Burkina Faso stamps

P=have O=don’t have it


Burkina Faso, also known by its short-form name Burkina, is a landlocked nation in West Africa. It is surrounded by six countries: Mali to the north, Niger to the east, Benin to the south east, Togo and Ghana to the south, and Côte d'Ivoire to the south west.

Its size is 274,000 km² with an estimated population of more than 13,200,000. Formerly called the Republic of Upper Volta, it was renamed on August 4, 1984, by President Thomas Sankara to mean "the land of upright people" in Mora and Dioula, the major native languages of the country. Literally, "Burkina" may be translated, "men of integrity" from the Moré language, and "Faso" means "father's house" in Dioula.

Burkina Faso's capital is Ouagadougou. After gaining independence from France in 1960, the country underwent many governmental changes until arriving at its current form, a semi-presidential republic. The president is Blaise Compaoré. The country occupies the sixth to last place on the Human Development Index.




Scott: #C9P (CD114)

Issued: 8.9.1963

African Postal Union Issue

Inside #C9: Stamps on Envelopes


Scott: #C50O (CD124)

Issued: 9.9.1967

African Postal Union Issue, 1967

Inside #C50: Stamp on Envelope

Scott: #C62O

(Thanks to Eli for the scan)

Issued: 14.2.1969


#59 Inside #C62: Upper Volta #59O


Scott: #C79O

Issued: 4.6.1970

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Inside #C79: Stamp Collecting


Scott: #352-7P

Issued: 17.2.1975

American Bicentennial

#619 Inside #352: US #619O

#120 Inside #353: US #120O

#798 Inside #354: US #798P

(Thanks to Kathy Sulzner)

#703 Inside #355: US #703P

#1003 Inside #356: US #1003P

#644  Inside #357: US #644O


Scott: #358P

Inside #358:




US #63O

US #179O

US #228O


US #1483aP




US #68O

US #73O

US #157O


Scott: #405O

Issued: 8.12.1976

25th Anniversary, UN Postal Administration

Inside #405: Pseudo Stamp



Scott: #456-60P

Issued: 30.12.1977

11th World Cup Soccer Championship

#c79 Inside #456: Brazil #C79P

#1144 Inside #457: Brazil #1144P

#465 Inside #458: G.B. #465P

#341 Inside #459: Chile #341P

#350 Inside #460: Switzerland #350P


Scott: #461P

#1147 Inside #461: Germany # 1147P


Scott: #C253-4O

Issued: 1.11.1978

Philexafrique II-Essen Issue

#c18 Inside #C253: Upper Volta #C18O

#1 Inside #C254: Hanover #1O




Scott: #486-90O

Issued: 4.1.1979

World Soccer Cup Victors-Overprint #456-60


Scott: #491O

World Soccer Cup Victors-Overprint #461


Scott: #496-7O

Issued: 8.6.1979

Philexafrique II

#111 Inside #496: Upper Volta #111P

Inside #497: Pseudo Stamp on Tab


Scott: #501-4P

Issued: 29.6.1980

Death Centenary of Sir Rowland Hill

#60 Inside #501: Upper Volta #60O

#59 Inside #502: Upper Volta #59O

Type H7 Inside #503: Upper Volta #57O

Scan not available Inside #504: Upper Volta #56O


Scott: #505O

Scan not available Inside #505: Upper Volta #55O

In Margin:

Type G2

#1 LJ

Scan not available

Scan not available

Upper Volta #45O

G.B. #1

Upper Volta Type A5

Upper Volta Type A5

Type G5

Type H

Type G3

Scan not available

Upper Volta #48O

Upper Volta #50O

Upper Volta #46O

Upper Volta Type A5


Scott: #525O

Issued: 26.2.1980

Stamp Day

#J22 Inside #525: Upper Volta Type D4P (Scan of #J22)


Scott: #836O

Issued: 5.5.1988

1988 Summer Olympics, Seoul

Inside #836: Pseudo Stamp


Scott: #889P

Issued: 20.3.1990

150th Anniversary, Penny Black

#1 LJ Inside #889-90: G.B. #1


Scott: #890O

Type KYType KZ

Scott: #955-6O

Issued: 15.7.1993

Paris '94

Inside #955-6: Pseudo Stamp

Best website related:



Wish List

Scan not available

Upper Volta #55O

Scan not available

Upper Volta #56O

Type H7

Upper Volta #57O


Upper Volta #59O


Upper Volta #60O


Upper Volta #C18O


Upper Volta #C50 (CD124)

Upper Volta #C62


Upper Volta #C79

Burkina Faso (Upper Volta) #167 for Sierra Leone

[The 2nd National Development Plan, type KP]

Burkina Faso #278 for Congo


Upper Volta #405


Upper Volta #C253-4



Upper Volta #486-90


Upper Volta #491


Upper Volta #496-7


Upper Volta #501-4

Upper Volta #506 for Sierra Leone


Upper Volta #509 for Saint Thomas & Prince


Upper Volta #525

[Worlwide Nature Protection, Rotary International, and Scouting, Scrivi AFG]

Upper Volta #655 for Chad, Niger

ss 1 v margin detail 1-- sos burkino faso 718  1985

Burkina Faso #718 for Sierra Leone


Burkina Faso #836


Burkina Faso #890

Type KYType KZ

Burkina Faso #955-6

Burkina Faso #972 for Guinea-Bissau