Webmaster's Note: A preliminary version of this article was originally published in the July 1999 edition of SOS SIGNAL, the bulletin of the Stamps on Stamps Centenary Unit (SOSCU). Judy Hornaday has been a mainstay of SOSCU. She has admirably served the group as Secretary-Treasurer. She currently provides valuable service to the group through the new issues information published in SOS SIGNAL.


In 1994, Robert Graves, then silver-tongued editor of the SOS Signal, invited me to write an article for our newsletter. "Stamps on Stamps Under Magnifying Glasses" was published in the October 1994 issue. Recently, our current and equally persuasive editor engaged me to revisit and update that popular theme, which I fondly call SUG's (Stamps Under Glass).

In the original article, there were 71 stamps identified in the Under Magnifying Glasses subcategory of SOS's. The earliest one, Austria B268, was issued in 1949 for Stamp Day. Five years have passed since that first list was compiled. Lou Guadagno has skillfully assisted me in identifying some issues that were overlooked in the first round, and we've since added 21 items, including a postal card. But there has been a surge in new-issue SUG's -- 22 since the first article. Thus, not counting varieties, such as souvenir sheets with the same stamp, the grand total is now 114. Table 1 gives a listing of these SUG items currently identified.


Table 1.  Current list of known SUG items.






Algeria             841          1987        25th Anniv. Algerian Postage

Antigua & Barbuda  1243          1989        Promoting Philately

Argentina           B15          1958        Centennial Philatelic Exhibition

Australia (postal envelope)      1998        50th Anniv. Australasian Phil. Traders Assn.

Austria            B268          1949        Stamp Day

Austria            B303          1960        Stamp Day

Barbados            683          1986        Ameripex

Belgium             912*         1975        Themabelga Int'l Thematic Exhibition

Belgium            1036          1979        Youth Philately

Benin               411          1978        Riccione Philatelic Exhibition

Benin               521          1982        Philexfrance

Benin               570          1984        UPU Congress

Benin               604*         1984        Italia '85

Benin               606          1985        Philexafrica

Bolivia                          1998        Espamer '98

Bulgaria           1570          1968        Bulgarian Philatelic Union

Bulgaria           1663          1968        Youth Festival

Chile               721          1986        Ameripex

Rep. of China      1785          1972        Promoting Philately

Colombia           1074          1993        Exfilbo

Costa Rica         C502          1970        5th National Philatelic Exhibition

Cyprus              633          1984        25th Anniv. Cyprus Philatelic Society

Cyprus        924, 924a          1998        World Stamp Day

Czechoslovakia     1726*         1970        Stamp Day

Czechoslovakia     2442          1982        Stamp Day

Djibouti           C160          1982        Philexfrance

Dominica            933          1985        40th Anniv. United Nations

Dominica            955          1986        Ameripex

Egypt              1109          1979        50th Ann. Society of Egyptian Philately

Ethiopia           1380          1994        Postal Centenary

France             2546          1996        50th Anniv. of Autumn Stamp Exhibition

Gabon               781          1993        Paris 1994 Stamp Exhibition

Germany (E.)     B21(a)          1950        Debria German Stamp Exhibition

Germany            1939          1996        50th Anniv. Assn. Germa Philatelists

Greece             1062          1972        Stamp Day

Greece       1252,1252a**        1978        150th Anniv. Greek Postal Service

Greece             1322          1979        Balkanfila

Hong Kong           654          1992        Stamp Collecting

Hungary        3508 S/S          1995        Stamp Day

Hungary     C185, C186a          1958        National Stamp Exhibition

Iceland      789(b) S/S          1994        Stamp Day

Ifni                154          1968        Stamp Day

India               531          1970        Inpex

India               825          1979        Centenary of Postal Cards

Indonesia          1702         1997         75th Anniv. of Indonesian Phil. Association

Italy              1701          1986        Stamp Day

Italy              1728          1987        Stamp Day

Italy              2187          1997        Stamp Day

Ivory Coast         862          1988        World Post Day

Japan       postal card          1984        Philakorea

Korea (N.)     2919 (N.K. cat.)  1989        150th Anniversary of Penny Black

Korea (S.)      1389-90          1984        Philakorea

Lebanon            C730          1974        Stamp Day

Liberia            1045          1986        Ameripex

Libya             1276b          1985        Stamp Day

Libya            1441-2          1992         Mahgreb Arab Union Phil. Exhibition

Malaysia        645 S/S          1997        50 Years of Organized Philately

Malaysia       645e S/S          1998        50 Years (above) overprinted 97 Indepex

Maldive Islands    1598          1991        17th World Scout Jamboree

Malta               768          1991         25th Anniv. Maltese Philatelic Society

Mexico             1642          1990        Centenary of Mexican Phil. Assoc.

Micronesia         198a          1994        10th Anniv. Postal Service

Monaco             1882          1993        Centenary of Monaco Phil. Union

Morocco             321          1974        Stamp Day

Mozambique         1278          1996        120th Anniv. of Mozambique Stamps

Netherlands         587          1979        Europa

Netherlands Ant. B264-6          1989        50th Anniv. Curaחao Stamp Assoc.

New Caledonia       455          1980        Philately at School

New Caledonia       527          1985        Le Cagou Philatelic Society

Niger              C127*         1970        10th Europa Philatelic Exhibition

Nigeria        603,603a          1992        Olymphilex

Nigeria             635          1994        120th Anniv. Nigerian Stamps

Norfolk Island      438          1988        Sydpex

Palau        197(e) S/S          1988        Praga

Papua & New Guinea  628*         1985        Post Office Centenary

Philippines      1618-9          1982        Philatelic Week

Philippines        1667          1984        Philatelic Week (above) surcharged 60s

Philippines        2012          1989        Philately in Classroom

Portugal           1285          1976        Interphil Int'l Phil. Exhibition

Romania            4114          1996        Stamp Day

Russia             2325          1960        Stamp Day

Russia       4245 S/S**          1974        3rd Congress of Phil. Soc. of USSR

Salvador           1197          1989        Promoting Philately

Salvador       1230 S/S          1990        50th Anniv. Philatelic Society

Slovenia            346          1999        Slovenian Philatelic Assoc. 50th Anniversary

Spain              2592          1989        Stamp Collecting

Spain              2860          1996        50th Anniv. Philatelic Service

Sweden     1587 (1588a)          1986        Stockholmia

Tonga            629-30          1986        Ameripex/20th Anniv. Peace Corps/Tonga

Tonga-Niuafo'ou    74-5          1986        Ameripex/20th Anniv. Peace Corps/Tonga

Tunisia             949          1988        Tunisian Postage Stamp Centenary

Tunisia            1095          1996        Capex

Tunisia            B132          1961        Stamp Day

Tunisia            B136          1963        U.N. Day (O/P of B132)

Turks & Caicos    431-2          1980        London Int'l Stamp Exhibition

Turks & Caicos  526 S/S          1982        FDR & Washington BirthAnniv.(100/250th)

Ukraine             265          1997        4th Nat'l Phil. Exhibition

U.A.E.           (2 new)         1997        Emirates Philatelic Assn.

United Nations  278 (NY)         1976        25th Anniv. U. N. Postal Admin.

United Nations  473 (NY)         1986        U.N. Stamp Collecting

United Nations  714 (NY)**       1997        Tribute to Philately

United Nations 146 (Gen)         1986        U.N. Stamp Collecting

United Nations 312 (Gen)**       1997        Tribute to Philately

United States       1474         1972        125th Anniversary U.S. Stamps

United States 2200,2201a         1986        Ameripex

Upper Volta         525          1980        Stamp Day

Yemen               397          1981        Roland Hill Death Centenary



City, Country            Year                Event



New Hampshire, USA       1997             Great Bay Stamp Club Station

Pennsylvania, USA        1998             Stamp Camp Station

Wisconsin, USA           1997             WaUSApex - 25 Years of Stamp Shows



Country                               Year           Design



United States PhilaTelecard           1995      Stamp Collecting

United States PhilaTelecard           1995      Stamp Collecting


 *magnifying lens without handle

**reproduces earlier SUG


While the original list included only stamps or souvenir sheets, this list has been expanded to include virtually anything that could fit the SUG category. First, already mentioned, there is quite a nice Japanese postal card issued for Philakorea in 1984, Figure 1.

Figure 1


Second, thanks to Bill Critzer, I have been able to add a SUG postal envelope - a gorgeous 1998 issue from Australia to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association, featuring one of their first stamps, the 2 shilling kangaroo and map of 1913, Figure 2.

Figure 2


Other related material includes SUG cancellations on covers, of which I've managed to obtain three from the United States in the past couple years. I think you'll agree that they are unique, choice cancellations, Figure3, Figure 4, and Figure 5.

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5


I have also obtained two Phone Cards (PhilaTelecards) with United States SUG's. These were both issued 1/1/1995, and are numbered, limited editions of 2000 each. One of these cards is illustrated in Figure 6.

Figure 6


Three of the SUG's reproduce earlier SUG's, and are therefore SOSOS's (stamp on stamp on stamp). I am particularly fond of SOSOS's, because they are relatively uncommon and because they invariably have been issued to emphasize the value of stamp collecting. The first SUG SOSOS was issued in 1974 by Russia , #4245, to commemorate the development of the Russian Postal Service. It is quite an eye-catching S/S, with several other Russian stamps clearly replicated in the margin. It depicts Russia #2325, which was issued for Stamp Day in 1960, showing Russia #1981 issued in 1957 for World Peace, Figure 7.

Figure 7


In 1978 Greece honored the 150th Anniversary of the Greek Postal Service, #1252 shown, Figure 8; this stamp depicts Greece #1062, which was issued for Stamp Day in 1972.


Figure 8


More recently, in 1997, the United Nations' Tribute to Philately series, #312 for Geneva, Figure 9, and #714 for New York, Figure 10, duplicated the 1986 UN Stamp Collecting stamps, #146 for Geneva and #473 for New York. The high production quality in both the Greek and UN issues makes these particularly excellent SOSOS specimens.



Figure 9

Figure 10


In 1990 Salvador, #1230, Figure 11, issued a S/S for the 50th Anniversary of the Philatelic Society. It shows a modified Salvador #1197, with the value changed from 25c to a 2.00 colon airmail, issued in 1989 to promote philately, as well as four other earlier Salvadorian stamps. This seems to me to be a variation on a SOSOS.

Figure 11


Other newly-added SUG's which I personally find noteworthy include Hungary #3508, Figure 12, a truly lovely, numbered S/S issued in 1995 for Stamp Day. It shows a man with two boys happily looking at a stamp album in what appears to be a philatelic library.

Figure 12


Also among my favorites is Iceland #789, Figure 13, issued in 1994 for Stamp Day. This is a S/S in a strip format with a se-tenant type design. The left stamp shows a boy and girl examining a stamp album; the center SUG stamp shows Iceland #672, 713, under magnification, and others;and the right stamp shows a girl and elderly man looking at a globe. This S/S was sold for 200k, face value totals 165k, for the benefit of the Stamp and Postal History Fund.

Figure 13


In 1994, Ethiopia, #1380, Figure 14, produced an issue to commemorate their postal centenary.

Figure 14


Mozambique, #1278, Figure 15, issued a commemorative for 120 years of their postage stamp in 1996.

Figure 15


In 1997, the Republic of Indonesia, #1702, produced a SOSUG issue to observe the 75th anniversary of the Indonesian Philatelic Association, Figure 16.

Figure 16


An unusual SOSUG is the 50 sen value in the souvenir sheet of four diamond-shaped stamps originally issued by Malaysia in 1996 to observe 50 years of organized Malaysian philately and issued in a slightly revised form, #645e, in 1997, with the addition of an inscription to commemorate MALPEX'97, Figure 17.

Figure 17


Lastly, I call your attention to the 1996 issue from Germany, #1939, to honor the 50th anniversary of the Association of German Philatelists, Figure 18.

Figure 18


While the SOS shown on the stamp in Figure 18 is actually a Type SY (pseudo stamp) SUG, the issue has the unique feature of SUG's in the margins of the pane as well.

I welcome receipt of information regarding any additions which visitors to this site may identify for the checklist. Please send me the information via the following e-mail launch:

E-mail to Ms. Judy Hornaday.


Even though SOSUG is a relatively small subtopic, the challenge of acquiring all stamps on the list still eludes me - part of what keeps all collectors motivated! Thank you for the interest you've shown by viewing this site.