Sierra Leone stamps

P=have O=don’t have it

Flag of Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone is a Republic in Western Africa, bordering the North Atlantic Ocean, between Guinea and Liberia. The name Sierra Leone (from the Portuguese name: Serra Leão) meaning is "Lion Mountains". During the 1700s Sierra Leone was an important centre of the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Like neighboring Liberia, it was founded by freed slaves, who in 1791 founded the capital, Freetown. In 1808, Freetown became a British Crown Colony, and in 1896, the interior of the country became a British Protectorate. The Crown Colony and Protectorate joined and gained independence in 1961.

From 1991 to 2000, the country suffered greatly under a devastating civil war that resulted in tens of thousands of deaths and the displacement of more than 2 million people (about one-third of the population). To end the civil war, UN and British forces disarmed 17,000 militia and rebels, in the largest UN peacekeeping act of the decade. The last UN peacekeepers withdrew in December 2005, leaving full responsibility for security with domestic forces, but a new civilian UN office remains to support the government. The average life span of a Sierra Leoneian is 38 years for men and 42 years for women.


Scott: #192O

Issued: 10.10.1949

UPU Issue

Inside #192: Stamps on Envelopes



Scott: #369O, #370O, #371P

#372O, #373O, #374O

#C84O, #C85O, #C86P,

#C87O, #C88O, #C89O

Issued: 1.3.1969

5th Anniversary of Free form Self Adhesive Postage Stamps

#3 Inside #369 (1C): Sierra Leone #3O

Lou wrote: Scott has changed the numbering of the “first” Sierra Leone stamp for about the fifth time!  It went from #1 to #2 to #3, and there is now a #1 again, but it is not the stamp reproduced on all the Sierra Leone SOS. Scott now lists a bright violet stamp as #1, but the reproduced stamp which I own (bought as a #2 30+ years ago), and you have a scan for (as #3), is now listed as #1a/dull violet. Neither Gibbons nor Michel agree with this order. According to the Scott editor, their color policy is to give the primary # to a major color (br violet), even tho the minor listing (dull violet), is the actual first stamp.

#311 Inside #370 (2C): Sierra Leone #311O

#220 Inside #371 (3½C): Sierra Leone #220O

#315 Inside #372 (5C): Sierra Leone #315O

#189 Inside #373 (12½C): Sierra Leone #189O

#120 Inside #374 (1L): Sierra Leone #120O

#C54 Inside #C84 (7½C): Sierra Leone #C54O

[Airmail - Cola Nut, Coat of Arms and Eagle, type CW] Inside #C85 (9½C): Sierra Leone #C70O

#C16 Inside #C86 (20C): Sierra Leone #C16O

#C26 Inside #C87 (30C): Sierra Leone #C26O

#165 Inside #C88 (50C): Sierra Leone #165O

 Inside #C89 (2L): Sierra Leone #C7O

(#207 with “2nd Year of independence” overprint - Thanks to Lou for the scan)


Self-adhesive stamp revolution sweeps world


Scott: #C135-6O

Issued: 1.3.1971

Provisional Revalued on #C87


Scott: #459-61P

Issued: 19.12.1979

Death Centenary of Sir Rowland Hill

+GBR M6 Inside #459: G.B. #6O

(thanks to Komlóssy Zoltán for the scan)

#9 Inside #460: Sierra Leone #9O

#220 Inside #461: Sierra Leone #220O


Scott: #462P

#119 Inside #462: Sierra Leone #119O


Scott: #653-5O

Issued: 9.10.1984

125th Anniversary, Sierra Leone Stamps

SLE M1 Inside #653-5: Sierra Leone #2O

(thanks to Komlóssy Zoltán for the scan)

#1 LJ Inside #655: G.B. #1


Scott: #656O


Scott: #741-3O

Issued: 28.11.1985

40th Anniversary, UN




Inside #741: UN #30P(Burundi)

Inside #742: UN #59P

Inside #743: UN #44P(Burundi)

Scott: #744O

Thanks to Lloyd Gilbert for scan

 Inside #744 (In Margin): UN #212P

[Stamp Exhibitions - Issues of 1987 Overprinted, type SZ1]

Scott: #965O

Issued: 19.4.1988


Inside #965: Pseudo Stamp Overprint

Scott: #1136O

Thanks to Lloyd Gilbert for scan

Issued: 17.11.1989

World Stamp Expo '89

Inside #1136 (In Margin): Pseudo Stamp

Scott: #1206-7P

Issued: 3.5.1990

150th Anniversary, Penny Black

sos gt britain 2  1840 Inside #1206: G.B. #2

#3 Inside #1207: G.B. #3

Scott: #1208O

#1 LJ Inside #1208: G.B. #1

(Thanks to Lou for the scans)


Scott: #1343-50O

Issued: 13.5.1991

Phila Nippon '91

Inside #1343-50: Pseudo Stamp

[International Stamp Exhibition "Phila Nippon '91" - Tokyo, Japan - Japanese Trains, type ][International Stamp Exhibition "Phila Nippon '91" - Tokyo, Japan - Japanese Trains, type ]

[International Stamp Exhibition "Phila Nippon '91" - Tokyo, Japan - Japanese Trains, type ][International Stamp Exhibition "Phila Nippon '91" - Tokyo, Japan - Japanese Trains, type ]

Scott: #1351-4O


Scott: #1451O

Issued: 24.12.1991

Walt Disney Christmas Cards

Inside #1451: Stamp on envelope


Scott: #1715aO

Issued: 18.2.1994

Hong Kong '94

 Inside #1714: Hong Kong #455O

(Thanks to Zhang for the scan)

#1084 Inside #1715: Sierra Leone #1084O


Scott: #1729a-fO

Issued: 11.7.1994

25th Anniversary, First Moon Landing

#C76 Inside #1729f: United States #C76P

[International Stamp Exhibition "Hong Kong 2001" - Hong Kong, China - Dinosaurs, type ][International Stamp Exhibition "Hong Kong 2001" - Hong Kong, China - Dinosaurs, type ]

Scott: #2484P, #2485PP

Issued: 01.03.2001

International Stamp Exhibition "Hong Kong 2001" - Hong Kong, China

Inside #2484-5 (In margin): Pseudo Stamp


Scott: #2842-5O

Issued: 07.04.2006

Olympic winter games

#1146 Inside #2842: United States #1146P

#1152 Inside #2843: Canada #1152P


Scott: #2847O

Issued: 27.5.2006

300th Anniversary birth of Benjamin Franklin

#300 Inside #2847: United States #300P


Scott: #2911O

Issued: 14.5.2008

2008 World Stamp Championships, Israel

Inside #2911 (In margin): Pseudo Stamp

Thanks to G.B.



Scott: #2936O

Issued: 10.04.2009

Chang Dai-Chien - China 2009

Inside #2936: Pseudo Stamps (logo)

Thanks to G.B.


Scott: #2937O

Issued: 10.04.2009

China 2009

Inside #2937: Pseudo Stamps (logo)

Thanks to G.B.


Scott: #2938O

Issued: 16.02.2009

Summer Games - China 2009

Inside #2938: Pseudo Stamps (logo)

Thanks to G.B.

sierra leone      ss 4v 6 26 15 sierra leone    ss 1 v

Scott: #????-?P

Issued: 26.06.2015

175th Anniversary Penny Black

sos gt britain 1  1840 (2) Inside #????-?: G.B. #1 [M-H]

sos gt britain 1-- L-D L-E L-F M-D M-E (2)

Inside #???? (in margin): G.B. #1 [L-D, L-E, L-F, M-D, M-E] From block of 6

Lou wrote: In the margin of the 1 v S/S, there is an incredible designer error:  on a cover, the Penny Black stamp is placed OVER the red Maltese cross cancel, and has a black frame like a stamp mount around it. The designer obviously used the Wikipedia Penny Black scan with the M-H check letters exactly as it appears on that site. 

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

[Stamps on Stamps, type ] [Stamps on Stamps, type ]

Scott: #????-?P

Issued: ??.??.2017

Stamps on Stamps

ss-4 v upper left

sos poland 3050  1991 Inside #????: Poland #3050O

ss 1 v margin detail 3-- sos indonesia 2168f  from sheetlet 2008

sos ireland 1362  2002

sos moldova 386  2001

Indonesia #2168fO

Irland #1362O

Moldova #386O

sos paraguay 1498e  1973

ss 1v--sos hungary C427A  1981

sos russia-ussr B142 1988

Paraguay #1498eO

Hungary #C427AP

Russia #B142P

ss-4 v upper right (2)

sos state of oman unlisted Inside #????: State of Oman unlistedO

sos ireland 1362  2002

sos u  s  1713  1977 (2)

sos russia-ussr 5390  1985


Irland #1362O

USA #1713P

Russia #5390P


sos czech rep 3632a   2015 (2)

sos france 2228  1990


Czeck Rep. #3632aO

France #2228P


ss-4 v lower left (2)

sos moldova 386  2001 Inside #????: Moldova #386O

ss 1 v margin detail 1-- sos gt britain 3231  2013

Scan not available

sos dpr  north korea 3022  1991

G.B. #3231O


Korea (north) #3022O

sos hungary 2852  1984 (2)

sos russia 7422a  2013 (2)

sos jamaica 1055  2006

Hungary #2852P

Russia #7422aO

 Jamaica #1055O

ss-4 v lower right

sos cuba 2768  1985 Inside #????: Cuba #2768O

sos state of oman unlisted

sos russia 7422a  2013 (2)

ss 1 v margin detail 3-- sos vietnam 487   1968

State of Oman unlistedO

Russia #7422aO

Vietnam #478O

sos dpr north korea 3098  1992 (2)

ss 1 v background-- sos u s   C14  1930

Korea (north) #3098O


sierra leone ss 1v  1

ss 1v--sos hungary C427A  1981 Inside #????: Hungary #C427AP

ss 1 v background-- sos u s  2425

ss 1 v background-- sos u s   C14  1930

USA #2425O


Scan not available

ss 1 v background-- sos russia 5744 + label  partial  1990


Russia #B168 + LabelP


ss 1 v background-- sos u s   2721  1993


USA #2721P

ss 1v margin detail 1


ss 1 v margin detail 1-- sos russia-ussr 5050  1982

ss 1 v margin detail 1-- sos gt britain 668  1972

ss 1 v margin detail 1-- sos gt britain 3231  2013

ss 1 v margin detail 2-- sos u s  C76  1969

Russia #5050P

G.B. #668O

G.B. #3231O


ss 1 v margin detail-- sos russia-ussr 2465  1961

ss 1 v margin detail-- sos gt britain 2362  2006


ss 1 v margin detail 1-- sos luxembourg B496  2014

Russia #2465P

G.B. #3362O


Luxembourg #B496O

ss 1 v margin detail 1-- sos burkino faso 718  1985

ss 1 v margin detail 1-- sos russia-ussr unissued  1984

ss 1 v margin detail 1-- sos russia-ussr 3673  1969

ss 1 v margin detail 1-- sos great britain 3415d--from ss  2015

Burkina Faso #718O

Russia unissued (1984)O

Russia #3673P

G.B. #3415dO


ss 1v margin detail 2

ss 1 v margin detail 2-- sos russia-ussr 4792  1979

ss 1 v margin detail 2-- sos panama 478C  1867

Russia #4792P

Panama #478CO

sierra leone ss 1v margin detail 3

ss 1 v margin detail 3-- sos vietnam 487   1968

ss 1 v margin detail 3-- sos australia 892c  1984

ss 1 v margin detail 3-- sos nicaragua 87 1896

ss 1 v margin detail 3-- sos japan 1196  1975

Vietnam #478O

Austrlia #892cP

Nicargua #87O

Japan #1196O

ss 1 v margin detail 3-- sos indonesia 2168f  from sheetlet 2008

ss 1 v margin detail 3-- sos burkino faso 718  1985


ss 1 v margin detail 3-- sos russia-ussr 2463  1961

Indonesia #2168fO

Burkina Faso #718O


Russia #2463P

Thanks Lou Guadagno for the IDs and scans

Scott: #????-?O

Issued: 30.01.2018

150th Anniversary of the Birth of Paul P. Harris

 Inside #????: Brazil #1079P

 SLE W9479 

SLE W9480 SLE W9481

SLE W9482

Scott: #????-?O

Issued: 27.02.2018

Stamps on stamps

sos laos 42  1958 Inside #????a: Laos #42P

sos u  s  1041 1964  Inside #????a: U.S. #1042P

sos canada 274  1947  Inside #????a: Canada # 274P

sos cayman is 87  1935 Inside #????b: Cayman Is #87O

sos u  s  1041 1964 Inside #????b: U.S. #1042P

sos monaco 993  1975 Inside #????b: Monaco # 993O

sos south africa 1022  1998 Inside #????c: South Africa #1022P

sos canada 274  1947 Inside #????c: Canada #274P

sos france 2227  1990 Inside #????c: France # 2227P

sos poland 1309  1965 Inside #????d: Poland #1309P

sos cuba 4853   2008 Inside #????d: Cuba #4853P

sos russia 7735a  2016 Inside #????d: Russia #7735aO

[Stamps on Stamps, type ]

Scott: #????O

[Stamps on Stamps, type ]

Scott: #????O

sos russia 7735a  2016 Inside #????: Russia #7735aO

sos u  s  1041 1964 Inside #????: U.S. #1042P

sos monaco 993  1975 Inside #????: Monaco #993O

In margin Under magnifier:

sos german dem rep 684  1964 German - DDR #684P

In lower margin above maps:

sos u  s  1041 1964  U.S. #1042P

In lower margin below maps:

sos laos 42  1958 Laos #42O

sos cuba 4853   2008 Cuba #4853P

In map of Western Hemisphere:

sos u  s  2392  1988 U.S. #2392O

sos u  s  C78 1971 U.S. #C78P

sos u  s  2343  1988 U.S. #2343O

sos u  s  2345 1988 U.S. #2345P

sos u  s  4469  2010 U.S. #4469O

Other TBI

Thanks to Komlóssy Zoltán and to Lou Guadagno for the IDs and scans

Scott: #????-?O

Issued: 28.03.2019

Fauna on Stamps on stamps

[World Wildlife Fund - Turtles, type UE] Inside #????: Anguilla 1983O

[WWF - Leopard, Scrivi ADI] Inside #????: Afghanistan #1173O

[World Wildlife Fund - Fish, Scrivi MF] Inside #????: Antigua & Barbuda 1987O

[Endangered Animals - Barbary Ape, Scrivi ZX] Inside #????: Algeria #875O

[Birds - The 25th Anniversary of the Austrian World Wildlife Foundation, Scrivi BDC] Inside #????: Austria 1988O

 Inside#????: Albania 1990O

 Inside #????: Angola 1990O

 [Endangered Species - Ascension Frigatebird, type QE] Inside #????: Ascension Is. 1990O

[World Wildlife Fund - Birds - Bullfinch, type EE]  Inside #????: Azores 1990O

Scott: #????-?O

 Inside #????: Alderney 1993O

  [The Burrowing Owl, Scrivi EA] Inside #????: Aruba #101O

  Inside #????: Azerbaijan 1994O

 Inside #????: Aland #124O

  [World Wildlife Found - Bezoar Ibex, Scrivi GC] Inside #????: Armenia 1996O

[World Wildlife Fund - Birds, Scrivi BDW] Inside #????: Australia 1998O

  Inside #????: Australian Antarctic Territory #L118cO

  [Endangered Species - Blue Lorikeet, Scrivi SC] Inside #????: Aitutaki 2002O

  [World Wildlife Fund for Nature, Scrivi CPW] Inside #????: Argentina 2002O

Scott: #????O

[World Wildlife Fund - Turtles, type UH] Inside #????: Anguilla 1983O

Scott: #????O

[WWF - Leopard, type ADJ] Inside #????: Afghanistan #1174O

Scott: #????O

[World Wildlife Fund - Fish, type MG]  Inside #????: Antigua & Barbuda 1987O

Scott: #????O

  Inside #????: Algeria #875O

Scott: #????O

[Birds - The 25th Anniversary of the Austrian World Wildlife Foundation, Scrivi BDC] Inside #????: Austria 1988O

Scott: #????O

 Inside#????: Albania 1990O

Scott: #????O

 Inside #????: Angola 1990O

Scott: #????O

[Endangered Species - Ascension Frigatebird, type QH] Inside #????: Ascension Is. 1990O

Scott: #????O

[World Wildlife Fund - Birds - Bullfinch, type EB] Inside #????: Azores 1990O

Scott: #????O

 Inside #????: Alderney 1993

Scott: #????O

 [The Burrowing Owl, type EC]

  Inside #????: Aruba #103

Scott: #????O

  Inside #????: Azerbaijan 1994O

Scott: #????O

  Inside #????: Aland #124O

Scott: #????O

[World Wildlife Found - Bezoar Ibex, type GD] Inside #????: Armenia 1996O

Scott: #????O

[World Wildlife Fund - Birds, type BDZ] Inside #????: Australia 1998O

Scott: #????O

chad ss 1v-in margin--australian antarctic terr L118b  2001 Inside #????: Australian Antarctic Territory #L118bO

Scott: #????O

[Endangered Species - Blue Lorikeet, type SD] Inside #????: Aitutaki 2002O

Scott: #????O

   [World Wildlife Fund for Nature, type CPT] Inside #????: Argentina 2002O

sierra leone      ss 4v  5 30 19

Scott: #????O

Issued: 30.05.2019

Gandhi, 150th Birth Anniversary

Fauna on Stamps on stamps

sos india 201  1947 Inside #????: India #201P(India)

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

Scott: #????-?O

Issued: 01.10.2019

Fauna on Stamps WWF

[Fiji Tree Frog, Scrivi RY]  Inside #????: Fiji #593O

 [North Atlantic Whales, Scrivi GK] Inside #????: Faroes Is. 1990O

[Endangered Species - King Penguin, Scrivi QY] Inside #????: Falkland Isl. #535O

 Inside #????: Finland #907cO

Scott: #????O

[Fiji Tree Frog, type RZ] Inside #????: Fiji #594O

Scott: #????O

[North Atlantic Whales, type GL] Inside #????: Faroe Is. 1990O

Scott: #????O

[Endangered Species - King Penguin, type QZ] Inside #????: Falkland Isl. #536O

Scott: #????O

 Inside #????: Finland #907dO

Scott: #????-?O

Issued: 30.10.2019

Fauna on Stamps WWF

[fondo mondiale per la natura selvaggia, Scrivi ZJ] Inside #????: Ivory Coast 1985O

[Endangered Animals - The Orangutan, Scrivi AXB] Inside #????: Indonesia #1380O

 Inside #????: Israel 2000P

[Salvaguardia della natura; flora e fauna da salvare - Stampatore: I.P.Z.S. Roma , Scrivi BMA] Inside #????: Italy 1991P

[Specie minacciate di estinzione, Scrivi TR]  Inside #????: Ireland 1992O

[Protection of the Environment - Icelandic Falcons, Scrivi TV] Inside #????: Iceland #763O

 Inside #????: Isle of Man #399O

  [WWF - Cheetah, Scrivi DRW] Inside #????: Iran 2003O

Scott: #????O

[World Wildlife Fund - Banded Duiker, type ZK] Inside #????: Ivory Coast 1985O

Scott: #????O

[Endangered Animals - The Orangutan, type AXC] Inside #????: Indonesia #1381O

Scott: #????O

[Nature Protection, type BLZ] Inside #????: Italy 1991P

Scott: #????O

 Inside #????: Isle of Man #401O

Scott: #????O

[Pine Martens, type TT] Inside #????: Ireland 1992O

Scott: #????O

[Protection of the Environment - Icelandic Falcons, type TX] Inside #????: Iceland 1992O

Scott: #????O

[WWF - Cheetah, type DRV] Inside #????: Iran 2003O

Scott: #????O

 Inside: Israel 2000P

sierra leone      ss 4v 11 28 19

Scott: #????-?O

Issued: 28.11.2019

85th Birth Anniversary, Yuri Gagarin

sos czechoslovakia 2140 1977 Inside #????: Czechoslovakia #2140P 

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

sierra leone 3

Scott: #????-?P

Issued: 27.03.2020

180th Anniversary of the Penny Black

sos gt britain 1  1840 (2) Inside #????: G.B. #1

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

sierra leone 1

Scott: #????O

Issued: 27.03.2020

Penny Black COVID-19

sos gt britain 1  1840 (2) Inside #????: G.B. #1 [S-C]

sierra leone 2

Scott: #????O

Issued: 27.03.2020

180th Anniversary of the Penny Black Stamp

sos gt britain 1  1840 (2) Inside #????: G.B. #1 [S-S]

sierra leone 2a

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Issued: 19.06.2020

50th Anniversary of the launch of VENERA 7 

[The 15th Anniversary of "Cosmic Era", type EKL] Inside #????: Russia #4012P

Scott: #????-?O

Issued: 12.06.2020

Fauna on Stamps WWF

 Inside #????: Palau 1983

[Nature Protection - Animals of Paraguay, Scrivi DAC] Inside #????: Paraguay #2139g

[Protected Animals - The Wolf, Scrivi CSR] Inside #????: Poland #2678

 Inside#????: Portugal #1717P

[Endangered Species - Queen Alexandra's Birdwing Butterfly, Scrivi UB] Inside #????: Papua New Guinea #698

 Inside #????: Pakistan 1989

[Endangered Species - The Philippine Eagle, Scrivi EVW] Inside #????: Philippines 1991

   Inside #????: Panama #846a

[Global Conservation, Scrivi ES]  Inside #????: Palestine #150a

[Endangered Species - Giant Otter, Scrivi BBX]  Inside #????: Peru 2004

Scott: #????O

 Inside #????: Palau 1983

Scott: #????O

chad ss 4v-4--sos paraguay 2139g  1985  Inside #????: Paraguay #2139f

Scott: #????O

[Protected Animals - The Wolf, type CSU] Inside #????: Poland #2681

Scott: #????O

 Inside #????: Portugal #1715P

Scott: #????O

#699 Inside #????: Papua New Guinea #699

Scott: #????O

 Inside #????: Pakistan 1989

Scott: #????O

[Endangered Species - The Philippine Eagle, type EVY] Inside #????: Philippines 1991

Scott: #????O

 Inside #????: Panama #846c

Scott: #????O

Type ET  Inside #????: Palestine #150b

Scott: #????O

[Endangered Species - Giant Otter, type BBY] Inside #????: Peru 2004

2022 album sierra leone wwf sos ss 3v 10.9.22

Scott: #????-?O

Issued: 09.11.2022


sos tajikistan 185a  2002 Inside #????a: Tajikistan #185aO

sos botswana 806  2005 Inside #????a: Botswana #806O

sos australia 1364d  1998 Inside #????a: Australia #1678O

sos canada 1688  1998 Inside #????b: Canada #1688O

sos cuba 3605  1994 Inside #????b: Cuba #3605O

sos indonesia 474  1959 Inside #????b: Indonesia #474O

sos papua new guinea 443  1976 Inside #????c: Papua New Guinea #443O

sos singapore 1254b  1997 Inside #????c:  Singapore #1254bO

sos australia 1364d  1998 Inside #???? (In margin): Australia #1678O

sos laos 520  1984 Inside #???? (In margin): Laos #520O

Thanks Lou Guadagno

2022 album sierra leone ss 1v  2

Scott: #????-?O

Issued: 09.11.2022


sos angola 1364b 2011 Inside #????: Angola  #1364bO

sos botswana 806  2005 Inside #????: Botswana #806O

sos australia 1364d  1998 Inside #????: Australia #1678O

sos new zealand 1162  1993 Inside #???? (In margin): New Zealand #1162O

sos estonia 271  1994 Inside #???? (In margin): Estonia #270O

sos uzbekistan 64  1995 Inside #???? (In margin): Uzbekistan #64O 

Thanks Lou Guadagno

2022  album sierra leone ss 1v

Scott: #????O

Issued: 09.11.2022


sos australia 1675  1998  (1) Inside #????: Australia #1675O

sos botswana 806  2005 Inside #???? + In margin: Botswana #806O

sos australia 1364d  1998 Inside #????a + In margin: Australia #1678O

sos angola 1364d  2011 Inside #???? (In margin): Angola #1364dO

Thanks Lou Guadagno

sierra leone      ss 11.30.22

Scott: #????O

Issued: 30.11.2022

The 65th Anniversary of the First Animal in Space

sos romania 1200  1957 Inside #????: Romania #1200P (Hungary)

Thanks Lou Guadagno

sierra leone      ss 1.15.23

SP: #SR230102b2O

Issued: 15.01.2023


sos brazil 1144  1969 Inside #????: Brazil #1144O

Thanks Lou Guadagno

SP: #SR230242aO

SP: #SR230242bO

Issued: 29.03.2023

75th Anniversary of the XIV Olympiad of 1948

 Inside #SR230242a, #SR230242b (In margin): GB #274P (Haiti)

  Inside #SR230242a, #SR230242b (In margin): Monaco #204O, #208O

 Inside #SR230242a: GB #271P(Y.A.R)

 Inside #SR230242a, #SR230242b (In margin): GB #272P(Y.A.R)

 Inside #SR230242a, #SR230242b (In margin): GB #273P(Malawi)

 Inside #SR230242a: Poland Olympic fund label 1948

 Inside #SR230242a: France Olympic boxing org label 1948


 Inside #SR230242b, #SR230242a (In margin): Monaco #205O

 Inside #SR230242b, #SR230242a (In margin): Monaco #206O

 Inside #SR230242a (In margin): Korea #85O

 Inside #SR230242a (In margin): Peru #C78O


 Inside #SR230242b (In margin): Umm Al-Qiwain Michel #23P

 Inside #SR230242b (In margin): Umm Al-Qiwain Michel #19P

Lou wrote: Once again, Stamperija went to the well to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the XIV Olympiad of 1948 with another two s/s from Sierra Leone, supposedly issued on March 29, 2023.

Many of the SoS were the same as on the earlier Guinea issue. Again the same stamps are repeated on both s/s, and again, stamps that have nothing to do with the 1948 Olympics are added to the margins of one s/s. Some SoS are shown in black/white images and several Olympic non-postage labels are illustrated. 

Thanks Lou Guadagno

ST: #SRL230317aO

ST: #SRL230317bO

Issued: 25.05.2023

 History of Postal Transport

 Inside #SRL230317a: Falkland Is. #???? (2019)O

 Inside #SRL230317a: U.S. #5281O

 Inside #SRL230317a: France #4404O

 Inside #SRL230317a: France #4403O

 Inside #SRL230317a: Germany DDR #2301O

 Inside #SRL230317a: Bahamas #531O

 Inside #SRL230317a: U.S. #C128P

 Inside #SRL230317b: G.B. #3227O

 Inside #SRL230317b (In margin): U.S. #2383P

 Inside #SRL230317b (In margin): U.S. #3182O

 Inside #SRL230317b (In margin): G.B. #3218aO

 Inside #SRL230317b (In margin): G.B. #3218bO

Thanks to Lou Guadagno  

ST: #SRL230329bO

Issued: 25.05.2023

120th anniversary of the first Wright brothers powered aircraft flight

(At Kitty Hawk, North Carolina on December 17, 1903)

 Inside #SRL230329b (In margin): Germany-Berlin #9NB144O

Thanks to Lou Guadagno  

ST: #SRL230406aO

Issued: 10.08.2023

Stamps on Stamps / WWF

  Inside #SRL230406a: Algeria #874-5O

 Inside #SRL230406a: Monaco #2860dO

 Inside #SRL230406a: Belize #690O

 Inside #SRL230406a: Micronesia #107O

 Inside #SRL230406a (In margin): Isle of Man #402O

 Inside #SRL230406a (In margin): Slovakia #434O

 Inside #SRL230406a (In margin): Upper Volta #506O

 Inside #SRL230406a (In margin): Brazil #1926O

#SRL230406a (In background):

Romania #4887-90O

ST: #SRL230406bO

 Inside #SRL230406b: Gabon #635O

 Inside #SRL230406b (In margin): France #1257P(Guinea)



Inside #SRL230406b (In margin): Gibraltar #716a-dO

 Inside #SRL230406b (In margin): Algeria #704O

 Inside #SRL230406b (In margin): Cameroon #846O

  Inside #SRL230406b (In margin): Aitutaki #623-4O

 Inside #SRL230406b (In margin): Falkland Is. #537O

Thanks to Lou Guadagno  

ST: #SR230455aO

Issued: 11.08.2023

Stamps on Stamps

sos laos 42  1958 Inside #SR230455a: Laos #42P

sos canada 274  1947  Inside #SR230455a: Canada # 274P

sos u  s  1041 1964  Inside #SR230455a: U.S. #1042P

sos u  s  1041 1964  Inside #SR230455a: U.S. #1042P

sos german dem rep 684  1964 Inside #SR230455a: German - DDR #684P

sos cayman is 87  1935 Inside #SR230455a: Cayman Is #87O

sos u  s  1041 1964  Inside #SR230455a: U.S. #1042P

sos monaco 993  1975 Inside #SR230455a: Monaco # 993O

sos south africa 1022  1998 Inside #SR230455a: South Africa #1022P

sos canada 274  1947 Inside #SR230455a: Canada #274P

sos france 2227  1990 Inside #SR230455a: France # 2227P

sos russia 7735a  2016 Inside #SR230455a: Russia #7735a

sos u  s  1041 1964  Inside #SR230455a: U.S. #1042P

sos monaco 993  1975 Inside #SR230455a: Monaco #993O

sos poland 1309  1965 Inside #SR230455a: Poland #1309P

sos cuba 4853   2008 Inside #SR230455a: Cuba #4853P

sos russia 7735a  2016 Inside #SR230455a: Russia #7735aO

All Stamps are like the stamps on Stamps (Animal) from 2018

Lou wrote: Sierra Leone, per the Stamperija site, issued a 6v s/s on August 11, 2923 with the theme of Stamps on Stamps.  Not only are the SoS repeated from stamp to stamp, but to my recollection, all but one of the SoS have been used previously on other Stamperija issues thru the years. Again, considering the thousands of stamp scans available online, it is sad the lazy "designer" went to his onhand archives for the stamps. The only thing "new" is the layout of a 6 stamp s/s. Supposedly, they are official issues, so we list them, but you don't have to buy them.

Thanks to Lou Guadagno  

ST: #SRL230455a16

Issued: 11.08.2023

155th Anniversary of the Birth of Paul P. Harris

 Inside #SRL230455a16: Brazil #1079P

See stamp from 2018 – 150 Anniversary

Thanks to Lou Guadagno  

ST: #SR230551aO

Issued: 15.09.2023

Stamps on Stamps - Summer Olympic Games

 Inside #SR230551a: Germany #B485P

 Inside #SR230551a: Germany #B486O

 Inside #SR230551a: Germany #B487O

   Inside #SR230551a: Netherlands Antilles #313-5O

[Olympic Games - Barcelona, Spain, type YH] [Olympic Games - Barcelona, Spain, type YI] [Olympic Games - Barcelona, Spain, type YJ] Inside #SR230551a: Samoa #811-3O

[Olympic Games - Munich, Germany, type EJK] [Olympic Games - Munich, Germany, type EJL] [Olympic Games - Munich, Germany, type EJM] Inside #SR230551a: Russia #3984-6P

 Inside #SR230551a (In margin): USA #719O

#B86 Inside #SR230551a (In margin): Germany #B86O

ST: #SR230551bO

[Great Britain Postage Stamps Overprinted, type I][Great Britain Postage Stamps Overprinted, type I1]

[Great Britain Postage Stamps Overprinted, type I2][Great Britain Postage Stamps Overprinted, type I3]

Inside #SR230551b: Bahrain #64-7O

 Inside #SR230551b (In margin): Netherlands Antilles #313O

 Inside #SR230551a (In margin): Samoa #814O

[Olympic Games - Los Angeles, USA, type RI][Olympic Games - Los Angeles, USA, type RJ][Olympic Games - Los Angeles, USA, type RK] 

Inside #SR230551a (In margin): Malta #647-9O

Thanks to Lou Guadagno  

ST: #SR230553aO

Issued: 15.09.2023

The 35th Anniversary of the First and Only Buran Space Plane Orbital Flight

 Inside #SR230553a (In margin): Ukraine #246O

On November 15, 1988, the first and only launch of Buran space shuttle took place. Buran was lifted into space, on an unmanned mission, by the specially designed Energia rocket. Buran was designed to perform up to 100 flights and take a crew of up to 10 people into space. The Buran project involved 1,206 enterprises from all across the Soviet Union. The program was closed in 1993. The creation of the Energiya rocket and the Buran space shuttle became the most impressive program in the history of domestic space rocket-making, with the annual financing volume reaching 1.3 billion rubles by 1985. The Energiya became the first Soviet rocket that used hydrogen in the rocket’s main stage. The Energiya was also the most powerful of domestic rockets, capable of putting into orbit the payload of up to 100 tonnes. (

The Buran was destroyed by a hangar collapse in 2002 and the AN-225, which has made many flights carrying large and heavy loads, was purposely targeted and severely damaged in Russia's attack on the Kyiv Hostomel airport in 2022.

Read more:

Ukraine #246 shows the AN-225 taking off with the Buran mounted above. 

Read more:

Thanks to Lou Guadagno  

ST: #SR230560a

Issued: 15.09.2023

Stamps on Stamps - Nursing

 Inside #SR230560a: Ireland #589O

 Inside #SR230560a: Belgium #514O

 Inside #SR230560a: Switzerland #462P

 Inside #SR230560a: Japan #1302O

  Inside #SR230560a (In margin): USA #1699P

 Inside #SR230560a (In margin): Canada #380O

ST: #SR230560b

  Inside #SR230560b: Burkina Faso (Upper Volta) #167O

  Inside #SR230560b: USA #1190P

 Inside #SR230560b (In margin): Argentina #1083P

 Inside #SR230560b (In margin): Netherlands #B274P

 Inside #SR230560b (In margin): Norway #519O

Thanks to Lou Guadagno  

ST: #SR230703b

Issued: 15.12.2023

Year of the Monkey (2016?)

(The last was in 2016, and the next will be in 2028, so this Stamperija issue is either seven years late or five years early)

sos china pr 1586   1980 Inside #SR230703b (in stamp and in margin): China PR #1586O

The 1980 Monkey stamp is not rare, but incredibly expensive.

Thanks to Zoltán Komlóssy and Lou Guadagno

ST: #SR230710b2

Issued: 15.12.2023

195th Anniversary of the Birth of Jules Verne

 Inside #SR230710b2 (In margin): France #770O

Thanks to Lou Guadagno  

Best website related:

Weldon Padgett's Sierra Leone Stamp Site!

Stamps of Sierra Leone

The  Internet  Magazine  for 

Collectors  of  Sierra Leone  Stamps


Wish List


Sierra Leone #2


Sierra Leone #3


Sierra Leone #9


Sierra Leone #119


Sierra Leone #120

sos sierra leone 163  1933

Sierra Leone #163 for Mozambique


Sierra Leone #165

Sierra Leone #C7


Sierra Leone #189


Scott: #192


Sierra Leone #C16


Sierra Leone #C26


Sierra Leone #C54

[Airmail - Cola Nut, Coat of Arms and Eagle, type CW]

Sierra Leone #C70


Sierra Leone #220


Sierra Leone #311


Sierra Leone #315


Scott: #369O, #370O

#372O, #373O, #374O

#C84O, #C85O, #C86P,

#C87O, #C88O, #C89O


Scott: #C135-6O

Sierra Leone #583 for Niger

Sierra Leone #588 for Central Africa, Niger


Scott: #653-5O


Scott: #656O


Scott: #741-3O

Scott: #744O

[Stamp Exhibitions - Issues of 1987 Overprinted, type SZ1]

Scott: #965O


Sierra Leone #1084

Scott: #1136O

Scott: #1208O


Scott: #1451O


Scott: #1715aO


Scott: #1729a-fO


Scott: #2842-5O


Scott: #2847O


Scott: #2911O


Scott: #2936O


Scott: #2938O

Scott: #????-?O

 SLE W9479 

SLE W9480 SLE W9481

SLE W9482

Scott: #????-?O

[Stamps on Stamps, type ]

Scott: #????O

[Stamps on Stamps, type ]

Scott: #????O

sierra leone      ss 4v 11 28 19

Scott: #????-?O

Scott: #????-?O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

sierra leone      ss 4v  5 30 19

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????-?O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????-?O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

sierra leone      ss 4v 11 28 19

Scott: #????-?O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

sierra leone 1

Scott: #????O

sierra leone 2

Scott: #????O

sierra leone 2a

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????-?O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

Scott: #????O

2022 album sierra leone wwf sos ss 3v 10.9.22

2022 album sierra leone ss 1v  2

Scott: #????O

2022  album sierra leone ss 1v

Scott: #????O

sierra leone      ss 11.30.22

Scott: #????O

sierra leone      ss 1.15.23

Scott: #????O

ST: #SR230242a 2023

ST: #SRL230317a

ST: #SRL230317b

ST: #SRL230329bO

ST: #SRL230406aO

ST: #SRL230406bO

ST: #SR230242b 2023

ST: #SR230455a 2023


ST: #SR230551a 2023

ST: #SR230551b 2023

ST: #SR230553a 2023

ST: #SR230560a 2023

ST: #SR230560b 2023

ST: #SR230703b 2023

ST: #SR230710b2 2023