

137.Confederate Stamp Alliance Home Page (Dick Byne - United States)

138.Consejo Mexicano de la Filatelia (Mexican Philatelic Council) (Jaime Benavides - Mexico)

139.COSSU Chess on Stamps Study Unit (COSSU - United States)

140.Council of Northern California Philatelic Societies (CNCPS) (Leonard Holmsten, President - United States)

141.The Cover Collectors Circuit Club (Thomas M. Fortunato - United States)

142.Creative Retirement Stamp Club (Manitoba, Canada)

143.Croatian Philatelic Society (USA) (Ekrem Spahich - United States)

144.Croatian Society of Olympic Philately & Memorabilia (Ivan Libric - Croatia)

145.Croydon Philatelic Society (John Ray - Great Britain)

146.Cuban Philatelic Society of America (Ernesto Cuesta - United States)

147.CyberStamp Club (Bruce Kilgour - South Africa)

148.Cyprus Study Circle (Jim Wigmore - United Kingdom)

149.Dakshina Kannada Philatelic Association (YV Jeppu - India)

150.The Danish Thematic Society (Frode Vesterby Knudsen, President - Denmark)

151.Deutsche Philatelisten Jugend e.V. An Association of more than 600 Philatelic Youth Groups in Germany (Heiner Schrop - Germany)

152.Die Suhler-Briefmarkensammlervereine (Andrי Nursinski - Germany)

153.Dinofossil Club (El Salvador, United States, Venezuela, Czech Republic and Spain)

154.Disabled Collector's Correspondence Club (DCCC) (Glen Chisholm - United States)

155.Dogs on Stamps Study Unit (Morris Raskin - United States)

156.Dundee & Districts Philatelic Society (P Dix - Scotland)

157.Dundee Philatelic Society unofficial (David Stirrups - United Kingdom)

158.Dutch Society of Postage Stamp Dealers (N.V.P.H.) (Erik Boerי, Webmaster - Netherlands)

159.Dutch Stamp Collectors Association Scandinavia (The Netherlands)

160.Dutch Stamps Collectors Association - Scandinavia (H.P. Burgman - Netherlands)

161.Earlwood and Districts Stamp Club (Adam Morehouse - Australia)

162.East Midlands & East Anglia Philatelic Federation (Keith Rippin - United Kingdom)

163.Ebony Society Of Philatelic Events and Reflections (Sanford L. Byrd - United States)

164.The Edmonton Stamp Club (Canada)

165.EFO Collectors Club Errors, Freaks, Oddities (James E Mcdevitt - United States)

166.Eindhoven Stamp Club (The Netherlands)

167.Eire Philatelic Association (Michael Connolly - United States)

168.El Salvador Collectors Club (Joe Hahn - United States)

169.EMIWS Stamp Museum (Emile B. Badir)

170.Empire State Postal History Society (Glenn A. Estus - United States)

171.Erie County Coin Stamp & Currency Show (Rolf Hjalmarson - United States)

172.Espaסa 2000 World Philatelic Exposition (Spain)

173.Estonian Philatelic Federation (Kalju M��r - Estonia)

174.Ethiopian Philatelic Society Related Links

175.Ethiopian Philatelic Society (Floyd Heiser - United States)

176.Ethiopian Philatelic Society (Floyd Heiser - United States)

177.Ethiopian Philatelic Society (Floyd Heiser - United States)

178.European Academy of Philately (Carlos Pimenta, Webmaster - France)

179.European Club of the C.E.B.A.T. (Michel Liechtele, President - France)

180.Expotem 1ra. Muestra Filatelica Tem�tica On-line (Christian G. Perez - Argentina)

181.FAI - Study Circle for Irish Philately in Germany (Klaus Stange - Germany)

182.Farnborough Stamp Club (Alan Hitchman - United Kingdom)

183.Febraf - Brazil Federation of Philately (Brazil)

184.Federated Philatelic Clubs of Southern California (United States)

185.Federation of Central New York Philatelic Societies, Inc. (United States)

186.Federation of German Auctioneering Firms (RA Dieter Lצhr - Germany)

187.Federation of Inter-Asian Philately (FIAP)

188.Federation of Norwegian Philatelists (Hallvard Slettebo - Norway)

189.Federation of the Italian Philatelic Societies (Italy)

190.FFAP: French Federation of Philatelic Societies (France)

191.FGGB British Philately in Germany (Germany)

192.Filatelia de Europa Oriental (1900-1945) - Don Sello (Miguel Navajas Ojeda - Spain)

193.Filatelisten Vereniging NOVIOPOST (The Netherlands)

194.Filatelistenvereniging de Globe te Barneveld (Pieter Broekema - Netherlands)

195.Filatelisticna zveza Slovenije (Patricio Bulic - Slovenia)

196.Filatelistische Contactgroep Oost Europa Eastern Europe Philately (Secretary: A. Welvaart - Netherlands)

197.The Finnish Society for Thematic Philately (Ms. Seija-Riitta Laakso - Finland)

198.FIP Postal Stationery Commission (Ross A. Towle - United States)

199.FIP Section for Astrophilately (Charles Bromser - Australia)

200.The FIPO Virtual Gallery Olympic Stamps (International Olympic Philately Federation)

201.Foothill Stamp Club (United States)

202.Forces Postal History Society (Karl Winkelman - United Kingdom)

203.Forschungsgemeinschaft Kanalinseln and Insel Man Club of Collectors of the Channel Islands (Guernsey/Jersey) and the Isle of Man Leopold Mayr - Germany)

204.Fossil Stamp Club

205.France & Colonies Philatelic Society (Kris Haggblom - United States)

206.France and Colonies Philatelic Society unofficial (David Stirrups - United Kingdom)

207.Fredericton District Stamp Club Online Bourse (Canada)

208.French Philatelic Academy (Andre Hurtre - France)

209.French Topical Philately Association (Louis Collinet - France)

210.Freophil Fremantle & Districts Philatelic Society Inc. (Chris de Haer - Australia)

211.Frespex / Fresno Philatelic Society (Richard Harisson - United States)

212.Fri & Frank - Barnas Philately Club (Norway)

213.Friends of Philately (Canada)

214.Fundy Stamp Collectors Club (Canada)

215.Garfield-Perry Stamp Club (Tom Mahon - United States)

216.Gay & Lesbian History on Stamps Club (United States)

217.Gems, Minerals and Jewelry Study Unit American Topical Association (United States)

218.German Perfin Society (Alfred Wirth - Germany)

219.German Philatelic Federation (Germany)

220.German Philatelic Youth Association (Germany)

221.German Scout Stamp Association (Germany)

222.German Stamp Lexicon (B. Wagner - Germany)

223.German Studygroup for Nordic Countries within the German BDPh (Dr. Reinhard Meyer - Germany)

224.Germany Philatelic Society (Jerry Jensen - Germany)

225.Gibraltar Philatelic Society unofficial (David Stirrups - United Kingdom)

226.Gibraltar Study Circle unofficial (David Stirrups - United Kingdom)

227.Glasgow 2000 National Philatelic Exhibition (Douglas Boyle - Scotland)

228.Glasgow Philatelic Society (John Morgan - Scotland)

229.Goldfields Philatelic Society (Meyer de Kock - South Africa)

230.The Grand River Valley Philatelic Association (Peter & Athena Jarvis - Canada)

231.Great Britain Decimal Stamp Book Study Circle (Hanns Jצrg Fasching - United Kingdom)

232.Great Britain Philatelic Society Old Site (United Kingdom)

233.Great Britain Philatelic Society (GBPS - England)

234.Greater Augusta Stamp Club (Lloyd A. de Vries - United States)

235.Greater Saint Louis Stamp Club (Alan Barasch, President - United States)

236.Greater Toronto Phonecard Club (Che-keung Ng - Canada)

237.Grimstad Filatelistklubb (Bjorn Engh - Norway)

238.Group for Revenues and Cinderellas (Thorbjorn Wikstrom - Sweden)

239.Grupo Tematico Musica Afita (Meguerdich Papazian - Argentina)

240.gsi'BRIA 2001 Exhibition 14th to 16th Sept in Rankweil, Austria (Franz Zehenter - Austria)

241.Guglielmo Marconi Philatelic Club (Ray Minichiello - United States)

242.Guildford and District Philatelic Society (Tony Clayton - United Kingdom)

243.Gצteborgs Filatelistfצrening (Anders Martinson - Sweden)

244.HAFNIA 01 World Philatelic Exhibition in Copenhagen (16. - 21. October 2001) (Denmark)

245.HAFNIA 2001 (Paul Bischoff - Denmark)

246.Halifax Grammar School Junior Stamp Club (Canada)

247.Halifax Junior Stamp Club (Canada)

248.Ham Radio Stamp Club (Germany)

249.Hamar Filatelist Klubbs (Tore Molרkken - Norway)

250.Hamilton Philatelic Society (Peter de Kat - Canada)

251.HamM Stamps Club (Manfred G. Bussemer - Germany)

252.Hampshire Philatelic Federation (Julian Jones - United Kingdom)

253.Hawaii Postcard Club (United States)

254.The Hawaiian Philatelic Society (Wayne Yakuma, President - United States)

255.Hellenic Philatelic Society of Great Britain (United Kingdom)

256.Hellenic Philatelic Society (Greece)

257.Helsingfors Frim„rkssamlare F”rening (G. Kock - Finland)

258.Henry Clay Philatelic Society (United States)

259.Herford Stamp Club (Germany)

260.High Wycombe and District Philatelic Society (Paul Herber - United Kingdom)

261.Hong Kong Baptist University Philatelic Association (HKBU Philatelic Association - Hong Kong)

262.Hong Kong Philatelic and Numismatic Society (Danny Ko and Edmond Yeh - Hong Kong)

263.The Hong Kong Philatelic Society (Hong Kong)

264.Hong Kong Post 2001 Stamp Exhibition (Hong Kong)

265.Hong Kong Stamp Society (Dr. A. M. Chung, Secretary - United States)

266.Hong Kong Study Circle (Michel Houde, Webmaster - Canada)

267.Houston Philatelic Society (Jonathan Topper - United States)

268.Hualien Philatelic Society (Yuying - Taiwan)

269.Hull and District Philatelic Society (Robert McMillan, Secretary - United Kingdom)

270.The Hungarian Philatelist's Association (Szucs Karoly - Hungary)

271.Hunphilex 2000 Budapest Opening 18th August 2000 (MAB+OSZ, Szncs K�roly - Hungary)

272.IFSDA: International Federation of Stamp Dealers Associations (Preben Jensen, Secretary)

273.INDEPEX ASIANA - 2000 14th Asian International Philatelic Exhibition (Department of Posts India - India)

274.India Study Circle (Mrs J.M. Brand - United Kingdom)

275.Indiana Postal History Society,Inc. (Russ Ryle - United States)

276.Indiana Stamp Club (Randy Marcy - United States)

277.Indonesia Philatelic Writers Society (IPWS - Indonesia)

278.IndyPex Stamp Show (Randy Marcy - United States)

279.Insects on Stamps (Darren Pollock - Canada)

280.International Aero-Philately Club IAPC - Luftpost (E. Schuppan - Germany)

281.International Association of Philatelic Exhibitors (Charles Bromsert - Australia)

282.International Association of Philatelic Experts (Dr. Wolfgang Hellrigl, President - Italy)

283.International Collectors Society (Meyer Baron - United States)

284.International Fair COLLECTOR Prague 2001 (Jindrich Jirasek - Czechoslovakia)

285.International Federation of Aerophilatelic Societies (France)

286.International Federation of Aerophilatelic Societies (Stefan Bruylants - Belgium)

287.International Group of Sports and Olympic Collectors Group (Thomas Lippert - Germany)

288.International Philatelic Club (Spain)

289.International Philatelic Exhibition (Julian Gecelter - South Africa)

290.International Philatelic Federation (Fedיration Internationale de Philatיlie - FIP) (Knud Mohr, FIP President)

291.International Philatelic Golf Society Online (United States)

292.International Philatelic Society of Joint Stamp Issues Collectors (Richard Zimmermann - France)

293.The International Society for Japanese Philately (Lois M. Evans-deViolini - United States)

294.International Society of Worldwide Stamp Collectors (Thomas M. Fortunato - United States)

295.Internationale Motivgruppe Eisenbahnwesen Railway Philately (Horst Brix - Germany)

296.Internationale Motivgruppe Olympiaden und Sport IMOS - Online (Germany)

297.Internationaler Aero-Philatelisten Club (Eberhard Schuppan - Germany)

298.Irish Airmail Society (Karl Winkelmann - United States)

299.Forschungs und Arbeitsgemeinschaft Irland: Irish Collecting Society in Germany (Klaus Stange - Germany)

300.The Irish Philatelic Circle (Eddy Dalton - United Kingdom)

301.Irish Philatelic Circle (Frank McDonald - Ireland)

302.Isle of Man Study Circle (Germany)

303.ISPP (International Society of Portuguese Philatelists) (Tracy Barber - United States)

304.Israel Philatelic Federation (Tibi Yaniv - Israel)

305.Italian Center for Resistance Philately (Richard E. Scott, Jr. - Italy)

306.Italian Center for Thematic Philately (Italy)

307.Italy and Colonies Study Circle (Andy Harris - United Kingdom)

308.Izegemse Postzegelclub (Belgium)

309.Japan Philatelic Society (Japan)

310.The Jersey Philatelic Society (John Hercock - Jersey)

311.Jeugdclub van PZV Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen (Toon Oomens - Netherlands)

312.Jockey Hollow Stamp Club (Bill Wineburgh - United States)

313.Johnson Space Center Stamp Club (Stan Schmidt, President - United States)

314.Joint School Philatelic Association (Japan)

315.The Joint School Philatelic Exhibition (John Chan - Hong Kong)

316.The Journal of the United Nations Philatelist, Inc. (United Nations)

317.Junge Briefmarkenfreunde Berlin e.V. (Reinhard Nitzsche - Germany)

318.Junge Briefmarkenfreunde Mainz (Lothar Both - Germany)

319.Jungen Briefmarkenfreunde Harburg (Germany)

320.Junior Philatelists of America (Joseph Lee - United States)

321.Juvalux 98 World Philatelic Exhibition For Postal History and Youth Philately (Luxembourg)

322.Juventud FAEF (Christian Gabriel Perez - Argentina)

323.Juventud FAEF (Christian Gabriel Perez - Argentina)

324.JY Stamps 2000 Promoting Philately in Western Australia (Jeff Trin - Australia)

325.Karlstads Frimarksungdom (Tomas Carlson - Sweden)

326.Karmרy Philately Club (Norway)

327.KAT-ATM Belgian Studygroup about Postage Labels and Stamps (Belgium)

328.Kirkcaldy Stamp and Postcard Club (T. Manson - Scotland)

329.Kjobenhavns Philatelist Klub (Torben Mehl Jorgensen - Denmark)

330.Kongsberg Philately Club (Thor Stensrud - Norway)

331.Korea Stamp Club (Yahoo Club) (Richard Slezak - South Korea)

332.Korea Stamp Society, Inc. (USA) (Harold N. Penn - United States)

333.Kristiansands Philately Club (Norway)

334.La Philatelie Chinoise French Club for Chinese Stamps Collectors (Didier Maistre - France)

335.LANDESRING Saar e.V. der Jungen Briefmarkenfreunde (Germany)

336.Las Estampillas Postales de Mexico Official Web Page of Jalisco Filatelico (Jose M. Correa - Mexico)

337.Las Estampillas Postales de Mexico Official Web Page of Jalisco Filatelico (Jose M. Correa - Mexico)

338.Latin American Philatelic Society (United States)

339.Lawton/Fort Sill Stamp Club (Sharon Loeffler - United States)

340.Leamington and Warwick Philatelic Society (Nick Bridgwater - United Kingdom)

341.Les Timbres de Boisbriand (Laurens Lionel - Canada)

342.Les Varietes de Piquage (Claude Smeets - Belgium)

343.Liberian Philatelic Society (Tom Richards - United States)

344.Library of Congress Philatelic Club

345.Liechtensteiner Philatelisten-Verband LPHV (Letzte ִnderung - Liechtenstein)

346.Philatelic Club Lituanica (Antanas Jankauskas - Lithuania)

347.Liverpool Philatelic Society (Dr P H Dangerfield - United Kingdom)

348.Luxembourg Collectors Club (Gary Little - United States)

349.Lynchburg Stamp Club (Luther and Celia Farinholt - United States)

350.Machine Cancel Society (Bob Swanson - United States)

351.Mail by Rail (F. J. Wilson - England)

352.Mailer's Postmark Permit Club (Peter A. Bookman, Secretary - United States)

353.Malaya Study Group (Joe Robertson, Secretary - United Kingdom)

354.Malaysia Stamp Club (Yahoo! Club) (Lim Yeow Ming - Malaysia)

355.Malden Stamp Club (Mary Lou Mallon, President - United States)

356.Malta Philatelic Society Maltese Stamps and Postal History (Walter Rizzo - Malta)

357.Manchester & District Philatelic Traders' Association (Mike Allison - United Kingdom)

358.Maple Leaf Chapter (Canada)

359.Masks on Stamps Study Unit American Topical Association (Carolyn A.Weber, Secretary-Treasurer - United States)

360.Mathematical Study Unit (MSU) (Monty Strauss - United States)

361.Maximaphily Group of Israel (Itzhak Shdemati - Israel)

362.Mendocino Coast Stamp Club (Chuck Jones - United States)

363.Mendocino Coast Stamp Club (Chuck Jones - United States)

364.Merchantville Stamp Club MERPEX (James Natale - United States)

365.The Meter Stamp Society (Joel Hawkins, President - United States)

366.Meter Stamp Society (Kevin John Cabbage - United States)

367.Meter Stamp Society (Kevin John Cabbage - United States)

368.Mexican Federation of Philately (Mexico)

369.Mexico Elmhurst Philatelic Society International (Michael Roberts)

370.MIDAPHIL National Stamp Show (Randy Neil - United States)

371.Midwest Stamp Dealers Association (United States)

372.Midwest USA + Canada Stamp Shows (Nancy Hooey and Frank Buono - United States)

373.Military Postal History Society (Karl Windelman - United States)

374.Milton Stamp Club Chapter of the Royal Philatelic Society of Canada (Canada)

375.StampsMinnesota Minnesota Stamp Dealers Association (MSDA - United States)

376.Missouri Postal History Society (Alan Barasch - United States)

377.Mobile Post Office Society (Rick Kunz - United States)

378.Molde Philately Club (Norway)

379.Motivgruppe Ingenieurbauten (Engineering, especially bridges) (Horst Brix - Germany)

380.Muenzen und Geldwesen, Arbeitsgemeinschaft (Werner Mueller - Germany)

381.Museo de Filatelia de Oaxaca (Alejandra Mora Velasco - Mexico)

382.Nהrpes Filatelister (Finland)

383.NAPEX National Philatelic Expositions (Nick Carter - United States)

384.Natal & Zululand Study Circle (John Dickson, Secretary - United Kingdom)

385.National Association of Journalists and Philatelic Writers (Hernani Matos - Portugal)

386.National Duck Stamp Collectors (June Berwald - United States)

387.The National Federation Italian Philatelic Traders (Lorenzo Dellavalle, President - Italy)

388.National Philatelic Society (Graeme MacDonald - United Kingdom)

389.Navicula Ships on Stamps (Bjoern Moritz - Germany)

390.Nederlandse Bond van Filatelisten-Verenigingen (The Netherlands)

391.Nederlandse Vereniging van Postzegel Verzamelaars Afdeling Nijmegen (R.P.van Bruggen - Netherlands)

392.Nepal and Tibet Philatelic Study Circle (Rainer Fuchs - United States)

393.Netherlands Philatelists of California (Erling Berger - United States)

394.New Forest Philatelic Society (Mrs G M Foster - United Kingdom)

395.New Jersey Postal History Society (Jean Walton, Secretary - United States)

396.The New York Chapter of The U.S. Philatelic Classics Society (Michael Heller - United States)

397.New Zealand Philatelic Federation (Bob Gibson - New Zealand)

398.New Zealand Society of Great Britain (Robert Clark - United Kingdom)

399.New Zealand Stamp Collectors Club Inc. (Steven McLachlan, President - New Zealand)

400.New Zealand Stamp Dealers Association, Inc. (New Zealand)

401.New Zealand Stamp Exhibition 2001 (New Zealand)

402.Newburyport Stamp Club (Greater Newburyport Chamber of Commerce and Industry - United States)

403.Newport and Gwent Philatelic Society (John Perry - United Kingdom)

404.Nicaragua Study Group (Erick Rodriguez - United States)

405.NORDIA 2001 (John DuBois and Toke Nרrby - Denmark)

406.Norfolk Island Stamps Official Norfolk Post Collectors Club (Norfolk Post - Norfolk Island)

407.North Rhine-Westphalia e. V (Germany)

408.Northeast Federation of Stamp Clubs (John DuBois - United States)

409.Northeast Federation of Stamp Clubs (United States)

410.Norvegiana Brevklubb Philatelic Correspondence Club (Hallvard Slettebo - Norway)

411.Norwegian Philatelic Society (Norsk Filatelist Klubb) (Hallvard Slettebר - Norway)

412.Norwegian Stamp Dealers' Association (Norway)

413.Nova Scotia Stamp Club (Canada)

414.Nova Scotia Stamp Club (Heather MacKenzie, President - Canada)

415.NVI Club (Alain Vailly, President - France)

416.Odense Stamp Club (Brian Truelsen - Denmark)

417.Ohio Postal History Society (Tom McMahon - United States)

418.Olymphilex 2000 (Mark Field - Australia)

419.Olympic and Sports Collectors Club of Berlin/Germany (G�nter Sauer, President - Germany)

420.Oppegוrd Philately Club (Norway)

421.Orchid Stamp Club International (Ian Chalmers - Australia)

422.Orchid Stamp Collector Club (Gerhard Leiste - Germany)

423.Oregon Stamp Co-op (Bill Stahl - United States)

424.Oregon Stamp Society (Albert Valente - United States)

425.Oriental and Near East Philatelic Society (Gary Paiste - United States)

426.Oriental Philatelic Association of London (OPAL) (United Kingdom)

427.The Pacific Islands Study Circle (PISC) (John Ray - Great Britain)

428.Paintings and Arts on Stamps Internet Club (Victor Manta - Switzerland)

429.The San Diego Historical Society Panama-California Exposition ~ San Diego ~ 1915-1916 Postcards (United States)

430.Papuan Philatelic Society (Andrew Loughran - United Kingdom)

431.Paraguay Collectors Club (Joe Hahn - United States)

432.Peach State Stamp Show '96 (Ed Jackson - United States)

433.Peach State Stamp Show 98 (Ed Jackson - United States)

434.PENPEX Stamp Show (Bruce Marsden - United States)

435.Perfin Club Nederland (Joe Coulbourne - The Netherlands)

436.The Perfin Club of New Zealand and Australia (Joe Coulbourne - Australia)

437.The Perfin Society of Great Britain (Joe Coulbourne - United States)

438.Permian Basin Stamp Club (Ronald Strawser - United States)

439.Peruvian Society of Thematic Philately (Peru)

440.Philadelphia National Stamp Exhibition Home Page (Stephen Washburne - United States)

441.Philaned Stamp Exhibition on the Internet (Andries Filmer - The Netherlands)

442.PHILANIPPON'01 Japan World Stamp Exhibition 2001 (Japan)

443.Philatelic Activity in Victoria Area PAVA (H. Armstrong - Canada)

444.Philatelic Association of Saint Andre (France)

445.Philatelic Club of Brazil (Rubem Porto Jr. - Brazil)

446.Philatelic Computing Study Group (Bob de Violini, Webmaster)

447.Philatelic Congress of India (VP and Secretary General, Dilip Shah - India)

448.Philatelic Federation of Finland (PFF - Finland)

449.Philatelic Federation of Iceland (Hבlfdan Helgason - Iceland)

450.Philatelic Foundation Christchurch, Inc. (Steven Mclachlan - New Zealand)

451.Philatelic Group of Central West France (France)

452.Philatelic Music Circle (PMC) (Ian Summers - United Kingdom)

453.Philatelic Organizations of Saint Louis, Missouri (United States)

454.Philatelic Societies of the World (Robert Murray Stamp Shop - Scotland)

455.Philatelic Society (Basingstoke & District) (Tom Fowler - United Kingdom)

456.Philatelic Society (Fleet & North Hants) (J.A.C Farmer - United Kingdom)

457.Philatelic Society (Petersfield & District) (United Kingdom)

458.Philatelic Society (Portsmouth & District) (United Kingdom)

459.Philatelic Society (Ringwood) (United Kingdom)

460.Philatelic Society (Southampton & District) (United Kingdom)

461.Philatelic Society (Stubbington) (United Kingdom)

462.Philatelic Society (Waterlooville & District) (P J Davidson - United Kingdom)

463.Philatelic Society and Numismבtica Granadina (Spain)

464.The Philatelic Society for Greater Southern Africa (Bob Hisey, Treasurer - United States)

465.The Philatelic Society of Canberra Inc. (Australia)

466.Philatelic Society of Malaysia (Malaysia)

467.Philatelic Society of New South Wales (D. Leonard - Australia)

468.Philatelic Study Group Former USSR (Jayseth Guberman - Russia)

469.Philatelic Traders' Society (United Kingdom)

470.Philatelic Vexillology Society (Robert Murray - Scotland)

471.Philatelic Webmasters Organization (Victor Manta - Switzerland)

472.The Philatelic Youth of Norway (Niels Henrik Jensen - Norway)

473.Philatelic Youth of Sweden (Andreas Bjork - Sweden)

474.Philatelic Youth of Sweden (Per Lindqvist - Sweden)

475.The Philatelist's Corner (Caroline Fumat - France)

476.Philatיlic Club Arlonais a.s.b.l. (Renי BOUCHE, President - France)

477.The Philip Boileau Collectors' Society Postcards (Karen Gamlin - United States)

478.PNC³ Plate Number Coil Collectors Club (Ronald Maifeld - United States)

479.Pori Stamp Club (Ossi Kunnas - Finland)

480.Portuguese Philatelic Federation (Hernoni Antonio Carmelo de Matos - Portugal)

481.Portuguese Philatelic Society unofficial (David Stirrups - United Kingdom)

482.Post Mark Collectors Club (United States)

483.Postaemter der Briefregion 09 in Alten & Neuen Ansichten (Patrick Lohse - Germany)

484.Postal History Society of China (Tommy Chiu - China)

485.Postal Stationery Society of Australia (Hans Karman - Australia)

486.The Postal Stationery Society (United Kingdom)

487.The Postal Stationery Society (Michael Smith - United Kingdom)

488.Postcard Traders Association (Peter James, Secretary - United Kingdom)

489.PostEurop Association of European Public Postal Operators (PostEurop)

490.Postmark Collectors Club (Terry Meier - United States)

491.Postzegelclub De Drie Sleutels (Belgium)

492.Postzegelvereniging Haarlemmermeer Online (The Netherlands)

493.Precancel Stamp Society - Great Britian (C M Philip - United Kingdom)

494.The Precancel Stamp Society (Michael Hynes - United States)

495.Quad City Stamp Club (United States)

496.QUI Filatelia (Piero Macrelli - Italy)

497.The Raflet Stamp Club Founded in 1958 (Keith Mumford & Alex Hutty - Great Britain)

498.Railway Philatelic Group (United Kingdom)

499.The Raleigh Stamp Club (Scott Marusak - United States)

500.Redding Stamp Club (David Laraway - United States)

501.Regional Group of Philatelic Associations of the Center-Loire (LIBEAU Ch - France)

502.Rhode Island Philatelic Society (R.I.P.S. Shawn Pease - United States)

503.Rhodesian Study Circle (Michael Hoffman - Scotland)

504.Riverside Stamp Club American Philatelic Society Chapter (Robert Kohl, President - United States)

505.Roadrunner Stamp Club (Steve Staton - United States)

506.Rochester Philatelic Association (John Kellas, President - United States)

507.Rockwell Stamp Club "Sticky Stamp Club" (United States)

508.Rocky Mountain Stamp Show - ROMPEX (Roger Rydberg - United States)

509.Romsey and District Philatelic Society (Julian Jones - United Kingdom)

510.ROPEX 2001 (United States)

511.The Rossica Society of Russian Philately (Jeff Radcliffe - United States)

512.Royal Naval Philatelic Society (Robert Fosterjohn - United Kingdom)

513.Royal Philatelic Society London (United Kingdom)

514.Royal Philatelic Society of Canada (Robin Harris - Canada)

515.Royal Philatelic Society of New Zealand,Inc Stamps & Postal History (Adam Miller - New Zealand)

516.Royal Philatelic Society of New Zealand Society information, Postal Bid Sales, Members Online, Publications (Adam Miller - New Zealand)

517.Royal Philatelic Society of Victoria (Charles Bromsert - Australia)

518.Russian Postal History (Anatoly Kiryushkin - Belarus)

519.Saint Louis Stamp Expo (Alan Barasch - United States)

520.San Diego Area Stamp Clubs (S.C.Virtes - United States)

521.Sarasota National Stamp Exhibition (Sarasota Philatelic Club - United States)

522.Sarawak Specialists' Society Stamps and Postal History of Sarawak, Brunei, North Borneo (Sabah) and Labuan (John A. Morgan - United Kingdom)

523.Sarawak Specialists' Society (United Kingdom)

524.Saskatoon Stamp Club (Doug Smith - Canada)

525.Scandinavia Philatelic Society (Paul Herber - United Kingdom)

526.Scandinavian Collectors Club - New England Chapter 5 (John DuBois - United States)

527.Scandinavian Collectors Club (Sandra Downs - United States)

528.Schweizerische Vereinigung fuer Postgeschichte (Peter R. Elbau - Switzerland)

529.Scottish Philatelic Trade Association (Scotland)

530.Scout Air & Space Mail (Keith Larson - United States)

531.Scout and Guide Stamps Club (Bob Lee, Secretary - United Kingdom)

532.Scoutisme et Collection (France)

533.Scouts on Stamps Society International (SOSSI) (Keith Larson - United States)

534.Secחדo Filatיlica da Associaחדo Acadיmica de Coimbra (J. Cura - Portugal)

535.Sentrum Philately Club (Norway)

536.SESCAL: Stamp Exhibition of Southern California (Robert de Violini - United States)

537.Ship Stamp Society (Phil Hanley - United Kingdom)

538.Ship Stamp Society (Erik Philippus - The Netherlands)

539.Ships on Stamps Unit American Topical Association (Myron Molnau - United States)

540.Siberia Stamps Exchange Club (Kotov Anton - Russia)

541.Sierra Circuit Exchange Club (Carol Trainor, Managing Director - United States)

542.Singapore Stamp Show (David Lim - Singapore)

543.Sociedad Filatelica de La Coruna (Miguel Maestro - Spain)

544.Sociedad Filatelica El Salvador

545.Sociedad Filatelica Regiomontana (Sofirrey) (Jorge Wise - Mexico)

546.Sociedad Filatיlica de El Salvador (SFES - El Salvador)

547.Sociedad Filatיlica y Numism�tica Granadina (S.F.N.G.) (Josי R. Nevot - Spain)

548.Society for Birds on Stamps (Sweden)

549.The Society for Costa Rica Collectors (SOCORICO) (Secretary, Raul Hernandez - United States)

550.Society for Czechoslovak Philately (Jaroslav Verner)

551.Society for Hungarian Philately (H. Alan Hoover - United States)

552.Society for Polish Philately in Great Britain (Jan Korzeniowski - United Kingdom)

553.Society for Thai Philately (Pete Iber, Editor - Thai Philately Journal - Thailand)

554.Society for the Study of the New Republics of the Former USSR (Michael Padwee - United States)

555.Society of Australasian Specialists Oceania (Paul Tyler, President - United States)

556.Society of Indo-China Philatelists (Ron Bentley, Editor / Executive Secretary - United States)

557.The Society of Israel Philatelists (J. Eric Slone - Israel)

558.Society of Israel Philatelists (Emil S. Dickstein - Israel)

559.Society of Space Stamps (Switzerland)

560.Sofiles International Philatelic Circuit (JoseAfonso Miranda - Brazil)

561.South Auckland Philatelic Society (Alistair Burns - New Zealand)

562.South Shore Junior Stamp Club (C. Lloyd Tancock - Canada)

563.South Shore Stamp Club (C. Lloyd Tancock - Canada)

564.Southern California Stamp Expos (Israel Bick - United States)

565.Space Philately (Robert Keller - Germany)

566.Space Topic Study Unit (Dr.Ross Smith - United States)

567.Spalding and District Stamp Club (F. J. Wilson - England)

568.SPAN, Society of Philatelists and Numismatists (Jim Opperman - United States)

569.Spanish Study Circle unofficial (David Stirrups - United Kingdom)

570.Spokane Inland Empire Philatelic Society (David Harris - United States)

571.Sports Philatelists International (Mark C. Maestrone, President - United States)

572.Sporvejenes Frimµrke- og m°ntklub (Kristian Kyhl - Denmark)

573.Spring-Ford Philatelic Society (Mark Connelly - United States)

574.St. Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha Philatelic Society (Dr. Russell V. Skavaril - United States)

575.St. John's Philatelic Society (Canada)

576.St. Pierre and Miquelon Philatelic Society (James Taylor - Canada)

577.Stamp Club (Alton & District) (John Cresswell - United Kingdom)

578.Stamp Club (Andover) (Steve Jarvis - United Kingdom)

579.Stamp Club (Chichester & District) (G W Osborne - United Kingdom)

580.Stamp Club (Milford On Sea) (Miss Joan Patchett - United Kingdom)

581.Stamp Club from Frankfurt am Oder, Germany (Germany)

582.Stamp Club from Grenו og Omegns, Denmark (Denmark)

583.Stamp Club from Grindsted, Denmark (Denmark)

584.Stamp Club from Mannheim, Germany (Germany)

585.Stamp Club from Schleswig-Holstein,Germany (Germany)

586.Stamp Club from Steinheim, Germany (Germany)

587.Stamp Club of Springfield Virginia (Gerald T. Frazier - United States)

588.Stamp Club of Turku and Stamp Magazine (Finland)

589.Stamp Club Ring

590.Stamp Club (Canada)

591.Stamp Page of Verein Wiesloch e.V. (Verein Wiesloch - Germany)

592.Stamp Show 2000 (The Secretariat - United Kingdom)

593.Stamp Sites for African Philately (Michael Hoffman - Scotland)

594.Stamp Society (Winchester & District) (J R Woodson - United Kingdom)

595.Stamp Society of Pakistan (Rizwan Kodwavwala - Pakistan)

596.Stamp Swap Club Forums (United States)

597.STAMPA - The Irish National Stamp Exhibition (Michael Connolly - United States)

598.Stampex The British National Stamp Exhibition. (United Kingdom)

599.Stamporama (Andrea Webber - United States)

600.Stamps 4 Fun Interactive Collectors Community (United Kingdom)

601.Stamps on Stamps Centenary Unit (William E. Critzer - United States)

602.Stamps World Exhibition London 90 (Victor Manta - Switzerland)

603.StampSwops The Virtual Philatelic Club (United Kingdom)

604.State Revenue Society (SRS - United States)

605.Stichting Kinderpostzegels Nederland (The Netherlands)

606.Stirling and District Philatelic Society (Robert Clark - Scotland)

607.Sunnyvale Stamp Society (Mr. Herbert Saylor and Dr. Russell V. Skavaril - United States)

608.Swedish Military Postal History Society (Lars Lindblad - Sweden)

609.Swedish Philatelic Federation (Sweden)

610.Swedish Postal History Society (Sweden)

611.Swindon Philatelic Society (Wendy Buckle, President - United Kingdom)

612.Swiss Philatelic Societies (Switzerland)

613.Swiss Postal Stationery Collectors Club (Switzerland)

614.Tרnsberg Philatelic Club (Knut Hansen - Norway)

615.Tallahassee Stamp & Cover Club (Larry Benson - Newsletter Editor - United States)

616.Tannu Tuva Collectors Society Inc (Ken Simon - United States)

617.TAVASTEX 2002 (Seppo Talvio - Finland)

618.Texas Philatelic Association (Arthur P. von Reyn - United States)

619.Texas Precancel Club (John C. Foster, Secretary - United States)

620.The Thailand Philatelic Society (Stephen Parker - United Kingdom)

621.Thames Stamp Club (United States)

622.The British Society of Russian Philately (George Henderson, President - United Kingdom)

623.Themabelga®: The Magazine Thematic Philately (Yannick Delaey and Jacques A. Desimpelaere - Belgium)

624.Themaphilex Thematische Filatelie Nederland (The Netherlands)

625.Thematics Queensland (John Hodgkinson - Australia)

626.Tonga and Tin Can Mail Study Circle (Janet Klug - United States)

627.Topical Philately Southwest (Dieter H. Schmidt - Germany)

628.Truro Philatelic Society (Barry Zolkivski, President - Canada)

629.Turkish Stamps (Yusuf +ZEREN - Turkey)

630.The U.S. Cancellation Club (Bob "Track" Trachimowicz - United States)

631.U.S. Philatelic Classics Society (Mark Rogers - United States)

632.UFPP-SATA: French Union of Polar Philately (Gיrard Brandel, Chairman - France)

633.UK Squared Circle (Stanley Cohen - United Kingdom)

634.Ukrainian Philatelic and Numismatic Society (Dr. Ingert Kuzych - United States)

635.Uncle Sam Stamp Club (Terrill S. Miller, President - United States)

636.Unione Filatelica Subalpina (Andrea Mori - Italy)

637.United Postal Stationery Society World-wide Stamped Envelopes and Postal Cards (Cary Finder - United States)

638.United States Stamp Society (Mike Lampson)

639.Universal Ship Cancellation Society (Elgin Sink - United States)

640.Universal Union of Collectors Spanish Speaking Worldwide Stamp Collectors (Johnny Hendrick - United States)

641.University City Stamp Club (Rick LaFlam - United States)

642.US Postal Memorabilia Society (Gil Linderman - United States)

643.Vוgו Philatelic Club (Norway)

644.Vadsר Philately Club (Ernst Bendiksen - Norway)

645.Valley Stamp Club (Jack Colwell, President - United States)

646.VAPEX (Rudy Roy - United States)

647.Vatican Philatelic Society (Sal Quinonez, Membership Chairman - United States)

648.Ventura County Philatelic Society (George Lyon, President - United States)

649.Verein f�r Briefmarkenkunde von 1885 e.V. Mainz (V. Mainz - Germany)

650.Verein fnr Briefmarkenkunde Rodelheim e.V. (Alexander Spoelstra - Germany)

651.Verein fuer Briefmarkenkunde Koblenz e.V. Stamp Club Founded 1886 (Martin Koenen - Germany)

652.Verein fuer Briefmarkenkunde Wuerzburg e.V. Stamp Club Founded 1880 (Martin Koenen - Germany)

653.Vilvoordse Postzegelclub Thematic Writed Sales of Philatelic Items (Francis - Belgium)

654.Virtual Stamp Club (Lloyd A. de Vries - United States)

655.Warren Area Stamp Club - Warren, Ohio (United States)

656.Warrenton Stamp and Coin Club (Dick Herbert and Tony Tripi - United States)

657.Washington 2006 World Philatelic Exhibition (Doug Lehmann - United States)

658.Washington Philatelic Society (Ernesto Cuesta - United States)

659.Washington State Philatelic Society (Tom Ward, Treasurer - United States)

660.Waterlow Study Circle (Alan Green - United Kingdom)

661.Webster Groves Stamp Club (United States)

662.Welsh Philatelic Society (Peter Brindley, President - United Kingdom)

663.West Africa Study Circle (Frank Walton - United Kingdom)

664.West Africa Study Circle (Peter Richards - United Kingdom)

665.West of England Thematic Society (Jim Wigmore - United Kingdom)

666.West Side Stamp Club Lakewood, Co (Mike Porter - United States)

667.West Suburban Stamp Club, Plymouth-Canton, Michigan (Joe Picard, Secretary - United States)

668.West Volusia Stamp Club (Harry L. Sellards, Jr. - United States)

669.Western Australia Study Group (Brian Pope - Australia)

670.Western Philatelic Library (David McNamee - United States)

671.Westmoreland County Philatelic Society (Jim Vaughn - United States)

672.WESTPEX (Ross Towle - United States)

673.The Wichita Stamp Club (Rex Cornelius - United States)

674.Winnipeg Philatelic Society (Canada)

675.Wisconsin Federation of Stamp Clubs (Founded 1932 - United States)

676.Women and Philately (Birgit Heidemann-Chen - Germany)

677.Women on Stamps Study Unit American Topical Association (Phebe Royer Meek - United States)

678.World Wide Fund for Nature Stamps (Marc Steurs - Belgium)

679.Wreck and Crash Mail Society (Ken Sanford - United States)

680.The Wuerzburg Stamp Club of 1880 (Martin Koenen - Germany)

681.Young Stamp Collectors from Forch - Pfannenstiel (Germany)

682.Young Stamp Friends of Berlin and Brandenburg (Thomas Pescht - Germany)

683.Young Stamp Friends of Heidelberg-Rohrbach (Germany)

684.Young Stamp Friends of St. Ingbert (Germany)

685.ZuidHollandse Vereniging van Postzegel Verzamelaars (The Netherlands)

686.ֵLEX 2000 Nהyttelyn Erityissההnnצt (Finland)



Note: This list contains very old links, some of which are no longer relevant.

Croatian Philatelic Society
Cuban Philatelic Society of America

2.  D
Danish West Indies Study Unit
Danish Philatelic Federation

3.  E
Eire Philatelic Association
Sociedad Filatélica de El Salvador (El Salvador)

4.  F
The Faroe Islands Study Circle
Federation of Inter-Asian Philately (FIAP)
FGGB British Philately in Germany (Germany)
France and Colonies Philatelic Society

5.  G
Germany Philatelic Society
Gibraltar Philatelic Society
Gibraltar Study Circle
Göteborgs Filatelistförening (Sweden)
Great Britain Philatelic Society (England)

6.  H
Helsingfors Frim„rkssamlare F”rening (Finland)
Society for Hungarian Philately

7.  I
Indonesia Philatelic Writers Society
Indiana Postal History Society,Inc.
Internationaler Aero-Philatelisten Club
International Group of Sports and Olympic collectors
Irish Airmail Society
Society of Israel Philatelists

8.  J
The International Society for Japanese Philately
The Japan-Japan Website
Junge Briefmarkenfreunde Berlin e.V. (Germany)

9.  K
Kongsberg Philately Club (Norway)
Korea Stamp Society

10.                   L
Liberian Philatelic Society
Luxembourg Collectors Club

11.                   M
Machine Cancel Society
Mexico Elmhurst Philatelic Society International
Military Postal History Society
Museo de Filatelia de Oaxaca (Mexico)

12.                   N
National Duck Stamp Collectors
National Philatelic Society (England)
American Society of Netherlands Philatelist (ASNP)
Nepal and Tibet Philatelic Study Circle
New Zealand Philatelic Federation
New Zealand Society of Great Britain
Nicaragua Study Group
Philatelic Society of New South Wales
Norvegiana Brevklubb  
Federation of Norwegian Philatelists
Nova Scotia Stamp Club (Canada)
Navicula Ships on Stamps

13.                   O
Ohio Postal History Society

14.                   P - Q
The Pacific Islands Study Circle (PISC)
Pacific Northwest Postal History Society
Paraguay Study Circle
Paraguay Collectors Club
Philatelic Computing Study Group
Philatelic Federation of Finland
Pitcairn Islands Study Group
PNC³ Plate Number Coils Collectors Club
The Postal History Society Inc
Portuguese Philatelic Society
Postal Stationery Society of Australia
Postmark Collectors Club

15.                   R
Ryukyu Philatelic Specialist Society, Ltd
Rhode Island Philatelic Society
The Rossica Society of Russian Philately
Royal Philatelic Society of Canada
Royal Philatelic Society of New Zealand
Royal Naval Philatelic Society
Russian Postal History

16.                   S
Fellowship of Samoa Specialists  
Scandinavia Philatelic Society
Scandinavian Collectors Club
Stamp Society of Pakistan
Scouts on Stamps Society International (SOSSI)
Spanish Study Circle
Sports Philatelists International
St. Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha Philatelic Society
State Revenue Society

17.                   T
The Thailand Philatelic Society
Tonga & Tin Can Mail Study Circle

18.                   U
United Postal Stationery Society
Universal Ship Cancellation Society
Unione Filatelica Subalpina (Italy)
U.S. Philatelic Classics Society
United States Stamp Society


19.  V-Z
Washington 2006 World Philatelic Exhibition
West Africa Study Circle
Western Australia Study Group
International Society of Worldwide


Note: This list contains very old links, some of which are no longer relevant.



·         Philatelic Agencies:
United States Postal Servicehttp://www.usps.gov/
(StampsOnline, Post Office Locator, Rate Calculator, Track/Confirm, Zip Codes, New Postage Stamps)
Canada Post Corporationhttp://www.canadapost.ca/CPC2/phil/stamp/stamp.html
(What's new, Hot links, Subscribe, Stamp stories, Philatelic counters, Stamp program, Stamp quest, Millennium collection)
British Postal Servicehttp://www.royalmail.co.uk/athome
(Millennium stamps, Previous issues, Collecting stamps, Screen saver, Postcodes Online, Links)
Iceland Philatelic Agency (Icelandic, Danish, English, German, French)— http://toppur.postur.is/
(Stamps 1995-1999, Postcards, Sheetlets, Yearpacks, Literature, Browse stamps by motifs)
Italy Philatelic Agency (in Italian)— http://www.poste.it/italiano/51/51.htm
(Stamps 1998-2001, Sports Philately, Postmarks, Books, Folder)
Sweden Post Stampshttp://www.posten.se/stamps/index.html
(Latest Issues, Nordic Mail, Customer Service, Order stamps, Stamp printing, Subscription, Postal Museum)
United Nations Postal Administration (website in English, French, and German)— http://www.un.org/Depts/UNPA/
(About UN Stamps, New Stamp Issues, Stamps & Products, Just for Kids, Subscribe to UN Stamps)
Official Stamp Agencies in North America (www.UniCover.com)— http://www.unicover.com/agencies.htm
(Stamps at face value from Australia, Belgium, China, France, Germany, Marshall Islands, New Zealand, Slovenia, Sweden)
List of Philatelic Bureauhttp://www.scotstamps.co.uk/philatelic_bureau's.htm
(Countries' addresses from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe to order new issues)

·         Philatelic Auctions:
Robert A. Siegel Stamp Auction Galleries (America's Premier Stamp Auctioneer Since 1930)— http://siegelauctions.com/home.htm
(The unique 2c Hawaiian Missionary cover, sold by our firm in 1995 for a record $2,090,000)
Sotheby's Stamp Auctionshttp://www.sothebys.com/plweb/category/STAMPS.htm
(Stamp auctions from New York, London, and Hong Kong with catalogs & prices realized)
Harmers of London: Stamp Auctioneers Ltd.http://www.harmers.com/
(Introduction, Catalogue, Auction, Bidding, Prices Realized)
Vance Auctions (Philatelic Mail Auctions for Stamp Collectors)— http://www.webopedia.com/
(Free Catalogue, Bidding Tips, Photo Highlights, E-mail Bid Sheet, Auction Results, Stamp Sites to Visit)

·         Philatelic Literature:
China Philatelic Encyclopaedia (by Huang Jianlin)— http://power.beijing.cn.net/bikeserver/CPE/CPE01/CPE0106
(15 chapters with 1,174 entries of 2 million Chinese characters, 2079 illustrations, 30 color pages— US$150 airmail postpaid)
China Philatelyhttp://power.beijing.cn.net/bikeserver/CPE/CPE0000
(Official publication of All-China Philatelic Federation, 1996-1998 volumes; Philatelic Books)

·         Postmarks & First Day Covers:
How to Prepare Your Own First Day Covers (by Washington Press)— http://www.washpress.com/artcraft/makefdc/makefdc.html
(Procedures for preparing first day covers for United States & United Nations postage stamps)
How to Service Quantities of First Day Covers (by Lloyd A. de Vries)— www.virtualstampclub.com/fdchowto.html
(Collectors have 30 days to submit their covers, while registered cachetmakers, servicers and dealers have 90.)
Washington Press

 (Publisher of ArtCraft First Day Cachets)— http://www.washpress.com/index.html
(Collecting ArtCraft Engraved First Day Covers, U.S. & U.N. First Day of Issue Calendars)

·         Societies & Clubs:
American Philatelic Society (serving stamp collectors in more than 110 countries for over 110 years)—
(Organization, Exhibitions, Services, Sales Division, Stamp Insurance, Awards, Dealers, Other Links)
American Stamp Dealers Association, Inc. (ASDA)
(Membership Directory, Collectors' Bulletin Board, How to Sell a Collection, ASDA News, Philatelic Event Calendar, MemberMart, ASDA E-Mail, Philatelic Links, Publications & Price Lists, Free Brochures)
American Topical Association
(founded in 1949 with over 6000 members in 90 countries to promote thematic stamp collecting)
American Air Mail Society (AAMS)—
(Aerophilately publications, Auctions, Sales, Translation service, Slide presentations, Study units)
Royal Philatelic Society of Canada
(Online Library, Organization, The Canadian Philatelist, Member Links, Philatelic Links)
China Stamp Society
(membership of 1000 collectors interested in Chinese stamps & postal history, China Clipper magazine)
The U.S. Philatelic Classics Society
(History of the Society, Membership Info, Index to Chronicle issues, Publications)

·         Stamp Catalogues:
Scott Publishing's Website: ScottOnline
(Scott Catalogues, Scott Stamp Monthly, Scott Cd-Rom, Online Shopping, Stamp of the Day)
Bolaffi (website in Italian & English)—
(Publisher of the Bolaffi National Italian Stamp Catalogue; Auction Catalogues)
Catalogues Cérès Philatélie (website in French)—
(Catalogues of France, Andorra, Monaco, and French Colonies)
Postage Stamp Catalogue of the People's Republic of China (1997 Edition)
(Stamps from Oct 1949 to Dec 1996; Chinese & English; 249 pages; US$36 hardcover airmail postpaid)
Krause Publications Online Catalog
(Krause-Minkus Standard Catalog of U.S. Stamps; Brookman Stamp Price Guide; Sanabria Airmail Catalogue)
Michel (website in German & English)—
(Michel catalogue lists stamps of the world in chronological order; CD-ROM edition; German Stamp Dealers)
Yvert & Tellier (website in French & English)—
(Stamp Catalogues of France, Monaco, and Europe)

·         Stamp Dealers:
Stamp Dealers Links (Stamp Yellow Pages Directory)—
(Links to stamp dealers arranged alphabetically)
Ed's Stamp Page: US Postage Stamps & Philatelic Information
(U.S. mint, plate blocks, sheets, covers; Canada; Topicals; Collecting Ideas, Links)
Francis Chan's Stamp Dealers Links
(786 web links to stamp dealers arranged alphabetically)
Subway Stamp Shop (2121 Beale Avenue, Altoona, Pennsylvania 16601)—
(The world's largest stamp & coin collecting supply company dating back to 1931)

·         Stamp Images:
The 24-cent Inverted Jenny Plate Block of 4
The 2-cent Inverted Pan American Train
U.S. Year 2000 Postage Stamp
(J. C. Leyendecker's illustration on the Jan. 2, 1937 cover of Saturday Evening Post)
U.S. Lunar New Year 2000: Year of the Dragon
U.S. Lunar New Year 1999: Year of the Hare
U.S. Lunar New Year 1998: Year of the Tiger
U.S. Lunar New Year 1997: Year of the Ox
U.S. 1997 Bugs Bunny
United States Postage Stamps 1891-1900
United States Postage Stamps 1901-1910
United States Postage Stamps 1911-1920
United States Postage Stamps 1921-1930
United States Postage Stamps 1931-1940
United States Postage Stamps 1941-1950
United States Postage Stamps 1951-1960
United States Postage Stamps 1961-1970
United States Postage Stamps 1971-1980
United States Postage Stamps By Year (Edited by Bob Allen)—
(1901-1932: Clear images, Date of issue, Printing statistics, Stories)
United States Postage Stamps 1933 (Edited by Bob Allen)—
(Date of issue, Printing statistics, Stories, 50¢ Zepplin issue)

·         Stamp Magazines:
Linn's Stamp News (The Internet's largest weekly stamp news & marketplace—
(Print content, Marketplace, Reference, Stamp programs, Online features, New issue of the week)
Scott Stamp Monthly
(Articles on U.S. & foreign stamps, new issues, covers, in-depth stories, free stamps giveaways monthly)
Stamp Collector (Krause Publications)—
(Biweekly news, columns, & features for philately lovers; USPS calendar, New issues; Classified ads)
Stamp Wholesaler (Krause Publications)—
(News, features, business tips for the stamp business; Dealer profiles; Auction & Show listings)
Stamps.Net: The Internet Magazine for Stamp Collectors
(Newswire, Theft alert, Features, Classifieds, Chat Room, Societies, History, Wallpaper, Stamp Shows)

·         Stamps by Countries:
Stamp-Issuing Country Index (with images of postage stamps)—
Bulgaria Postage Stamps 1997-2000
(List with Illustrations of many Bulgarian stamps & covers)
Chinese Stamps (by Shuxiang Zeng)—
(Stamps depicting Chinese history, literature, scenery, art & music)
Czech/Slovak Stamp Resources (by Gerhard Batz, Germany)—
(Links to Czech stamps; Czech artists; Clubs & Societies; Wants & Offers; Collectors' email addresses)
Czech Republic Postage Stamps 1997-2000
(Listing of Czech stamps with some illustrations)
Finland Stamps Browser
(Search by themes, name, artist, LaPe catalog number, or date of issue)
India Postage Stamps
(Stamps listed alphabetically and by date of issue 1948-2002)
Ireland Stamps Online
(Commemoratives 1929-present, Miniature Sheets, Sheetlets, Definitives, Airmails, Maximum Cards)
Italian Stamps 1862-1945 (Department of History, University of Bergen)—
(93 issues from Vittorio Emanuele II to Reconstruction; annotated with enlargements)
Postage Stamps of the Slovak Republic
(Slovak stamps from 1993-2002, FDCs, descriptions of designers)
Taiwan Postal Services
(Postal News, Stamp Mall, Stamp Collecting, Postal Museums, Search Site, Online Inquiry)
Turkey Stamps (arranged by topicals & year sets)—
(Animals, Arts, Aviation, Birds, Fish & Insects, Flowers, Folk Dances, Fruits, Religion, Ships Sports, Trains)

·         Stamps for Kids:
Philatelic Web Sites For Kids (American Philatelic Society)—
(16 web sites from APS to help promote Stamp Collecting for Kids)
Youth and Postage Stamps (by David R. Wright)—
(Using postage stamps to teach kids about geography)
Links For Kids (R. Vlaardingerbroek & Ann Mette Heindorff, Denmark)—
(Airmail, Zepplins, Wildlife, Bicycles, Balloons, Birds, Chess, Cinema, Charlie Chaplin)
Rock & Fossil Stamps of the United States (by Bob Keller)—
(Illustrated list of U.S. stamps showing rocks, minerals, prehistorical animals with date of issue)
Stamps on Black History (Editor: Dan K.Phillips)—
(Alphabetical listing of 67 Black-Americans honored on U.S. postage stamps with biography & book references)
Women Who Left Their “Stamps” on History (Infoplease.com & Kids' almanac)—
(Notable women pictured on U.S. postage stamps from Queen Isabella 1893 to Ayn Rand 1999)
The Nature of America (America's 1999 Stamp Program)—
(Pictures and info on U.S. postage stamps issued in 1997-1999, Celebrate the Century issues)
Junior Philatelists of America (APS Affiliate #26)—
(The JPA is a group run by & for young stamp collectors, age 18 and under; founded in 1963, it has 500 members currently)
Junior Philatelists (by Gayland Bird)—
(Tips for the beginner, Stamp collecting kits, Low cost ways to collecting, Swap stamps, How To articles)
Finland Stamp Stories
(Finland's image, Stalking stamps, Lost treasures, Great emotions, Small great art, Celebration for every year)
Youth Collectors Zone
(Monthly Stamp Quiz, Collector Survey, Kidstamps, Stamp Supplies, Youth Collectors Forum, Free Classified Ads)

·         Topical Collecting:
American Topical Association
(Handbooks from Abraham Lincoln to Women on Stamps)
Airmail Stamp Museum: Airmail Stamps and Their Symbols
(Justin Milliun's gallery of airmail stamps arranged by countries)
* ART: Travelling the World on Art Stamps (Ann Mette Heindorff, Denmark)—
(Arranged by countries, artists, holidays, literature, topicals, youth)
* PHILATELIC ART (Kiyoshi Emura, Japan)—
(Arranged by topics, museum, artist, and country)
Baseball on U.S. Postage Stamps (by Ed Stephan, Western Washington University)—
(11 U.S. baseball stamps from Zane's CD Encyclopedia of U.S. Postage Stamps)
Biographies of People on Postage Stamps (by Paul G. Partington & Dr. Udo Skladny)—
(Alphabetical listing of people on stamps with country & year of issue)
Birds of the World on Postage Stamps (by Chris Gibbins)—
(Country list, Species list, Identification corner, New & future issues)
Cats on Postage Stamps (Keimar Stamps)—
(Stamps arranged by countries: commercial site)
Cat Stamps (Boswell's)—
(Stamps arranged by cat breeds: commercial site)
Cervantes on Stamps (by Ann Mette Heindorff)—
(France, Romania, Spain, and Cuba issues on Cervantes & Don Quixote)
Chess on Stamps (by Colin Rose)—
(Beautiful website feature chess stamps arranged by countries neatly organized in tables)
Christmas Philatelic Club
(Christmas Philatelic Resources, Exhibit Library, What to Collect?, Members On Line)
Christopher Columbus Stamps (by Norbert Fiks in German)—
(Columbus stamps issued in the 19th century, Columbus stamps from the Americas arranged by country)
Cinema & Philately (by Manuel Fructuoso in English & Spanish)—
(Spanish issues 1996-1999, Luis Bunuel in philately, Philatelic literature on cinema)
Cinephilatelie (by Ann Mette Heindorff in English & French)—
(History of the world cinema through philately)
Coelacanth Stamps
(Family Tree, History, Latest Issues, Comores, Madagascar, South Africa, Links)
Coelacanth— An Exhibition of Postage Stamps
(Crystal A. Eikanger's prize-winning exhibit of coelacanth stamps from Comoro Island)
Computers on Stamps (by Heikki Rauhala, Sweden)—
(Listing of near 700 computer related stamps)
Dogs on Stamps
(Francie Stull's "Dog on Stamps" arranged by breed)
Dolphins on Stamps
(Dolphin Stamps from Australia to Yugoslavia)
Flowers: Famous Flower Paintings on Stamps (Ann Mette Heindorff)—
(25 stamps depicting paintings of flowers elegantly presented)
Horses on Stamps
(Horse Stamps from Afghanistan to Spain)
Horses-in-Arts Stamps
(Horse Stamps from France, Germany, Iceland, Luxembourg, Sweden, Switzerland, UN)
Mr. Horse Stamps Gallery
(China, Czech, Japan, Kampuchea, Mongolia, Poland, Russia, Spain, Switzerland)
Literature Stamps: The Reader's Museum
(Cervantes, Goethe, Melville, Pushkin, Schiller, Shakespeare, Steinbeck, Stevenson, Twain)
Love on Postage Stamps (in honor of Goethe)
Navicula's Theme: Literature with Maritime Motives!
(Homer, Dante, Luis de Camoes, Jules Verne, Daniel Defoe, Joseph Conrad, Rimbaud, Hemingway)
Paintings and Arts on Stamps
Quartz on Stamps (Richard Busch's Philatelic Mineralogy)—
(Quartz Stamps from Afars & Issas to Zimbabwe)
Railway Philately from Italy
(Italian stamps on trains & railway, cancels, stationery, list, railways, links)
Religion on Stamps
(Coros: Collectors of Religion on Stamps)
Rembrandt on Stamps (Ann Mette Heindorff)—
(Rembrandt stamps from Netherlands, Monaco, Dahomey, Paraguay, Russia)
Roses: The Cultural History of the Rose (Ann Mette Heindorff)—
(30 postage stamps depicting roses with informative backgrounds)
Sea Turtle Postage Stamps of the World
(More than 800 images of turtle stamps from 154 countries)
Ships on Stamps Unit of the American Topical Association
(Founded in 1952, the 2nd oldest Unit in the American Topical Association)
Ship Stamps of the World
(Links to sites with ship postage stamps)
Topical Stamps (Greg Caron Stamps, Vacaville, CA)—
(10,000 Topical Stamps from Action Heroes to Zeppelins)
Thematic Index
(Topicals from Aircraft/Aviation to Zoology)
Trains on Stamps (by Masashi Kominami)—
(Click on a world map to countries with train stamps, beautiful web site by a 16-year old from Kobe, Japan)
Turtles & Tortoises on Stamps
(List of turtle & tortoise stamps arranged by country, labels, seals, & advertising stamps, new issues)
Wildlife on Postage Stamps
(Stamps on amphibians, fish, reptiles, birds, and mammals)
Windmills & Watermills on Postage Stamps (By Mark Berry) —
(British Issues, Internet Resources, Collections, Dealers, Miscellaneous)

·         Web Sites on Stamps:
Sites Commerciaux (site from Belgium)—
(Hundreds of philatelic links arranged alphabetically)
1000 Philately Link: Indonesia Philatelic Web
(1025 philatelic links arranged alphabetically)
Stamps by Countries and Topics (Bob Butler)—
(Links to countries & topicals arranged alphabetically)
StampSites.com: the search engine for stamp collectors
(almost 20,000 stamp-related web pages gathered by Linn's Stamp News with useful search engine that omits irrelevant sites)
Philatelic.com (A comprehensive & interactive stamp collecting website since 1994)—
(Online Mall, Classified Ads, Live Chatroom, Bulletin Board, Email Network, Links Library, Free Postcards, Software)
Stamp Collecting (by Peter G. Aitken)—
(Philatelic Links, Stamps FAQ, Tips on Scanning, Want List, Stamps for Sale)
The Virtual Stamp Club (Lloyd A. de Vries, Manager)—

(Chat, Message Board, Bookstore, Article Archives, Hot Links, Stamp Supplies, U.S. stamps images)
 Joseph Luft's Philatelic Resources on the Webhttp://www.execpc.com/~joeluft/resource.html
(2000+ links: resources, shows, societies, postal authories, countries, collector's pages, dealer offerings, software, auctions)
AskPhil: Stamp Collecting Questions & Answershttp://www.askphil.org/
(How to Articles, Reference Library, Salm Foundation Reports, Auction Info, Philatelic Estate, 275 Q&A's)
Philatelic Computing Study Grouphttp://www.west.net/~stamps1/pcsg/pcsg.html
(Philatelic material on CD-ROM, Catalogs, Handbooks, Stamp Images, Programs, Software, Back Issues Index, Membership)

Commercial Offerings

Note: This list contains very old links, some of which are no longer relevant.

We now have 4214 philatelic links. If you know of any stamp related resources which are not listed, we would appreciate your input.
Add a free philatelic search engine to your webpage.

1.       10,000 Topical Stamps (Greg and Paulette - United States)

2.       1840 on Stamp Collecting Stamps for Beginners and Philatelic Collectors (F. Mardle - United Kingdom)

3.       1952-2001 Russian Year Sets ALL ** MNH (Igor Ivannikov - Russia)

4.       1st Day Covers.Net (Capitol Marketing - United States)

5.       A and R Collectibles (A and R Collectibles - United States)

6.       A and R Worldwide Worldwide Topical Stamps and Souvenir Sheets (Leonard and Socorro Rosow - United States)

7.       A and V Collectibles Appraisals, Auctions, Direct Sales (United States)

8.       A and V Collectibles (United States)

9.       A Catalogue of Telegraph and Revenue Stamps for Burma and Myanmar by Gerald Davis and Alan Meech (Richard Warren - United Kingdom)

10.    A de Ternant Great Britain from 1837 to 1935 (Barry Thompson - United Kingdom)

11.    A to Z Stamp Shop Canada and Great Britain (Reg & Helen McGiffin - United States)

12.    A-One Stamps Worldwide mail order stamps (A-One Stamps - Australia)

13.    A. J. Pearson - Dealer in Fine Postage Stamps of Great Britian & the Commonwealth (Anthony J. Pearson - United Kingdom)

14.    A.B. Kontinent Stamps for Sale (Ignacio Baixauli and Yolanda Sבnchez)

15.    A.Karamitsos Stamps and Postal History of Greece and Greek Area, Cyprus, Levant, Olympics, Foreign Countries (Greece)

16.    A.R. Bunk Topicals: Autos, Aviation, Chess and Chess Covers, Costumes, Military Uniforms, Fish, Seashells, Trains, and Watercraft (United States)

17.    A.Schalev Stamps (Antonio Schalev - Bulgaria)

18.    A.T. Philatelics British Commonwealth (United Kingdom)

19.    AAA Philatelic Service Stamp Approvals (United States)

20.    AB Philea: Special Motive Over 30000 different sets, stamps, FDCs, covers for sale. (Christer Svensson - Sweden)

21.    ABC (Absolutely Beautiful Canadiana) Philatelic Art, Booklets, Cachets, Covers & Postcards (Nina Thunderbird Cameron - Canada)

22.    Abe Stamp Collection (Abe Gallery - United States)

23.    Academy Stamp Company (Marshall Goldberg - United States)

24.    Acadia Stamps (Reid Eisenhauer - Canada)

25.    AD Stamps (Andrew Dyer - England)

26.    Adminware Corporation Canadian Stamps (Robin Harris - Canada)

27.     Adolf Kosel KG Stamps, Letters, FDCs, Maximum Cards (Austria)

28.     Advertising Covers (Howard Rust - United States)

29.    Aero Collectables (Torsten Weller - Australia)

30.    Aerophilatelic Literature and Crash Covers for Sale (Ken Sanford - Switzerland)

31.    AFINSA Portugal (Portugal)

32.    AFINSA Philatelic and Numismatic Collecting (Spain)

33.    Agape Stamp Ministry Church Charity Selling Quality Kiloware and Recent Off Paper Used Australian and New Zealand (Australia)

34.    Agent Service, Stamps, Philatelic Supplies and Literature (Sherry Straley and John Van Alstyne - United States)

35.    Agreeable Stamp Store Singapore (Singapore)

36.    Agreeable Stamp Store (SF Chow - Singapore)

37.    Aguilar Online Over 15,000 World Stamps Searchable by Topics and Country (Luis Aguilar - Spain)

38.    Air Mails Of The British Commonwealth

39.    Airmail Collector (Colin Roberts - United Kingdom)

40.    Aktiv Software Corporation (Don Cal - Canada)

41.    Alan's Stamp Store (Alan C. Anderson)

42.    Albany Stamp Company (Steve Radin - United States)

43.    Album Publishing Company (Doug Miller - United States)

44.    albumpublisher.com Philatelic publishers of custom album pages for collectors. (John La Porta - United States)

45.    Albums and Catalogs for Sale (Spain)

46.    Alfin's Philatelic Connection (Ron Alfin - United States)

47.    Algerian Stamps and Sets (Aouya Abdelmoumen - Algeria)

48.    All Nations Stamp and Coin (Brian Grant Duff - Canada)

49.    Allabout Stamps (Australia)

50.    Allan Raw Philatics British Commonwealth (South Africa)

51.    AllStamps (Dick Brand - United Kingdom)

52.    Ally's Collectors Corner (Australia)

53.    Aloha Stamp & Coin (United States)

54.    Amagerbro Frimaerker-Copenhagen Stamp Shop (Harvey Rosenblum - Denmark)

55.    Amanda's Topicals (Amanda Smith - Canada)

56.    Amazing Rare Stamps (Josef Waigand - Germany)

57.    American - International Stamps, Coins, Currency, and Sport Cards (United States)

58.    American Coin and Stamp Exchange United States Stamps (John & Lotus DeFevers - United States)

59.    American Nostalgia Stamps United States Stamps (United States)

60.    American Philatelic Congress (Janet Klug - United States)

61.    American Philately (Severson - United States)

62.    American Stamp & Coin Co. U.S. & Worldwide (Dale L. Williams and Peter N. Spooner - United States)

63.    Americana Resources Antiques and Collectibles Including Stamps (United States)

64.    AmeriCom Philatelic Mint U.S. Stamps (Martin L. Barron, Jr.- United States)

65.    Amos Press Owners of Linn's and Scott (United States)

66.    An Easy Guide to Regummed, Altered, and Faked Stamps (Michael Taylor - United States)

67.    Andrew Levitt Philatelic Consultant (Randy L. Neil - United States)

68.    Anhng Collectibles (Vietnam)

69.    Ansonia Philatelics (Richard Bailo - United States)

70.    Anthony's Coins, Stamps, Paper (United States)

71.    AnyStamps Country Packets & Topical Packets (AnyStamps - United States)

72.    Apan Stamps and Collectibles Sports Plaques (United States)

73.    Apex Philatelics Ltd Approvals, Mixes, Auctions (United Kingdom)

74.    Approval and Exchange Service for Worldwide Stamps (Steven Haddock - Canada)

75.    ArchAngel's Wonderful World of Stamp Collecting Stamp Collectors Network (Ivan White - United States)

76.    Arctic Stamps Iceland, Faroe Islands, Greenland (Lףrens Rafn - Iceland)

77.    Armstrong Philatelics (Patricia Dollar - United States)

78.    Arnika Swiss Stamp (Switzerland)

79.    Arnott's Stamp Sale (David G. Arnott - United Kingdom)

80.    Aron R. Halberstam Philatelists, Ltd. British Commonwealth (United States)

81.    Arpin Philately Inc. Stamps on Approval (Daniel Arpin - Canada)

82.    Artcraft Variety Covers (Poppygun, Inc., Martin (Marty) L. Severe - United States)

83.    Artmaster Incorporated U.S. First Day Covers (United States)

84.    Artsakh - Arvest The Stamps of the Republic of Mountainous Karabakh (Serhey Kalantarian - Republic of Mountainous Karabakh)

85.    ASDA Stamp Bourse Online (United States)

86.    Ashok Mehta Philately, Handicrafts from India (India)

87.    Asia Stamps PR China, Hongkong and Macau for Sale (Volker Behn - United States)

88.    ATM Wiedemann & Maier GbR ATM Stamps (Belgium)

89.    ATM wiedemann and Maier GbR Franking Labels (Dominique Maier - Germany)

90.    AuStamps (Thomas O'Connor - Australia)

91.    Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association Inc (APTA) (Australia)

92.    Australasian Stamp Dealers' Association (Roger Martin - Australia)

93.    Australia On-Line Stamps Stamps from Australia and The South Pacific (John Macdonald - Australia)

94.    Australian Coins, Stamps, Albums & Catalogues (Warren and Virginia Spence - Australia)

95.    Australian Philatelic Wholesalers PTY LTD (Adam FoX - Australia)

96.    Australian Sports Stamps (Noel G. Almeida - Australia)

97.    Australian Stamps (Glen Stephens - Australia)

98.    AVB Stamps U.S. Varieties, Precancels, Untagged Errors (A.V. Bove - United States)

99.    Awardmasters Philatelics Stamp Mall (Pete James - United States)

100.B & B Stamps United States, Britain, and British Colonies (United States)

101.B & P Ltd Philately & Deliotology (United States)

102.B and P Ltd. Philately and Deliotology (Patty Holt and Bill Wade - United States)

103.B. Trading Co. Stamps, Postal History, PostCards and Victorian Trade Cards (Alex Zdonick / Tracy Barber - United States)

104.B.A. Finkelstein Israel Year Sets (United States)

105.B.A.D. Stamps (B. A. David - United States)

106.Bailey Stamps Lots & Collections, Topicals, Foreign, United States and Souvenir Sheets (United States)

107.Bale Catalogs (Chariot Global Marketing Ltd - Israel)

108.Balloon Mail (Rob Leigh - United States)

109.Ballston Philatelics (William Sandrik - United States)

110.Baltic State Stamps (Constantine Kliorys - Lithuania)

111.The Media Stamps of Bangladesh (Bangladesh)

112.Bangladesh Stamps for Sale (Mohammed A Hasnat - United States)

113.Banknote Corporation of America, Inc. Security Printers (United States)

114.Bardo Stamps For Collectors (Jim Bardo - United States)

115.Barry and Gerry Covers First Day Covers (United States)

116.Bartels Stamp Company (Andrew Bartels - United States)

117.Baseball World Cup Gold Stamp (Victor Liu - Taiwan)

118.Battles Stamp Trading and Auction Page (William Battles - United States)

119.BC-InterStamps (Jorgen S Aabech - Norway)

120.Beach Philatelics and Atlantic Coast Exhibitions United States Stamps (Tim Odom - United States)

121.Beauprי Stamps (Harold Beauprי - Canada)

122.The Bedford Company Want Lists - Approvals (United States)

123.Bel-Aire Collectibles (Greg Kellermann - United States)

124.Belarusian International Stamp Company (Rostislav Permiakov - Belarus)

125.Ben Rosenthal's Stamps and Covers for Sale (Ben Rosenthal - United States)

126.BESTamps U.S. Mint Stamps for Collectors (Closed until next year) (United States)

127.Bevil Cachets (Kendal Bevil - United States)

128.Bick International Collectibles (Israel I. Bick - United States)

129.Bill Barrell Ltd Great Britain Stamps and Postal History (Bill Barrell - United Kingdom)

130.Bill Olcheski's Stamp Page (Bill Olcheski - United States)

131.Bill's Hobby Site (Bill Pertz - United States)

132.Bill's Philatelic Bargains (Bill Boomer - Canada)

133.Bill's Topical Stamps (Bill Schindler - United States)

134.Birdland Stamps (Walter Bird - United States)

135.BiStamp.com All Stamps From All New Independent States of the Former USSR (Belarus) (Rastsislau Permiakou and Mikhas Karpovich - Belarus)

136.Bjרrn's Stamp Page (Bjרrn Ommundsen - Norway)

137.Bletchley Park Post Office (Terry Mitchell - United Kingdom)

138.Bluhm-Briefmarken Old German States and German Colonies (Jצrg-Willi-Bluhm - Germany)

139.Bob's Stamp Page Classic U.S. Singles (Bob Adair - United States)

140.Bobby's U.S. & Worldwide Stamp Packets (Bob Gobeil - United States)

141.Boekhouts Collectibles Mall : Stamps among other Collectibles (John Boekhout - United States)

142.Bolaffi (Italy)

143.Bombay Stamps (Bombay Stamps - United States)

144.Booklet Cover Home Page (Darryl Canady - United States)

145.Booklets International : Booklets for Sale (Walter de Rooy - The Netherlands)

146.Books on Philately (Leonard H. Hartmann - United States)

147.Boswell's Dog Stamps, Cat Stamps, Horse Stamps, Custom Framing, Pins (United States)

148.Bredenhof Kiloware (The Netherlands)

149.The Bretalex Stamp Company (Alexander Haimann - United States)

150.Bridger & Kay Ltd British Commnwealth Stamps & Postal History 1840-1952 (Steve Ellis - United Kingdom)

151.Briefmarkenangebot aus aller Welt von Willy Pedersen (Willy Pedersen - Germany)

152.Briefmarkenecke (Carsten Mai - Germany)

153.Briefmarkenversand Rosemarie Greuel (Rosemarie Greuel - Germany)

154.Britannia Albums (Barry Cross - United Kingdom)

155.British Commonwealth Stamp Co. (Goetsch Clifford - United States)

156.British Commonwealth Stamps (Mrs.B.N.Turner - United Kingdom)

157.British First Day Covers Limited Edition FDCs For All British Commemorative Stamp Issues (AG Bradbury - United Kingdom)

158.British West Indies (Mike DeLise - United States)

159.Britzer's Stamp Friends (Germany)

160.Brodowski & Waldbach (Germany)

161.Brooklyn Gallery Coins and Stamps (United States)

162.Brookman Cover Company First Day Covers (United States)

163.Brookman Stamp Company (Michael Jaffe - United States)

164.Brown, MK-00D Bulgarian Stamps (Keith & Margie Brown - Bulgaria)

165.Budmart (Jonathan Budhram - United Kingdom)

166.Buffalo Stamp Scout Topicals (United States)

167.Bulgarian Stamps (Krassimir Nikolov or Branimir Lambiev - Bulgaria)

168.Bulloch VFNH (Peter Bulloch - Canada)

169.Bulterman Filatelie (The Netherlands)

170.Burde Enterprises (Marshall & Maureen Burde - United States)

171.Butterflies and Moths on Stamps (Karl Rabsilber - Germany)

172.C & G Stamps Quality United States Stamps. From Classics Thru Ducks. Singles, Plate Blocks, Booklets, and PNCs. Over 1000 Photos. (Greg Reeves - United States)

173.Campbell Paterson Ltd (Campbell Paterson Ltd. - New Zealand)

174.Campman Stamps Modern Stamps of the United States (Glen G. Campman - United States)

175.Canada and Newfoundland Stamps for Sale (Philip Wolf - Canada)

176.Postage Stamps of Canada and Provinces Price List (Viateur Matte - Canada)

177.The Canadian Stamp Dealers' Association (CSDA - Canada)

178.Canadian Stamp News (Trajan Publishing Corporation - Canada)

179.Canadian Stamp News (Canada)

180.Canadian Stamps for Sale (Luc Champagne - Canada)

181.Canadiana Philatelics

182.Canal Zone, USA, British Area, and Worldwide for Sale (Wayne Worthington)

183.Cancel Nations Stamp Company (Bob MacLachlan - United States)

184.Candlish McCleery Ltd Great Britain (United Kingdom)

185.Cape Fear Stamps & Collectibles Mint Sheets, Plate Blocks & Philatelic Supplies (Mike Leonard - United States)

186.Capital City Stamp Company (Tom Bohon - United States)

187.Cappa World Wide Postage Stamps (Bill Evison - United States)

188.Cappa World wide stamps (Mark Leon - United States)

189.CarDan Company (CarDan Co. - United States)

190.Carolina Coin and Stamp Inc. Authentic Confederate Stamps and Postal History (Tony Crumbley - United States)

191.Carolina Collections (Carol Speake - United States)

192.Carolina Mountain Stamps (Sally Campbell - United States)

193.Casa Filatelica Salvadorena Salvadorian Philatelic House (Benjamin Valencia - El Salvador)

194.Cashat's Hand Painted First Day Covers (United States)

195.Celmark Corp (United States)

196.CERES Philatיlie (Philippe Loeuillet - France)

197.Chalon Stamps Ltd New Zealand, Australia, Great Britain and Pacific Island (Peter Whittaker - New Zealand)

198.Championship Stamp Supplies Lindner, Showgard, H.E.Harris,and White Ace Stamp Supplies (Bill Brincken - United States)

199.Jerseystamp & Phonecard Channel Island Stamps & Collections (Chris Ball - Jersey)

200.Charis Stamps Worldwide Stamps (Marco Iskandar - Western Australia)

201.Charity Signed Autographs Signed Covers from Great Britain (United Kingdom)

202.Charlestown Stamps (Matt H. Matzoll - Australia)

203.Chaste Philately (Charles & Stephanie Bromser - Australia)

204.Chenaille Stamps (Ernie Chenaille - United States)

205.ChiefJPS Stamps (John P. Standley - United States)

206.China Philately Online (China)

207.China Post Card (Zhai Guang Long - China)

208.Chris' Stamp Room U.S. Used and Covers (United States)

209.Christ Stamps Stamps and Supplies (Walter Christ - Germany)

210.Christina Jones Stamp Collecting Packets, Single Stamps, Kiloware, Offpaper Mixtures & Lots (Chris Jones - United States)

211.Christmas Seals, EFOs and Japan for Sale. (Betsy and Chuck - United States)

212.Christmas Seals (John Denune - United States)

213.Chrysalis Stamps Classic Mint Postage Stamps of the British Empire to 1935 (David McCoy - Ireland)

214.Chuck Bigler Collectibles (Chuck Bigler - United States)

215.CIA - Collectibles Insurance Agency Stamp Insurance (W. Danforth Walker - United States)

216.Cindstamp Worldwide Cinderellas (C Stetson Thomas - United States)

217.Clark Stamp Company United States Stamps (Lee R. Clark - United States)

218.The Classic Cancel Used U.S. Stamps, Postal History, and Advertising Covers (John Valenti - United States)

219.Col. Larry R. Davidson (Colonel Larry R. Davidson - United States)

220.Collect+ (Cor-Paul Bezemer - The Netherlands)

221.Collect-A-ROM Digizine Electronic Catalogue Browser (The Netherlands)

222.Collectibles Insurance Agency Insurance For Collectors (United States)

223.Collectibles Store (Junior da Matta - Brazil)

224.Collections Plus Packets and Mixtures, Mint and Used Sets of the World (Kevin Morgan - Australia)

225.Collector's Corner Stamps (Australia)

226.Collector's Supply House Retail Mail-Order Division of CWS (Dwight Stanley - Canada)

227.Collectors Gallery (Ken Greenberg - United States)

228.The Collectors' Shop (James O'Brien - Ireland)

229.Collectors' Web: Philately (SIGA-Tadasu - Japan)

230.Collectorsworld (Liechtenstein)

231.CollectorWeb Stamp Auctions and Online Buying (Jim and Mike - United States)

232.Collins and Colorano First Day Covers (Knottywood Treasures, Rex Briggs - United States)

233.Colonial Postage Stamps British and German Colonies (Edward - Russia)

234.Colonias Stamps United States, Canada and British Empire (John S. Colonias - United States)

235.Colonias Stamps United States, Canada, British Empire (John S. Colonias - United States)

236.Colorano Silk Cachets (United States)

237.Commemoratives International, Ltd. Postage, Picture Postcards, FDC's (United States)

238.Confederate Stamp Alliance Authentication Committee (Patricia A. Kaufmann - United States)

239.Confederate States of America Stamps and Postal History (John L. Kimbrough MD - United States)

240.Connecticut Cinderellas Worldwide Revenues and Cinderellas (Raymond E. Petersen - United States)

241.Cool Stamps for Sale (Greg Caron Stamps - United States)

242.Coughlin's (Ray L. Coughlin - United States)

243.County Stamp Center (County Stamp Center - United States)

244.Courrier d'Autrefois (Rיgis Patinet - France)

245.Coventry Stamps & SciFi (Alan Cutts - United Kingdom)

246.The Cover Exchange (G. Heermann - Japan)

247.Covers for All! (Knud-Erik Andersen - Denmark)

248.Covington Stamps, Inc. Classic Worldwide Stamps (Allen Jossim - United States)

249.Crostamp Croatia, Slovenija, Bosna i Hercegovina, Italy, France, Yugoslavia (Renato Fiorencis - Croatia)

250.CS Philatelic Agency Singapore Mint & Used Stamps and First Day Covers (Tan Chun Lim - Singapore)

251.CS Philatelic Agency (Singapore)

252.CSi Collectible Forum - Stamps (Dave Cunningham - United States)

253.CTi Philatelic Displays (France)

254.Curacao Stamps & Coins Company (Hong Kong)

255.Curioscape Stamps Large Links Database w/ Searchable Engine (Curioscape)

256.Curtis E. Gidding Covers and Stamps for Sale (Curtis E. Gidding - United States)

257.Custom Designed Post Cards Gold Rush Related Postcards (United States)

258.Cybercoins Stamps Baseball Stamps (Hiram C. Wilson - United States)

259.CyberStamps (Yossi Nulamed - United States)

260.CZECH Info Center: Trojan Catalog 1918-1996 + 1997 (InterContinental Marketing Ltd. - Chech Republic)

261.Czechoslovak Stamps and Stationery Trade Center (Lubor Kunc - Czech Republic)

262.D&D Italia RareStamps (Massimo Del Mastro - Italy)

263.D&T International LTD China & Eastasia Philately (Yingming He - Sweden)

264.Dale Enterprises (Dale Enterprises, Inc. - United States)

265.Dan W. French Stamp Collections, Kiloware, Topicals, and Supplies (United States)

266.Dan W. French Worldwide Stamps and Philately (United States)

267.Danish AFA Catalogue (Lars Boes - Denmark)

268.Danish On-Line Collectors (Toke Nרrby - Denmark)

269.Danske Frimµrker Danish Stamps for Sale (Allan Ronit - Denmark)

270.Dave Kaplan Stamps (Dave Kaplan - United States)

271.Dave Stamps Turkish Stamps (David - Turkey)

272.David Allen Philatelics Ltd. (David Allen - United Kingdom)

273.David Brandon Rare Classic Stamps Rare Classic Stamps from G.B. and the Commonwealth (David Brandon - United Kingdom)

274.David Crocker Professional Philatelists (A. Wigmore - South Africa)

275.David Shaw Postal History (David Shaw - United Kingdom)

276.Davidson's Stamp Service (United States)

277.De Rosa Organisation Worldwide New Issue Service (Nieves Olea - Spain)

278.DelStamps Philatelist and Mail Order Stamp Dealer (Derek Walton)

279.Dennis R. Abel United States, Iceland, Israel (United States)

280.Designs Etc. Framed Postage Stamp Art (Diane Rose - United States)

281.Deutscher Philatelie Service (Ronald Janasch - Germany)

282.DHS Stamps Canada and British Commonwealth Approvals (Brian Schatz - Canada)

283.Dick & Marie Laetsch Precanceled Stamps (United States)

284.Dick Brand (United Kingdom)

285.Dick Kerr U. S. and Canadian (United States)

286.Die Deutsche Briefmarken-Revue (Germany)

287.Dingus Worldwide Postal History and Revenue Documents (Dingus Moore and Louis)

288.Dinosaur Stamps (Keith and Mary at Keimar Stamps - United States)

289.Disaster Stamp Issue (James and James P. - West Indies)

290.Disler Philatelie (Switzerland)

291.Dixie Stamp Circuit Foreign and U.S. Mixtures (United States)

292.DJ's Stamps (Danny - United States)

293.DK Enterprises (Dick Keiser - United States)

294.Dmitrij and Son Stamps Mint Stamps from Ex-USSR and World for Sale (D. K. Efremov - Russia)

295.DMS Stamps (United States)

296.Dog Stamps for Sale (Chuck and Francie Stull - United States)

297.The Dollar Cover Company Covers on Approval (United States)

298.The Dollar Cover Company (United States)

299.Don Black Stamps (Don Black - United States)

300.Don Lewis Country Collections International Stamps (United States)

301.Don Lewis Country Collections (Don Lewis - United States)

302.doocollect.com (Ernesto Serigos - Spain)

303.Douglas Cook, Inc. (DCI - United States)

304.Dragon Cards First Day Cover Cards (Lloyd A. de Vries - United States)

305.Dragon Stamp (Yonghong Yan - China)

306.Dresser Philatelics U.S. Classics, B.O.B., Territories and Possessions (D. Dresser - United States)

307.Duane Larson United States, Canada, British Commonwealth, United Nations, Ireland (United States)

308.The Duck Stamp Story: Art - Conservation - History (Eric Jay Dolin & Bob Dumaine - United States)

309.Duck Stamps, Etc. (T. H. Richardson - United States)

310.Dupke's Stamps (D. Uitterdijk - Netherlands)

311.Duval Coins and Stamps (Don & Jan Kittsmiller - United States)

312.e-Fila (Pos Indonesia - Indonesia)

313.E.S.J. van Dam Ltd. (Erling van Dam - Canada)

314.Earl P. L. Apfelbaum, Inc. Mail Bid Sales and Public Auctions (Diane Apfelbaum - United States)

315.East Europe Philatelics (Peter van Esch - The Netherlands)

316.East Europe Stamps (Lithuania)

317.East European Stamps (D J M Kerr - United Kingdom)

318.Eastern Europe Supplier (Karol Fercak - Slovakie)

319.Eastgate Universal Stamps and Coins (Julian Gecelter - South Africa)

320.ebourse Stamp Collecting Marketplace (Henry Stevens - United States)

321.Echo Sierra Stamp Company Stamps of the British Empire and the World (John A. Swart - United States)

322.The Eclectic Company First Day Covers (Callen Harty - United States)

323.Ed and Matt's Stamp Page Stamps for Sale (Matt LaPlant - United States)

324.Ed Jackson's Web Site (Ed Jackson - United States)

325.Edelman's Coins & Stamps Loans on U.S. & WW Stamps & Covers (United States)

326.Editora RHM Filatelistas - Pבgina de Abertura (Brazil)

327.Edward Hines Postal History and Fancy Cancels (United States)

328.Ege Bjerregaard Frimזrkehandel (Denmark)

329.Eilat Philatelic Club Israel at Face Value, Free Price List (Israel)

330.ELA Auctions, Inc. Three auctions per year (ELA Auctions - United States)

331.Elite Stamps (Elite Stamps - Canada)

332.Ellis Philatelic Big Shoe Box Sale (Canada)

333.Emerald City Stamps (Rob Follett - United States)

334.Emmanuel Said-Malta Stamps, Coins, Telecards (Remy Said - Malta)

335.Empire Era Stamps (Nick Pollard - United Kingdom)

336.Empire Philatelics Stamps and Postal History of Great Britain (John Hart and Barry Banks - United States)

337.Encyclopedia of Stamps.com (United Kingdom)

338.Endangered Species Stamps (Linda Alfin, Alfin's Philatelic Connection - United States)

339.Endangered Species Stamps (Linda Alfin - United States)

340.Eric Jackson Revenue Stamps (Eric Jackson - United States)

341.Eric Paul Stamps Great Britain (United Kingdom)

342.Erich Vogel United Nations (United States)

343.Error Stamps for Sale (Steven Crippe Rare Stamps - United States)

344.Error Stamps (Stan Goldfarb - United States)

345.Ersta Stamp Department (Per Erik Nilsson - Sweden)

346.Espace Lollini, Space Philately Specialist, Album and Catalog Editor (Lollini Bernard and Alexandre - France)

347.eStampShop Over 5,000 Commonwealth and World Lots From Single Stamps to Collections (Chris Jones - United Kingdom)

348.Estonian Stamps & Kiloware (Peeter Krusten - Estonia)

349.ETN Covers Covers Covers (Earl Netwal - United States)

350.EUROFILA Ltd. New Issues from New Eastern Europe, Baltic and CIS Countries. (Ricardas Rusteika - Lithuania)

351.EverGreene Stamps Worldwide stamps for sale (Tim Greene - United States)

352.EverGreene Stamps (Tim Greene - United States)

353.Evert Johansson Sweden, The Faroes and The Aland Islands (Sweden)

354.Everything for Collectors (Adolf Kosel - Austria)

355.F. Brych & Fils Stamps of Monaco (Monaco)

356.Fairwinds Naval Covers and Historical Documents (United States)

357.Falmouth Stamp & Coin United States and Foreign Stamps (United States)

358.Fauquex Philatelie (FAUQUEX Philately - Switzerland)

359.The Faux's Den (Rob Faux - United States)

360.FCI Stamp Restoration Service (Hans Sitt - Canada)

361.FDC Page (Shu Zhan - China)

362.Post Fiji Limited (Post Fiji Ltd. - Fiji)

363.Filatיlica Penny Black (Giorgio Radini - Brazil)

364.Filatela Online (ENEXA Philex Division, Giuseppe Todaro - Italy)

365.Filatelia Aguilar (Filatelia Aguilar)

366.Filatelia Cultural Culture of Spain in Stamps (Ediciones Filatיlicas Torres - Spain)

367.Filatelia Kevorkian (Alejandro Bouza - Argentina)

368.Filatelia Sammarinese (Italy)

369.Filatelia Temtica (Eduardo - Spain)

370.Filatelic Silver Star Macau, Hong Kong, PRChina, Taiwan (Macau)

371.Filkom Postage Stamps (Nackaerts Jan - Belgium)

372.Firefighting Topicals of The World for Sale (Telah W. Smith - United States)

373.First Day Cover Cachet Catalogues and Upcoming Stamp Shows (4-Collectors - United States)

374.First Day Cover Shop (Curtis Gidding)

375.First Day Covers (Gunnar Vamraak - Norway)

376.First Issue Reserved Edition : A collection of fictitious U.S. postage stamps (Pyrodise Distributers)

377.firstpost2000 (Tony Robinson - New Zealand)

378.Flentje's U.S. Stamps for Sale (William Flentje - United States)

379.Flying Buffalo Inc Genuine Revenue Stamps (Tax Stamps) for Illegal Substances (United States)

380.Fogostamps (Argentina)

381.Football Stamps List On The Line (Simon Milkus - The Ukraine)

382.Foreign Sets for Sale (Ed Anderson - United States)

383.Forstamps Worldwide Thematics (United Kingdom)

384.Fortunes of War: Postage Stamps and Paper Collectibles (Michael Hyman - United States)

385.Framed Stamp Art for Sale (The Front Window - United States)

386.Francephilately (Florent Gonחalves - France)

387.Francobollitalia (Laura Corsini Canella - Italy)

388.Frank Bachenheimer United States Stamps (United States)

389.Frank Godden Limited Luxury Stamp Albums (United Kingdom)

390.Fred Gorhau Hobbies U.S and U.N. Year Sets (United States)

391.Free Brazilian Stamps (Luiz Carlos Verissimo - Brazil)

392.Freeman's Postal History (Greg Sutherland - United States)

393.Freeman's Home Page (Greg Sutherland - United States)

394.Fritsche-Shop (Hans Fritsche - Germany)

395.Funnel Web Stamps Approvals (Australia)

396.G & C Stamps 19th and Early 20th Century Foreign Stamps (Jeremy Mikkelsen - United States)

397.G and C Stamp Company (United States)

398.G. Brinton Ingram Worldwide Approvals (United States)

399.G. H. McIntyre Ltd (Glen McIntyre - Canada)

400.Gabriele's Philatelic Service (Gariele Woodbine - Australia)

401.Galaxy UK Ltd Stamps Dealers, Auctions (United Kingdom)

402.Galleria del Francobollo (Dino de Paolis - Italy)

403.Gallery of Stamps and Postcards for Sale (Dan Nicoara)

404.Gallo's Stamp Sales (United States)

405.Gardiner Waterbury Stamps (Gardiner Waterbury - United States)

406.Garfield Philately (A.L. Garfield - United Kingdom)

407.Gary Anderson Postal History (Gary Anderson - United States)

408.Gary Posner, Inc (United States)

409.Gary Tiffin Stamps (Gary Tiffin - United States)

410.Gateway Stamp Company (Tom and Rose Wiley - United States)

411.GBStampShop.com Victorian British, Penny Black, and Many Other Great Britain (Brian Jennings - United Kingdom)

412.Geir & Jרrgens Stamp Site (Norway)

413.Gelmi Philatelists (South Africa)

414.Gelmi Philatelists (Meyer de Kock - South Africa)

415.GeM Stamps & Coins (GeM Stamps & Coins - Australia)

416.General Conrad L. Bush, CSA - Philatelic Consultant Confederate States General Issues (Conrad L. Bush - United States)

417.The General Store Hawaiian Stamps (United States)

418.Georg's German Stamp Offers (Georg Hammrich - Germany)

419.George Bohn (United States)

420.George Townsend Stamps (Judy Townsend - United States)

421.George's Stamps (George and Leeann Hoon - United States)

422.German Stamps and Coins (Sebastian Barzel - Germany)

423.German Stamps (Detlef Hellmich - Germany)

424.Germania Stamps (Gerd Mentfewitz - Germany)

425.Gerooide Postzegels German Stamps (Jacob Paauwe - Netherlands)

426.Giles Specialties (Rich Giles - United States)

427.Gilzestamps.com Stamps and Kiloware (The Netherlands)

428.Gita Stamps (Gita Stamps Company - Indonesia)

429.Glad Cachets First Day Covers (Gladys Kelly - United States)

430.Glenwood Stamp Exchange (Larry Kebel - United States)

431.Global Collector (Pranay Aggarwal - United Kingdom)

432.Global Stamps (Global Stamps of Olympia - United States)

433.Globe Stamps Ltd British Commonwealth (Sweden)

434.Gnome Stamp Shoppe and Club (Christian Donica - United States)

435.Go Stamps Canadian Stamps (Guy Olivier - Canada)

436.Going Postal! T-shirts from Classic Postal Images (David Ryan - United States)

437.Golden Replicas Dot Com (Rosania R. Soares - United States)

438.Goodlad Stamps (Michael Goodlad - United Kingdom)

439.Gopher Supply Company (Bill Norberg - United States)

440.GotStamps Specializing in German States, Europe, Scandanavia and Canada (GotStamps - United States)

441.Grahame W.Mann Philatelist Stamps of Great Britain 1840 - 1970 (United Kingdom)

442.Grand Prix Memorabilia (Barrie Adams - England)

443.Great American Stamp Co. United States Stamps (United States)

444.Great Britain 1967-77 First Day Covers, PHQ's, Postcards, Postal Stationery (Roger Callan - United Kingdom)

445.Great Britain and Commonwealth Stamps & Postal History (Greg Fish Ltd - United Kingdom)

446.Great Britain First Day Cover Shop (Mark Sargent - United Kingdom)

447.Great Britain Machin Definitives (Roy Simpson - United Kingdom)

448.Great Britain New Issues and Disposing of My Accumulated Collection (Ian Billings - United Kingdom)

449.Great Britain Stamp Booklets (United Kingdom)

450.Great Southern Cover Company (Dave Shaw - United States)

451.Greek Stamps for the Olympic Games and Items (Gionik - Greece)

452.Gregg Nelson Stamps (Gregg Nelson - United States)

453.Groth AG (Hans Groth - Switzerland)

454.Guaranteed Philatelics (Mary Nicklaus - United States)

455.Guy Olivier (Guy Olivier - Canada)

456.Guy Panneton Worldwide and British Commonwealth (Canada)

457.Guy Shaw Latin American Stamps (United States)

458.H.E. Harris Company (United States)

459.Hallmark Stamp Issues Historic Commemorative Stamp Issues in Precious Metals (United Kingdom)

460.Hampstead Castle Machin Definitive stamps of Great Britain (Alan D. Warby - United Kingdom)

461.Hanby's Precancelled Stamps Wyoming Postal History (John Hanby - United States)

462.Hanover South (Ace Rowley - United States)

463.Hans Maier Stamps (Victor Roussinov - South Africa)

464.Harbour Stamps Fine and Rare Great Britain Stamps (United Kingdom)

465.Hard to Find Stamp Company Buyers and Sellers of Worldwide Stamps (Boyd and Dianna Eveland - United States)

466.Harold Pease (Harold Pease - United States)

467.Harry Kemp Canada Used (United States)

468.Hawaii Stamps, Covers and Postal History for Sale (Harold Larsen - United States)

469.Hawaiian Stamps A Book of Local History (Emmett Cahill - United States)

470.HBCollectibles (Harry Brown - United States)

471.Heathside Collectibles U.S. & Worldwide Stamp Collecting Supplies and Stamps (Matthew Crandell - United States)

472.Henry Gitner Philatelists, Inc. United Nations (Henry Gitner Philatelists - United States)

473.Henry Gitner Philatelists, Inc. (United States)

474.Herbert D. Young Jr. Approvals: 30% of Scotts 2000 (United States)

475.Herm Island Stamps (Herm Gift Shop - Channel Islands)

476.Hermann E. Sieger GmbH (Germany)

477.Herrick Stamp Company New Issues (United States)

478.HH Sales Limited Philatelic Literature (Stephen Holder - United Kingdom)

479.High Seas Ship Covers (Alvin Eckert - United States)

480.Historia Postal Covers (Rebaque - Spain)

481.Historical Postmarks Unique, Postmarked Stamps Enlarged and Framed (Joe Friel - United States)

482.HMA Stamps and Collectibles Pre-1940 United States (Arnold Miller - United States)

483.hobby-supplies.com U.S. Stamps, Duck Stamps and Supplies (Virgil Bradley - United States)

484.Homespun Cachets (Barry and Jean Southard - United States)

485.Hong Kong Stamp Market Stamps for Sale (Stanley Yip - Hong Kong)

486.Horacio E. Groio Latin America (Argentina)

487.Horacio Eduardo Groio Latin America Stamps and Covers (Argentina)

488.House of Stamps Approvals (United States)

489.The Hugh Wood Organization Collectibles Insurance (United States)

490.Hugo H.D Deshaye Philatelist (Hugo H.D Deshaye - Canada)

491.Hummel's Philatelie-Service (Martin Findel and Richard Hummel - Germany)

492.Hunt & Co. (United States)

493.Hy Cohen Stamps Stamps of Israel (Hy Cohen - United States)

494.Hypermart Dollar Auctions Stamps & Postcards (Elvir Sarajlic - United States)

495.I. S. Munro British Commonwealth, Worldwide Topicals for Sale (Ian Munro - Canada)

496.I.S. Munro (Canada)

497.Iberstamps (Spain)

498.ICN Stamp Dealers (United Kingdom)

499.iHobb.com Internet Hobby Supply (United States)

500.Image Nostalgia (Arthur Groten M.D. - United States)

501.India and Bangladesh Stamps (Hans Hans-Dietmar Jacobs - Germany)

502.Indian Stamps Catalogue (Philatelia - India)

503.Indian Stamps for Sale (Sheth Philateic Services, Mafatlal Sheth - India)

504.Indigo French Colonies Stamps (Edward Wener - United States)

505.Indonesia Filatelie Tempo Doeloe (Alex A.M.de Groot - Netherlands)

506.Inter Stamp News (Denmark)

507.Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corporation (United States)

508.InterEgypt Egyptian Stamps, Banknotes, Postcards (Ehab Yousef - Egypt)

509.The International Birdlife Stamp Collection (The Netherlands)

510.The Internet Antique Shop Chat (United States)

511.Internet Philatelic Shop (Radomir Danenberger - Czech Republic)

512.Internet Philatelics (Mike McDermott - United States)

513.Internet Philatelistic Shop Buy, Sell, Gallery, On-line Auction (Radomir Danenberger - Czech Republic)

514.Interphil United States Stamps: eBay Auctions (United States)

515.Interstamp Organisation (Interstamp.org - The Netherlands)

516.Interstamps (Guy Maggay - Switzerland)

517.InterStamp (InterStamp - The Netherlands)

518.Iowa Stamps and Coins United Staes Stamps and Supplies (Terry & Rebecca Holdridge - United States)

519.IPLTD Iran, Turkey, Germany (Fatih Goca - Turkey)

520.Stamps of Iraq Post Gulf War (Luay Edward Allose - Iraq)

521.Ireland Stamps Irish and European Stamps, First Day Covers, and Postal History (Eoin Boyle - Ireland)

522.Irish Stamps Online (Martin Fahy - Ireland)

523.ISFILA AS Auctions and Stamp Sales (Turkey)

524.Island Stamp and Coin (Dick Bland - United States)

525.Island Stamp Company (Mike Tyler - United States)

526.Isle of Man Sales Ltd Postal History, Postcards, Stamps. (G M Jarand - United Kingdom)

527.Italian Philatelic Dealers Association - Tuscany Section (Ugo Messeri, President - Italy)

528.IVYDEE Philatelic Services Auction, Approvals, and Sales (United Kingdom)

529.J C Stamp Collection China and Hong Kong (JC Stamp.Corp)

530.J Sanders (Philatelist) Ltd (Alan Sanders - United Kingdom)

531.J's Home Page Stamps for Sale (James Ford - Canada)

532.J. Barefoot Ltd Older Stamps of Europe (John Barefoot - United Kingdom)

533.J. C. Stamp Collection China and Hong Kong (Johnny Choi)

534.J. Garvey & Sons Mail Auctions, Mail Orders, Appraisals (Joseph Sr. and Les Garvey - Canada)

535.J.A.S.C. British Empire, United States (United States)

536.J.C. Jordan Argentina - Brasil (Argentina)

537.J.S. Volutza Philatelics (Joe Volutza - United States)

538.Jack and Jill's Kiloware (Jack Kaminsky - United States)

539.James E. Lee's Philately on the Web (James Lee - United States)

540.James Juracek Stamps for Collectors Worldwide Selections (United States)

541.James M. Hogan Stamp Sales (Tom Carty - Ireland)

542.James Song Philatelics Straits Settlements, Malaya, Singapore, Burma, Japanese Occupation (James Song - Singapore)

543.James T. McCusker, Inc. (James McCusker - United States)

544.Jamestown Stamp Company Approvals (United States)

545.Jamestown Stamp Company (United States)

546.Japan Philatelic Group Japanese Philately (Kenneth G. Clark - United Kingdom)

547.Japan, Ryukyus, and Worldwide for Sale (George C. Baxley - United States)

548.Japanese Stamps (Patrick Lehne - United States)

549.Jay Smith & Associates Scandinavian Philately (United States)

550.JC Cachet (Sean Connolly - United States)

551.JCM Museum Shop (FIVE/CINQ Unlimited - Canada)

552.JCM Museum Shop (Jas W Felter - Canada)

553.Jean De La Fontaine Stamps For Collectors (United States)

554.Jean De La Fontaine Stamps for Collectors (France)

555.Jeanile Stamps France and Canada Specialists (Canada)

556.Jenkins Stamp Frames Minnesota Diversified Industries (James Barry - United States)

557.Jenny Ash Stamps United States Stamps (Andy Nichols - United States)

558.Jerome Gunderson Stamp Company (United States)

559.Jerome Gunderson Stamp Dealer (Jerome Gunderson - United States)

560.Jerseystamp & Phonecard (United Kingdom)

561.Jerseystamp & Phonecard Channel Island Stamps & Collections (Chris Ball - Jersey)

562.JET Stamps Great Britain, Channel Is. and More (United States)

563.Jet Stamps Stamps for Sale and Auction (Lynne Ackers - United Kingdom)

564.Jim Forte Postal History United States and Worldwide Postal History (Jim Forte - United States)

565.JOBI Philatelic Services United States and Worldwide. Specializing in Postal History. (Bill Lehr - United States)

566.JOBI Philatelic Services (Bill Lehr - United States)

567.Joe Frasketi's Space Covers (Tony Frasketi - United States)

568.John Barkdoll U.S. MNH Approvals (United States)

569.John D. Bedworth Stamp Sales (United Kingdom)

570.John De La Fontaine Stamp Dealer (John De La Fontaine - United States)

571.John E. Nelson U.S. and Worldwide (United States)

572.John H. Talman Auctions, Retail (Canada)

573.John Lister Limited British Commonwealth (David Lister - United Kingdom)

574.John Martino Philatelics Worldwide Approvals (John Martino - United States)

575.John Matthews Great Britain, Germany, Kuwait, Thailand, Bahain (United Kingdom)

576.John McDonald (United States)

577.John Sheffield Philatelist Ltd. Public Stamp Auctions, Retail Offerings (John Sheffield - Canada)

578.John Van Alstyne Stamps & Supplies (John Van Alstyne - United States)

579.Jonal Art Covers Hand-Painted Covers (Eunice Alter - United States)

580.Jonathan Gilbert Stamps British First Day Covers (Jonathon Gilbert - United Kingdom)

581.Jonathan Tung World Wildlife Fund, Hong Kong, PR China and Other Topical Issues from South East Asian Countries (Jonathan Tung - Hong Kong)

582.Jonny's Samlerservice (Jonny ״en - Norway)

583.Joseph (Joe) Klekotta Poland (United States)

584.Joseph Myers Canada and Newfoundland Approvals (United States)

585.JRB Collectables (United Kingdom)

586.Juan Gonzalez Approvals (United States)

587.Judaica Sales (Isidore Baum - Canada)

588.Judnick Postcards Covers & Stamps (United States)

589.Juniper Covers Ltd. (Hugh V. Feldman - United Kingdom)

590.Just Wendy Themes Topical Stamps (W. White - United Kingdom)

591.Juvelar First Day Covers, Souvenir Cards, and Fancy Cancels for United States Stamps (United States)

592.KABE Stamp Albums (Axel Stuerken - Germany)

593.KABEalbums (Gerhard Weber - United States)

594.Kanawha Coin Shop : U.S. and Foreign Stamps (Doug Bumgardner - United States)

595.Kandi Ab (Robert Stolt - Sweden)

596.Kangaroo Crossing Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea stamps for sale (Allan Bush - United States)

597.Karelia Stamps (Karelia Stamps - Finland)

598.Karl A Norsten AB (Karl A Norsten - Sweden)

599.Katalףg Slovensko (Zberatel - Slovatkia)

600.Keimar Stamps Worldwide Stamps and Topicals (Keith or Mary Rathbone - United States)

601.Keimar Stamps (Keith or Mary Rathbone - United States)

602.Keith Rodman Stamps British Commonwealth Specializing in Rhodesia from 1892 to 1980, Zimbabwe, South Africa, South West Africa (South Africa)

603.Ken Srail United States Pre-1940 and 1893 Columbian and 1901 Pan-American World's Fair Memorabilia (United States)

604.Kennedy Stamps (Robert Kennedy - Australia)

605.KGVI Stamps British Colonies - King George VI (Tom Cusick - United States)

606.Kiloware for Sale (Douglas Dobson - United States)

607.Kinnersley Castle Studio GB Postal History & Cover Specialist (Robert Danzig - United Kingdom)

608.Kiva Stamps Stamp Collecting, Philately (KIVA - France)

609.Kiva (France)

610.Kiwiana Stamp Co (New Zealand)

611.KOBRA - Sammlerbedarf (Frank Schlattner - Germany)

612.Kontinent: The Rarest Stamps in the World (Jose Segarra - Spain)

613.Korean Philatelic Co. Ltd. 2001 KPC-Korean Postage Stamp Catalog (Kwang -won Lee, President - Korea)

614.Kostamp (Korea)

615.Stamps of Krgyzstan 1992 until 2001 (Asia Art - Romania)

616.L & E Stamps (Laura & Elbert Pillers - United States)

617.L & M Stamp Co (H. Lynn McGowan - United States)

618.L. K. Burgman Stamps & Covers (Lisa K. Burgman - United States)

619.L. Szweras Canada, Newfoundland (Canada)

620.La Lepidoteca Insects on Stamps (Spain)

621.La Maison du Timbre (Stamp House) French stamps and French Colonies, Andorre, Monaco, Europa (Christian Isaac - France)

622.La Posta Publications United States Postal History (Australia)

623.La Postale Philatelie Stamps of France (France)

624.The Ladd Stamp Centre Cats on Stamps (United States)

625.Lakeshore Philatelics (T.Horvath - Canada)

626.LandC Stamps (Lois and Carl King - United States)

627.Complete Guide for Laos Stamp Collecting and Shop Online (Puvadon Techatewon - Bangkok)

628.Laraway Stamp Shop and Gallery (David Laraway - United States)

629.Latin Stamp Stamps of Central and South America

630.Laurentian Stamps & Coins (Andre Viau - Canada)

631.LC Stamps (Lee R. Clark - United States)

632.Le Papier Colonial French Colonies: Sales Catalog (France)

633.Lebanon Stamp Shop British Colonies and General Foreign (United States)

634.Lehmann Christmas Test Seal Covers (Douglas Lehmann - United States)

635.Lema Timbres Vatican, SMOM, France, Italy (France)

636.Len Jury New Zealand Stamps and Auctions (New Zealand)

637.Leonard Schleicher Co. Stamps of the British Commonwealth and the World (Leonard Schleicher Co. - United States)

638.Letters and Postcards (Norway)

639.Lex Geys Postal History Site (Lex Geys - Netherlands)

640.Lindner Hingeless Albums (United States)

641.Linn's Zillions of Stamps (Steve Ferda - United States)

642.Lizhi Stamps Chinese Stamps for Sale (Mr. Lizhi - China)

643.Long Beach Philatelics Worldwide Approvals (United States)

644.Long Beach Philatelics (Larry Phillips - United States)

645.Luk Vanduffel bvba (Luk Vanduffel - Belgium)

646.Lundy Stamps Catalogue (Anders Backman - Sweden)

647.Luray-Belmont Co. Former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia Republics (Raymond W. Kerstetter - United States)

648.M & S Stamps Great Britain 1840-1936 (Malcolm Sprei - United Kingdom)

649.Mרnter og Frimזrker (Denmark)

650.Macedonian Stamps (Sinisa Pavleski - Macedonia)

651.Madarin Trading Co. (Warren Lu - United States)

652.Maddy's Philatelic Service (Ed Yonelinas - Canada)

653.Magan Stamps Arabia & Iran (United Kingdom)

654.Magazzu Stamps Specializing in the Elusive and the Unusual (E.J. "Al" Magazzu - United States)

655.Magnus Engstedts Swedish Stamp Page (Magnus Engstedt - Sweden)

656.Mail Art - British Bus Stamp Memorabilia (Andy McCafferty - United Kingdom)

657.Mail by Rail Railway Philately, Railway Postcards (F. J. Wilson - England)

658.Mail Order Stamps (Jamestown Stamp Company, Inc. - United States)

659.Main Street Philatelic (Christopher Morrow - United States)

660.Maine Stamp Shoppe (Maine Stamp Shoppe, Daniel Butler - United States)

661.Maison Dupont Philatelie Stamps of France and Colonies (Laurent Dupont - France)

662.Malaysia Philately & Phonecards (Ng Chee Leng - Malaysia)

663.Manson Rideout Philatelist Ltd. Worldwide and Topical Approvals (Manson Rideout - United States)

664.MAR Historicals's World War II (Matthew Roth - United States)

665.Marco Negrל Filatelia (Marco Negrל - Italy)

666.Mari Collezionismo (Luca Falletta - Italy)

667.Marilyn Monroe Stamps from AJ Arts Ltd (Mark Schachner - United States)

668.Mario DeLotto Philatelics Canada and the Provinces (Mario DeLotto - United States)

669.Mark Bloxham Stamps I.T Pickering World Famous Collection of Maltese Cross Cancellations (United Kingdom)

670.Mark Brandon's Stamp Errors King George VI and Queen Elizabeth II Modern Rarities and Printing Errors. (Mark Brandon - United Kingdom)

671.Mark O'Neill's Philatelic Supplies (Mark O'Neill - England)

672.Mark Sargent Stamps (Mark Sargent - United Kingdom)

673.Marken Paul Stamp Approvals (Austria)

674.Marlen Stamp and Coin Ltd. (Michael Almeida - United States)

675.Martin's Stamps for Sale (Martin Rautjarvi - Finland)

676.Maru Traders (Rajender Maru - India)

677.Master-Phila (Ukraine)

678.Matteson Stamps (Nathan Matteson - United States)

679.Matthew Crandell Philatelic Supplies (Matthew Crandell - United States)

680.Matthew E. Liebson Postal History (United States)

681.Mauritius Stamps and First Day Covers (Dinesh D - United States)

682.Max Stern & Co. (Australia)

683.Mayflower Traders. Ltd (Joseph S. Colello - United States)

684.Mayo Postal History Worldwide Postal History and Thematic Meters (L. D. Mayo, Jr. - United States)

685.McFarland Stamps Worldwide Stamps for Sale (Frank J. Roub - United States)

686.MCXI Philatelics Europe and Colonies, British Commonwealth (Ralph Greenhut - United States)

687.MDC Stamp Group Specialists in Security Printing (Canada)

688.ME-FIL di Messeri Ugo Postal Stationery, San Marino, Vatican, Trieste and Italian Colonies (Italy)

689.Meerdaal Fil Stamps of Belgium (Belgium)

690.Mein Hobby Briefmarken (Guido Kolbe - Germany)

691.Mentfewitz G.b.R. Kiloware, Kilowaar, Kilos, Stamps, Sellos, Timbres, Briefmarken, Postzegels (Germany)

692.MERPHILA (Kamil Fatih Arli - Turkey)

693.Michael Ball Scandinavia and Arctic Region (United States)

694.Michael Eastick & Associates P/L Stamps, Postal History, Coins, Banknotes, Collectables from Australia and the World (Australia)

695.Michael Rogers Inc. Asian Philately, Public Auctions and Mail Sales, World Wide Stamps, Postal History & Postal Stationery (United States)

696.Michael-Vermont Worldwide Postal History and Postcards (Michael McMorrow - United States)

697.MICHEL Kataloge (Georg T. Jelinek - Germany)

698.MICHEL Swiss Agency (Dieter Urschel - Switzerland)

699.Michel (Germany)

700.Middle East Stamps (Gary F. Paiste - United States)

701.Mike Holt Great Britain Stamps from 1940 (United Kingdom)

702.Military and Civil Censored Covers for Sale (Allan Roeschmann - Denmark)

703.Military and Civil Censored Covers (A. Roeschmann - Denmark)

704.Millennium Commemorative Covers Limited First Day and Commemorative Covers (Peter Jennings, Chairman - United Kingdom)

705.Miller's Stamp Shop U.S. Classics (United States)

706.Miller's Stamp Shop (Irving Miller - United States)

707.Minnesota Stamp and Coin Company, Inc. (Rick Wolfe - United States)

708.MLG Stamps (United States)

709.Modern Great Britain and Commonwealth Mint for Sale (Peter Gladman - United Kingdom)

710.Modern Military Mail Collection (France)

711.Modlow-Arvai Stamps Country Packets and Worldwide Approvals (Lawrence Modlow and William M. Arvai - United States)

712.Modlow-Arvai Stamps (William M. Arvai - United States)

713.Moonlight Stamps Quality Canadian Stamps (Anthony Fimiani - Canada)

714.MostBuy.com Online Stamp For Sale (Jimmy - Canada)

715.Mowbray Collectables: House of Stamps Ltd New Zealand Stamps and Accessories (New Zealand)

716.Mr. Pogu Zef Albania (Albania)

717.Multipress Verlag AG (Switzerland)

718.Murray Payne Ltd King George VI (Stuart Murray Babbington and Richard George Payne Pollard (Dickon) - United Kingdom)

719.The Mystery Box (Frederick Highland - United States)

720.The Mystery Box (Ana Maria Gallo - United States)

721.Nalbandian Enterprises Germany (Noubar Nalbandian - United States)

722.Namib Stamps (Brian Basson - Namibia)

723.Natick Stamps and Hobbies New Issues, FDCs, and Supplies (United States)

724.National Stamp Dealers Association (Sheldon Ruckens, President - United States)

725.National Wildlife Philatelics Federal, State, International, and Junior Duck Stamps (United States)

726.National Wildlife Philatelics (Holt Boshart, General Manager - United States)

727.The Natural World on Postage Stamps (Patrick Paxton - United States)

728.Nederlandsche Postzegel- en Muntenveiling (The Netherlands)

729.Neil Creative Media Full Service Philatelic Ad Agency (Randy Neil - United States)

730.Nellemann's Stamp Military and Civil Mail from WW2 for Sale (Allan Roeschmann - Denmark)

731.Nelson Brewart Stamps and Coins (Nelson Brewart - United States)

732.NetArmenie Stamps (Jean-Pierre Kadeyan - France)

733.NetSTAMPS WebZine (WebZine Pub. Grp. Dick Sine - United States)

734.New Zealand & British Commonwealth Stamp Collecting & Postal Sales (Brian - New Zealand)

735.New Zealand Covers (Terry Hooper - New Zealand)

736.New Zealand Stamp Shop (New Zealand)

737.New Zealand Stamps On-line (Auckland City Stamps, David Leng - New Zealand)

738.Newfoundland Specialized Stamp Catalogue (John M. Walsh and John G. Butt - Canada)

739.Newfoundland Stamps for Sale (Richard Stead - Canada)

740.Nickerson Stamps Worldwide Approvals (Canada)

741.The Nile Post Egypt + Palestinian Authority New Issues (United States)

742.NJM Cachets (Nathan Matteson - United States)

743.No Limits Stamp Club (Steve Spoerl - United States)

744.Noble's Catalog of Cacheted Inaugural Covers (Edward Krohn - United States)

745.Nome Street Booklets of the World (United States)

746.Nordic Stamps for Sale (Arto Nopanen - Finland)

747.Nordisk Filateli (Morten Persson - Sweden)

748.Norfolk Island Stamps (Sheila Grimshaw - Norfolk Island, South Pacific)

749.North Staffs Stamps Great Britain & Commonwealth Countries (North Staffs Stamps - United Kingdom)

750.North West London Stamp Company Royalty Omnibus Issues 1935-2000 (Geoffrey Soll - United Kingdom)

751.Northwest Stamps (Bill Stahl - United States)

752.Norvic Philatelics Great Britain Stamps & FDCs, World Stamps & Postal History (United Kingdom)

753.Norwood Cachet Multicolored First Day Covers for US issues (Mike Kleintank - United States)

754.Norwoods Collectibles (Gordon Norwood - United States)

755.Oceania Philatelic Galleries : British Oceania (Richard M. Parke - United States)

756.Offshore Information Services, Ltd. View and order Anguilla stamps (Anguilla)

757.OH Frimזrker (Denmark)

758.Olney's Stamp and Coin (Todd Olney - United States)

759.Olof Linder AB Scandinavian Stamps (Olof Linder - Sweden)

760.Online Philatelic Literature Catalog (Phil Bansner - United States)

761.Oregon Stamp Co-op (Bill Stahl - United States)

762.Ormskirk Stamps African Stamps (United Kingdom)

763.Osborne-Kaufmann (Trish Kaufmann - United States)

764.OZ Stamp (Roger Martin - Australia)

765.Ozark Philatelics and Collectibles Boy Scout and Postage Stamp Collectibles (Kirk Doan - United States)

766.P Penhey & Associates British Commonwealth (United Kingdom)

767.Paboukham & Sons Philatelists in Vientiane (Paboukham Luangrath - Laos)

768.Pacific Philatelic Central (Michael C. Yu - United States)

769.Packard Philatelics (Bill Packard - United States)

770.Packets, Topicals, Canada, USA, G.B., British Commonwealth (Phil St.Jean - Canada)

771.Paper Heritage Railway List (United Kingdom)

772.Paperless Stamps The Electronic Stamp Store (Rick Mingee - United States)

773.Paperless Stamps The Electronic Stamp Store (Rick Mingee - United States)

774.Papersafe Paper Care for Stamps (Philip & Patricia Hand - United Kingdom)

775.Park Boulevard Stamps (K.V. (Ken) Jensen - United States)

776.Park Cities Stamps Carriers & Locals of the United States (Byron Sandfield - United States)

777.Parkstone Philatelics Michael B. Mercer (United Kingdom)

778.Paslay Classic Cachets (James Paslay - United States)

779.Pat's Stamps Great Britain and Commonwealth (Patrick Leech - United Kingdom)

780.Paul Edney France & Colonies Stamps (United States)

781.Paul Talbot Stamp Dealer Quality Lots and Unusual Mixtures (Paul Talbot - United States)

782.Peach Stamps U.S. Mint Stamps (United States)

783.Peninsula Philatelic Circuit (Bob Pike - Canada)

784.Pennies per Stamp Approvals (Roy Lingen - Canada)

785.Penny Black Stamp Company Specializing in Vatican City (Daniel L. Bayer - United States)

786.Pennymead Auctions West Indies (David Druett - United Kingdom)

787.Pennyred.com (Gordon Carroll - United Kingdom)

788.The Personal Touch Stamps for Collectors (Duane Morford)

789.Pete's Stamp Pad (United Kingdom)

790.Pete's Stamp Pad (Pete Stevens - England)

791.Peter Fraser's World of Stamps (Peter Fraser - Canada)

792.Peter Mosiondz, Jr. United States Stamps (Peter Mosiondz, Jr. - United States)

793.Peter Strich Stamps and Coins (Peter Strich - Australia)

794.Peter's Stamps Great Britain, Channel Islands & Isle of Man (Peter Gladman - United Kingdom)

795.PHILA NZ New Zealand, Australian, AAT & Pacific Stamps (Andrew - New Zealand)

796.Phila Service Switzerland Dieter Urschel Solothurn (Dieter Urschel - Switzerland)

797.Phila-Mail Worldwide Philatelic New Issues (M.Deneyer - Belgium)

798.Phila-Tely (Korea)

799.Philacollect (United Kingdom)

800.Philactica (Erich E. Hamm - South Africa)

801.PhilaFind Philatelic Location Service, Dealer & Auction Searches (Travis Fitzgerald - Canada)

802.Philagenta (Franz Fedra - Germany)

803.Philahandel GmbH (Germany)

804.Philamart Stamps Russian Year Sets (Russia)

805.Philasearch - Browse Through the World of Philatelie (Walter Christ - Germany)

806.PHILATE-LIST (Jerry Jensen - United States)

807.Philategenta GmbH (Franz Fedra - Germany)

808.Philatelia Hungarica Hungary and Worldwide (Hungary)

809.Philatelic Ads & New Issues Service (United States)

810.Philatelic Albums and Supplies (The Duncannon Partnership - United Kingdom)

811.Philatelic Arts Plate Number Coil Singles (Joan Lenz - United States)

812.Philatelic Bookstore (Adi Orzel - United States)

813.Philatelic Classified and Display Ads (Rainbow Online Inc. - United States)

814.The Philatelic Dealer (Ballyhoo Web Service Inc. - United Kingdom)

815.Philatelic Exporter Stamp Trade Journal (Graham R Phillips, Editor - United Kingdom)

816.Philatelic Exposition Material for Sale (C.T.i. - France)

817.Philatelic Interests of James C. Munch (James C. Munch - United States)

818.Philatelic Literature for Sale (Burkhard Schneider - Germany)

819.Philatelic Literature (Schwanke Media - Germany)

820.Philatelic Market (PHILMART) (Lots-A-Stamps - United States)

821.Philatelic Products (Philatelic Enterprises - United States)

822.Philatelic Publishers (James Bendon Ltd - Cyprus)

823.philatelic-literature.com (Lawrence)

824.Philatelics Etc. (Charles Dryden - Canada)

825.Philatelie 2001 Aviatics & Airmail (R. Patzner - Germany)

826.Philatelist Hans P. Walser Switzerland, Austria, Germany, France, UNO, Europa (CEPT) (Hans P. Walser - Switzerland)

827.Philatelistenverein St. Gabriel (Soriat Johann - Austria)

828.Philately by Angelo Giovanetti Italian Stamps (Italy)

829.Philately Phor Phun Stamps for Sale (Don Slaughter - Canada)

830.Philately.ch Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Germany, France, Europe (Henry Bיhar - Switzerland)

831.Philately (Jesper and Bent Bryld Gravesen - Denmark)

832.Philatool (David Nir - Israel)

833.PHILCOLEC (Pierre Morillon - France)

834.PHILIMPEX (A. Zbojnowicz - Germany)

835.PHILIMPEX (Andrzej Zbojnowicz - Switzerland)

836.Philnet Online (France)

837.PhilNet Mirror Site. Also an English version (PhilNet - France)

838.Picture Postcards (Igor Adolph - Germany)

839.Pilatelistischen B�ro Germany (R. Krenz - Germany)

840.Pine Tree Auctions Canada and Worldwide Approvals (Canada)

841.Pioneer Stamp Co. U.S. Stamps (Uncle John - United States)

842.Pitcairn Island Virtual Shopping Mall Stamps & Postal Items (Paul J. Lareau - Canada)

843.Pittwater Philatelic Service Australia, New Zealand, South Pacific Islands (John & Tracy Pearson - Australia)

844.The Plate Block Stamp Company (Richard Lazorow - United States)

845.PNC's, Philatelic Numismatic Combinations (Jim Opperman - United States)

846.Po & Po Nederlandse Vereniging voor Poststukken (The Netherlands)

847.Pocket Stamp for PalmOS Devices (Extended Technology Systems, Tim Trimble - United States)

848.Polar and Butterfly Covers for Sale (Andrי Loutchko - Sweden)

849.Polish Stamps (Witam w Klaserze - Poland)

850.Pomfret Stamps (Kim Kellermann - United States)

851.Portsmouth Stamp Shop Stamps and Covers (United Kingdom)

852.Post-Age Collectibles for Sale (Stamp Centre - United States)

853.Post-Age Collectibles (United States)

854.Postage Stamps for Sale from Around the World (Gary Gompf - United States)

855.Postage Stamps from The Stamproom (Karl John - United Kingdom)

856.Postage Stamps of Bosnia and Herzegovina for Sale (Ntravnik Novembar - Bosnia)

857.PostalNet (Don Tocher - United States)

858.PostBeeld Stamps and Supplies (The Netherlands)

859.PostBeeld (PostBeeld, Rob Smit - The Netherlands)

860.Postimerkkiliike Lauri Peltonen Ky Internetissה (Finland)

861.Postzegels.vinden.nl (Willem - Netherlands)

862.Potomac Supplies (United States)

863.Pre-printed Philatelic Album Pages for Sale (Custom Impressions, John La Porta - United States)

864.Precancelled Stamps Postal History, Postcards (John Hanby - United States)

865.Preservation Technologies (United States)

866.Price Lists for German and Austrian Areas (Ralph Schneider - United States)

867.Price Lists (Thomas Schmidtkonz - Germany)

868.PRIFIX® Official Catalogue of all Luxembourg Postage Stamps (Luxembourg)

869.Princess Diana Collection (United States)

870.Princess Diana Stamps, Coins, Covers, & Collectibles (Greg Caron Stamps - United States)

871.Prinz Publications Stamp and Coin Accessories Prinz, Kabe, Lindner, Domfil, Michel and Stanley Gibbons (Prinz Publications UK Ltd - United Kingdom)

872.Private Stamp Collection for Sale (Peter Hunter - United Kingdom)

873.Professional Stamp Experts Grading and Authentication (United States)

874.Profitlover Online Stamp Shop (Nico Arkenbosch - Netherlands)

875.Publishing and Trading Centre "Marka" (Denis Gavrikov - Russia)

876.Pugh Cachets : Hand Painted U.S. FDCs for Sale (Julian Pugh - United States)

877.The Quality Company Irish Postage Stamps and Framed Postal Art (Ray Graham - Ireland)

878.Quality Philatelics Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines (United States)

879.QVPennies (Geoffrey Chappell - United Kingdom)

880.R. Getz Philatelics United States Issues, Approvals, and Mixtures (Ronald F. Getz - United States)

881.R.J.B. Mail Sales Eastern Europe (United States)

882.Radophil Co Philately of Moldova (Moldova)

883.The Rail Philatelist Retail and Mail Bid Sales (Al Peterson - United States)

884.Railway-Bird-Butterfly Stamps for Sale (Paper Heritage - United Kingdom)

885.Rainbow Stamps (Vanessa Frank - Australia)

886.Rainer's Stamp Corner : Fine Stamps and Postal History Worldwide (Rainer Fuchs - Germany)

887.Rainy Day Postal Stationery & More (Myron L Haun - United States)

888.Randy Hart Stamps and Coins (United States)

889.Raphael Stamps Australia, China, Hong Kong, Worldwide Thematics (Alice Zhang Li - Australia)

890.Raven Stamps Ireland (Ireland)

891.Raven Stamps Ireland (Deirdre Sisk - Ireland)

892.Ray Birch Stamps Non Commonwealth Countries (United Kingdom)

893.Red Dwarf First Day Covers (United Kingdom)

894.Red Star Stamps (Michael Breen - United States)

895.Retail Stamp Store (Seaside Book and Stamp - Gerry Tucker)

896.Reval Sales Worldwide Approvals (United States)

897.Ricardo Stamps (Ricardo Centellas - Australia)

898.Ricardo Stamps (Ricardo Centellas - Australia)

899.Richard Borek GmbH & Co. KG (Jens Heise-Engelschalk - Germany)

900.Richard Stead's Stamp Page Newfoundland, Channel Islands, Iceland, Faroe Islands (Canada)

901.Richard Stenlake Postcards (United Kingdom)

902.Richard's Stamps (Richard Muller - United States)

903.Rigastamps (United States)

904.RNJ Stamps Online Stamp Store United States Stamps (United States)

905.Robert Barker (United States)

906.Robert J Endres Stamps (United States)

907.Robert J. Herman World Wildlife Fund Album Pages (United States)

908.Robert Murray Stamp Shop (Robert Murray - Scotland)

909.Robert Stokes Worldwide or U.S. Approvals (United States)

910.Robin Linke Australian Stamp Dealer Australia & the South Pacific (Australia)

911.Robinhood Stamp Company (Chris Howard - United Kingdom)

912.Robinson Stamps and Covers German Stamps (Sweden)

913.Robstine Stamps (Robstine Stamps - United Kingdom)

914.Rocky Mountain Philatelic Library (Larry Piekenbrock - United States)

915.Rolf Gummesson AB Scandinavian Stamps for Sale Since 1939 (Per Gummesson - Sweden)

916.Romanian Stamps for Sale or Exchange (Valentin Robu - Romania)

917.Romano House of Stamp Sales Ltd. Auctions, Stamps, Supplies (Israel)

918.Romberg Philatelie GmbH (Germany)

919.Rose Cottage Philatelic Frames (D.K Studd - United Kingdom)

920.Rosed Company USPS Souvenir Pages, Commemorative Panels, Ceremony Programs (United States)

921.Royale Stamp Great Britain including Guernsey, Jersey, Isle of Man & Alderney (United Kingdom)

922.Ruby Lane Collectibles Including Stamps (Tom Johnson and Jim Wilcoxson - United States)

923.Rushstamps (Wayne Robbins - United Kingdom)

924.Russia Stamps (Konstantin Grinchenko - Ukraine)

925.Russia, USSR, ex-USSR Stamps (Alexey Kunicin - Russia)

926.Russian Postage Stamps (Nataly K. - Russia)

927.Russian Stamps with Ships for Sale (Simonenko Oleg - Russia)

928.All Stamps of Russia (Sergey - Russia)

929.Topical Postal Stationery of Russia (Sergey Belaev - Russia)

930.S&C Stamps and Collectibles (Bobby Castle & Susan Tucker - United States)

931.S&D Stamp Service Germany and Worldwide (United States)

932.S&L Philatelics Approvals (Canada)

933.S.C.Virtes Stamps (S.C.Virtes - United States)

934.SAA Philatelic Net Postal History (Argentina)

935.Saad Philately (France)

936.SAFE Swiss Agency (Dieter Urschel - Switzerland)

937.SAFE Collecting Supplies (United States)

938.Sahara Stamps Stamps and Postal History (Irina Dyomkina - United Kingdom)

939.Salvation Army Collectables Memorabilia Including Stamps and Covers (Adele Miller - United Kingdom)

940.Sam Houston Duck Co. Sam Houston Philatelics (United States)

941.Samir Chad (Lebanon)

942.Samler-Borsen (Norway)

943.Samleriet (Tor Andre` Paulsen - Norway)

944.Sandafayre On-line (United Kingdom)

945.Sandrostamp (Alessandro Artini - Italy)

946.Saskatoon Stamp Centre (John Jamieson - Canada)

947.SBZ - Swiss Philatelic Newspaper (Markus Seitz - Switzerland)

948.Schauss Philatelics Indonesia, Philippines (Alex Schauss - United States)

949.Schmitt Investors Ltd. Postal History (Fred Schmitt - United States)

950.Schmitt Investors Ltd. (Fred Schmitt - United States)

951.Scotia Philately (Colin Harding - United Kingdom)

952.Scotstamps Great Britain and the British Commonwealth (David Buchanan - Scotland)

953.Scott Kitchen's Stamps (Scott Kitchen - United States)

954.Scott Publishing (United States)

955.Scott Starling European Stamps Mail Order Stamps (Dr. Scott Starling - Australia)

956.SDC Stamps German and Canada stamps (David Correia - Canada)

957.Seamark Illustrated Catalogue of Lighthouse Stamps and the Seamark Newsletter (Keith Hall and Derrick Jackson - United Kingdom)

958.Sennett Security Products Printers of Postage Stamps (United States)

959.Serge K. Nikolaev (Serge Nikolaev - Latvia)

960.Seven Continents Philatelics United States Stamps, Worldwide Disney Stamps (Frank Bachenheimer - United States)

961.Seven Seas Stamps Pty Ltd Stamps and Philatelic Supplies (Australia)

962.Shades Stamp Shop Ltd (Steven McLachlan - New Zealand)

963.Shamrock Stamps (Shamrock Stamps, Patrick Hartnett - Canada)

964.Sherwood Commemoratives Pty Ltd (Australia)

965.Shirwani's Stamps Iraqi Stamps for Sale (Mohammed Dhia - Iraq)

966.Sid's Stamps (Sid King - United States)

967.Sidney Fenemore Postal History Gallery (United Kingdom)

968.Sidney Fenemore Postal History & Postcards (United Kingdom)

969.Sierra Blanca Stamps Great Britain Kiloware and Mixtures (United States)

970.Significant Books State Ducks, China Peoples Republic, Revenue and Telegraph Stamps, and Philatelic Literature (United States)

971.Silombra House (Jean Silombra - France)

972.Simon Andrews Stamps Thailand, North Borneo, Sarawak, Hong Kong & China (Simon Andrews - United Kingdom)

973.Simon Dunkerley Pty. Ltd Australian Colonies, Commonwealth, Territories and Pacific (Australia)

974.SING Stamps Singapore Stamps (Singapore)

975.SING Stamps (Singapore)

976.SJG Postal Stationary and Covers (United States)

977.Skilling Online Covers and Postcards Sale (Jan Bendix - Denmark)

978.Sliema Stamp Shop Malta Specialists (Malta)

979.Smith and Son On-line U.S. Stamps and Artcraft FDC (Irwin D. Smith - United States)

980.Smith's Stamps Approvals (United States)

981.Soliver's Collectables (Stephen Oliver - United States)

982.Solomon Islands Stamps

983.South African Stamp Site (Jan Wensveen - South Africa)

984.South Yarra Stamps : Auctions and Price Lists (Mike Hill - Australia)

985.Southern Africa Stamps for Sale (Jan Wensveen - South Africa)

986.Soviet Union Stamps For Sale: Former Soviet Union and Russian Stamp Collector Selling Stamp Collection (Colin - United States)

987.Space and other Topical Covers (Joe Frasketi - United States)

988.Space Philatelics Spaceflight Covers, Stamps, and Postal History (Rayhill and Associates - United States)

989.Spaghetti Stamps (Maurizio Giovanni - Italy)

990.Spanish Philatelic Products (Spain)

991.Spesialforetning i Frimerker (Trondhjems Samlerbors - Norway)

992.Splendid Stamps (Barrie Lambert - United Kingdom)

993.Sprague Stamps Selling Dead Countries, Worlwide, and Topicals (Fred Sprague - United States)

994.ST Friend (Korea)

995.Stיphabel Stamps for Collectors Auctions, Stamps for Sale (Canada)

996.Stamp & Coin Mart (Trinity Publications Limited - United Kingdom)

997.Stamp Accessories (Michael Kay - United Kingdom)

998.Stamp Album Pages (H. Farahbaksh - Germany)

999.The Stamp and Coin Store (Stamp and Coin Store - United States)

1000.                     Stamp and Coin Supplies (Freeway Supplies, a Division of Scott-Edelman Supply - United States)

1001.                     Stamp and Cover Page (Ed Kosciolek - United States)

1002.                     Stamp and Postal Stationery Sites (Andrew Gondocz - Canada)

1003.                     Stamp Approvals Approvals Dealers (United States)

1004.                     Stamp Auctions (Estudio 20 - Argentina)

1005.                     Stamp Bank India Supplier of Stamps, FDC's and Banknotes of India (Navin Lobo - India)

1006.                     The Stamp Bazaar Store (Sidney Fenemore - United Kingdom)

1007.                     Stamp Catalogues (A. Klengler Publishing House - Germany)

1008.                     The Stamp Center (United States)

1009.                     Stamp China People's Republic of China after the Year of 1974 (United States)

1010.                     Stamp Collecting includes John Lennon stamps (Don Mullins - United States)

1011.                     Stamp Collections Price List (Ray Smith - Canada)

1012.                     Stamp Collectors' Treasure Chest (Debbeler Co. - United States)

1013.                     The Stamp Connection Ltd. Canada Year Sets (United States)

1014.                     Stamp Country (Canada)

1015.                     The Stamp Dad Mint Canada (Dave Ramsay - Canada)

1016.                     Stamp Dealers International® (United States)

1017.                     Stamp Discount.com (Belgium)

1018.                     Stamp Exchange (United Kingdom)

1019.                     Stamp Expertization (Sergio Sismondo - United States)

1020.                     Stamp Hunter Search Engine (George Marek - United States)

1021.                     Stamp Insurance Services (United Kingdom)

1022.                     Stamp It Up Cancelled Stamps Professionally Framed (Jamie Brown and Valerie Swack - United States)

1023.                     The Stamp of an Olympian (Stephen Tosti - United States)

1024.                     Stamp Professor (Frederick Bean - United States)

1025.                     Stamp Shop in Taiwan in Chinese (Taiwan)

1026.                     Stamp Sites for Sale (Victor Goldenberg - Russia)

1027.                     The Stamp Source: British Empire (Louis D. Loucks - United States)

1028.                     Stamp Spain Shop (Spain)

1029.                     The Stamp Store (Dieter Dant - United States)

1030.                     Stamp Store (Korea)

1031.                     Stamp Studio (Bill Kemp - United States)

1032.                     Stamp Swap Shop Worldwide Approvals (Chad Cutler - United States)

1033.                     Stamp Vault Worldwide New Issues (Doris Bode - United States)

1034.                     Stamp World Approvals and Want Lists (United States)

1035.                     Stamp-Street (Japan)

1036.                     The Stamp-Tique, Inc. (Glenn Hanle - United States)

1037.                     Stamp2002 Baseball Stamps (Korea)

1038.                     StampandCoin (DeKalb Stamp and Coin Co. - United States)

1039.                     Stampazonia (Paul Marcano - Canada)

1040.                     StampCity.de Stamps and Supplies (Willi Brigimeir - Germany)

1041.                     StampCity1 (Singapore)

1042.                     Stampdile Ltd. (Stampdile Ltd. - United Kingdom)

1043.                     Stampede (Dareg Zabarah - Germany)

1044.                     StampFinder Global Electronic Stamp Exchange (Richard Lehmann, President - United States)

1045.                     Stampfinder FDC, PSE, Souvenir (Eric and Judy Dixon - Australia)

1046.                     StamPhil Classic Stamps and Postal History of Denmark (Torben Mehl Jorgensen - Denmark)

1047.                     Stampmania Philatelic Board Game (J. Braun - United States)

1048.                     Stampman Sales and Auctions (Western Australia)

1049.                     Stamps & Revenues of Denmark & Faeroe Islands (Darryl Canady - United States)

1050.                     Stamps 2 Buy (Stampdile Ltd - United Kingdom)

1051.                     Stamps and Covers for Sale (Larry Piekenbrock - United States)

1052.                     Stamps and Philately (SAMMLER.COM - Germany)

1053.                     Stamps and Philately (Stamps on the Net - Switzerland)

1054.                     Stamps and Supplies for Sale (Albert Bizzarro - Canada)

1055.                     Stamps Between Us (Michel Arvisais - Canada)

1056.                     Stamps By Dave Park U.S. Off Paper Packets, Plate Blocks, plus Canada by Scott Number (Dave Park - Canada)

1057.                     Stamps eStore (Indonesia)

1058.                     Stamps for Collectors General Foreign , Better Sets , Collections and Close Out Lots (Bruce A. Swensen - United States)

1059.                     Stamps For Collectors Princess Diana, Winnie the Pooh, Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, Mulan, Spice Girls (South Australia)

1060.                     Stamps for Collectors Scandinavian Countries, Great Britain and Europas (Bruce McLean - United Kingdom)

1061.                     Stamps for Collectors (Jerry B Bourque - United States)

1062.                     Stamps for Collectors (Jim Juracek - United States)

1063.                     Stamps for Collectors (Bruce McLean - Scotland)

1064.                     Stamps for Collectors (Stuart Katz - United States)

1065.                     Stamps for Everyone (Victor Popov - Bulgaria)

1066.                     Stamps for Sale (Spain, France, Japan and more) (Spanish Net Stamps - Spain)

1067.                     Stamps for Sale No Dealers (Robert Grant - Canada)

1068.                     Stamps for Sale (Jim McKellips - United States)

1069.                     Stamps for Sale (Premier Collectors Postal - United Kingdom)

1070.                     Stamps from the Netherlands (Arjen Dragt - Netherlands)

1071.                     Stamps Gallery (Russia)

1072.                     Stamps Galore Stamps for sale (Martin Rautjarvi - Finland)

1073.                     Stamps International (Stamps International - Australia)

1074.                     The Stamps Mall (Acacia Online)

1075.                     Stamps n' Stuff (B. Koepp - United States)

1076.                     Stamps of Bulgaria & Rest of the World (Bulgaria)

1077.                     Stamps of China (Frank J. Wilson - United States)

1078.                     Stamps of the World (George Pirotte - France)

1079.                     Stamps on the Web (Rob van de Weghe - Netherlands)

1080.                     Stamps Online (Germany)

1081.                     Stamps Oversea Topics Mint and Postcards (Claudia Greuel - Germany)

1082.                     Stamps Shop (Germany)

1083.                     Stamps Studio (Austria)

1084.                     Stamps World Center (Florent Plancot - France)

1085.                     Stamps World India Indian Stamps (India)

1086.                     Stamps: Amazing and Rare Stamps Thailand and Worldwide Classics (Josef Waigand - Germany)

1087.                     Stamps, Albums and Supplies Software for Sale (Russ Romei - United States)

1088.                     Stamps.com Mailing and Shipping Solutions (United States)

1089.                     Stamps2Buy Themed Stamps. Hollywood, Sports, Transportation, etc. (United Kingdom)

1090.                     Stampsite.com - Moo Stamp Company (Chuck Moo - United States)

1091.                     Stampstudios Homepage (Bill Kemp - United States)

1092.                     stampview.com (Alan Anderson - United States)

1093.                     Stampville.com (United States)

1094.                     Stanley Gibbons Latest Stamp News, Free E-mail Newsletters, Quality Great Britain, Commonwealth, European and World Stamps and Online Auctions (Daniel Feane - United Kingdom)

1095.                     Stanley Gibbons (Stanley Gibbons - United Kingdom)

1096.                     Stanley Lisica (Peter Hagler - United States)

1097.                     Stateside Stamps (Stephen P. Reedy - United States)

1098.                     Stavanger Frimerke - Mynt - Telekort (Norway)

1099.                     The Stephen B Stamp Company British CommonWealth (United States)

1100.                     Stephen W. Bainbridge (Philatelist) Issues of King George V and Machins (United Kingdom)

1101.                     Stephen, K.Y. Cheung Hong Kong, P.R.of China, Macau, Taiwan, Canada (Hong Kong)

1102.                     Steve Chandler Online Sales (Steve Chandler - United States)

1103.                     Steve Malack Stamps Stamps and Coins for sale (Steve Malack - United States)

1104.                     Steve Malack Stamps U.S. Stamps and Coins (United States)

1105.                     Steve's Stamp Shoppe United States Stamps (Steve Tobey - United States)

1106.                     Steveston Stamp Auctions Ltd. (John Maunsell - Canada)

1107.                     STS-51L Memorial Home Page (Dr Ross J Smith - Australia)

1108.                     Subway Stamp Shop America's Largest Stamp Album and Supply Company (Hugh M Goldberg - United States)

1109.                     Supplies for Stamp and Coin Collectors (Lighthouse Publications - Germany)

1110.                     SW Graham Stamps of Nazi Germany, Postal history of 20th century Germany, circa 1918-1954 (Shawn Graham - United States)

1111.                     Swedish Stamp and Postcard Magazine (Bo Bergforsen)

1112.                     Swedish Stampbooklets (Christoffer Trygg - Sweden)

1113.                     Swedish Stamps (Lars E. Ohlson - Sweden)

1114.                     Swiss and Liechetenstein Duplicates for Sale (Bruce Marsden - United States)

1115.                     Sydney Philatelics Pty Ltd Australasia, British Commonwealth, Booklets, Asia (Sydney Phil. Pty. Ltd. - Australia)

1116.                     Sylvester Stamps and Covers of the World (Stacey Sylvester - Canada)

1117.                     T and T Philatelics (Gary Webb - United States)

1118.                     T/M Enterprises Western European and British Commonwealth (Tina McMillan - United States)

1119.                     TAF (Costa Rica)

1120.                     Taisei Stamps and Coins (Singapore)

1121.                     Targum Stamps (Daniel Lewenstein - Israel)

1122.                     Tazi Tiger's Den: The Stamp Place Tasmania, Australia, Australian Antarctic Territory, New Zealand, Great Britain and all Pacific countries (David Newell - Australia)

1123.                     Tecol International (Victor Slonim - United States)

1124.                     Tematic.com (Spain)

1125.                     Terraphila (Dr. Peter Steinkamp - Germany)

1126.                     Terry A. Barnett First Day Covers of G.B. and Presentation Packs of G.B (United Kingdom)

1127.                     Terrynz5 Direct Sales (Terry Hooper - New Zealand)

1128.                     Thai Stamps for Sale (Thailand)

1129.                     Thailand Stamp Online (Thaveepol C. - Thailand)

1130.                     The International House of Stamps (SIAM) (Thailand)

1131.                     The Online Stamp Shop Greece, Malagasy Republic, South Africa, Uruguay (Michael Generali - United States)

1132.                     The Stamp Store U.S. and Foreign Mint and Used (Dieter Dant - United States)

1133.                     The Stamp-Tique, Inc. United States and Canada (Glenn B. Hanle - United States)

1134.                     Thematic Stamp Catalogues (Domfil - Spain)

1135.                     Thematic Stamps and Topics (R. van Lingen - The Netherlands)

1136.                     Thematic Stamps for Sale (SCKP Ltd - United Kingdom)

1137.                     Thematicsource (Duane Canada - United States)

1138.                     Theodore Stamp Services United States and World Wide Approvals (Charles Stalmach - United States)

1139.                     Thimble Peak Stamps U.S. Plate Blocks, Mint and Used Stamps (G. Keck - United States)

1140.                     Thomas Gompf's Stamp Shop Bargain-Specialist (Thomas Gompf - Germany)

1141.                     Thomas Mathe Rare Stamps of Great Britain & Worldwide Classical (Germany)

1142.                     Thu Nguyen's Stamp Collection and Exchange

1143.                     Thunderbird Stamp Specialties (Canada)

1144.                     Timbre Orbite Inc. (Timbre Orbite - Canada)

1145.                     Timbres et Monnaies 31 (JP Dons - France)

1146.                     Timbres et Monnaies Ahuntsic (Stephane Leclair - Canada)

1147.                     Timbres-Themes (Janice Dugas - Canada)

1148.                     Titanic Stamps (Stampville - United States)

1149.                     Tom Osborne (Australia)

1150.                     Topical Philately for Sale (Loןc Marchat - France)

1151.                     Topical Stamps (United States)

1152.                     Topical Stamps (Svein Bjerkholt - Norway)

1153.                     Topical Treasure A. Aziz Ansari (India)

1154.                     Topical World Online (Chian Guiyu - China)

1155.                     Topicals.Com Professional Site for Topical Collecting (Yuhai Topicals - China)

1156.                     Torello Orlandini Francobolli, Italia, Europa (Italy)

1157.                     The Torres Album Spanish History (Franחois Camus - Spain)

1158.                     Tremoncard Versandantiquariat (Gerhard Fleitmann - Germany)

1159.                     Dispatch Antique Shop Tremoncard (i.A. Gerhard Fleitmann - Germany)

1160.                     Trevor Pateman Russia and Related Areas Philately (United Kingdom)

1161.                     Tri-G Collectibles Mixtures and Packets, Ireland and British Colonies (Gregory G. Grayham - United States)

1162.                     Tris Stamps Stamps and Covers of Hong Kong and China (Tristain Brittain - United Kingdom)

1163.                     TSG Hobbies (Tony Tripi - United States)

1164.                     TST-Stamp-Sale (Denmark)

1165.                     Turkish Stamps and WWF Stamps (Okan Akgunes - Turkey)

1166.                     Turkish Stamps Center (Turkey)

1167.                     Turkish Stamps Center (Okan Akgunes - Turkey)

1168.                     U. S., Worldwide and Topical Stamps on Approval (Colonel Larry R. Davidson - United States)

1169.                     U.S. #1058b The Liberty Series Wet Print Key Item (Dr. Michael L. Derewitz - United States)

1170.                     The U.S. Collector Stamps, Postal History-Covers, and Vintage Photographs (Bill Howard - United States)

1171.                     The U.S. Collector (Bill Howard - United States)

1172.                     U.S. Mint and Used Stamps for Sale. An online price list of over 2000 stamps (Joseph Luft)

1173.                     U.S. Mint Below Face for Sale (Joseph Luft)

1174.                     U.S. Mint Stamps for Sale (Mark Leon - United States)

1175.                     U.S. Net Price List and Color Catalog (Century Stamps - United States)

1176.                     U.S. or British Commonwealth Approvals (Donald T. Kowalski - United States)

1177.                     U.S. Plate Number Coils (Ed Denson - United States)

1178.                     U.S. Postal History for Sale (Jim Forte - United States)

1179.                     U.S. Stamp Price List (Tina Allen - United States)

1180.                     U.S. Stamps and Worldwide Stamps for Collectors (Heathside Collectibles - United States)

1181.                     U.S. Stamps for Sale DJ's Stamps (Daniel Weissmann - United States)

1182.                     U.S. Stamps on Approval (Duane D. Morford - United States)

1183.                     U.S. Stamps Stamps of the United States and Hawaii (John Murray - United States)

1184.                     Ukraine Stamps and Postal History (Ron Zelonka - Canada)

1185.                     Ume 98 (Toshihiko Tanaka - Japan)

1186.                     Unhinged Mint Stamps and Souvenir Sheets of Australia, Indonesia and New Zealand for Sale (Sjoerd Jager - The Netherlands)

1187.                     Unicover Corporation (S. K. McConnell - United States)

1188.                     Unique Estate Appraisals (Dave and Karen Bowers - United States)

1189.                     Windsor Philatelics United Kingdom (Windsor Philatelics - United Kingdom)

1190.                     United Nations Philatelists, Inc. (Dennis Hamilton - United States)

1191.                     United Philatelic Service U.S. Postal Stationary (United States)

1192.                     United States (USA) Modern Mint Stamps (John L. Kimbrough MD - United States)

1193.                     United States for Sale (Pastor William Albach)

1194.                     United States Mint NH Stamps for Sale (BESTamps - United States)

1195.                     United States Mint NH for Sale. (Peach Stamps - United States)

1196.                     United States Mint (Robert Campbell - United States)

1197.                     United States Postal Stationery (Philip and Henry Stevens - United States)

1198.                     United States Postal Stationery (Henry Stevens - United States)

1199.                     United States Stamp Company (Warren Sankey, Donald Wootton, Raymond Quan, and Judy Campbell - United States)

1200.                     United States Stamps (Brian Baba - United States)

1201.                     Unitrade Associates Philatelic Books and Supplies (Doug Robinson and Al (Gino) Casa - Canada)

1202.                     Universal Philatelic Center (Bizzarro Albert - Canada)

1203.                     University Philatelics (Dr. G. C. Goeringer - United States)

1204.                     Unmounted Mint Stamp Sets (Barry Wright - United Kingdom)

1205.                     UPU Catalogue - New Edtion (Peter van der Heijden - Netherlands)

1206.                     Uruguay Stamps for Sale (Nicolas Malosetti - Uruguay)

1207.                     US and Canadian Stamps for Sale (Richard Kerr - United States)

1208.                     US First Day Ceremony Programs for Sale (Oxnard Stamp, Bob Thompson - United States)

1209.                     US International Postal Rates 1872-1996 (Anthony Wawrukiewicz - United States)

1210.                     USA Stamps & Postal History (Stephen T. Taylor - United Kingdom)

1211.                     USA Stamps For Kids for Sale (CedarBrook-Stamp Products Division - United States)

1212.                     USSR, Russia, Ex-USSR Stamps, S/Sheets, FDC (Alexey Kunicin - Russia)

1213.                     Uxbridge Collectables (Frank Harris - United Kingdom)

1214.                     VACCARI srl Philately (Italy)

1215.                     Valley Philatelic (Michael L. Zeglin - United States)

1216.                     Valley Stamp (Larry Volovski)

1217.                     Vasconi Stamps 2000 (Vassil Popov - Bulgaria)

1218.                     VassiliansDepot (United States)

1219.                     VB Stamps Co.

1220.                     Veiko's Auctions (Veikko Vahar - Estonia)

1221.                     Vera Trinder Ltd Comprehensive Philatelic Book List (Vera Trinder - United Kingdom)

1222.                     Veraphil Vera Fliss Basle Switzerland (Vera Fliss - Switzerland)

1223.                     Vernon Pickering's Philatelic Mall (Vernon Pickering)

1224.                     Vietbay Vietnam (Thuan - United States)

1225.                     Viking Stamps (Bendy Knudsen - Denmark)

1226.                     Vista Canada and Worldwide (Canada)

1227.                     Vlastos Philatelic Center / Maria Vlastos Stamps Stamps, Auctions, Books, Collectibles, Memorabilia (Phoebus R. Dokos, Jeff Carnahan - Greece)

1228.                     VSBH Swiss Stamp Dealers (Markus Seitz - Switzerland)

1229.                     W.M.A Stamps (Dani Yusdiar - Indonesia)

1230.                     Asian & Far East Stamps Wang's Stamps (Chaomo Wang - United Kingdom)

1231.                     Washington Press ArtCraft, White Ace, and Stamp Mount brand names (Michael August - United States)

1232.                     Washington Square Coin Exchange Wildlife, Topical, and Worldwide Collections (Jim Kellison - United States)

1233.                     WCS Philatelic Stamps (Woodstock Consolidated Services, Chuck Rickard - United States)

1234.                     Web Stamp Store (David Lim - Singapore)

1235.                     WebZine Publishing Group NetSTAMPS (Richard L. Sine - United States)

1236.                     Weibel Frimµrker, +rhus (Dan Weibel - Denmark)

1237.                     Welkom bij het karveel (J. van Dongen - Netherlands)

1238.                     Wennergren - Cappelen (J.W. Cappelens - Norway)

1239.                     Werner Zielniewicz Michel, Lindner, SAFE, DAV0, Schaubek, Leuchtturm (Lighthouse), KABE, HAWID (Germany)

1240.                     Wes' Philatelic Homepage (Wes Ford - United States)

1241.                     West Cornwall Stamp Centre Thematic Sets, Stamp Catalogues and General Stamp Accessories (United Kingdom)

1242.                     The West India Stamp Company (Edward Barrow - United States)

1243.                     West Island Philatelic Inc Canada and British North America (United States)

1244.                     West Nissouri Stamp Company (West Nissouri Stamp Co. Dennis Jorgensen - Canada)

1245.                     Western Mountain Stamp and Coin Shop Selling US Stamps, Coins, Postcards, and Accessories (Dave and Brenda Trench - United States)

1246.                     Westminster Collection British Stamps (Will Hall - United Kingdom)

1247.                     Westminster Stamp Gallery, Ltd (Don & Noreen Palazzo - United States)

1248.                     Westrophila Online Stamp Shop (Germany)

1249.                     Wholesale Stamos for Sale (Vladimir Tabakov - Bulgaria)

1250.                     Wilhelm Filatelie (Dick Wilhelm - Netherlands)

1251.                     William Langs U.S. Stamps, Essays, Proofs, Errors, Discount Postage (United States)

1252.                     William Lawrence Philatelics (Bill Martin - United States)

1253.                     William Lawrence Philatelics (Bill Martin - United States)

1254.                     WilsonHo's Philately 97 Stamps for Sale (Wilson Ho Kwok Keung - Hong Kong)

1255.                     Wilton Stamp Company, Inc. Approvals (United States)

1256.                     Windsor Philatelics Stamps and Postal History of Great Britain 1840-1900 (United Kingdom)

1257.                     Winter Park Stamp Shop (United States)

1258.                     WMA Stamps Indonesia Stamps (Indonesia)

1259.                     Wonderful World of Stamps (Isidore Baum - Canada)

1260.                     Woodford Sports Covers (United Kingdom)

1261.                     World Forum Philatelist (WFP)

1262.                     World of Stamps (Five S Stamps - United States)

1263.                     World Postal History Covers (Roy Lingen - Canada)

1264.                     World Poster Stamps (Charles Kiddle - United Kingdom)

1265.                     World Stamps (Frank Geiger Philatelists - United States)

1266.                     World Wide Fund Stamps (Konstantin Grinchenko - Ukraine)

1267.                     World Wide Stamps (Rick Simmons - United States)

1268.                     World Wildlife Fund Stamps for Sale (Tung Jonathan - Hong Kong)

1269.                     World Wildlife Fund (Carole Murry - United States)

1270.                     WorldStamps (United States)

1271.                     Worldwide Collections (C. de Ruiter - Netherlands)

1272.                     Worldwide Covers and Scandinavian Booklets (Atlas Haftes AB - Sweden)

1273.                     Worldwide On-line Stamp Catalogue With Pictures (Rob Smit - Netherlands)

1274.                     Worldwide Postal History and Covers for Sale (Sצren Andersson and Co - Sweden)

1275.                     Worldwide Postal Stationery for Sale (Mike Sagar - Canada)

1276.                     Worldwide Revenue Stamps for Sale (William T. McDonald - United States)

1277.                     Worldwide Revenues and Cinderellas (Rigastamps - United States)

1278.                     Worldwide Stamp Collections for Sale (Colin Deane - Canada)

1279.                     Worldwide Stamp Collection For Sale (T. Chabvonga - Zimbabwe)

1280.                     Worldwide Stamps (Plaza Colon e-Business - Spain)

1281.                     Worldwide Topicals Stamps (Calvin Hoi - Hong Kong)

1282.                     Worthington Stamps Canal Zone Stamps and Covers (Wayne L. Worthington - United States)

1283.                     Worthington Stamps (Wayne Worthington - United States)

1284.                     Wouters FilaSite (Wouter Geraedts - Netherlands)

1285.                     Wulff's Stamps Online USA, France, French Offices, French Colonies, Monaco (United States)

1286.                     www.collect.at China - Asia (Friedrich Zettl - Austria)

1287.                     The Yeager Collection (Bud Anderson - United States)

1288.                     YiuStamp (Hong Kong)

1289.                     Yule Market 2000 (Denmark)

1290.                     Zum Postillon GmbH (Markus Seitz - Switzerland)



Note: This list contains very old links, some of which are no longer relevant.



American Air Mail Society
American First Day Cover Society
American Philatelic Society
American Philatelic Congress
American Revenue Association
American Society for Philatelic Pages & Panels
American Stamp Dealers Association
American Topical Association
Americana Unit, ATA:
APS' Chapter Activities Committee
APS Youth Activities Page
Art Cover Exchange
Australian Philatelic Federation
Auxiliary Markings Club
BIA 1954 Liberty Series Study Committee
British North America Philatelic Society
British West Indies Study Circle
Bullseye Cancel Colletor's Club
Calgary Philatelic Society
Captain Cook Society
Chemistry & Physics Study Unit
Christmas Philatelic Club
Collectors Club of Kansas City
Earlwood & Districts Stamp Club (Australia)
Ebony Society of Philatelic Experiences and Reflections
Federation of Central New York Philatelic Societies
Gay & Lesbian History on Stamps Club
German Philatelic Society
Glen Ellyn Philatelic Club
Great Britain Collectors Club
Haiti Philatelic Society
Hand-Drawn/Hand-Painted AFDCS Chapter
Henry Clay Philatelic Society (Kentucky)
India Study Circle for Philately
International Federation of Philately (FIP)
International Philatelic Society of Joint Stamp Issues Collectors
International Society of Worldwide Stamp Collectors
International Society for Portuguese Philately
Jet Propulsion Laboratory Stamp Club
Junior Philatelists of America
Malaya Study Group
National Stamp Dealers Association
New Jersey Postal History Society
Norman (Oklahoma) Stamp Club
Old World Archeological Study Unit (OWASU)
Philatelic Computing Study Group
Plate Number Coil Collectors Club
Polar Philatelists, American Society of
Railroad Unit, Casey Jones
Ries Chapter, American First Day Cover Society
Royal Philatelic Society of Canada
Scandinavian Collectors Club
Scouts on Stamps Society
Ships on Stamps Unit
Society of Thai Philately
South Miami Stamp Club
Space Unit
Sports Philatelists International
stamps.au (Australian Stamps)
Stamps on Stamps Collectors Club
Texas Precancel Club
United Nations Philatelists
United States Philatelic Classics Society
United States Stamp Society
West Essex Philatelic Society
Windmill Study Unit


Barry Southard's Homespun Cachets
Award Auctions
Cashat's Cachets
Champion Stamp Company
Cover Connection
Dave Ahl's Creative Cachets
Dennis R. Abel
Dragon Cards
EzStamp for Windows Software
Lighthouse Publications
Michel Catalogues (English)
Mystic Stamp Company
Norvic Philatelics
Postal History Store
RKA Covers
Stamp Auction Central
The Washington Press/ArtCraft Cachets
VSC Members' eBay Stores

Dealer Resources:

Business Know How
National Stamp Dealers Association


Peter C. Aitken's Scanning Tips
American Philatelic Research Library
Brad Hooper's Stamps and Philatelic Links
Currency Converter (Travelocity)
EXPONET (Online Exhibitions)
Fabio's Stamp Resources
Filahome (International Stamp News)
Former Soviet Union States New Issue Information
The Glassine Surfer
Joseph Luft's Philatelic Resources on the Web
Non-demoninated US Stamp Listing
Online Price Guide for US Issues
Philatelic Agency Link List
Philatelic Online Links
Philatelic Tidbits - Stamp Collecting News and Opinions
The Philatelist
Postal Rates Around the World
Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries - Encyclopedia of Stamps
San Diego Exhibiting Workshop
Stamp Identifier
StampC@fe (new issues/topics for 260 countries)
Stamp Printers of the World
The Stamp Trader List
Toussaint Coppolani's French New Issues (in French)
Victor Manta's Web Resources
Worldwide New Issues
World Wide New Issue Information
World Wide Postal Authories


·  The Philatelic Foundation

·  Professional Stamp Experts

·  APEX (APS members)

Insurance for Collectors

·  Collector's Insurance Agency

·  Hugh Wood

Scam Protection

·  Alterations, Fakes and Forgeries

·  SCADS (Stamp Collectors Against Dodgy Sellers)

·  eBay Forgeries, Fakes, and Frauds

Stamp Idenitification Aids

·  Scott Virtes Stamp Identifier

·  ISWSC's Worldwide Stamp Identifier

·  Weird Stamp Identifier

·  Rick Scott's Unidentified Philatelic Objects

·  Glassine Surfer's Identification

·  Foreign Stamp Identifier

Interesting Pages:

Boy Scouts of America Stamp Collecting Merit Badge Requirements
Breast Cancer Research Semipostal FDC Collection
British Soloman Islands
Canadian Definitive Stamps
Christmas Cancels
Cigarette Cards
Computers on Stamps
Crusade Against Cancer FDC Collection
Czeslaw Slania (Master Engraver)
Dolphins on Stamps
Federal Duck Stamps
Gary Griffith's US articles
Great Britain Postal Towns
History of Stamps in Victoria
Japanese Forgeries
Japanese Volcanoes on Stamps
Jules Verne Stamps
Junior Philatelists on the Internet
MachinMania.com (other GB info too)
Museum of United States Essays and Proofs Website
National Postal Museum
Old British Letters - A Napoleon Story
Opera - A Philatelic History
Paintings and Art on Stamps
Postal History of Russian Federation
Preservation and Care of Philatelic Materials
Roger Smyczek's Stamps of Germany
Ron's Hologram Stamps
Sea Turtle Postage Stamps
The Small Queens Issue: 1870 ­ 1897
Stamps 4 Kids
Toronto Street Cancels
The Ultimate Machin Site
US Stamps Identification Guide


Gibbons Stamp Monthly
Linn's Stamp News
Stamp Magazine (from UK)
Stamp Trader List


APS Shows
Mike Stern's Metropolitan Expos
Minnesota Area Stamps Info
Washington 2006
Washington-Area Stamp Activities

Postal Agency Philatelic Sites:

United States
US Postal Rates
Postal Explorer (Domestic Mail Manual)
Brunei Philatelic Bureau
Crown Agents Stamp Bureau
Czech Republic
Hong Kong Post
Iceland Post
An Post (Ireland)
New Zealand
Pitcairn Island
Polish Post
Slovak Republic
South Africa (slow site)
South Korea
Swiss Post

Postal Sites:

Crown Agent Stamps Bureau
U.S. Postal Service
USPS Postal Bulletin
U.S. Postal Inspection Service
Zip Code Locator

General Auction Sites:

Yahoo Auctions

VSC Members' eBay Stores:

Steve “lusophile” Washburne
Washburne Stamps and Collectibles
Featuring STAMPS & BOOKS From an accumulation which goes back over 100 years, our 'store' offers items we've inherited, purchased in a
weak moment, or found serendipitously.

Rick “DRC CACHETS” Chase
Nostalgia Cachets First Day Covers
U.S. First Day Covers that you simply do see every day!


Note: This list contains very old links, some of which are no longer relevant.

If you know of any stamp related resources which are not listed, we would appreciate your input.
Add a free philatelic search engine to your webpage.

1.       AB Philea (Christer Svensson - Sweden)

2.       AFINSA Philately, Auctions, Publications, etc (Alfonso Olea - Spain)

3.       Aix-Phila Briefmarken GmbH, Auktionshaus (Germany)

4.       Alando Online Auction (Roland Vogt - Germany)

5.       Ally's Collector's Corner (Paul Quattrocelli - Australia)

6.       AMR (Jeremy Lifsey - United States)

7.       Antebellum Covers Civil War Auction (Ron Meininger - United States)

8.       Antwerp - Van Looy & Van Looy Postzegelveilingen (Van Looy & Van Looy - Belgium)

9.       Archer Stamp Collection Auction (Ray & Jeanne Marriot - Canada)

10.    Ashford Stamps Ltd. Auctions (Brian Rumsey - New Zealand)

11.    Aucland (United Kingdom)

12.    Auction - Internet Philatelistic Shop (Radomir Danenberger - Czech Republic)

13.    Auction and wholesale catalogues: Canada and British Commonwealth (Lakeside Philatelic Auctions - Canada)

14.    Auction Net Auction Catalogues From Leading Provincial Auction Houses (Pardy & Son (Printers) Ltd - United Kingdom)

15.    Auction of Collectibles, Diamonds, Watches, Art, Coins, Stamps (World Wide Auctions, Inc. - United States)

16.    Auction-123 (Stephabel Inc, Nicole/Gerard Rault - Canada)

17.    AuctionInc.com (World-Wide Collectors Digest, Inc. - United States)

18.    AuctionLive (United Kingdom)

19.    Auctions and Price Lists (Paolo Vaccari - Italy)

20.    Auctions On-Line World-Wide Fine Art, Antiques and Collectibles Auction Information (Corsellis-Montford Limited - United Kingdom)

21.    Auctions Since 1927 (Roumet SA. - France)

22.    Auctions (Britannia Stamp Co. - Canada)

23.    Auktionshaus Johann Schlosser (Germany)

24.    Avbstamps U.S. Stamps (A. V. Bove - United States)

25.    Awardmasters Philatelics Online Stamp Auctions (Pete James - United States)

26.    B. Trading Co. Quarterly Auctions (Carl Blazejewski - United States)

27.    Backen Frimarken och Vykort Specialized in Vintage Post Cards (Rolf Dahlstrצm - Sweden)

28.    Bamba Online-Auction (Bo Grendal - Sweden)

29.    BAS Stamps Auctions (United States)

30.    Behr Philately (Pascal Behr - France)

31.    Berman Postal History of the World (Jon and Alan Berman - England)

32.    Bid Sales (American Stamp and Coin Brokerage Inc. - United States)

33.    BIDMORE Division of The Pines Inc (United States)

34.    Bidwebonline (J.S.G. Mackenzie - South Africa)

35.    Black Swan Postal Sales (Brian Shaw - United Kingdom)

36.    Bow City Philatelics (Calgary Alta - Canada)

37.    BoxLot Online Auction Easy Auctions for Everyone (Boxlot Auctions - United States)

38.    Briefmarkenauktion Leipzig (Leipzig - Germany)

39.    BRIEMA (Hubert Berentzen - Germany)

40.    Buenos Aires Subastas Stamps Auctions (Juan Luis Pretto - United States)

41.    Cambridgeshire Philatelic Auctions (Graham Pryke - United Kingdom)

42.    Cape Philatelics (Clinton Hale - South Africa)

43.    Capital Stamps Auctions (Ozer Rottenberg - Israel)

44.    Carcross-Atlin Mail Run (Canada)

45.    Cavendish Philatelic Auctions (Cavendish House - United Kingdom)

46.    Charles Leski Auctions Pty. Ltd. (Charles Leski - Australia)

47.    Cherrystone Public Auctioneers (United States)

48.    ChinaStamp (Kelvin Choi - Australia)

49.    Chinese Stamps Auction (Dongyan Wang - United States)

50.    CL Frimהrks KB (Frimהrksauktion) (Sweden)

51.    Coates and Coates Auctions (William Coates - Canada)

52.    Collectible Auctions by Collectors Includes Stamps (Brent Gutekunst - United States)

53.    Collector of GB Machins, Malta, Canada and More Auction Gallery (Albert Farrugia - Australia)

54.    Collectors Auction Online Stamp Auction (Brent Gutekunst - United States)

55.    Colonial Stamp Co. (Gary Paiste - United States)

56.    Con's China Stamps (Con Tanase - Australia)

57.    Connexus Public Auction Jul. 30 1997 (Connexus - United States)

58.    Coribitt Stamps (David Paterson - United Kingdom)

59.    Corinphila Auctions Ltd. (Switzerland)

60.    Cosmos Stamps (Hilary Constantopoulos - England)

61.    County Philatelic Auctions Regular Mail Bid Sales of GB British Commonwealth and Foreign (John Horsey - United Kingdom)

62.    David Feldman SA Stamp Auctioneers (United Kingdom)

63.    David G. Phillips Co., Inc. : U.S. Postal History (Ashley Walsh - United States)

64.    De Filatelia (Gabriela Beatriz Loza - Argentina)

65.    Delcampe (Sיbastien Delcampe - Belgium)

66.    Demarest (France)

67.    Dennis R Abel Stamp Auctions (United States)

68.    Deutsche Online-Auction (Germany)

69.    Ditta Piero Ghiglione : Ghiglione 1885 (Roberto Ghiglione - Italy)

70.    Dorotheum (Austria)

71.    Downtown Stamps Canadian & World Stamp Auctions (Craig Walker - Canada)

72.    Durban Stamp Auctions (Bernhard Teicher - South Africa)

73.    Eastern Auctions (Andrew Jennings and Brad Lyon - Canada)

74.    Engers Frimerker, Stamp Auctions (Norway)

75.    Error's Freaks and Oddities Collectors Club (Peter Rikard - United States)

76.    Estudio 20 (Mark Imbelloni - Argentina)

77.    European Auction Site (Carsten Thomas Rees - Germany)

78.    EuroStamps Online Stamp Auction (Sweden)

79.    eWolfs.com Online Auction (Kathy Webber - United States)

80.    Exclusiv-Philatelie Auctions (Germany)

81.    F.C. Moldenhauer AS (F.C. Moldenhauer - Norway)

82.    F.C.Moldenhauer AS (Norway)

83.    FDCAuctionCentral (James T. McCusker - United States)

84.    Filatelia Sammarinese (Ivan Manuel - San Marino)

85.    Filatelia y coleccionismos (Juan Arnau)

86.    Filatelie-Czechia Online Philatelistic Auctions Based on Cyechoslovakia, Protectorete Bohemia, Moravia and Central Europe, Covers, and Stamps (R.Dannenberger - Czech Republic)

87.    Francobolli all'Asta (Marco Marcopinna - France)

88.    Fusco Auctions (Gary Paiste - United States)

89.    Gary J. Lyon (Philatelist) Ltd. (Brad Lyon - Canada)

90.    Golden Valley Stamps & Coins (United States)

91.    Golden Valley Stamps And Coin Auctions (Bill Norberg - United States)

92.    Gordon J. Downey Stamp Exchange (Gordon J. Downey - Canada)

93.    Grand Rapids Philatelics (Wesley A. Kent - United States)

94.    Gregmanning.com Auctions (Nathalie Herling - United States)

95.    H. D. Rauch GmbH Auctions (Austria)

96.    H. J. Rasch Stamp Auctions (Denmark)

97.    H. J. W. Daugherty Auctions (United States)

98.    H.R. Harmer Philatelic Auctions (United States)

99.    Hadersbeck-Auktionen (Erich Steinfurth - Germany)

100.Hans Kleisz Stamp Auctions (Hans Kleisz - Germany)

101.Harmer-Schau Auctions, Inc. (United States)

102.Harmers (Harmers of London Auctions - United Kingdom)

103.Harvey Clar Auction Gallery (Harvey Clar's Estate Auction Gallery - United States)

104.Heinrich Stamp Auctions US and Worldwide Stamps, Collections, Covers (Win and Jeanette Ibert - United States)

105.Hobbyphilatelie Hצflich KG (Isabelle Grצsch - Germany)

106.Hunters Mail Bid (Hunters Stamp Auctioneers)

107.Ian Kimmerly Stamps Canada, BNA, and Worldwide Stamps and Auctions (Matt Johnston - Canada)

108.icollector Online Auctions (Interactive Collector Limited)

109.International Philatelic Auctions in Belgium (Corneille Soeteman - Belgium)

110.International Stamp Auction (Kjell Germeten - Norway)

111.Interstamps (Mike Sheldon - United Kingdom)

112.Interstamp (The Netherlands)

113.ISFILA AS Auctions and Stamp Sales (Turkey)

114.Iva Stamp Co. (United States)

115.J R Mowbray (Philatelist) Ltd (John Mowbray - New Zealand)

116.James J. Reeves Company Mail Bid Auctions and Hobby Supplies (James J. Reeves - United States)

117.James T. McCusker, Inc. Online Auctions (Jim McCusker - United States)

118.Jennes & Kl�ttermann Briefmarken (Wolfgang Jennes & Peter Kl�ttermann - Germany)

119.John Bull Stamp Auctions Ltd (Hong Kong)

120.John H. Talman Ltd. Stamps, Coin, Collectibles (Andres Talman - Canada)

121.Joy Luke Fine Arts Brokers and Auctioneers (Michael Weintraub - United States)

122.June Frim„rken (June Frim„rken - Sweden)

123.Juno Stamps Mail Bid Sales (United States)

124.Kaj Hellman Auctions (Kaj Hellman - Finland)

125.Kukstis Auctions Inc (Paul J Kukstis - United States)

126.La Philatיlie Corneille Soeteman S.A. 3 Auctions Yearly (Corneille Soeteman - Belgium)

127.Laffle.com Auctions Specialized for Stamp Collectors (United States)

128.Lars-Tore Eriksson Frimהrksauktioner AB Auctions (Lars-Tore Eriksson - Sweden)

129.Lenz - Briefmarken (Heinrich Lenz - Germany)

130.Live Auction Online (Live Auction Online)

131.London Stamp Exchange Limited (Sue Mertens - United Kingdom)

132.Lone Star Auctioneers, Inc. (Karen Plunk)

133.Longley Auctions (Bill Longley - Canada)

134.Lostock Collectors Auctions (United Kingdom)

135.Loviisan Ker-Ilyhuutokaupat - Lovisa Samlarauktioner (Loviisan Postimerkkikerho - Lovisa Frim_rksklubb, Eddie Bruce - Finland)

136.M. Bailey Philatelic Sales (Malcolm Bailey - United Kingdom)

137.M.A.T. Stamp Auctions (United United Kingdom)

138.M.A.T. Stamp Auctions (United Kingdom)

139.Mackstamps (Geoff Pain - Australia)

140.Malter Galleries, Inc (Michael G. Malter - United States)

141.Matthew Bennett, Inc. Auctions (United States)

142.Meet2bid.com Ltd (Edoardo Baffigo - United States)

143.Meixner's International Auction House (Franz Meixner - Germany)

144.Michael E. Aldrich, Inc. Auctions (United States)

145.Modern Stamps, Inc. Public Auctions (United States)

146.Mount Dora Stamp Co. Stamp Hunter Auctions (George Marek - United States)

147.Munten- en postzegelbeurzen en veilingen (Huib Pelzer - The Netherlands)

148.Negev Holyland Stamps Auctions (Button Stamp Company Inc., Sid Morginstin, President - United States)

149.Nordphila GmbH (Nordphila GmbH - Germany)

150.Northland Auctions (Gary Paiste - United States)

151.Northwestern Philatelic Auctions (C. Raftopoulos - Canada)

152.Nova Stamps AB Auctions of Stamps, Swedish Postmarks and Picture Postcards (Sweden)

153.Nutmeg Stamp Sales (Andrew Levitt - United States)

154.The Oak Tree Auction (United States)

155.Ocean Park Stamp Auctions (David Marasco - Canada)

156.Omato Netshop (Tomasz Gajak - Poland)

157.Onatoo Auctions (France)

158.Online Auction DJ's Stamps (Daniel Weissmann - United States)

159.Online Philatelic Auctions and Price Lists (OnLine Auctions - United States)

160.Ontario Auction Calendar (Downeast Foundation - Canada)

161.PAC - Mail Auction The Postal Stationery and Postal History (Milan Cernik - Czech Republic)

162.Pan-Lung Philately Co. Auctions (Republic of China)

163.Phila-Live (Walter Christ - Germany)

164.Philangles International Postage Stamp and Postal History Auctioneers (Simon Carson - United Kingdom)

165.Philatelic Auctions (Marex Exchange, Mark L. Hamburg - United States)

166.Philatelic Auction (Heidi Korsen - Norway)

167.Philatelic Centre (Deepak Jaiswal - India)

168.Philatelic Friends (Ross Biccard - South Africa)

169.Philatelic Phantasies Auctions (Division of DandJ Stamps, Dave DeTullio - United States)

170.Philatelic Service of Finland Ltd (Untinen Tatu - Finland)

171.Philatelic.Com Auctions (Gregory K Deeter Co. - United States)

172.Philatelie Torsten Hornung (Torsten Hornung - Germany)

173.Philatelists Online (David Kitzinger - United States)

174.Philately and Postal History (Philippe Potel - France)

175.Philately Klim

176.Philately of Costa Rica Stamp Auctions (Costa Rica)

177.Philaton Stamp Auctions (United Kingdon and Argentina)

178.Phillips Auctioneers (United Kingdom)

179.Philstamps Co (Ronald J. Maineri - United States)

180.Playle's Online Auctions (Ron Playle)

181.Plumridge and Co. Philatelic Auctioneers (United Kingdom)

182.The Biggest Polish Stamp Auction on the Web (Mirek Hankus - Poland)

183.Postal History (Cezar Bolzan - Brazil)


185.Postimerkkipalvelu (Finland)

186.Postzegelveiling Hoes (William Bakers - Netherlands)

187.Premier Philately (Gabrielle Butterworth - Australia)

188.Public Auctions and Postal Bid Sales (Rodney A Perry Auction Galleries - Australia)

189.Purser Associates, Inc. Professional Philatelic Auction Agents (Purser Associates - United States)

190.Quality Stamps Auctionhouse Scandinavia (Erik O. Nielsen - Denmark)

191.R. Maresch and Son Auctions Ltd (Tony Maresch - Canada)

192.Rapp Stamp Auction (Marianne Rapp - Switzerland)

193.Raritan Stamps, Inc. Mail Auctions and Retail (Nikolai Kondrikov - United States)

194.Rasdale Stamps (Dennis McGuire - United States)

195.Regency Stamps, Ltd. Online Stamp Shop and Auctioneer (United States)

196.Renי Hillesum Filatelie (The Netherlands)

197.Rene Hillesum Filatelie (Rene Hillesum - The Netherlands)

198.Richard E. Drews Philatelic Auctions (Stamp King - United States)

199.Richard Pyzna Germany: Price Lists and Auctions (United States)

200.Robert A. Lee Philatelist Ltd (Robert A. Lee - Canada)

201.Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries, Inc. (United States)

202.Robert E. Lippert Auctions (Ric Lippert - United States)

203.Rodney A Perry Auction Galleries Auctioneers of Stamps, Postal History, FDCs (Australia)

204.Rodney A Perry Auction Galleries (Australia)

205.Roelli Stamp Auctions (Rolf Roelli - Switzerland)

206.Rurik Auctions (Martin Holmsten - Finland)

207.Rynmond Stamp Auctions (Jan Bruggeman - The Netherlands)

208.Samlar Forum (Mikael Jansson - Sweden)

209.Sandafayre Postal Auction (United Kingdom)

210.Scanphil Stamp Auctions (Jan Rasmussen - Denmark)

211.Schreyer's Collector Service Berlin (Germany)

212.Schreyer-Sammlerdienst Berlin (Thomas Liehr - Germany)

213.Schuyler J. Rumsey Philatelic Auctions, Inc. (Schuyler J. Rumsey - United States)

214.Schwanke & Sohn Auctions (Germany)

215.Scott Philatelics Chinese Stamps (United Kingdom)

216.SilverDalen Stamps Online Auctions (Sweden)

217.Skanfil AS Onlne (Leif Storseth - Norway)

218.SommerTime Stamps (Tim Sommer - United States)

219.Sothebys.com (United States)

220.Space Covers from Space Orbital Station (MIR) (Alex Petroff - Russia)

221.Spink Online.com A Member of the Christie's Group (Julia Walker - United Kingdon)

222.Stamp Auction Central Auction calendar, catalogs, and results (Thomas Droege - United States)

223.Stamp Auction Information Service (Douglas G. MacPhail - United States)

224.Stamp Auction of Mostly Scandinavian Lots (Olof Linder - Sweden)

225.Stamp Auctions by Jozwik (Tom Jozwik - United States)

226.Stamp Auctions in Germany (Germany)

227.Stamp Center/Dutch Country Auctions (Gary Paiste - United States)

228.Stamp Fair and Auction Diary or an alternative site (Stephen Reeves - United Kingdom)

229.Stamp Fair (Russ Romei)

230.Stamp One (Stamp One - United States)

231.StampBourse Interactive Online Stamp Auctions (Vincent Polizatto - United States)

232.Stampcore Philatelic Portal and Auction (United States)

233.Stamphead Auctions (Greg Barcroft - Canada)

234.Stampman International Stamp Auctions (Marinus Stolk - Australia)

235.Stamps Auction: Roumet S.A. Mirror Site. Also an English version (France)

236.Status International Auctions (Status International - Australia)

237.Stein Kristiansens Stamps (Norway)

238.Stevenston Stamp Auctions Ltd. (Maunsell and Ray Saintonge - Canada)

239.Stirling & Co Ltd (Bruce ER Alexandre - New Zealand)

240.Subastas Filatיlicas Public Auctions (Juan N. Simona - Argentina)

241.Sukhani Europhil Philatelic Auctions (M. C. Sukhani - India)

242.Suomen Postimerkkilehti (Kimmo Kanerva - Finland)

243.Superior Galleries, Inc Rare Stamps & Collections (Lisa Parker, President - United States)

244.Systeemi.net Finnish Auction Site (Erkka Varjo - Finland)

245.T. G. Barnes Philatelic Auctioneers (Peter Walsh - South Africa)

246.Target Auctions (United States)

247.Tel Aviv Stamps (Y.Tsachor) Ltd. Mail Auctions (Yacov Tsachor and Marvin Siegel - Israel and United States)

248.Terence Kidd's Stamp Auction Specializing in Canadian Stamps (Terence Kidd - Canada)

249.Thomas Hoiland Auktioner A/S (Thomas Hoiland - Scandinavia)

250.Tidskriften (Gצsta Karlsson - Sweden)

251.Tre Kronor (Lennart Oxenstad - Sweden)

252.Tremautop Ench_res Online (Teneriello Silvio - Switzerland)

253.Tughra Stamps (Jamal Al-Kharouf - Saudi Arabia)

254.The Stamps of Tuva (Arcady Trunin - Russia)

255.U-Auction-It (Auction Annie - United States)

256.U.S. Postal History Mail Bid Sales plus reference books and price lists (Jim Mehrer - United States)

257.Ulysses Gallery (Szbsz Gyergy - Hungary)

258.Uniphila (Alejandro Noriega - Argentina)

259.UniStamps Public Auctions (Igal Orzel - Israel)

260.Up4Sale Online Auctions (Walter Carroll - United States)

261.Vance Auctions Ltd. Postage Stamp Auction, Worldwide Stamp Auction, Stamp Auctions Online (Canada)

262.Victoria Stamp Company (Phoebe MacGillivary - United States)

263.W�rttembergisches Auktionshaus (Joachim Erhardt GmbH - Germany)

264.Watermarks Philatelic Postal Bid Sales (Michael & Judy Consden - United Kingdom)

265.WebAuctioneer (Eric R Kramer - United States)

266.Weeda Stamps Weekly Stamp Bidboard (Beverly Fox - Canada)

267.Weiss Philatelics Public Auctions (United States)

268.Wells Philatelics/Wells Auction Service Ltd. (Sandy Wells - Canada)

269.Wessex Philatelic Auctions (Wessex Philatelic Auctions Ltd. - United Kingdom)



