Argentina stamps

P=have O=don’t have it

Flag of Argentina

Argentina is the second-largest country in South America in area, and the third largest in population.  Argentina has a long, tapered shape and occupies most of the southern part of South America. The Andes Mountains stretch along the country's western border, with a bare, windswept plateau called Patagonia, which extends across the south. A grassy plain, called The Pampa, lies near the middle of the country. Most Argentines are of Italian or Spanish ancestry. Indians ‘the original inhabitants’ make up only a small part of the country's population. Argentina's name comes from the Latin word for silver, argentum, because the first Spanish settlers came to Argentina in search of silver and gold during the 1500's. For almost 300 years, Argentina was a Spanish colony. It finally gained its independence in the early 1800's.  Argentina began printing its own stamps in 1858.


Scott: #474P

(Thanks to Lou Guadagno)

Issued: 25.5.1940

Centenary Penny Black

#1 Inside #474: Argentina #1O

#5 Inside #474: Argentina #5O

#6 Inside #474: Buenos Aires #4O

Buenos Aires, long the chief port and commercial center of Argentina, was independent from the rest of the country at various times in the 19th century. Since 1862, however, it has formed a province of Argentina, whose stamps have been in use since 1864. A British post office in the city used regular British stamps (canceled "B-32") from 1860 to 1873 (

#1 Inside #474: Cordoba #1O

A province in central Argentina, Cordoba issued its own stamps from 1858 to 1865, when they were replaced by the issues of the central government (

 Inside #474: Corrientes #3O

The northeast province of Argentina, Corrientes issued its own stamps until 1880, when they were replaced by regular Argentine issues.



Scott: #B12P, #CB1-5O

Issued: 26.8.1950

Argentine Int'l. Philatelic Exhibition

#CB5 Inside #B12, #CB1-3: Argentina #CB5O


Scott: #CB2aO


Scott: #651P, #652P, #653P

Issued: 21.8.1956

Corrientes Stamp Centenary Philatelic Exhibition

#1 Inside #651: Argentina - Corrientes #1O

 Inside #652: Argentina - Corrientes #3O


Scott: #653aP



Scott: #B14-16P, #CB8-12P

Issued: 29.3.1958

Int'l. Centennial Philatelic Exhibition

#3 Inside #B14: Argentina #3O

#2 Inside #B15: Argentina #2O

#1 Inside #CB8-12: Argentina #1O


Imperf colour trial in maroon & black on ungummed proof paper


Scott: #678P, #C72-3P

Issued: 18.10.1958

Centenary of Cordoba & Argentine Confederation Postage Stamps

#1 Inside #678: Argentina - Cordoba #1O

#1 Inside #C72: Agentina #1O

sos argentina buenos aires 2 (2) Inside #C73: Argentina - Buenos Aires #2O

Scott: #708P

Issued: 21.11.1959

Day of Philately

sos argentina buenos aires 10 (2) Inside #708: Argentina - Buenos Aires #10O

(Thanks to Lou Guadagno)



Scott: #B36P

Issued: 21.10.1961

International Stamp Exhibition, 1962

#6 Inside #B36: Argentina #6O


Scott: #B37aP


Scott: #CB30P

Issued: 19.5.1962

Argentina '62 Philatelic Exhibition

#7 Inside #CB30: Argentina #7O



Scott: #794P

Issued: 20.4.1966

2nd Rio de la Plata Stamp Show

#8 Inside #794: Argentina #8O

#9 Inside #794: Argentina #9O

#10 Inside #794: Argentina #10O


Scott: #B51P

Issued: 14.12.1968

1st Lion's International Philatelic Exhibition

Inside #B51: Pseudo Stamp


Scott: #B55P

Issued: 18.12.1971

2nd Lion's International Solidarity Stamp Exhibition

Inside #B55: Stamp Collecting


Scott: #1055O

Issued: 21.12.1974

World Youth Philately Year


Inside #1055: Stamp Collecting – TBI

Help me identify


I asked Lou "What do think about this one as the stamp inside Argentina #1055?"

Lou wrote: Nope, not even close. If you shrink the scan to the size of the stamp on #1055, the dark areas don't match up  either as is or inverted, and especially, there is no dark area all by itself for the bull.

Over the years, I have attempted to find an ID for this issue with no luck. With the internet, I had hopes that I would find an enlargement of the photo by Sara Facio used on the stamp.  She is a well known Argentine photographer, and there are dozens of her works on line, including others on Argentine stamps, but not this one.

Non-Postal Argentina S/s commemorating UPU Centenary & Death Centenary of Sir Rowland Hill showing #B4P

Thanks to Lloyd Gilbert


Scott: #1201P, #1203P

Issued: ??.??.1978

Showing Correct Positioning of Stamps

Inside #1201 & #1203: Pseudo Stamps on Envelope


Scott: #1231P

Issued: 29.1.1979

Centenary of UPU Membership

sos argentina 56  1887 Inside #1231: Argentina #56O

Lou wrote: You have the right stamp scan but the wrong ID. The designer made an error, and instead of showing a rouletted Sc #37 which was issued in 1878, the actual centenary year, he used a perforated stamp with the same design, Sc #56 that was not issued until 1887. The Scott catalog IDs the SoS as #37 in error also, and I advised them years ago about it, but it remains unchanged. I also advised about the error when we were updating the lists so many years ago, but never checked to see if it was corrected. I was looking at another Argentina SoS on your sites and finally saw your scans.

Attached are scans of both the actual #37 and a better #56 from my collection. I think you should make mention of the error and show both stamps on your sites. You could also point out that #1231 was printed in 1978 and not released until January 20, 1979-- see date in center bottom margin below design.

 argentina 37  1878   sos argentina 56  1887

Argentina #37          Argentina #56  


Scott: #1235P

Issued: ??.??.1979

Stamp Collecting

Inside #1235: Stamp Collecting (Pseudo Stamp)


Scott: #1249PP

Issued: 29.9.1979

Death Centenary of Sir Rowland Hill

argentina 1249 block with labels

Scott: #1249 – Block with Labels

#1 LJ Inside #1249 (on label): G.B. #1

sos argentina -- corrientes 1  1856 Inside #1249 (on label): Argentina #1


argentina r hill first day card

Scott: #1249 – First Day Card

argentina 1249with  penny black label at right  fdc fdc


Scott: #B80a-83aO

Thanks to Lloyd Gilbert for the scans

Issued: 27.9.1979

Buenos Aires '80 International Philatelic Exhibition

#1 LJ Inside #B80a-B83a (In Margin): G.B. #1

 Inside #B80a-B83a (In Margin): Corrientes #3O


 Inside #B80a-B83a (In Margin): Corrientes #1O

sos argentina buenos aires 3 1858 (2) Inside #B80a-B83a (In Margin): Buenos Aires #3O



Scott: #B88-91P

Issued: 15.12.1979

PRENFIL '80, Buenos Aires

sos argentina buenos aires 3 1858 (2) Inside #B88: Argentina - Buenos Aires #3O (Changed Color)

#1249 Inside #B89: Argentina Type A580P (Pic of #1249)

#91 Inside #B90: Argentina #91O

#1259 Inside #B91: ??? (Argentina Type A588- #1259) P

For ships on stamps on stamps:

Scott: #1283O

Issued: 12.9.1980

National Census

Inside #1283: Pseudo Stamp




Scott: #1508-12P

Issued: 13.7.1985


+ARG M202 Inside #1508: Argentina #236P

Primer Vuelo Pablo Teodoro Fels (1917)

Inside #1509: TBI

EL PILOTE: Antoine de Saint-Exhupery (1929)

 Inside #1509, #1510, #1511: Argentina #345P

Flight Cordoba > Villa Dolores (1925)

#C1 Inside #1511: Argentina #C1O

+ARG M285 Inside #1511: Argentina #341O

(Thanks to Komlóssy Zoltán for scan)

+ARG M287 Inside #1511: Argentina #343P

(Thanks to Komlóssy Zoltán for scan)

#C6 Inside #1511: Argentina #C6O

 Inside #1511: Argentina #C9O

#C10 Inside #1511: Argentina #C10O

 Inside #1511: Argentina #C17O


+ARG M570 Inside #1512: Argentina #588O



Scott: #1720O

Issued: 27.10.1990

Stamp Day

Inside #1720: Pseudo Stamp

Scott: #B162P

Issued: 21.11.1992

Parafil '92

Inside #B162: Pseudo Stamp

(Thanks to zhang for the scan)

Scott: #1902O

Issued: 7.10.1995

Birth Centenary of Juan Peron

 Inside #1902: Argentina essay of unissued 60c 5 Year Plan stamp, 1951

Design component: frames and Peron portrait only, value and bottom tablet changed to create new stamp.

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

Scott: #1977O

Thanks to Lloyd Gilbert for the scan

Issued: 4.10.1997

Centenary of Frigate President Sarmiento

Inside #1977: SOS in Sheet Margin – TBI


Scott: #B172-5P, #B175aP

Issued: 10.5.1997

Mevifil '97

#1 Inside #B172: France #1O

sos spain 10 1851 (2) Inside #B173: Spain #10O

#8 Inside #B174: Argentina #8O

sos argentina buenos aires 3 1858 (2) Inside #B175: Buenos Aires #3O

Thanks to Lloyd Gilbert for the scan


Scott: #1974P

(Thanks to Martin Hirschbühl for the scan)

Issued: 06.09.1997

50th Anniversary, Women’s Political Rights Law (Eva Peron)

Type MK6 Inside #1974: Type A229P, 1952 (B) (Pic of #609)

See Evita On Stamps:

Scott: #2003P

Issued: 27.6.1998

250th Anniversary, Argentine Postal Service Inside #2003: Corrientes Type A2O (Pic of #7)


Scott: #2003aO


Scott: #2103a-bP

Issued: 20.5.2000

Stamp Show 2000 Exhibition

#1 LJ Inside #2103a (In margin of sheet): G.B. #1

 Inside #2103a (In margin of sheet): Argentina-Buenos Aires #11O

#7 Inside #2103b: Argentina #7O


Scott: #2118O

Issued: 9.7.2000

Aerophila 2000 Exhibition

 Inside #2118: Argentina #345P

 (Thanks to Komlóssy Zoltán for scan)

#C1 Inside #2118: Argentina #C1(3)O


Scott: #2118aO



Scott: #2124O

Issued: 7.10.2000

Espana 2000 Exhibition

#1 Inside #2124 (In margin): Spain #1P

sos argentina--buenos aires unissued 10 r gauchito 1857.pdf Inside #2124 (In margin): Argentina-Buenos Aires "Guachito" essay, 1857O

(Thanks to Lou for the essay scan)

The first Spanish postal stamp, the postal stamp printed by Estado de Buenos Aires in 1857 -"gauchito", which was never used, mail coach from the nineteenth century crossing a swamp, a postmark from Merlino and Campanella service of messengers, the painting of an Argentine horse breed, and the nomination of Bautista and Simón de Tassis as "Hostes Mayores de la Corte", signed by Carlos I of Spain in 1518.


Scott: #2153 S/SP

Issued: 16.6.2001

BELGICA 2001 Exhibition

 Inside #2153 (In margin of sheet): Argentina #35O


Scott: #2166 S/SP

Issued: 27.10.2001

HAFNIA 2001 Exhibition

#2 Inside #2166 (In margin of sheet): Denmark #2O

#1 Inside #2166 (In margin of sheet): Argentina-Cordoba #1O


Scott: #2208O

Issued: 19.10.2002

Communities - France, Switzerland, Spain & Italy

 Inside #2208: Argentina Revenue stamp of 1922O

Thanks to Michael Merritt


Scott: #2209-10P

Issued: 2.11.2002

50th Anniversary FAEFW

#1 Inside #2209-10: Corrientes #1O

[Argentine Antarctica, type ]

Scott: #2272P

Issued: 21.2.2004

100th Anniversary, Orcadas Magnetic & Meteorological Observatory

Argentine Antarctica Creation of the Post Office named South Orcadas

 Inside #2272a: Argentina #127P

(Thanks to Komlóssy Zoltán for scan)


Scott: #2407P

Issued: 19.08.2006

150th Anniversary, Corrientes Stamps

#1 Inside #2407: Corrientes #1O

 Inside #2407 (in upper margin): Corrientes #4O (1864)

Corrientes, Spanish for "currents" or "rapids," is a province in northeast Argentina, in the Mesopotamia region. It is surrounded by (from the North, clockwise): Paraguay, the province of Misiones, Brazil, Uruguay and the provinces of Entre Rios, Santa Fe and Chaco.




Scott: #2429-33O

Issued: 21.03.2007

25th Anniversary, Falkland Islands War

#C90 Inside #2429: Argentina #90P

Lou wrote:  The ID of Argentina #90 on Argentina #2429 is incorrect. The stamp reproduced is an imprinted stamp on an aerogram from 1963, note only navy and blue, not multicolored like #90. After Argentina invaded the islands, they needed to provide means for their soldiers to keep in contact with their families.  Initially, they used confiscated Falkland Island OHMS envelopes, but later, they provided stocks of old surplus Argentine aerograms. Although these were imprinted with 11, 13 and 18 peso valued stamps; they were supplied free to the soldiers.  Finally, in May, specific airletter sheets with "SERVICIO EXTRAORDINARIO" and a boxed "FRANQUEO PAGADO"(Postage Paid) imprints were made available. Examples of soldier mail from the seventy four day war are very rarely on the philatelic market, as probably most are still held by the families or were discarded, and so are in demand and expensive. 

The 18 Peso imprinted stamp has a special "ISLAS MALVINAS" cancel dated 6 ABR 1982 (only four days after the invasion), and this may be the first day of use of the aerograms. 






Scott: #2487-90O, ????-?O

Issued: 26.07.2008

Stories of Songs for Children

%232216B Inside #????: Argentina #2216bO

[Argentine Painters, type CSC] Inside #????: Argentina #2239O

%232244 Inside #????: Argentina #2236O



Scott: #2510P

Issued: 1.11.2008

150 Years of the first postage stamps of Buenos Aires, Argentine Confederation, and Córdoba  


sos argentina-cordoba 2 Inside #2510a: Cordoba #2O

(Thanks to Lou Guadagno for the scan)


#6 Inside #2510b: Buenos Aires #4O


#3 Inside #2510c: Argentina #3O

Early provincial stamps

The first period in the political history of Argentine postage stamps is the so-called Classical one between the first stamps (1856) and the first commemorative ones (1892). The earliest Argentine stamps were issued by the separate provinces of Corrientes (1856-78), Cordoba (1859-62), and Buenos Aires (1858-59). The mere existence of these provincial stamps reflects the reality that Argentina was hardly a single organized country in that period, but rather a loose federation of some very independent provinces.

There is a charming story surrounding the preparation of the Corrientes 1856 stamp: that it was designed and engraved by a bakers delivery boy, Matias Pipet, who had served as an apprentice to a French engraver before arriving in Corrientes. Since no one in the Corrientes provincial government had any experience preparing stamps, the boy was asked to undertake the task, and he simply copied the stamp he knew best, an early French stamp bearing the head of the Roman goddess of agriculture, Ceres.

2010 argentina impr postal card natl phil exhib

Scott: #????O

Imprinted Postal Card

Issued: 17.06.2010

National Philatelic Exhibition

#583b Inside #????: Argentina #583bO 


("cut out" from imperf s/s, issued December 21, 1948)

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

Argentina #????-?

Issued: 24.06.2024


#1 Inside #????: Argentina - Corrientes #1O

Inside #????: TBI


Thanks to Zoltán Komlóssy


Best website related:


Want list


  Argentina #1 + for Ecuador #1735a


Argentina #2O


Argentina #3O


Argentina #5O


Argentina #6 + for Uruguay


Argentina #7O


Argentina #8O


Argentina #9O


Argentina #10O


Argentina #C1


Argentina #C6

Argentina #C9


Argentina #C10


Argentina #18a for Uruguay

Argentina #C17


Argentina #C25 for Paraguay #1734

Argentina #35


Argentina #37


sos argentina 56  1887

Argentina #56


Scott: #CB2aO


Argentina #91 + for Cube #3255


Argentina #287 for Cube #2772

+ARG M285

Argentina #341


Argentina #583b

+ARG M570

Argentina #588


Argentina #760 for Guinea 2009 stamp


Argentina #1055

sos argentina 1193  1978

Argentina #1193 for Bolivia

לשים לב לגביע באדום


Argentina #B97 for North Korea #2489

Argentina #B80a-83a


Argentina #B110 for North Korea #2490

Scott: #1283

Scott: #1720

Scott: #1902

Scott: #1977


Scott: #2003a


Scott: #2118


Scott: #2118a


Scott: #2124


Scott: #2208

Argentina #2122b for Malawi


Argentina #2216b

[World Wildlife Fund for Nature, type CPT]

Argentina 2002 for Sierra Leone

[World Wildlife Fund for Nature, Scrivi CPW]

Argentina 2002 for Sierra Leone


Argentina #2236

[Argentine Painters, type CSC]

Argentina #2239

Argentina #????





sos argentina buenos aires 2 (2)

Argentina - Buenos Aires #2 + for Paraguay

sos argentina buenos aires 3 1858 (2)

Buenos Aires #3


Buenos Aires #4

sos argentina buenos aires 10 (2)

Argentina - Buenos Aires #10


Cordoba #1+ for Paraguay


Argentina - Corrientes #1 + for Paraguay

Corrientes #3

Corrientes #4


Argentina Revenue stamp of 1922